FastDeploy provides a series of efficient and easy-to-use tools to optimize the deployment experience and improve inference performance.
Based on PaddleSlim's Auto Compression Toolkit (ACT), FastDeploy provides users with a one-click model automation compression tool that allows users to easily compress the model with a single command. This document will take FastDeploy's one-click model automation compression tool as an example, introduce how to install the tool, and provide the corresponding documentation for usage.
1.Install PaddlePaddle 2.4 version
2.Install PaddleSlim 2.4 version
pip install paddleslim==2.4.0
3.Install fastdeploy-tools package
# Installing fastdeploy-tools via pip
# This tool is included in the python installer of FastDeploy, so you don't need to install it again.
pip install fastdeploy-tools==0.0.1
After the above steps are successfully installed, you can use FastDeploy one-click model automation compression tool, as shown in the following example.
fastdeploy compress --config_path=./configs/detection/yolov5s_quant.yaml --method='PTQ' --save_dir='./yolov5s_ptq_model/'
For detailed documentation, please refer to FastDeploy One-Click Model Auto Compression Tool
Based on X2Paddle, FastDeploy provides users with a model conversion tool. Users can easily migrate external framework models to the Paddle framework with one line of commands. Currently, ONNX, TensorFlow and Caffe are supported, and most mainstream CV and NLP model conversions are supported.
- Install PaddlePaddle, refer to the following documents for quick installation
- Install X2Paddle
To use the stable version, install X2Paddle via pip:
pip install x2paddle
To experience the latest features, you can use the source installation method:
git clone
cd X2Paddle
python install
After successful installation according to the above steps, you can use the FastDeploy one-click conversion tool. The example is as follows:
fastdeploy convert --framework onnx --model yolov5s.onnx --save_dir pd_model
For more details, please refer toX2Paddle
FastDeploy provides users with a model conversion tool based on paddle2coreml, which allows users to easily migrate PaddlePaddle models to Apple computers and mobile devices with a single command.
- PaddlePaddle installation, please refer to the following document for quick installation:
- paddle2coreml installation
paddle2coreml can be installed using pip:
pip install paddle2coreml
- Usage
After successfully installing as described above, you can use the FastDeploy paddle2coreml one-click conversion tool, as shown below:
fastdeploy paddle2coreml --p2c_paddle_model_dir path/to/paddle_model --p2c_coreml_model_dir path/to/coreml_model --p2c_input_names "input1 input2" --p2c_input_shapes "1,3,224,224 1,4,64,64" --p2c_input_dtypes "float32 int32" --p2c_output_names "output1 output2"