diff --git a/bin/configs/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root.yaml b/bin/configs/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d125554b0533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/configs/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+generatorName: typescript-angular
+outputDir: samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default
+inputSpec: modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/petstore.yaml
+templateDir: modules/openapi-generator/src/main/resources/typescript-angular
+ ngVersion: 14.0.5
+ supportsES6: true
diff --git a/docs/generators/typescript-angular.md b/docs/generators/typescript-angular.md
index f41324a02edf..9192d4c1a1f3 100644
--- a/docs/generators/typescript-angular.md
+++ b/docs/generators/typescript-angular.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ title: Documentation for the typescript-angular Generator
| generator type | CLIENT | |
| generator language | Typescript | |
| generator default templating engine | mustache | |
-| helpTxt | Generates a TypeScript Angular (9.x - 13.x) client library. | |
+| helpTxt | Generates a TypeScript Angular (9.x - 14.x) client library. | |
These options may be applied as additional-properties (cli) or configOptions (plugins). Refer to [configuration docs](https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/configuration) for more details.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ These options may be applied as additional-properties (cli) or configOptions (pl
|modelFileSuffix|The suffix of the file of the generated model (model<suffix>.ts).| |null|
|modelPropertyNaming|Naming convention for the property: 'camelCase', 'PascalCase', 'snake_case' and 'original', which keeps the original name. Only change it if you provide your own run-time code for (de-)serialization of models| |original|
|modelSuffix|The suffix of the generated model.| |null|
-|ngVersion|The version of Angular. (At least 9.0.0)| |13.0.1|
+|ngVersion|The version of Angular. (At least 9.0.0)| |14.0.5|
|npmName|The name under which you want to publish generated npm package. Required to generate a full package| |null|
|npmRepository|Use this property to set an url your private npmRepo in the package.json| |null|
|npmVersion|The version of your npm package. If not provided, using the version from the OpenAPI specification file.| |1.0.0|
diff --git a/modules/openapi-generator/src/main/java/org/openapitools/codegen/languages/TypeScriptAngularClientCodegen.java b/modules/openapi-generator/src/main/java/org/openapitools/codegen/languages/TypeScriptAngularClientCodegen.java
index 73903cdf9592..1b084753a09f 100644
--- a/modules/openapi-generator/src/main/java/org/openapitools/codegen/languages/TypeScriptAngularClientCodegen.java
+++ b/modules/openapi-generator/src/main/java/org/openapitools/codegen/languages/TypeScriptAngularClientCodegen.java
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public static enum PROVIDED_IN_LEVEL {none, root, any, platform}
public static final String STRING_ENUMS_DESC = "Generate string enums instead of objects for enum values.";
public static final String QUERY_PARAM_OBJECT_FORMAT = "queryParamObjectFormat";
- protected String ngVersion = "13.0.1";
+ protected String ngVersion = "14.0.5";
protected String npmRepository = null;
private boolean useSingleRequestParameter = false;
protected String serviceSuffix = "Service";
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public String getName() {
public String getHelp() {
- return "Generates a TypeScript Angular (9.x - 13.x) client library.";
+ return "Generates a TypeScript Angular (9.x - 14.x) client library.";
@@ -274,7 +274,9 @@ private void addNpmPackageGeneration(SemVer ngVersion) {
// Set the typescript version compatible to the Angular version
- if (ngVersion.atLeast("13.0.0")) {
+ if (ngVersion.atLeast("14.0.0")) {
+ additionalProperties.put("tsVersion", ">=4.6.0 <=4.8.0");
+ } else if (ngVersion.atLeast("13.0.0")) {
additionalProperties.put("tsVersion", ">=4.4.2 <4.5.0");
} else if (ngVersion.atLeast("12.0.0")) {
additionalProperties.put("tsVersion", ">=4.3.0 <4.4.0");
@@ -289,7 +291,9 @@ private void addNpmPackageGeneration(SemVer ngVersion) {
// Set the rxJS version compatible to the Angular version
- if (ngVersion.atLeast("13.0.0")) {
+ if (ngVersion.atLeast("14.0.0")) {
+ additionalProperties.put("rxjsVersion", "7.5.5");
+ } else if (ngVersion.atLeast("13.0.0")) {
additionalProperties.put("rxjsVersion", "7.4.0");
} else if (ngVersion.atLeast("10.0.0")) {
additionalProperties.put("rxjsVersion", "6.6.0");
@@ -300,7 +304,10 @@ private void addNpmPackageGeneration(SemVer ngVersion) {
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("ng-package.mustache", getIndexDirectory(), "ng-package.json"));
// Specific ng-packagr configuration
- if (ngVersion.atLeast("13.0.0")) {
+ if (ngVersion.atLeast("14.0.0")) {
+ additionalProperties.put("ngPackagrVersion", "14.0.2");
+ additionalProperties.put("tsickleVersion", "0.46.3");
+ } else if (ngVersion.atLeast("13.0.0")) {
additionalProperties.put("ngPackagrVersion", "13.0.3");
additionalProperties.put("tsickleVersion", "0.43.0");
} else if (ngVersion.atLeast("12.0.0")) {
@@ -318,7 +325,9 @@ private void addNpmPackageGeneration(SemVer ngVersion) {
// set zone.js version
- if (ngVersion.atLeast("12.0.0")) {
+ if (ngVersion.atLeast("14.0.0")) {
+ additionalProperties.put("zonejsVersion", "0.11.5");
+ } else if (ngVersion.atLeast("12.0.0")) {
additionalProperties.put("zonejsVersion", "0.11.4");
} else if (ngVersion.atLeast("11.0.0")) {
additionalProperties.put("zonejsVersion", "0.11.3");
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index ba8d799047cf..df0a4a8f97ce 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -1211,6 +1211,7 @@
+ samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/.gitignore b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f05cc0eff3a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# See http://help.github.com/ignore-files/ for more about ignoring files.
