- Rename the password hasher to target InMemoryUser
- Inject the DeprovisionApiFeature enabled flag
- Remove unused .env.* files
- Upgrade to Symfony 7
- Upgrade to PHP8.2
- Upgrade dependencies
- Introduce type safety where possible
- Log using stream handler by default #57
- Creating an error message with multiple messages causes fatal error #62
And here for some final optimizations to get userlifecycle work as intended on a production environment. The final hurdles where to tweak the release script:
- Set environments to prod and remove cache folders,
- Remove the prod cache folder from the tarbal.
And finally, dependabot upgraded the guzzlehttp/psr7 package.
Two missing features where added to 0.1.0. They are:
- The exit code changed to 1 when one of the deprovision actions failed. Ensuring the output will be mailed by the cron mailer to the sysadmin. #55
- The deprovision stats are now logged to syslog, before they only ended up in the console output. #55
And as an added bonus, the documentation was updated to be more specific on the JSON format the UserLifecycle application expects from the clients
- Improve UserLifecycle documentation #54
This release is mainly focussed on making LifeCycle more robust in multiple areas.
- Drop PHP 5.6 version compatibility #40
- Upgrade to Symfony 4.4 (from version 3.4) #42
- Bring Monolog config in sync with OC projects #53
New features:
- Migrate TravisCI to Github Actions for test-integration #50
- Improve status reporting #51
- Improve CollabPersonId input validation #43 #48
Other chores
- Replace the Vagrant dev-env with Docker #41
- Update documentation #44 #45
- Create a last_login test data seeder #52
- Add sensio distribution bundle to normal dependency instead dev dependency
- Upgraded Symfony to version 3.4.27
- Configured the health endpoints to become publicly available
- Upgraded Symfony to version 3.4.14
- The information retrieval feature from the deprovision command is now exposed through a web API. See readme for more details.
- The deprovision API's can be configured in
. For more information see the README.md andparameters.yml.dist
files. - The
console action was added enabling the retrieval of user information.