From 44ee46ada478a457d289144a10498bf418147318 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nagy Szabolcs <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 18:51:13 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] feat(mysql): Add MYSQL connection test

 .../src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.spec.ts | 194 +++++++++++++++++-
 backend/src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.ts  |  77 ++++++-
 2 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/backend/src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.spec.ts b/backend/src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.spec.ts
index 6df45bde3c..d1a4f50b3c 100644
--- a/backend/src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.spec.ts
+++ b/backend/src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.spec.ts
@@ -179,12 +179,6 @@ describe('SouthMySQL with authentication', () => {
     expect(utils.createFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith(path.resolve('baseFolder', 'tmp'));
-  it('should test connection with oracle', async () => {
-    // TODO
-    await expect(SouthMySQL.testConnection({}, logger, encryptionService)).rejects.toThrow('TODO: method needs to be implemented');
-    expect(logger.trace).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Testing connection`);
-  });
   it('should properly run historyQuery', async () => {
     const startTime = '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z';
     south.queryData = jest
@@ -354,3 +348,191 @@ describe('SouthMySQL without authentication', () => {
     expect(error).toEqual(new Error('connection error'));
+describe('SouthMySQL test connection', () => {
+  const configuration: SouthConnectorDTO = {
+    id: 'southId',
+    name: 'south',
+    type: 'mysql',
+    description: 'my test connector',
+    enabled: true,
+    history: {
+      maxInstantPerItem: true,
+      maxReadInterval: 3600,
+      readDelay: 0
+    },
+    settings: {
+      host: 'localhost',
+      port: 3306,
+      database: 'db',
+      username: 'username',
+      password: 'password',
+      connectionTimeout: 1000,
+      requestTimeout: 1000
+    }
+  };
+  const settings = { ...configuration.settings };
+  // Error codes handled by the test function
+  // With the expected error messages to throw
+  const ERROR_CODES = {
+    ETIMEDOUT: 'Please check host and port',
+    ECONNREFUSED: 'Please check host and port',
+    ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: 'Please check username and password',
+    ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: `User '${settings.username}' does not have access to database '${settings.database}'`,
+    ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: `Database '${settings.database}' does not exist`,
+    DEFAULT: 'Please check logs' // For exceptions that we aren't explicitly specifying
+  } as const;
+  type ErrorCodes = keyof typeof ERROR_CODES;
+  class MYSQL2Error extends Error {
+    private code: ErrorCodes;
+    constructor(message: string, code: ErrorCodes) {
+      super();
+ = 'MYSQL2Error';
+      this.message = message;
+      this.code = code;
+    }
+  }
+  beforeEach(async () => {
+    jest.clearAllMocks();
+    jest.useFakeTimers().setSystemTime(new Date(nowDateString));
+  });
+  it('Database is reachable and has tables', async () => {
+    const result = [{ table_name: 'logs', columns: 'data(INTEGER), timestamp(datetime)' }];
+    const mysqlConnection = {
+      execute: jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce([result]),
+      ping: jest.fn(),
+      end: jest.fn()
+    };
+    (mysql.createConnection as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(mysqlConnection);
+    const test = SouthMySQL.testConnection(settings, logger, encryptionService);
+    await expect(test).resolves.not.toThrow();
+    expect(mysqlConnection.end).toBeCalled();
+    expect((logger.trace as jest.Mock).mock.calls).toEqual([
+      [`Testing if MYSQL connection settings are correct`],
+      [`Pinging the database`],
+      [`Testing system table query`]
+    ]);
+    const tables = any) => `${row.table_name}: [${row.columns}]`).join(',\n');
+    expect('Database is live with tables (table:[columns]):\n%s', tables);
+  });
+  it('Unable to create connection', async () => {
+    let code: ErrorCodes;
+    const errorMessage = 'Error creating connection';
+    for (code in ERROR_CODES) {
+      (logger.error as jest.Mock).mockClear();
+      (logger.trace as jest.Mock).mockClear();
+      (mysql.createConnection as jest.Mock).mockImplementationOnce(() => {
+        throw new MYSQL2Error(errorMessage, code);
+      });
+      const test = SouthMySQL.testConnection(settings, logger, encryptionService);
+      await expect(test).rejects.toThrow(new Error(ERROR_CODES[code]));
+      expect((logger.error as jest.Mock).mock.calls).toEqual([[`Unable to connect to database: ${errorMessage}`]]);
+      expect((logger.trace as jest.Mock).mock.calls).toEqual([[`Testing if MYSQL connection settings are correct`]]);
+    }
+  });
+  it('Unable to ping database', async () => {
+    let code: ErrorCodes;
+    const errorMessage = 'Error pinging database';
+    for (code in ERROR_CODES) {
+      (logger.error as jest.Mock).mockClear();
+      (logger.trace as jest.Mock).mockClear();
+      const mysqlConnection = {
+        ping: () => {
+          throw new MYSQL2Error(errorMessage, code);
+        },
+        end: jest.fn()
+      };
+      (mysql.createConnection as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(mysqlConnection);
+      const test = SouthMySQL.testConnection(settings, logger, encryptionService);
+      await expect(test).rejects.toThrow(new Error(ERROR_CODES[code]));
+      expect(mysqlConnection.end).toBeCalled();
+      expect((logger.error as jest.Mock).mock.calls).toEqual([[`Unable to connect to database: ${errorMessage}`]]);
+      expect((logger.trace as jest.Mock).mock.calls).toEqual([
