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[Moving] General

MyPictures edited this page Aug 2, 2015 · 10 revisions

This page explains configuration options which affect or support multiple moving checks.

Option Description
trace size
trace mergedist
vehicles preventdestroyown Prevent to destroy a vehicle while they are riding/mounting it.
vehicles enforcelocation
velocity graceticks
velocity activationcounter
velocity activationticks
velocity strictinvalidation
tempkickillegal Setting this to false will just kick a player that does a illegal movement instead of actually tempbaning him for 24 hours.
loadchunks join Setting this to true will load up chunks around the player while he/she is logging in.
assumesprint Setting this to true will assume that the player is always sprinting.


  • Players could do a illegal movements which would crash the server, so we made a check against it that would tempban a player for 24 hours if he/she exploits that. However some users wanted to just kick such players and for that reason we put boolean to activate/deactivate temporary banning called tempkickillegal.
  • Minecraft fixed the "destroyown vehicle" bug so vehicles preventdestroyown option is just here for outdated servers but leaving it enabled wont conflict with anything either.
  • The Minecraft client moves (well more falls) even if no chunks are loaded up which could trigger a tiny Passable false positive. We tried to smooth this further out by loading up the chuncks on join as fast as possible with loadchuncks _join_. It seems that Mojang allows the client to move inside unloaded chunks, for the vanilla fly check because it would prevent false positives with it.
  • assumesprint has been implemented because the server doesnt always seem to tell properly if the client is sprinting now or not.
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