This section provides information about the inventory, features, and steps for installing a Kubernetes solution on the environment.
- Prerequisites
- Inventory Preparation
- Deployment Schemes
- Taints and Toleration
- Configuration
- globals
- node_defaults
- nodes
- cluster_name
- control_plain
- public_cluster_ip
- registry
- gateway_nodes
- vrrp_ips
- services
- patches
- RBAC pss
- RBAC Accounts
- Plugins
- Advanced Features
- Installation without Internet Resources
- Installation Procedure
- Installation Features
- Supported Versions
The technical requirements for all types of host VMs for Kubemarine installation are specified in this section.
Ensure the following requirements are met:
Minimal Hardware
- 1 CPU
- 512MB RAM
Operating System
- Linux
- MacOS
- Windows (See Restrictions)
Preinstalled Software
- python 3.9 (or higher version)
- pip3
- Helm 3 (optional, only if Helm plugins required to be installed)
For more information about the different types of Kubemarine installation, refer to README.
System Clock
System clock should be synchronized the same way as for Cluster nodes system clock.
There are the following restrictions when deploying from Windows:
- ansible plugin procedures are not supported.
- All Kubemarine input text files must be in utf-8 encoding.
For cluster machines, ensure the following requirements are met:
Host type
- VM
- Bare-Metal
Host arch
- x86-64
Operating System
The following distributives and versions are supported:
- Centos 7.5+, 8.4, 9
- RHEL 7.5+, 8.4, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.2
- Oracle Linux 7.5+, 8.4, 9.2
- RockyLinux 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 9.2, 9.3 ,9.4, 9.5
- Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04.1, 24.04.1
Note: Ubuntu 24.04 is supported only with latest kubernetes versions: v1.29.7, v1.30.3, v1.31.1.
The actual information about the supported versions can be found in compatibility_map.distributives
section of globals.yaml configuration.
- Opened TCP-ports:
- Internal communication:
- 22 : SSH
- 53 : CoreDNS, if access is needed from services bound to the host network.
- 80 (or 20080, if balancers are presented): HTTP
- 179 : Calico BGP
- 443 (or 20443, if balancers are presented): HTTPS
- 5443 : Calico API server, if enabled
- 5473 : Calico networking with Typha enabled
- 6443 : Kubernetes API server
- 8443 : Ingress NGINX validating webhook
- 2379-2380 : ETCD server & client API
- 9091 : Calico metrics port
- 9093 : Calico Typha metrics port
- 10250 : Kubelet API
- 30000-32767 : NodePort Services
- Other ports if communication happens between services with any participant bound to the host network.
- External communication:
- 22 : SSH, if you use external nodes' IP addresses to deploy the cluster.
- 80
- 443
- 6443 : Kubernetes API server, if necessary to access externally. For example, using the helm plugin.
- Internal communication:
- Opened UDP-ports:
- Internal communication:
- 53 : CoreDNS, if access is needed from services bound to the host network.
- 4789 : Calico VxLAN encapsulation, if that type of encapsulation is enabled
- Internal communication:
- Enabled additional protocols:
- VRRP: protocol is using by keepalived to manage vIP between nodes with role balancer. IP protocol number - 112
- IPIP: protocol is using for communication between kubernetes nodes of several clusters in Active-Active scheme only. Make shure IPIP protocol is added to all Security Groups in OpenStack and allowed on all intermediate network devices. IP protocol number - 4
- Internal network bandwidth not less than 1GBi/s.
- Dedicated internal address, IPv4, and IPv6 are supported as well, for each VM.
- Any network security policies are disabled or whitelisted. This is especially important for OpenStack environments.
- Traffic is allowed for Opened TCP-ports between the nodes inside the cluster's internal subnet.
- TCP & UDP traffic is allowed for pod subnet between the nodes inside the cluster.
Search for address at
. By default,
for IPv4 orfd02::/48
for IPv6. - TCP & UDP traffic is allowed for service subnet between the nodes inside the cluster.
