All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- added height property to cube-from-sprite genertion
- added atlas tile offset rotation
- added sprite tile generator
- creating tileobjects in atlas
- palette culling for icons
- experimental hierarchy hideflag
- added wrapperclass of serializableDictionaries for U2019
- fixed wrong array reference
- changed sample to use standard instead of srp
- added additional atlasping in setup dialogue
- added some fallbacks to support U2019
- better brush behaviour
- hid data structure from inspector
- improved on-screen palette
- UNDO support for Updated Tiles in alignment behaviour
- RECT Brush by holding shift
- Drag and Drop tiles and gameobjects into builder window to add to atlas
- size calculation defaults to CeilToInt
- Labels in Tile Palette
- added bound calculation on tile creation
- support for multiple tile behaviours
- color support for layers in more windows
- fixed meta files for license, readme and samples~
- fixed allow TileBehaviourBase for tiles
- initial package version