An experimental decentralized e-commerce store served entirely from IPFS.
git clone [email protected]:OriginProtocol/dshop.git dshop cd dshop
By default, the back-end uses SQLite. If you want to use Postgres, do the following:
Create a new dshop database. For example under psql:
psql #> CREATE DATABASE dshop;
Set DATABASE_URL to point to your newly created DB. For example:
export DATABASE_URL="postgres://origin:origin@localhost/dshop"
The backend uses redis for queues. While you can skip this, it's highly recommended to run a local redis so your testing matches production behavior
export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379/
This will install packages, run database migrations to create the schema and copy various files in the right place.
yarn install
This will start all the necessary services for running a local dshop stack:
IPFS, ganache blockchain, back-end, front-end. It will then open a browser page
pointing to the super-admin interface at
cd shop
yarn run build:dist
yarn start
Follow the steps on the super-admin to create a local dshop.
If you encounter this error on MacOS while running yarn install
../src/ fatal error: 'vips/vips8' file not found
Try to install vips manually by running: brew install vips
If you encounter this error while using the admin to create a new shop:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Invalid version, must be a number equal to 1 or 0
at Function.validateCID
Upgrade the ipfs package to 0.43.2 or higher under packages/origin/services/package.json