Search for address at
. By default,
for IPv4 orfd03::/112
for IPv6.
Warning: Kubemarine
works only with firewalld
as an IP firewall, and switches it off during the installation.
If you have other solution, remove or switch off the IP firewall before the installation.
- In case of NetworkManager usage at the control-plane and/or worker nodes, create the following configuration file at
to prevent NetworkManager from interfering with the interfaces being created by Calico:
Preinstalled Software
- Installation of the following packages is highly recommended; however, Kubernetes can work without them, but may show warnings:
- ethtool
- ebtables (included in the iptables-nft package which is available on systems like RHEL 9+)
- socat
Warning: You have to specify packages names in "RPM format" if it is possible for you OS,
For example, specify conntrack-tools
instead of conntrack
Note: For an automated installation, you can use Packages during installation.
Preinstalled or RPM repository provided in cluster.yaml
with the following RPMs from Supported versions table
- You can install a version other than the recommended version, but it is not supported and can cause unpredictable consequences.
- rh-haproxy18 (build provided by RedHat) is supported only for now.
Warning: RHEL 8 does not have Python preinstalled. For check_iaas
to work correctly, it is required to install Python on the nodes. Execute the following step before the installation procedure.
- Install
python 3.9
from the standard RHEL repository:
# dnf install python3.9 -y
is a native to Debian/Ubuntu automatic update mechanism. By default, it is included in the system and is configured to updating packages only from security-repository.
Warning: Do not use unattended-upgrade to automatically update packages besides security updates.
Note: Kubemarine disables unattended-upgrades for some packages. See associations for more information;
Note: Since this mechanism is launched once a day at a random time, it may coincide with the work of other package managers (apt, aptitude, dpkg, and so on), resulting in an error in these package managers. In this case, the simplest solution is to wait for the completion of the unattended-upgrades process and restart apt, aptitude, or dpkg.
- SSHD running on each VM via port 22.
- User with sudo and no-require-tty parameter in sudoers file.
- SSH key is configured on each node. The key should be available for the connection with a username from the previous statement.
- Logrotate policy for
is configured according to the planned load (it is recommended to use limited size and daily rotation)
For more information, refer to the Official Kubernetes Requirements Documentation at
The minimum hardware requirements for cluster machines are as follows:
- 1 CPU
- 10GB HDD
- 2 CPU
- 40GB HDD
- 4 CPU
- 80GB HDD
The recommended hardware requirements are as follows:
- 2 CPU
- 10GB HDD
- 4 CPU
- 8 CPU
- 16GB RAM
- 120GB HDD
Kubernetes clusters use the following important folders:
/var/lib/etcd - It is used for the etcd database storage at the control-plane nodes. Etcd is very sensitive to disk performance so it is recommended to put /var/lib/etcd to a separate fast disk (for example, SSD). The size of this disk depends on the etcd database size, but not less than 4 GB. For more information about etcd disks, refer to the ETCD Recommendation section.
/var/lib/containerd - It is a working directory of containerd, and is used for active container runtimes and storage of local images. For control-plane nodes, it should be at least 20 GB, whereas, for worker nodes, it should be 50 GB or more, depending on the application requirements.
/var/lib/kubelet - It is a working directory for kubelet. It includes kubelet's configuration files, pods runtime data, environment variables, kube secrets, emptyDirs and data volumes not backed by persistent storage PVs. Its size varies depending on the running applications.
/var/log - It is used for logs from all Linux subsystems (logs of pods are located there too). The recommended size is 10 to 30 GB or more, depending on the logrotation policy. Also, the logrotation should be configured properly to avoid a disk overflow.
To detect DiskPressure events for nodes, Kubernetes controls the nodefs
and imagefs
file system partitions.
The nodefs
(or rootfs
) is the node's main filesystem used for local disk volumes, emptyDir, log storage, and so on. By default, it is /var/lib/kubelet.
The imagefs
is an optional filesystem that the container runtimes use to store container images and container writable layers.
For containerd, it is the filesystem containing /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs.