+# compiled output
+# dependencies
+# IDEs and editors
+# IDE - VSCode
+# misc
+# System Files
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/angular.json b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/angular.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..899df2727882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/angular.json
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
+ "version": 1,
+ "newProjectRoot": "tests",
+ "projects": {
+ "test-default": {
+ "root": "tests/default",
+ "sourceRoot": "tests/default/src",
+ "projectType": "application",
+ "prefix": "app",
+ "schematics": {},
+ "architect": {
+ "build": {
+ "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
+ "options": {
+ "aot": true,
+ "outputPath": "tests/default/dist",
+ "index": "tests/default/src/index.html",
+ "main": "tests/default/src/main.ts",
+ "polyfills": "tests/default/src/polyfills.ts",
+ "tsConfig": "tests/default/src/tsconfig.app.json",
+ "assets": [
+ "tests/default/src/favicon.ico",
+ "tests/default/src/assets"
+ ],
+ "styles": [
+ "tests/default/src/styles.css"
+ ],
+ "scripts": []
+ },
+ "configurations": {
+ "production": {
+ "budgets": [
+ {
+ "type": "anyComponentStyle",
+ "maximumWarning": "6kb"
+ }
+ ],
+ "fileReplacements": [
+ {
+ "replace": "tests/default/src/environments/environment.ts",
+ "with": "tests/default/src/environments/environment.prod.ts"
+ }
+ ],
+ "optimization": true,
+ "outputHashing": "all",
+ "sourceMap": false,
+ "namedChunks": false,
+ "aot": true,
+ "extractLicenses": true,
+ "vendorChunk": false,
+ "buildOptimizer": true
+ },
+ "development": {}
+ },
+ "defaultConfiguration": "production"
+ },
+ "serve": {
+ "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
+ "options": {
+ },
+ "configurations": {
+ "production": {
+ "browserTarget": "test-default:build:production"
+ },
+ "development": {
+ "browserTarget": "test-default:build:development"
+ }
+ },
+ "defaultConfiguration": "development"
+ },
+ "extract-i18n": {
+ "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:extract-i18n",
+ "options": {
+ "browserTarget": "test-default:build"
+ }
+ },
+ "test": {
+ "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma",
+ "options": {
+ "main": "tests/default/src/test.ts",
+ "polyfills": "tests/default/src/polyfills.ts",
+ "tsConfig": "tests/default/src/tsconfig.spec.json",
+ "karmaConfig": "tests/default/src/karma.conf.js",
+ "styles": [
+ "tests/default/src/styles.css"
+ ],
+ "scripts": [],
+ "assets": [
+ "tests/default/src/favicon.ico",
+ "tests/default/src/assets"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "lint": {
+ "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint",
+ "options": {
+ "tsConfig": [
+ "tests/default/src/tsconfig.app.json",
+ "tests/default/src/tsconfig.spec.json"
+ ],
+ "exclude": [
+ "**/node_modules/**"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "defaultProject": "test-default"
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.gitignore b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..149b57654723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.openapi-generator-ignore b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.openapi-generator-ignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7484ee590a38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.openapi-generator-ignore
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# OpenAPI Generator Ignore
+# Generated by openapi-generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator
+# Use this file to prevent files from being overwritten by the generator.
+# The patterns follow closely to .gitignore or .dockerignore.
+# As an example, the C# client generator defines ApiClient.cs.
+# You can make changes and tell OpenAPI Generator to ignore just this file by uncommenting the following line:
+# You can match any string of characters against a directory, file or extension with a single asterisk (*):
+# The above matches foo/bar/qux and foo/baz/qux, but not foo/bar/baz/qux
+# You can recursively match patterns against a directory, file or extension with a double asterisk (**):
+# This matches foo/bar/qux, foo/baz/qux, and foo/bar/baz/qux
+# You can also negate patterns with an exclamation (!).
+# For example, you can ignore all files in a docs folder with the file extension .md:
+# Then explicitly reverse the ignore rule for a single file:
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.openapi-generator/FILES b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.openapi-generator/FILES
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f8ebffb302f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.openapi-generator/FILES
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.openapi-generator/VERSION b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.openapi-generator/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..66672d4e9d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/.openapi-generator/VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/README.md b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f2e5a1c1ee2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+## @
+### Building
+To install the required dependencies and to build the typescript sources run:
+npm install
+npm run build
+### publishing
+First build the package then run ```npm publish dist``` (don't forget to specify the `dist` folder!)
+### consuming
+Navigate to the folder of your consuming project and run one of next commands.
+npm install @ --save
+_without publishing (not recommended):_
+npm install PATH_TO_GENERATED_PACKAGE/dist.tgz --save
+_It's important to take the tgz file, otherwise you'll get trouble with links on windows_
+_using `npm link`:_
+npm link
+In your project:
+npm link
+__Note for Windows users:__ The Angular CLI has troubles to use linked npm packages.
+Please refer to this issue https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/8284 for a solution / workaround.
+Published packages are not effected by this issue.
+#### General usage
+In your Angular project:
+// without configuring providers
+import { ApiModule } from '';
+import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
+ imports: [
+ ApiModule,
+ // make sure to import the HttpClientModule in the AppModule only,
+ // see https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20575
+ HttpClientModule
+ ],
+ declarations: [ AppComponent ],
+ providers: [],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule {}
+// configuring providers
+import { ApiModule, Configuration, ConfigurationParameters } from '';
+export function apiConfigFactory (): Configuration {
+ const params: ConfigurationParameters = {
+ // set configuration parameters here.
+ }
+ return new Configuration(params);
+ imports: [ ApiModule.forRoot(apiConfigFactory) ],
+ declarations: [ AppComponent ],
+ providers: [],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule {}
+// configuring providers with an authentication service that manages your access tokens
+import { ApiModule, Configuration } from '';
+ imports: [ ApiModule ],
+ declarations: [ AppComponent ],
+ providers: [
+ {
+ provide: Configuration,
+ useFactory: (authService: AuthService) => new Configuration(
+ {
+ basePath: environment.apiUrl,
+ accessToken: authService.getAccessToken.bind(authService)
+ }
+ ),
+ deps: [AuthService],
+ multi: false
+ }
+ ],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule {}
+import { DefaultApi } from '';
+export class AppComponent {
+ constructor(private apiGateway: DefaultApi) { }
+Note: The ApiModule is restricted to being instantiated once app wide.
+This is to ensure that all services are treated as singletons.
+#### Using multiple OpenAPI files / APIs / ApiModules
+In order to use multiple `ApiModules` generated from different OpenAPI files,
+you can create an alias name when importing the modules
+in order to avoid naming conflicts:
+import { ApiModule } from 'my-api-path';
+import { ApiModule as OtherApiModule } from 'my-other-api-path';
+import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
+ imports: [
+ ApiModule,
+ OtherApiModule,
+ // make sure to import the HttpClientModule in the AppModule only,
+ // see https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20575
+ HttpClientModule
+ ]
+export class AppModule {
+### Set service base path
+If different than the generated base path, during app bootstrap, you can provide the base path to your service.
