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Greg Orzell edited this page Jan 28, 2012 · 10 revisions


Used to identify a field or method in your application that you want to monitor using JMX, and possibly publish to other systems.

Keys Type Description
name String A name for what you are monitoring.
description String A description of what the monitor does.
type Enum (DataSourceType) The type of that will be collected.
tags String[] An array of key, value pairs to help identify and filter this monitor. Format is key=value everything before the first “=” will be parsed as the key.
@Monitor(name="UpdateCount", type= DataSourceType.COUNTER,
         description="Total number of times update has been called on the wrapped observer."
protected final AtomicInteger updateCount = new AtomicInteger(0);


protected final String name;


A method of field that is of the type List. This allows you to dynamically set tags inside your code.

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