If nodefs
or imagefs
reach the eviction thresholds (100% - nodefs.available
, 100% - imagefs.available
), the DiskPressure condition becomes true and the pods start being evicted from the node. So it is crucially important not to allow disk fulfillment coming to the eviction threshold for both nodefs and imagefs.
For a cluster with a high load on the ETCD, it is strongly recommended to mount dedicated SSD-volumes in the ETCD-storage directory (4 GB size at least is recommended) on each Control-plane before the installation. Mount point:
Before working with the cluster, you need to generate an ssh key. Kubemarine supports following types of keys: RSA, DSS, ECDSA, Ed25519.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
In internal environments, certificates signed by the custom CA root certificate can be used, for example, in a private repository. In this case, the custom CA root certificate should be added to all the cluster nodes.
- CentOS/RHEL/Oracle
# yum install ca-certificates
# curl -o /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/Custom_CA.crt
# update-ca-trust extract
- Ubuntu/Debian:
# apt install ca-certificates
# curl -o /usr/share/ca-certificates/Custom_CA.crt
# echo "Custom_CA.crt" >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf
# update-ca-certificates
Before you begin, select the deployment scheme and prepare the inventory.
Several deployment schemes exist for the cluster installation.
There are two major deployment schemes as follows:
- Non-HA Deployment
- HA Deployment
This deployment provides a single Kubemarine control-plane.
This scheme has one node assigned as control-plane and worker roles; balancer role is optional. This scheme is used for developing and demonstrating purposes only. An example of this scheme is available in the All-in-one Inventory Example.
The following image illustrates the All-in-one scheme.
This deployment type provides a highly available and reliable solution.
In this scheme, the control-plane, balancer, and worker roles are all assigned to odd number of identical nodes (at least 3). In this scheme, it is mandatory to enable VRRP to leverage balancing. An example of this scheme is available in the Mini-HA Inventory Example.
The following image illustrates the Mini-HA scheme.
In this scheme, several nodes are assigned different roles. The number of control-plane nodes should be odd, three, or more. The number of worker nodes should be greater than one or more than three. The recommended number of balancer nodes is two, with configured VRRP, but one balancer without VRRP is also supported. An example of this scheme presented is available in the Minimal Full-HA Inventory Example and Typical Full-HA Inventory Example.
The following image illustrates the Full-HA scheme.
A node, taint, lets you mark a node so that the scheduler avoids or prevents using it for certain pods. A complementary feature, tolerations, lets you designate pods that can be used on "tainted" nodes.
Node taints are key-value pairs associated with an effect. Following are the available effects:
- NoSchedule. The pods that do not tolerate this taint are not scheduled on the node; the existing pods are not evicted from the node.
- PreferNoSchedule. Kubernetes avoids scheduling the pods that do not tolerate this taint onto the node.
- NoExecute. A pod is evicted from the node if it is already running on the node, and is not scheduled onto the node if it is not yet running on the node.
Note: Some system pods, for example, kube-proxy and fluentd, tolerate all NoExecute and NoSchedule taints, and are not evicted.
In general, taints and tolerations support the following use cases:
- Dedicated nodes. You can use a combination of node affinity and taints/tolerations to create dedicated nodes. For example, you can limit the number of nodes onto which to schedule pods by using labels and node affinity, apply taints to these nodes, and then add corresponding tolerations to the pods to schedule them on those particular nodes.
- Nodes with special hardware. If you have nodes with special hardware, for example, GPUs, you have to repel pods that do not need this hardware and attract pods that need it. This can be done by tainting the nodes that have the specialized hardware and adding the corresponding toleration to pods that must use this special hardware.
- Taint-based evictions. New Kubernetes versions allow configuring per-pod eviction behavior on nodes that experience problems.
To set taint to any node, you can apply the following command:
kubectl taint nodes <NODENAME> <KEY>=<VALUE>:<EFFECT>
To remove the taint added by command above you can run:
kubectl taint nodes <NODENAME> <KEY>=<VALUE>:<EFFECT>-
- NODENAME is the name of the tainted node.