+import { BASE_PATH } from '';
+bootstrap(AppComponent, [
+ { provide: BASE_PATH, useValue: 'https://your-web-service.com' },
+import { BASE_PATH } from '';
+ imports: [],
+ declarations: [ AppComponent ],
+ providers: [ provide: BASE_PATH, useValue: 'https://your-web-service.com' ],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule {}
+#### Using @angular/cli
+First extend your `src/environments/*.ts` files by adding the corresponding base path:
+export const environment = {
+ production: false,
+In the src/app/app.module.ts:
+import { BASE_PATH } from '';
+import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
+ declarations: [
+ AppComponent
+ ],
+ imports: [ ],
+ providers: [{ provide: BASE_PATH, useValue: environment.API_BASE_PATH }],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule { }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api.module.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api.module.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2afb8f64e926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api.module.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders, SkipSelf, Optional } from '@angular/core';
+import { Configuration } from './configuration';
+import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { PetService } from './api/pet.service';
+import { StoreService } from './api/store.service';
+import { UserService } from './api/user.service';
+ imports: [],
+ declarations: [],
+ exports: [],
+ providers: []
+export class ApiModule {
+ public static forRoot(configurationFactory: () => Configuration): ModuleWithProviders {
+ return {
+ ngModule: ApiModule,
+ providers: [ { provide: Configuration, useFactory: configurationFactory } ]
+ };
+ }
+ constructor( @Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule: ApiModule,
+ @Optional() http: HttpClient) {
+ if (parentModule) {
+ throw new Error('ApiModule is already loaded. Import in your base AppModule only.');
+ }
+ if (!http) {
+ throw new Error('You need to import the HttpClientModule in your AppModule! \n' +
+ 'See also https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20575');
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/api.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/api.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8e44b64083d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/api.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export * from './pet.service';
+import { PetService } from './pet.service';
+export * from './store.service';
+import { StoreService } from './store.service';
+export * from './user.service';
+import { UserService } from './user.service';
+export const APIS = [PetService, StoreService, UserService];
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/pet.service.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/pet.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6470114e4b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/pet.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+/* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
+import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';
+import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,
+ HttpResponse, HttpEvent, HttpParameterCodec, HttpContext
+ } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { CustomHttpParameterCodec } from '../encoder';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { ApiResponse } from '../model/apiResponse';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { Pet } from '../model/pet';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';
+import { Configuration } from '../configuration';
+ providedIn: 'root'
+export class PetService {
+ protected basePath = 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2';
+ public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
+ public configuration = new Configuration();
+ public encoder: HttpParameterCodec;
+ constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string|string[], @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {
+ if (configuration) {
+ this.configuration = configuration;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.configuration.basePath !== 'string') {
+ if (Array.isArray(basePath) && basePath.length > 0) {
+ basePath = basePath[0];
+ }
+ if (typeof basePath !== 'string') {
+ basePath = this.basePath;
+ }
+ this.configuration.basePath = basePath;
+ }
+ this.encoder = this.configuration.encoder || new CustomHttpParameterCodec();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param consumes string[] mime-types
+ * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise
+ */
+ private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {
+ const form = 'multipart/form-data';
+ for (const consume of consumes) {
+ if (form === consume) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ private addToHttpParams(httpParams: HttpParams, value: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (typeof value === "object" && value instanceof Date === false) {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value);
+ } else {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value, key);
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ private addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams: HttpParams, value?: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === "object") {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ (value as any[]).forEach( elem => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, elem, key));
+ } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+ if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, (value as Date).toISOString().substr(0, 10));
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is Date");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Object.keys(value).forEach( k => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(
+ httpParams, value[k], key != null ? `${key}.${k}` : k));
+ }
+ } else if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, value);
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is not object or array");
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a new pet to the store
+ *
+ * @param pet Pet object that needs to be added to the store
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public addPet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public addPet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public addPet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public addPet(pet: Pet, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (pet === null || pet === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter pet was null or undefined when calling addPet.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/xml'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet`,
+ pet,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes a pet
+ *
+ * @param petId Pet id to delete
+ * @param apiKey
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public deletePet(petId: number, apiKey?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public deletePet(petId: number, apiKey?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deletePet(petId: number, apiKey?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deletePet(petId: number, apiKey?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (petId === null || petId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter petId was null or undefined when calling deletePet.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ if (apiKey !== undefined && apiKey !== null) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', String(apiKey));
+ }
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.delete(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/${encodeURIComponent(String(petId))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds Pets by status
+ * Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
+ * @param status Status values that need to be considered for filter
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public findPetsByStatus(status: Array<'available' | 'pending' | 'sold'>, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public findPetsByStatus(status: Array<'available' | 'pending' | 'sold'>, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>>;
+ public findPetsByStatus(status: Array<'available' | 'pending' | 'sold'>, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>>;
+ public findPetsByStatus(status: Array<'available' | 'pending' | 'sold'>, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (status === null || status === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter status was null or undefined when calling findPetsByStatus.');
+ }
+ let localVarQueryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: this.encoder});
+ if (status) {
+ localVarQueryParameters = this.addToHttpParams(localVarQueryParameters,
+ status.join(COLLECTION_FORMATS['csv']), 'status');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get>(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/findByStatus`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ params: localVarQueryParameters,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds Pets by tags
+ * Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
+ * @param tags Tags to filter by
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+ public findPetsByTags(tags: Array, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public findPetsByTags(tags: Array, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>>;
+ public findPetsByTags(tags: Array, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>>;
+ public findPetsByTags(tags: Array, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (tags === null || tags === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter tags was null or undefined when calling findPetsByTags.');
+ }
+ let localVarQueryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: this.encoder});
+ if (tags) {
+ localVarQueryParameters = this.addToHttpParams(localVarQueryParameters,
+ tags.join(COLLECTION_FORMATS['csv']), 'tags');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get>(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/findByTags`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ params: localVarQueryParameters,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find pet by ID
+ * Returns a single pet
+ * @param petId ID of pet to return
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public getPetById(petId: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public getPetById(petId: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getPetById(petId: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getPetById(petId: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (petId === null || petId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter petId was null or undefined when calling getPetById.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/${encodeURIComponent(String(petId))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update an existing pet
+ *
+ * @param pet Pet object that needs to be added to the store
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public updatePet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public updatePet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updatePet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updatePet(pet: Pet, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (pet === null || pet === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter pet was null or undefined when calling updatePet.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/xml'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.put(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet`,
+ pet,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates a pet in the store with form data
+ *
+ * @param petId ID of pet that needs to be updated
+ * @param name Updated name of the pet
+ * @param status Updated status of the pet
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public updatePetWithForm(petId: number, name?: string, status?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public updatePetWithForm(petId: number, name?: string, status?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updatePetWithForm(petId: number, name?: string, status?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updatePetWithForm(petId: number, name?: string, status?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (petId === null || petId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter petId was null or undefined when calling updatePetWithForm.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+ ];
+ const canConsumeForm = this.canConsumeForm(consumes);
+ let localVarFormParams: { append(param: string, value: any): any; };
+ let localVarUseForm = false;
+ let localVarConvertFormParamsToString = false;
+ if (localVarUseForm) {
+ localVarFormParams = new FormData();
+ } else {
+ localVarFormParams = new HttpParams({encoder: this.encoder});
+ }
+ if (name !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams = localVarFormParams.append('name', name) as any || localVarFormParams;
+ }
+ if (status !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams = localVarFormParams.append('status', status) as any || localVarFormParams;
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/${encodeURIComponent(String(petId))}`,
+ localVarConvertFormParamsToString ? localVarFormParams.toString() : localVarFormParams,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * uploads an image
+ *
+ * @param petId ID of pet to update
+ * @param additionalMetadata Additional data to pass to server
+ * @param file file to upload
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public uploadFile(petId: number, additionalMetadata?: string, file?: Blob, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public uploadFile(petId: number, additionalMetadata?: string, file?: Blob, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public uploadFile(petId: number, additionalMetadata?: string, file?: Blob, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public uploadFile(petId: number, additionalMetadata?: string, file?: Blob, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (petId === null || petId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter petId was null or undefined when calling uploadFile.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ];
+ const canConsumeForm = this.canConsumeForm(consumes);
+ let localVarFormParams: { append(param: string, value: any): any; };
+ let localVarUseForm = false;
+ let localVarConvertFormParamsToString = false;
+ // use FormData to transmit files using content-type "multipart/form-data"
+ // see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4007969/application-x-www-form-urlencoded-or-multipart-form-data
+ localVarUseForm = canConsumeForm;
+ if (localVarUseForm) {
+ localVarFormParams = new FormData();
+ } else {
+ localVarFormParams = new HttpParams({encoder: this.encoder});
+ }
+ if (additionalMetadata !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams = localVarFormParams.append('additionalMetadata', additionalMetadata) as any || localVarFormParams;
