1 |
| -# A |
2 |
| -- [A Man and his Umbrellas](a-man-and-his-umbrellas) |
3 |
| -- [A Simple Music Encoder](a-simple-music-encoder) |
4 |
| -- [Airport Arrivals/Departures - #1](airport-arrivals-slash-departures-number-1) |
5 |
| -# B |
6 |
| -- [Best travel](best-travel) |
7 |
| -# C |
8 |
| -- [Calculate Fibonacci return count of digit occurrences](calculate-fibonacci-return-count-of-digit-occurrences) |
9 |
| -- [Can you get the loop ?](can-you-get-the-loop) |
10 |
| -- [Common Denominators](common-denominators) |
11 |
| -- [Containers](containers) |
12 |
| -- [Convert A Hex String To RGB](convert-a-hex-string-to-rgb) |
13 |
| -- [Count IP Addresses](count-ip-addresses) |
14 |
| -# D |
15 |
| -- [Digits](digits) |
16 |
| -- [Directions Reduction](directions-reduction) |
17 |
| -# F |
18 |
| -- [Fibonacci Streaming](fibonacci-streaming) |
19 |
| -- [First non-repeating character](first-non-repeating-character) |
20 |
| -- [First Variation on Caesar Cipher](first-variation-on-caesar-cipher) |
21 |
| -# G |
22 |
| -- [Gap in Primes](gap-in-primes) |
23 |
| -- [Greed is Good](greed-is-good) |
24 |
| -# H |
25 |
| -- [Human Readable Time](human-readable-time) |
26 |
| -# I |
27 |
| -- [Int32 to IPv4](int32-to-ipv4) |
28 |
| -- [Integers: Recreation One](integers-recreation-one) |
29 |
| -- [Is my friend cheating?](is-my-friend-cheating) |
30 |
| -- [Is the King in check ?](is-the-king-in-check) |
31 |
| -# J |
32 |
| -- [Josephus Permutation](josephus-permutation) |
33 |
| -- [Josephus Survivor](josephus-survivor) |
34 |
| -# L |
35 |
| -- [Land perimeter](land-perimeter) |
36 |
| -- [Last digit of a large number](last-digit-of-a-large-number) |
37 |
| -- [Let's Play Darts!](lets-play-darts) |
38 |
| -# M |
39 |
| -- [Maximum Contiguous Sum](maximum-contiguous-sum) |
40 |
| -- [Maximum subarray sum](maximum-subarray-sum) |
41 |
| -- [Mean Square Error](mean-square-error) |
42 |
| -- [Merged String Checker](merged-string-checker) |
43 |
| -# N |
44 |
| -- [Not very secure](not-very-secure) |
45 |
| -- [Number of trailing zeros of N!](number-of-trailing-zeros-of-n) |
46 |
| -# O |
47 |
| -- [One-Semicolon Fibonacci Stream](one-semicolon-fibonacci-stream) |
48 |
| -# P |
49 |
| -- [PaginationHelper](paginationhelper) |
50 |
| -- [Perimeter of squares in a rectangle](perimeter-of-squares-in-a-rectangle) |
51 |
| -- [Pete, the baker](pete-the-baker) |
52 |
| -- [Pick peaks](pick-peaks) |
53 |
| -- [Primes in numbers](primes-in-numbers) |
54 |
| -- [Product of consecutive Fib numbers](product-of-consecutive-fib-numbers) |
55 |
| -# R |
56 |
| -- [RGB To Hex Conversion](rgb-to-hex-conversion) |
57 |
| -- [ROT13](rot13) |
58 |
| -# S |
59 |
| -- [Scramblies](scramblies) |
60 |
| -- [Simple Pig Latin](simple-pig-latin) |
61 |
| -- [String incrementer](string-incrementer) |
62 |
| -# T |
63 |
| -- [Tic-Tac-Toe Checker](tic-tac-toe-checker) |
64 |
| -# W |
65 |
| -- [Weight for weight](weight-for-weight) |
66 |
| -- [What's a Perfect Power anyway?](whats-a-perfect-power-anyway) |
| 1 | +- [A Man and his Umbrellas](a-man-and-his-umbrellas "58298e19c983caf4ba000c8d") |
| 2 | +- [A Simple Music Encoder](a-simple-music-encoder "58db9545facc51e3db00000a") |
| 3 | +- [Airport Arrivals/Departures - #1](airport-arrivals-slash-departures-number-1 "57feb00f08d102352400026e") |
| 4 | +- [Best travel](best-travel "55e7280b40e1c4a06d0000aa") |
| 5 | +- [Calculate Fibonacci return count of digit occurrences](calculate-fibonacci-return-count-of-digit-occurrences "5779f894ec8832493f00002d") |