- KEY is the name of the taint. For example, special, database, infra, and so on.
- VALUE is the value for the taint.
- EFFECT is the effect for the taint behavior. It can be one of NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule, or NoExecute.
To deploy pods on tainted nodes, you should define the toleration section:
- key: <KEY>
operator: Equal
value: <VALUE>
effect: <EFFECT>
A toleration "matches" a taint, if the keys are the same and the effects are the same, and:
- the operator is Exists (in which case no value should be specified), or
- the operator is Equal and the values are equal.
Note: An empty key with operator Exists matches all keys, values, and effects which specifies that this tolerates everything.
By default, CoreDNS pods are scheduled to worker nodes. If the worker nodes have taints, the CoreDNS must have tolerations configuration in cluster.yaml, otherwise, the CoreDNS pods get stuck in the Pending state. For example:
- key: application
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
The plugins also require the tolerations section in case of node taints. The Calico pods already have tolerations to be assigned to all the cluster nodes. But for other plugins, it should be set in cluster.yaml. For more information, see Tolerations.
If you create your own plugins, the tolerations settings should be taken into account.
All the installation configurations for the cluster are in a single inventory file. It is recommended to name this file as cluster.yaml.
For more information about the structure of the inventory and how to specify the values, refer to the following configuration examples:
- Minimal Full-HA Inventory Example - It provides the minimum set of parameters required to install a cluster out of the box.
- Typical Full-HA Inventory Example - It provides a set of parameters that you probably want to configure.
- Full Full-HA Inventory Example - It provides almost all the possible parameters that you can configure.
- Minimal All-in-one Inventory Example - It provides the minimum set of parameters for deploying All-in-one scheme.
- Minimal Mini-HA Inventory Example - It provides the minimum set of parameters for deploying Mini-HA scheme.
When configuring the inventory, you can use your favorite IDE supporting YAML validation by JSON schema. JSON schema for inventory file can be used by URL. Do not try to copy the schema content.
Make sure to use a raw URL (at without any query parameters. The JSON schema is naturally versioned by a Kubemarine version, specifically, by GitHub tag or branch that you are currently checking.
Note that the inventory file is validated against the same schema at runtime.
The known IDEs that support validation are:
- PyCharm or other IntelliJ based IDEs.
- Red Hat's extension for Visual Studio Code.
The inventory file consists of the following sections.
In the globals
section you can describe the global parameters that can be overridden. For example:
retries: 300
timeout: 10
retries: 60
The following parameters are supported:
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Example | Description |
expect.deployments.timeout |
int | no | 5 | 10 |
Timeout between expect.deployments.retries for daemonsets/deployments/replicasets/statefulsets readiness waiting |
expect.deployments.retries |
int | no | 45 | 100 |
Number of retires to check daemonsets/deployments/replicasets/statefulsets readiness |
expect.pods.kubernetes.timeout |
int | no | 5 | 10 |
Timeout between expect.pods.kubernetes.retries for control-plane pods readiness waiting |
expect.pods.kubernetes.retries |
int | no | 30 | 50 |
Number of retires to check control-plane pods readiness |
expect.pods.plugins.timeout |
int | no | 5 | 10 |
Timeout between expect.pods.plugins.retries for pods readiness waiting in plugins |
expect.pods.plugins.retries |
int | no | 150 | 300 |
Number of retires to check pods readiness in plugins |
nodes.ready.timeout |
int | no | 5 | 10 |
Timeout between nodes.ready.retries for cluster node readiness waiting |
nodes.ready.retries |
int | no | 15 | 60 |
Number of retries to check a cluster node readiness |
ignore_unavailable_nodes_for_etchosts_update |
boolean | no | false | false | Allow to run prepare.dns.etc_hosts , update.etc_hosts tasks when some nodes are unavailable. Do not change the default value unless you know what for! |
In the node_defaults
section, you can describe the parameters to be applied by default to each record in the nodes section.