+ }
+ if (file !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams = localVarFormParams.append('file', file) as any || localVarFormParams;
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/${encodeURIComponent(String(petId))}/uploadImage`,
+ localVarConvertFormParamsToString ? localVarFormParams.toString() : localVarFormParams,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/store.service.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/store.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b7825ee1f351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/store.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+/* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
+import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';
+import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,
+ HttpResponse, HttpEvent, HttpParameterCodec, HttpContext
+ } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { CustomHttpParameterCodec } from '../encoder';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { Order } from '../model/order';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';
+import { Configuration } from '../configuration';
+ providedIn: 'root'
+export class StoreService {
+ protected basePath = 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2';
+ public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
+ public configuration = new Configuration();
+ public encoder: HttpParameterCodec;
+ constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string|string[], @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {
+ if (configuration) {
+ this.configuration = configuration;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.configuration.basePath !== 'string') {
+ if (Array.isArray(basePath) && basePath.length > 0) {
+ basePath = basePath[0];
+ }
+ if (typeof basePath !== 'string') {
+ basePath = this.basePath;
+ }
+ this.configuration.basePath = basePath;
+ }
+ this.encoder = this.configuration.encoder || new CustomHttpParameterCodec();
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ private addToHttpParams(httpParams: HttpParams, value: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (typeof value === "object" && value instanceof Date === false) {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value);
+ } else {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value, key);
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ private addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams: HttpParams, value?: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === "object") {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ (value as any[]).forEach( elem => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, elem, key));
+ } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+ if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, (value as Date).toISOString().substr(0, 10));
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is Date");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Object.keys(value).forEach( k => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(
+ httpParams, value[k], key != null ? `${key}.${k}` : k));
+ }
+ } else if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, value);
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is not object or array");
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete purchase order by ID
+ * For valid response try integer IDs with value < 1000. Anything above 1000 or nonintegers will generate API errors
+ * @param orderId ID of the order that needs to be deleted
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public deleteOrder(orderId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public deleteOrder(orderId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deleteOrder(orderId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deleteOrder(orderId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (orderId === null || orderId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter orderId was null or undefined when calling deleteOrder.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.delete(`${this.configuration.basePath}/store/order/${encodeURIComponent(String(orderId))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns pet inventories by status
+ * Returns a map of status codes to quantities
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public getInventory(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable<{ [key: string]: number; }>;
+ public getInventory(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getInventory(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getInventory(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get<{ [key: string]: number; }>(`${this.configuration.basePath}/store/inventory`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find purchase order by ID
+ * For valid response try integer IDs with value <= 5 or > 10. Other values will generated exceptions
+ * @param orderId ID of pet that needs to be fetched
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public getOrderById(orderId: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public getOrderById(orderId: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getOrderById(orderId: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getOrderById(orderId: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (orderId === null || orderId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter orderId was null or undefined when calling getOrderById.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get(`${this.configuration.basePath}/store/order/${encodeURIComponent(String(orderId))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Place an order for a pet
+ *
+ * @param order order placed for purchasing the pet
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public placeOrder(order: Order, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public placeOrder(order: Order, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public placeOrder(order: Order, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public placeOrder(order: Order, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (order === null || order === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter order was null or undefined when calling placeOrder.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/store/order`,
+ order,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/user.service.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/user.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ab01f930fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/api/user.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+/* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
+import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';
+import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,
+ HttpResponse, HttpEvent, HttpParameterCodec, HttpContext
+ } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { CustomHttpParameterCodec } from '../encoder';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { User } from '../model/user';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';
+import { Configuration } from '../configuration';
+ providedIn: 'root'
+export class UserService {
+ protected basePath = 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2';
+ public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
+ public configuration = new Configuration();
+ public encoder: HttpParameterCodec;
+ constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string|string[], @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {
+ if (configuration) {
+ this.configuration = configuration;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.configuration.basePath !== 'string') {
+ if (Array.isArray(basePath) && basePath.length > 0) {
+ basePath = basePath[0];
+ }
+ if (typeof basePath !== 'string') {
+ basePath = this.basePath;
+ }
+ this.configuration.basePath = basePath;
+ }
+ this.encoder = this.configuration.encoder || new CustomHttpParameterCodec();
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ private addToHttpParams(httpParams: HttpParams, value: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (typeof value === "object" && value instanceof Date === false) {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value);
+ } else {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value, key);
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ private addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams: HttpParams, value?: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === "object") {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ (value as any[]).forEach( elem => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, elem, key));
+ } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+ if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, (value as Date).toISOString().substr(0, 10));
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is Date");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Object.keys(value).forEach( k => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(
+ httpParams, value[k], key != null ? `${key}.${k}` : k));
+ }
+ } else if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, value);
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is not object or array");
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create user
+ * This can only be done by the logged in user.
+ * @param user Created user object
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public createUser(user: User, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public createUser(user: User, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUser(user: User, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUser(user: User, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (user === null || user === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter user was null or undefined when calling createUser.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user`,
+ user,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates list of users with given input array
+ *
+ * @param user List of user object
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public createUsersWithArrayInput(user: Array, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public createUsersWithArrayInput(user: Array, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUsersWithArrayInput(user: Array, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUsersWithArrayInput(user: Array, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (user === null || user === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter user was null or undefined when calling createUsersWithArrayInput.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/createWithArray`,
+ user,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates list of users with given input array
+ *
+ * @param user List of user object
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public createUsersWithListInput(user: Array, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public createUsersWithListInput(user: Array, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUsersWithListInput(user: Array, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUsersWithListInput(user: Array, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (user === null || user === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter user was null or undefined when calling createUsersWithListInput.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/createWithList`,
+ user,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete user
+ * This can only be done by the logged in user.
+ * @param username The name that needs to be deleted
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public deleteUser(username: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public deleteUser(username: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deleteUser(username: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deleteUser(username: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (username === null || username === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter username was null or undefined when calling deleteUser.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.delete(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/${encodeURIComponent(String(username))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get user by user name
+ *
+ * @param username The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public getUserByName(username: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public getUserByName(username: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getUserByName(username: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getUserByName(username: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (username === null || username === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter username was null or undefined when calling getUserByName.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/${encodeURIComponent(String(username))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Logs user into the system
+ *
+ * @param username The user name for login
+ * @param password The password for login in clear text
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public loginUser(username: string, password: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public loginUser(username: string, password: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public loginUser(username: string, password: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public loginUser(username: string, password: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (username === null || username === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter username was null or undefined when calling loginUser.');
+ }
+ if (password === null || password === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter password was null or undefined when calling loginUser.');
+ }
+ let localVarQueryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: this.encoder});
+ if (username !== undefined && username !== null) {
+ localVarQueryParameters = this.addToHttpParams(localVarQueryParameters,
+ username, 'username');
+ }
+ if (password !== undefined && password !== null) {
+ localVarQueryParameters = this.addToHttpParams(localVarQueryParameters,
+ password, 'password');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/login`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ params: localVarQueryParameters,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Logs out current logged in user session
+ *
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public logoutUser(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public logoutUser(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public logoutUser(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public logoutUser(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/logout`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updated user
+ * This can only be done by the logged in user.