+        [`Testing if MYSQL connection settings are correct`],
+        [`Pinging the database`]
+      ]);
+    }
+  });
+  it('System table unreachable', async () => {
+    const errorMessage = 'information_schema.TABLES does not exist';
+    const mysqlConnection = {
+      execute: jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(() => {
+        throw new Error(errorMessage);
+      }),
+      ping: jest.fn(),
+      end: jest.fn()
+    };
+    (mysql.createConnection as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(mysqlConnection);
+    const test = SouthMySQL.testConnection(settings, logger, encryptionService);
+    await expect(test).rejects.toThrow(new Error(`Unable to read tables in database '${settings.database}', check logs`));
+    expect(mysqlConnection.end).toBeCalled();
+    expect((logger.error as jest.Mock).mock.calls).toEqual([[`Unable to read tables in database '${settings.database}': ${errorMessage}`]]);
+    expect((logger.trace as jest.Mock).mock.calls).toEqual([
+      [`Testing if MYSQL connection settings are correct`],
+      [`Pinging the database`],
+      [`Testing system table query`]
+    ]);
+  });
+  it('Database has no tables', async () => {
+    const mysqlConnection = {
+      execute: jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce([[]]),
+      ping: jest.fn(),
+      end: jest.fn()
+    };
+    (mysql.createConnection as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(mysqlConnection);
+    const test = SouthMySQL.testConnection(settings, logger, encryptionService);
+    await expect(test).rejects.toThrow(new Error('Database has no tables'));
+    expect(mysqlConnection.end).toBeCalled();
+    expect((logger.warn as jest.Mock).mock.calls).toEqual([[`Database '${settings.database}' has no tables`]]);
+    expect((logger.trace as jest.Mock).mock.calls).toEqual([
+      [`Testing if MYSQL connection settings are correct`],
+      [`Pinging the database`],
+      [`Testing system table query`]
+    ]);
+  });
+  it('Unable to ping database without password', async () => {
+    configuration.settings.password = '';
+    let code: ErrorCodes;
+    const errorMessage = 'Error pinging database';
+    for (code in ERROR_CODES) {
+      (logger.error as jest.Mock).mockClear();
+      (logger.trace as jest.Mock).mockClear();
+      const mysqlConnection = {
+        ping: () => {
+          throw new MYSQL2Error(errorMessage, code);
+        },
+        end: jest.fn()
+      };
+      (mysql.createConnection as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(mysqlConnection);
+      const test = SouthMySQL.testConnection(configuration.settings, logger, encryptionService);
+      await expect(test).rejects.toThrow(new Error(ERROR_CODES[code]));
+    }
+  });
diff --git a/backend/src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.ts b/backend/src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.ts
index 92d717a66f..49009761ee 100644
--- a/backend/src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.ts
+++ b/backend/src/south/south-mysql/south-mysql.ts
@@ -62,14 +62,83 @@ export default class SouthMySQL extends SouthConnector implements QueriesHistory
     await super.start();
-  // TODO: method needs to be implemented
   static async testConnection(
     settings: SouthConnectorDTO['settings'],
     logger: pino.Logger,
-    _encryptionService: EncryptionService
+    encryptionService: EncryptionService
   ): Promise<void> {
-    logger.trace(`Testing connection`);
-    throw new Error('TODO: method needs to be implemented');
+    const config: mysql.ConnectionOptions = {
+      host:,
+      port: settings.port,
+      user: settings.username,
+      password: settings.password ? await encryptionService.decryptText(settings.password) : '',
+      database: settings.database,
+      connectTimeout: settings.connectionTimeout,
+      timezone: 'Z'
+    };
+    let connection;
+    logger.trace(`Testing if MYSQL connection settings are correct`);
+    try {
+      connection = await mysql.createConnection(config);
+      logger.trace(`Pinging the database`);
+      await;
+    } catch (error: any) {
+      logger.error(`Unable to connect to database: ${error.message}`);
+      if (connection) {
+        await connection.end();
+      }
+      switch (error.code) {
+        case 'ETIMEDOUT':
+        case 'ECONNREFUSED':
+          throw new Error('Please check host and port');
+        case 'ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR':
+          throw new Error('Please check username and password');
+          throw new Error(`User '${settings.username}' does not have access to database '${settings.database}'`);
+        case 'ER_BAD_DB_ERROR':
+          throw new Error(`Database '${settings.database}' does not exist`);
+        default:
+          throw new Error('Please check logs');
+      }
+    }
+    logger.trace(`Testing system table query`);
+    let tables;
+    try {
+      [tables] = await connection.execute<mysql.RowDataPacket[]>(`
+        SELECT TABLES.TABLE_NAME AS table_name,
+              FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
+              GROUP BY TABLE_SCHEMA) AS 'columns'
+        FROM information_schema.TABLES AS TABLES
+        WHERE table_schema = DATABASE()
+        AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
+      `);
+    } catch (error: any) {
+      await connection.end();
+      logger.error(`Unable to read tables in database '${settings.database}': ${error.message}`);
+      throw new Error(`Unable to read tables in database '${settings.database}', check logs`);
+    }
+    await connection.end();
+    if (tables.length === 0) {
+      logger.warn(`Database '${settings.database}' has no tables`);
+      throw new Error('Database has no tables');
+    }
+    const tablesString = any) => `${row.table_name}: [${row.columns}]`).join(',\n');
+'Database is live with tables (table:[columns]):\n%s', tablesString);