For example, by adding the keyfile
parameter in this section, it is copied to all elements of the nodes list.
However, if this parameter is defined in any element of nodes list, it is not replaced in it.
For example, you can have the following inventory content:
keyfile: "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"
username: "centos"
- name: "lb"
internal_address: ""
roles: ["balancer"]
- name: "control-plane"
keyfile: "/home/username/another.key"
internal_address: ""
roles: ["control-plane"]
After executing the above example, the final result is displayed as follows:
- name: "lb"
username: "centos"
keyfile: "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"
internal_address: ""
roles: ["balancer"]
- name: "control-plane"
username: "centos"
keyfile: "/home/username/another.key"
internal_address: ""
roles: ["control-plane"]
Following are the parameters allowed to be specified in the node_defaults
- keyfile, password, username, connection_port, connection_timeout, gateway, and boot.timeout.
- labels, and taints - specify at global level only if the Mini-HA Scheme is used. For more information about the listed parameters, refer to the following section.
Note: To establish an ssh connection, you can use either a keyfile or a password. In case if you are specifying both, keyfile will be considered on priority.
Note: Set an environment variable with the desired password. For example, you can use export PASS="your_password"
. In the cluster.yaml file, specify the password field using the environment variable syntax. For instance: password: '{{ env.PASS }}'
. This syntax instructs the code to fetch the value from the PASS environment variable and substitute it into the password field when reading the configuration file. See more details about environment variables.
In the nodes
section, it is necessary to describe each node of the future cluster.
The following options are supported:
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Example | Description |
keyfile | string | no | /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa |
Absolute path to keyfile on local machine to access the cluster machines, Either a keyfile or a password should be provided | |
password | string | no | password@123 |
Password to access the cluster machines, either a keyfile or a password should be provided | |
username | string | no | root |
centos |
Username for SSH-access the cluster machines |
name | string | no | k8s-control-plane-1 |
Cluster member name. If omitted, Kubemarine calculates the name by the member role and position in the inventory. Note that this leads to undefined behavior when adding or removing nodes. | |
address | ip address | no | |
External node's IP-address | |
internal_address | ip address | yes | |
Internal node's IP-address | |
connection_port | int | no | 22 |
Port for SSH-connection to cluster node | |
connection_timeout | int | no | 10 | 60 |
Timeout for SSH-connection to cluster node |
roles | list | yes | ["control-plane"] |
Cluster member role. It can be balancer , worker , or control-plane . |
labels | map | no | netcracker-infra: infra |
Additional labels for node | |
taints | list | no | See examples below | Additional taints for node. Caution: Use at your own risk. It can cause unexpected behavior. No support is provided for consequences. | |
boot.timeout | int | no | 600 | 900 |
Timeout for node reboot waiting |
An example with parameters values is as follows:
keyfile: "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"
password: '{{ env.PASS }}' #Either keyfile or password can be used.
username: "centos"
timeout: 900
- name: "k8s-lb"
address: ""
internal_address: ""
roles: ["balancer"]
- name: "k8s-control-plane-1"
address: ""
internal_address: ""
roles: ["control-plane"]
region: asia
- ""
- ""
- name: "k8s-worker-1"
address: ""
internal_address: ""
roles: ["worker"]
netcracker-infra: infra
region: europe
The example is also available in Full Inventory Example.
Warning: Please be informed that the master
role is obsolete and will be changed by control-plane
in the future. The
and master
roles are interchangeable at the moment. Therefore it's possible to use the control-plane
roles in any procedure.
In the cluster_name
variable specify the future address of the cluster.
On this address, the Control Plane Endpoint is raised, and it is used in the calculated parameters.
An example is as follows:
cluster_name: ""
Note: Cluster name should be a fully qualified domain name. It should not be an IP address.
For more information, refer to FQDN at
parameter specifies which addresses are to be available for Kubernetes. The internal and external parameter is described in the following table.