+ * @param username name that need to be deleted
+ * @param user Updated user object
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public updateUser(username: string, user: User, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public updateUser(username: string, user: User, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updateUser(username: string, user: User, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updateUser(username: string, user: User, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (username === null || username === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter username was null or undefined when calling updateUser.');
+ }
+ if (user === null || user === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter user was null or undefined when calling updateUser.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.put(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/${encodeURIComponent(String(username))}`,
+ user,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/configuration.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/configuration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6fc0f80d973f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/configuration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+import { HttpParameterCodec } from '@angular/common/http';
+export interface ConfigurationParameters {
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Since 5.0. Use credentials instead
+ */
+ apiKeys?: {[ key: string ]: string};
+ username?: string;
+ password?: string;
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Since 5.0. Use credentials instead
+ */
+ accessToken?: string | (() => string);
+ basePath?: string;
+ withCredentials?: boolean;
+ encoder?: HttpParameterCodec;
+ /**
+ * The keys are the names in the securitySchemes section of the OpenAPI
+ * document. They should map to the value used for authentication
+ * minus any standard prefixes such as 'Basic' or 'Bearer'.
+ */
+ credentials?: {[ key: string ]: string | (() => string | undefined)};
+export class Configuration {
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Since 5.0. Use credentials instead
+ */
+ apiKeys?: {[ key: string ]: string};
+ username?: string;
+ password?: string;
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Since 5.0. Use credentials instead
+ */
+ accessToken?: string | (() => string);
+ basePath?: string;
+ withCredentials?: boolean;
+ encoder?: HttpParameterCodec;
+ /**
+ * The keys are the names in the securitySchemes section of the OpenAPI
+ * document. They should map to the value used for authentication
+ * minus any standard prefixes such as 'Basic' or 'Bearer'.
+ */
+ credentials: {[ key: string ]: string | (() => string | undefined)};
+ constructor(configurationParameters: ConfigurationParameters = {}) {
+ this.apiKeys = configurationParameters.apiKeys;
+ this.username = configurationParameters.username;
+ this.password = configurationParameters.password;
+ this.accessToken = configurationParameters.accessToken;
+ this.basePath = configurationParameters.basePath;
+ this.withCredentials = configurationParameters.withCredentials;
+ this.encoder = configurationParameters.encoder;
+ if (configurationParameters.credentials) {
+ this.credentials = configurationParameters.credentials;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.credentials = {};
+ }
+ // init default api_key credential
+ if (!this.credentials['api_key']) {
+ this.credentials['api_key'] = () => {
+ if (this.apiKeys === null || this.apiKeys === undefined) {
+ return undefined;
+ } else {
+ return this.apiKeys['api_key'] || this.apiKeys['api_key'];
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // init default petstore_auth credential
+ if (!this.credentials['petstore_auth']) {
+ this.credentials['petstore_auth'] = () => {
+ return typeof this.accessToken === 'function'
+ ? this.accessToken()
+ : this.accessToken;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Select the correct content-type to use for a request.
+ * Uses {@link Configuration#isJsonMime} to determine the correct content-type.
+ * If no content type is found return the first found type if the contentTypes is not empty
+ * @param contentTypes - the array of content types that are available for selection
+ * @returns the selected content-type or undefined
if no selection could be made.
+ */
+ public selectHeaderContentType (contentTypes: string[]): string | undefined {
+ if (contentTypes.length === 0) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const type = contentTypes.find((x: string) => this.isJsonMime(x));
+ if (type === undefined) {
+ return contentTypes[0];
+ }
+ return type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Select the correct accept content-type to use for a request.
+ * Uses {@link Configuration#isJsonMime} to determine the correct accept content-type.
+ * If no content type is found return the first found type if the contentTypes is not empty
+ * @param accepts - the array of content types that are available for selection.
+ * @returns the selected content-type or undefined
if no selection could be made.
+ */
+ public selectHeaderAccept(accepts: string[]): string | undefined {
+ if (accepts.length === 0) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const type = accepts.find((x: string) => this.isJsonMime(x));
+ if (type === undefined) {
+ return accepts[0];
+ }
+ return type;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the given MIME is a JSON MIME.
+ * JSON MIME examples:
+ * application/json
+ * application/json; charset=UTF8
+ * application/vnd.company+json
+ * @param mime - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
+ * @return True if the given MIME is JSON, false otherwise.
+ */
+ public isJsonMime(mime: string): boolean {
+ const jsonMime: RegExp = new RegExp('^(application\/json|[^;/ \t]+\/[^;/ \t]+[+]json)[ \t]*(;.*)?$', 'i');
+ return mime !== null && (jsonMime.test(mime) || mime.toLowerCase() === 'application/json-patch+json');
+ }
+ public lookupCredential(key: string): string | undefined {
+ const value = this.credentials[key];
+ return typeof value === 'function'
+ ? value()
+ : value;
+ }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/encoder.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/encoder.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..138c4d5cf2c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/encoder.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { HttpParameterCodec } from '@angular/common/http';
+ * Custom HttpParameterCodec
+ * Workaround for https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/18261
+ */
+export class CustomHttpParameterCodec implements HttpParameterCodec {
+ encodeKey(k: string): string {
+ return encodeURIComponent(k);
+ }
+ encodeValue(v: string): string {
+ return encodeURIComponent(v);
+ }
+ decodeKey(k: string): string {
+ return decodeURIComponent(k);
+ }
+ decodeValue(v: string): string {
+ return decodeURIComponent(v);
+ }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/git_push.sh b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/git_push.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f53a75d4fabe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/git_push.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# ref: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-an-existing-project-to-github-using-the-command-line/
+# Usage example: /bin/sh ./git_push.sh wing328 openapi-petstore-perl "minor update" "gitlab.com"
+if [ "$git_host" = "" ]; then
+ git_host="github.com"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_host to $git_host"
+if [ "$git_user_id" = "" ]; then
+ git_user_id="GIT_USER_ID"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_user_id to $git_user_id"
+if [ "$git_repo_id" = "" ]; then
+ git_repo_id="GIT_REPO_ID"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_repo_id to $git_repo_id"
+if [ "$release_note" = "" ]; then
+ release_note="Minor update"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$release_note to $release_note"
+# Initialize the local directory as a Git repository
+git init
+# Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit.
+git add .
+# Commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository.
+git commit -m "$release_note"
+# Sets the new remote
+git_remote=$(git remote)
+if [ "$git_remote" = "" ]; then # git remote not defined
+ if [ "$GIT_TOKEN" = "" ]; then
+ echo "[INFO] \$GIT_TOKEN (environment variable) is not set. Using the git credential in your environment."
