This tool allows you to run a Nillion program under a simulated network.
Usage: nada-run [OPTIONS] <PROGRAM_PATH>
Program path
-p, --prime-size <PRIME_SIZE>
Prime size in bits
[default: 256]
-n, --network-size <NETWORK_SIZE>
The size of the simulated network
[default: 3]
-d, --polynomial-degree <POLYNOMIAL_DEGREE>
The degree of the polynomial used
[default: 1]
-i, --public-integer <INTEGERS>
An integer public variable.
These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.
--public-unsigned-integer <UNSIGNED_INTEGERS>
An unsigned integer public variable.
These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.
[aliases: ui]
--secret-integer <SECRET_INTEGERS>
An integer secret.
These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.
[aliases: si]
--secret-unsigned-integer <SECRET_UNSIGNED_INTEGERS>
An unsigned integer secret.
These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>`.
[aliases: sui]
--array-public-integer <ARRAY_INTEGERS>
An array of integer public variables
The expected pattern is `<name>=<comma-separated-value>`.
Example: array1=1,2,3
[aliases: ai]
--array-public-unsigned-integer <ARRAY_UNSIGNED_INTEGERS>
An array of unsigned integer public variables
The expected pattern is `<name>=<comma-separated-value>`.
Example: array1=1,2,3
[aliases: aui]
--array-secret-integer <ARRAY_SECRET_INTEGERS>
An array of integer secrets
The expected pattern is `<name>=<comma-separated-value>`.
Example: array1=1,2,3
[aliases: asi]
--array-secret-unsigned-integer <ARRAY_SECRET_UNSIGNED_INTEGERS>
An array of unsigned integer secrets
The expected pattern is `<name>=<comma-separated-value>`.
Example: array1=1,2,3
[aliases: asui]
--secret-blob <SECRET_BLOBS>
A blob secret.
These must follow the pattern `<name>=<value>` and the value must be encoded in base64.
[aliases: sb]
--nada-values-path <NADA_VALUES_PATH>
A path to load secrets from
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version