| 6 | +- [Can you get the loop ?](can-you-get-the-loop "52a89c2ea8ddc5547a000863") |
| 7 | +- [Common Denominators](common-denominators "54d7660d2daf68c619000d95") |
| 8 | +- [Containers](containers "5b80dea49895f71f3e00002d") |
| 9 | +- [Convert A Hex String To RGB](convert-a-hex-string-to-rgb "5282b48bb70058e4c4000fa7") |
| 10 | +- [Count IP Addresses](count-ip-addresses "526989a41034285187000de4") |
| 11 | +- [Digits](digits "638b042bf418c453377f28ad") |
| 12 | +- [Directions Reduction](directions-reduction "550f22f4d758534c1100025a") |
| 13 | +- [Fibonacci Streaming](fibonacci-streaming "55695bc4f75bbaea5100016b") |
| 14 | +- [First non-repeating character](first-non-repeating-character "52bc74d4ac05d0945d00054e") |
| 15 | +- [First Variation on Caesar Cipher](first-variation-on-caesar-cipher "5508249a98b3234f420000fb") |
| 16 | +- [Gap in Primes](gap-in-primes "561e9c843a2ef5a40c0000a4") |
| 17 | +- [Greed is Good](greed-is-good "5270d0d18625160ada0000e4") |
| 18 | +- [Human Readable Time](human-readable-time "52685f7382004e774f0001f7") |
| 19 | +- [int32 to IPv4](int32-to-ipv4 "52e88b39ffb6ac53a400022e") |
| 20 | +- [Integers: Recreation One](integers-recreation-one "55aa075506463dac6600010d") |
| 21 | +- [Is my friend cheating?](is-my-friend-cheating "5547cc7dcad755e480000004") |
| 22 | +- [Is the King in check ?](is-the-king-in-check "5e28ae347036fa001a504bbe") |
| 23 | +- [Josephus Permutation](josephus-permutation "5550d638a99ddb113e0000a2") |
| 24 | +- [Josephus Survivor](josephus-survivor "555624b601231dc7a400017a") |
| 25 | +- [Land perimeter](land-perimeter "5839c48f0cf94640a20001d3") |
| 26 | +- [Last digit of a large number](last-digit-of-a-large-number "5511b2f550906349a70004e1") |
| 27 | +- [Let's Play Darts!](lets-play-darts "5870db16056584eab0000006") |
| 28 | +- [Maximum Contiguous Sum](maximum-contiguous-sum "52f4261c95d6bff39a003096") |
| 29 | +- [Maximum subarray sum](maximum-subarray-sum "54521e9ec8e60bc4de000d6c") |
| 30 | +- [Mean Square Error](mean-square-error "51edd51599a189fe7f000015") |
| 31 | +- [Merged String Checker](merged-string-checker "54c9fcad28ec4c6e680011aa") |
| 32 | +- [Not very secure](not-very-secure "526dbd6c8c0eb53254000110") |
| 33 | +- [Number of trailing zeros of N!](number-of-trailing-zeros-of-n "52f787eb172a8b4ae1000a34") |
| 34 | +- [One-Semicolon Fibonacci Stream](one-semicolon-fibonacci-stream "59e625bf3d09a7471d00020e") |
| 35 | +- [PaginationHelper](paginationhelper "515bb423de843ea99400000a") |
| 36 | +- [Perimeter of squares in a rectangle](perimeter-of-squares-in-a-rectangle "559a28007caad2ac4e000083") |
| 37 | +- [Pete, the baker](pete-the-baker "525c65e51bf619685c000059") |
| 38 | +- [Pick peaks](pick-peaks "5279f6fe5ab7f447890006a7") |
| 39 | +- [Primes in numbers](primes-in-numbers "54d512e62a5e54c96200019e") |
| 40 | +- [Product of consecutive Fib numbers](product-of-consecutive-fib-numbers "5541f58a944b85ce6d00006a") |
| 41 | +- [RGB To Hex Conversion](rgb-to-hex-conversion "513e08acc600c94f01000001") |
| 42 | +- [ROT13](rot13 "52223df9e8f98c7aa7000062") |
| 43 | +- [Scramblies](scramblies "55c04b4cc56a697bb0000048") |
| 44 | +- [Simple Pig Latin](simple-pig-latin "520b9d2ad5c005041100000f") |
| 45 | +- [String incrementer](string-incrementer "54a91a4883a7de5d7800009c") |
| 46 | +- [Tic-Tac-Toe Checker](tic-tac-toe-checker "525caa5c1bf619d28c000335") |
| 47 | +- [Weight for weight](weight-for-weight "55c6126177c9441a570000cc") |
| 48 | +- [What's a Perfect Power anyway?](whats-a-perfect-power-anyway "54d4c8b08776e4ad92000835") |
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