+ git remote add origin https://${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git
+ else
+ git remote add origin https://${git_user_id}:"${GIT_TOKEN}"@${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git
+ fi
+git pull origin master
+# Pushes (Forces) the changes in the local repository up to the remote repository
+echo "Git pushing to https://${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git"
+git push origin master 2>&1 | grep -v 'To https'
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/index.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c312b70fa3ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export * from './api/api';
+export * from './model/models';
+export * from './variables';
+export * from './configuration';
+export * from './api.module';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/apiResponse.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/apiResponse.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..682ba478921e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/apiResponse.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+ * Describes the result of uploading an image resource
+ */
+export interface ApiResponse {
+ code?: number;
+ type?: string;
+ message?: string;
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/category.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/category.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b988b6827a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/category.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+ * A category for a pet
+ */
+export interface Category {
+ id?: number;
+ name?: string;
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/models.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/models.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8607c5dabd0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/models.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export * from './apiResponse';
+export * from './category';
+export * from './order';
+export * from './pet';
+export * from './tag';
+export * from './user';
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/order.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/order.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a29bebe49065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/order.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+ * An order for a pets from the pet store
+ */
+export interface Order {
+ id?: number;
+ petId?: number;
+ quantity?: number;
+ shipDate?: string;
+ /**
+ * Order Status
+ */
+ status?: Order.StatusEnum;
+ complete?: boolean;
+export namespace Order {
+ export type StatusEnum = 'placed' | 'approved' | 'delivered';
+ export const StatusEnum = {
+ Placed: 'placed' as StatusEnum,
+ Approved: 'approved' as StatusEnum,
+ Delivered: 'delivered' as StatusEnum
+ };
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/pet.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/pet.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e0404395f91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/pet.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+import { Category } from './category';
+import { Tag } from './tag';
+ * A pet for sale in the pet store
+ */
+export interface Pet {
+ id?: number;
+ category?: Category;
+ name: string;
+ photoUrls: Array;
+ tags?: Array;
+ /**
+ * pet status in the store
+ */
+ status?: Pet.StatusEnum;
+export namespace Pet {
+ export type StatusEnum = 'available' | 'pending' | 'sold';
+ export const StatusEnum = {
+ Available: 'available' as StatusEnum,
+ Pending: 'pending' as StatusEnum,
+ Sold: 'sold' as StatusEnum
+ };
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/tag.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/tag.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b6ff210e8df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/tag.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+ * A tag for a pet
+ */
+export interface Tag {
+ id?: number;
+ name?: string;
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/user.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/user.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fce51005300c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/model/user.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+ * A User who is purchasing from the pet store
+ */
+export interface User {
+ id?: number;
+ username?: string;
+ firstName?: string;
+ lastName?: string;
+ email?: string;
+ password?: string;
+ phone?: string;
+ /**
+ * User Status
+ */
+ userStatus?: number;
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/variables.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/variables.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6fe58549f395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/default/variables.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
+export const BASE_PATH = new InjectionToken('basePath');
+export const COLLECTION_FORMATS = {
+ 'csv': ',',
+ 'tsv': ' ',
+ 'ssv': ' ',
+ 'pipes': '|'
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/.gitignore b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/.gitignore
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index 000000000000..149b57654723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/README.md b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/README.md
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index 000000000000..000c51d694b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+## @openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore@1.0.0
+### Building
+To install the required dependencies and to build the typescript sources run:
+npm install
+npm run build
+### publishing
+First build the package then run ```npm publish dist``` (don't forget to specify the `dist` folder!)
+### consuming
+Navigate to the folder of your consuming project and run one of next commands.
+npm install @openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore@1.0.0 --save
+_without publishing (not recommended):_
+npm install PATH_TO_GENERATED_PACKAGE/dist.tgz --save
+_It's important to take the tgz file, otherwise you'll get trouble with links on windows_
+_using `npm link`:_
+npm link
+In your project:
+npm link @openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore
+__Note for Windows users:__ The Angular CLI has troubles to use linked npm packages.
+Please refer to this issue https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/8284 for a solution / workaround.
+Published packages are not effected by this issue.
+#### General usage
+In your Angular project:
+// without configuring providers
+import { ApiModule } from '@openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore';
+import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
+ imports: [
+ ApiModule,
+ // make sure to import the HttpClientModule in the AppModule only,
+ // see https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20575
+ HttpClientModule
+ ],
+ declarations: [ AppComponent ],
+ providers: [],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule {}
+// configuring providers
+import { ApiModule, Configuration, ConfigurationParameters } from '@openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore';
+export function apiConfigFactory (): Configuration {
+ const params: ConfigurationParameters = {
+ // set configuration parameters here.
+ }
+ return new Configuration(params);
+ imports: [ ApiModule.forRoot(apiConfigFactory) ],
+ declarations: [ AppComponent ],
+ providers: [],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule {}
+// configuring providers with an authentication service that manages your access tokens
+import { ApiModule, Configuration } from '@openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore';
+ imports: [ ApiModule ],
+ declarations: [ AppComponent ],
+ providers: [
+ {
+ provide: Configuration,
+ useFactory: (authService: AuthService) => new Configuration(
+ {
+ basePath: environment.apiUrl,
+ accessToken: authService.getAccessToken.bind(authService)
+ }
+ ),
+ deps: [AuthService],
+ multi: false
+ }
+ ],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule {}
+import { DefaultApi } from '@openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore';
+export class AppComponent {
+ constructor(private apiGateway: DefaultApi) { }
+Note: The ApiModule is restricted to being instantiated once app wide.
+This is to ensure that all services are treated as singletons.
+#### Using multiple OpenAPI files / APIs / ApiModules
+In order to use multiple `ApiModules` generated from different OpenAPI files,
+you can create an alias name when importing the modules
+in order to avoid naming conflicts:
+import { ApiModule } from 'my-api-path';
+import { ApiModule as OtherApiModule } from 'my-other-api-path';
+import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
+ imports: [
+ ApiModule,
+ OtherApiModule,
+ // make sure to import the HttpClientModule in the AppModule only,
+ // see https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20575
+ HttpClientModule
+ ]
+export class AppModule {
+### Set service base path
+If different than the generated base path, during app bootstrap, you can provide the base path to your service.
+import { BASE_PATH } from '@openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore';
+bootstrap(AppComponent, [
+ { provide: BASE_PATH, useValue: 'https://your-web-service.com' },
+import { BASE_PATH } from '@openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore';
+ imports: [],
+ declarations: [ AppComponent ],
+ providers: [ provide: BASE_PATH, useValue: 'https://your-web-service.com' ],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule {}
+#### Using @angular/cli
+First extend your `src/environments/*.ts` files by adding the corresponding base path:
+export const environment = {
+ production: false,
+In the src/app/app.module.ts:
+import { BASE_PATH } from '@openapitools/typescript-angular-petstore';
+import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
+ declarations: [
+ AppComponent
+ ],
+ imports: [ ],
+ providers: [{ provide: BASE_PATH, useValue: environment.API_BASE_PATH }],
+ bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
+export class AppModule { }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api.module.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api.module.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2afb8f64e926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api.module.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders, SkipSelf, Optional } from '@angular/core';
+import { Configuration } from './configuration';
+import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { PetService } from './api/pet.service';
+import { StoreService } from './api/store.service';
+import { UserService } from './api/user.service';
+ imports: [],
+ declarations: [],
+ exports: [],
+ providers: []
+export class ApiModule {
+ public static forRoot(configurationFactory: () => Configuration): ModuleWithProviders {
+ return {
+ ngModule: ApiModule,
+ providers: [ { provide: Configuration, useFactory: configurationFactory } ]
+ };
+ }
+ constructor( @Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule: ApiModule,
+ @Optional() http: HttpClient) {
+ if (parentModule) {
+ throw new Error('ApiModule is already loaded. Import in your base AppModule only.');
+ }
+ if (!http) {
+ throw new Error('You need to import the HttpClientModule in your AppModule! \n' +
+ 'See also https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20575');
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/api.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/api.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8e44b64083d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/api.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export * from './pet.service';
+import { PetService } from './pet.service';
+export * from './store.service';
+import { StoreService } from './store.service';
+export * from './user.service';
+import { UserService } from './user.service';
+export const APIS = [PetService, StoreService, UserService];
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/pet.service.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/pet.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af8f8e65cac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/pet.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+/* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
+import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';
+import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,
+ HttpResponse, HttpEvent, HttpParameterCodec, HttpContext
+ } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { CustomHttpParameterCodec } from '../encoder';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { ApiResponse } from '../model/apiResponse';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { Pet } from '../model/pet';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';
+import { Configuration } from '../configuration';
+ providedIn: 'root'
+export class PetService {
+ protected basePath = 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2';
+ public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
+ public configuration = new Configuration();
+ public encoder: HttpParameterCodec;
+ constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {
+ if (configuration) {
+ this.configuration = configuration;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.configuration.basePath !== 'string') {
+ if (typeof basePath !== 'string') {
+ basePath = this.basePath;
+ }
+ this.configuration.basePath = basePath;
+ }
+ this.encoder = this.configuration.encoder || new CustomHttpParameterCodec();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param consumes string[] mime-types
+ * @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise
+ */
+ private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean {
+ const form = 'multipart/form-data';
+ for (const consume of consumes) {
+ if (form === consume) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ private addToHttpParams(httpParams: HttpParams, value: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (typeof value === "object" && value instanceof Date === false) {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value);
+ } else {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value, key);
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ private addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams: HttpParams, value?: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === "object") {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ (value as any[]).forEach( elem => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, elem, key));
+ } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+ if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, (value as Date).toISOString().substr(0, 10));
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is Date");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Object.keys(value).forEach( k => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(
+ httpParams, value[k], key != null ? `${key}.${k}` : k));
+ }
+ } else if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, value);
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is not object or array");
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a new pet to the store
+ *
+ * @param pet Pet object that needs to be added to the store
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public addPet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public addPet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public addPet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public addPet(pet: Pet, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (pet === null || pet === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter pet was null or undefined when calling addPet.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/xml'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet`,
+ pet,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes a pet
+ *
+ * @param petId Pet id to delete
+ * @param apiKey
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public deletePet(petId: number, apiKey?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public deletePet(petId: number, apiKey?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deletePet(petId: number, apiKey?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deletePet(petId: number, apiKey?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (petId === null || petId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter petId was null or undefined when calling deletePet.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ if (apiKey !== undefined && apiKey !== null) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', String(apiKey));
+ }
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.delete(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/${encodeURIComponent(String(petId))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds Pets by status
+ * Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings
+ * @param status Status values that need to be considered for filter
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public findPetsByStatus(status: Array<'available' | 'pending' | 'sold'>, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public findPetsByStatus(status: Array<'available' | 'pending' | 'sold'>, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>>;
+ public findPetsByStatus(status: Array<'available' | 'pending' | 'sold'>, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>>;
+ public findPetsByStatus(status: Array<'available' | 'pending' | 'sold'>, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (status === null || status === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter status was null or undefined when calling findPetsByStatus.');
+ }
+ let localVarQueryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: this.encoder});
+ if (status) {
+ localVarQueryParameters = this.addToHttpParams(localVarQueryParameters,
+ status.join(COLLECTION_FORMATS['csv']), 'status');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get>(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/findByStatus`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ params: localVarQueryParameters,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds Pets by tags
+ * Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.
+ * @param tags Tags to filter by
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+ public findPetsByTags(tags: Array, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public findPetsByTags(tags: Array, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>>;
+ public findPetsByTags(tags: Array, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>>;
+ public findPetsByTags(tags: Array, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (tags === null || tags === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter tags was null or undefined when calling findPetsByTags.');
+ }
+ let localVarQueryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: this.encoder});
+ if (tags) {
+ localVarQueryParameters = this.addToHttpParams(localVarQueryParameters,
+ tags.join(COLLECTION_FORMATS['csv']), 'tags');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get>(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/findByTags`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ params: localVarQueryParameters,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find pet by ID
+ * Returns a single pet
+ * @param petId ID of pet to return
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public getPetById(petId: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public getPetById(petId: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getPetById(petId: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getPetById(petId: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (petId === null || petId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter petId was null or undefined when calling getPetById.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/${encodeURIComponent(String(petId))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update an existing pet
+ *
+ * @param pet Pet object that needs to be added to the store
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public updatePet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public updatePet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updatePet(pet: Pet, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updatePet(pet: Pet, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (pet === null || pet === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter pet was null or undefined when calling updatePet.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/xml'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.put(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet`,
+ pet,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates a pet in the store with form data
+ *
+ * @param petId ID of pet that needs to be updated
+ * @param name Updated name of the pet
+ * @param status Updated status of the pet
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public updatePetWithForm(petId: number, name?: string, status?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public updatePetWithForm(petId: number, name?: string, status?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updatePetWithForm(petId: number, name?: string, status?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public updatePetWithForm(petId: number, name?: string, status?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (petId === null || petId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter petId was null or undefined when calling updatePetWithForm.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+ ];
+ const canConsumeForm = this.canConsumeForm(consumes);
+ let localVarFormParams: { append(param: string, value: any): any; };
+ let localVarUseForm = false;
+ let localVarConvertFormParamsToString = false;
+ if (localVarUseForm) {
+ localVarFormParams = new FormData();
+ } else {
+ localVarFormParams = new HttpParams({encoder: this.encoder});
+ }
+ if (name !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams = localVarFormParams.append('name', name) as any || localVarFormParams;
+ }
+ if (status !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams = localVarFormParams.append('status', status) as any || localVarFormParams;
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/${encodeURIComponent(String(petId))}`,
+ localVarConvertFormParamsToString ? localVarFormParams.toString() : localVarFormParams,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * uploads an image
+ *
+ * @param petId ID of pet to update
+ * @param additionalMetadata Additional data to pass to server
+ * @param file file to upload
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public uploadFile(petId: number, additionalMetadata?: string, file?: Blob, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public uploadFile(petId: number, additionalMetadata?: string, file?: Blob, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public uploadFile(petId: number, additionalMetadata?: string, file?: Blob, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public uploadFile(petId: number, additionalMetadata?: string, file?: Blob, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (petId === null || petId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter petId was null or undefined when calling uploadFile.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (petstore_auth) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('petstore_auth');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ];
+ const canConsumeForm = this.canConsumeForm(consumes);
+ let localVarFormParams: { append(param: string, value: any): any; };
+ let localVarUseForm = false;
+ let localVarConvertFormParamsToString = false;
+ // use FormData to transmit files using content-type "multipart/form-data"
+ // see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4007969/application-x-www-form-urlencoded-or-multipart-form-data
+ localVarUseForm = canConsumeForm;
+ if (localVarUseForm) {
+ localVarFormParams = new FormData();
+ } else {
+ localVarFormParams = new HttpParams({encoder: this.encoder});
+ }
+ if (additionalMetadata !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams = localVarFormParams.append('additionalMetadata', additionalMetadata) as any || localVarFormParams;
+ }
+ if (file !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams = localVarFormParams.append('file', file) as any || localVarFormParams;
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/pet/${encodeURIComponent(String(petId))}/uploadImage`,
+ localVarConvertFormParamsToString ? localVarFormParams.toString() : localVarFormParams,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/store.service.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/store.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cc32a52fc4c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/store.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+/* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
+import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';
+import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,
+ HttpResponse, HttpEvent, HttpParameterCodec, HttpContext
+ } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { CustomHttpParameterCodec } from '../encoder';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { Order } from '../model/order';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';
+import { Configuration } from '../configuration';
+ providedIn: 'root'
+export class StoreService {
+ protected basePath = 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2';
+ public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
+ public configuration = new Configuration();
+ public encoder: HttpParameterCodec;
+ constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {
+ if (configuration) {
+ this.configuration = configuration;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.configuration.basePath !== 'string') {
+ if (typeof basePath !== 'string') {
+ basePath = this.basePath;
+ }
+ this.configuration.basePath = basePath;
+ }
+ this.encoder = this.configuration.encoder || new CustomHttpParameterCodec();
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ private addToHttpParams(httpParams: HttpParams, value: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (typeof value === "object" && value instanceof Date === false) {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value);
+ } else {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value, key);
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ private addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams: HttpParams, value?: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === "object") {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ (value as any[]).forEach( elem => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, elem, key));
+ } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+ if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, (value as Date).toISOString().substr(0, 10));
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is Date");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Object.keys(value).forEach( k => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(
+ httpParams, value[k], key != null ? `${key}.${k}` : k));
+ }
+ } else if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, value);
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is not object or array");
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete purchase order by ID
+ * For valid response try integer IDs with value < 1000. Anything above 1000 or nonintegers will generate API errors
+ * @param orderId ID of the order that needs to be deleted
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public deleteOrder(orderId: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public deleteOrder(orderId: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deleteOrder(orderId: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deleteOrder(orderId: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (orderId === null || orderId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter orderId was null or undefined when calling deleteOrder.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.delete(`${this.configuration.basePath}/store/order/${encodeURIComponent(String(orderId))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns pet inventories by status
+ * Returns a map of status codes to quantities
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public getInventory(observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable<{ [key: string]: number; }>;
+ public getInventory(observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getInventory(observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getInventory(observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get<{ [key: string]: number; }>(`${this.configuration.basePath}/store/inventory`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find purchase order by ID
+ * For valid response try integer IDs with value <= 5 or > 10. Other values will generated exceptions
+ * @param orderId ID of pet that needs to be fetched
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public getOrderById(orderId: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public getOrderById(orderId: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getOrderById(orderId: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getOrderById(orderId: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (orderId === null || orderId === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter orderId was null or undefined when calling getOrderById.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.get(`${this.configuration.basePath}/store/order/${encodeURIComponent(String(orderId))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Place an order for a pet
+ *
+ * @param order order placed for purchasing the pet
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public placeOrder(order: Order, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public placeOrder(order: Order, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public placeOrder(order: Order, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public placeOrder(order: Order, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (order === null || order === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter order was null or undefined when calling placeOrder.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ 'application/xml',
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/store/order`,
+ order,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/user.service.ts b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/user.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..070ed1221d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/client/petstore/typescript-angular-v14-provided-in-root/builds/with-npm/api/user.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+ * OpenAPI Petstore
+ * This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+/* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
+import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';
+import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams,
+ HttpResponse, HttpEvent, HttpParameterCodec, HttpContext
+ } from '@angular/common/http';
+import { CustomHttpParameterCodec } from '../encoder';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { User } from '../model/user';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables';
+import { Configuration } from '../configuration';
+ providedIn: 'root'
+export class UserService {
+ protected basePath = 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2';
+ public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
+ public configuration = new Configuration();
+ public encoder: HttpParameterCodec;
+ constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) {
+ if (configuration) {
+ this.configuration = configuration;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.configuration.basePath !== 'string') {
+ if (typeof basePath !== 'string') {
+ basePath = this.basePath;
+ }
+ this.configuration.basePath = basePath;
+ }
+ this.encoder = this.configuration.encoder || new CustomHttpParameterCodec();
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore
+ private addToHttpParams(httpParams: HttpParams, value: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (typeof value === "object" && value instanceof Date === false) {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value);
+ } else {
+ httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, value, key);
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ private addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams: HttpParams, value?: any, key?: string): HttpParams {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === "object") {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ (value as any[]).forEach( elem => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(httpParams, elem, key));
+ } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+ if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, (value as Date).toISOString().substr(0, 10));
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is Date");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Object.keys(value).forEach( k => httpParams = this.addToHttpParamsRecursive(
+ httpParams, value[k], key != null ? `${key}.${k}` : k));
+ }
+ } else if (key != null) {
+ httpParams = httpParams.append(key, value);
+ } else {
+ throw Error("key may not be null if value is not object or array");
+ }
+ return httpParams;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create user
+ * This can only be done by the logged in user.
+ * @param user Created user object
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public createUser(user: User, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public createUser(user: User, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUser(user: User, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUser(user: User, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (user === null || user === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter user was null or undefined when calling createUser.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user`,
+ user,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates list of users with given input array
+ *
+ * @param user List of user object
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public createUsersWithArrayInput(user: Array, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public createUsersWithArrayInput(user: Array, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUsersWithArrayInput(user: Array, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUsersWithArrayInput(user: Array, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (user === null || user === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter user was null or undefined when calling createUsersWithArrayInput.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/createWithArray`,
+ user,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates list of users with given input array
+ *
+ * @param user List of user object
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public createUsersWithListInput(user: Array, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public createUsersWithListInput(user: Array, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUsersWithListInput(user: Array, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public createUsersWithListInput(user: Array, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (user === null || user === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter user was null or undefined when calling createUsersWithListInput.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ const consumes: string[] = [
+ 'application/json'
+ ];
+ const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes);
+ if (httpContentTypeSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected);
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.post(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/createWithList`,
+ user,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete user
+ * This can only be done by the logged in user.
+ * @param username The name that needs to be deleted
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public deleteUser(username: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public deleteUser(username: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deleteUser(username: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public deleteUser(username: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: undefined, context?: HttpContext}): Observable {
+ if (username === null || username === undefined) {
+ throw new Error('Required parameter username was null or undefined when calling deleteUser.');
+ }
+ let localVarHeaders = this.defaultHeaders;
+ let localVarCredential: string | undefined;
+ // authentication (api_key) required
+ localVarCredential = this.configuration.lookupCredential('api_key');
+ if (localVarCredential) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('api_key', localVarCredential);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = options && options.httpHeaderAccept;
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected === undefined) {
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ const httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [
+ ];
+ localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts);
+ }
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected !== undefined) {
+ localVarHeaders = localVarHeaders.set('Accept', localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected);
+ }
+ let localVarHttpContext: HttpContext | undefined = options && options.context;
+ if (localVarHttpContext === undefined) {
+ localVarHttpContext = new HttpContext();
+ }
+ let responseType_: 'text' | 'json' | 'blob' = 'json';
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected) {
+ if (localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected.startsWith('text')) {
+ responseType_ = 'text';
+ } else if (this.configuration.isJsonMime(localVarHttpHeaderAcceptSelected)) {
+ responseType_ = 'json';
+ } else {
+ responseType_ = 'blob';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.httpClient.delete(`${this.configuration.basePath}/user/${encodeURIComponent(String(username))}`,
+ {
+ context: localVarHttpContext,
+ responseType: responseType_,
+ withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials,
+ headers: localVarHeaders,
+ observe: observe,
+ reportProgress: reportProgress
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get user by user name
+ *
+ * @param username The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.
+ * @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body.
+ * @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress.
+ */
+ public getUserByName(username: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable;
+ public getUserByName(username: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getUserByName(username: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable>;
+ public getUserByName(username: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false, options?: {httpHeaderAccept?: 'application/xml' | 'application/json', context?: HttpContext}): Observable