Parameter | Example | Description |
control_plain['internal'] | |
Internal network address for the connection. To be used for all internal kubeapi traffic. |
control_plain['external'] | |
External network address for the connection. To be used for serving and balancing external traffic and external connections. |
This parameter is calculated in the first turn so that it can be referenced in inventory parameters. For example:
answer: '3600 IN A {{ control_plain["internal"] }}'
This is an autocalculated parameter, but you can override it if you are aware about the procedure. For example:
Automatic calculation works according to the following principle: The algorithm iterates through and looks for appropriate addresses.
Addresses are taken from the following groups in order:
- Balancer
- Control-plane
Note: VRRP IPs with maintenance-type: "not bind"
do not participate in the control_plain calculation.
For more information, see maintenance type.
Note: It is important to notice that addresses may not necessarily be taken from a single group. There may be situation that the internal address is taken from the VRRP, and the external one from the Balancer. This situation is not recommended, but it is possible. If the inventory is correctly filled in and all the addresses that are available are indicated, the algorithm automatically selects the best pair of addresses.
After detecting addresses, the algorithm automatically displays the determined addresses and their sources as follows:
Control plains:
Internal: (vrrp_ip[0])
External: (balancer "balancer-1")
The algorithm of control_plain calculation chooses the very first address if there are several elements in the group.
If you are not satisfied with this principle, you can "help" the algorithm in choosing which address to take by specifying the control_endpoint
parameter for the group element.
For example:
- ip:
- ip:
control_endpoint: True
The above example produces the following result:
Control plains:
Internal: (vrrp_ip[1])
External: (vrrp_ip[1])
An example with mixed groups:
- ip:
- ip:
control_endpoint: True
- name: balancer-1
- name: balancer-2
control_endpoint: True
The above example produces the following result:
Control plains:
Internal: (vrrp_ip[1])
External: (balancer "balancer-2")
Note: control_endpoint
is not taken into account for VRRP IPs with maintenance-type: "not bind"
Warning: public_cluster_ip
is an obsolete variable, use control_plain.external
variable instead.
variable specifies the Kubernetes external address to connect from an external network.
This variable is optional and required if you are using Helm plugins installation.
By default public_cluster_ip
inherits control_plain["external"]
as shown in the following code:
public_cluster_ip: '{{ control_plain["external"] }}'
However, it is possible to change an address if the external control_plain parameter is not suitable. For example, if the cluster is behind an external balancer as shown in the following code.
public_cluster_ip: ""
If you want to install Kubernetes in a private environment, without access to the internet, then you
need to redefine the addresses of remote resources. These resources are many, so for convenience
there is a single unified registry parameter that allows you to specify the registry for everything
at once. To do this, you need to specify registry
section in the root of the inventory and fill it
with parameters.
The registry
parameter automatically completes the following parameters:
Path | Registry Type | Format | Example | Description |
services.kubeadm.imageRepository |
Docker | Address without protocol, where Kubernetes images are stored. It should be the full path to the repository. | |
Kubernetes Image Repository. The system container's images such as kubeapi or etcd is loaded from this registry. |
services.cri.containerdConfig.{{containerd-specific name}} |
Docker | Toml-like section with endpoints according to the containerd docs. | |
services.cri.containerdRegistriesConfig.{{registry}} |
Docker | Toml-like section with hosts.toml content for specific registry according to the containerd docs. | |
services.thirdparties.{{ thirdparty }}.source |
Plain | Address with protocol or absolute path on deploy node. It should be the full path to the file. | |
Thridparty Source. Thirdparty file, such as binary, archive and so on, is loaded from this registry. |
plugin_defaults.installation.registry |
Docker | Address without protocol, where plugins images are stored. | |
Plugins Images Registry. All plugins container's images are loaded from this registry. |
Note: You can enter these parameters yourself, as well as override them, even if the registry
parameter is set.
Registry section support 2 formats - new endpoints definition and old-style address-port format. We recommend to use new endpoints format as in the future we will abandon the old format. Only one format can be used.
The following parameters are supported:
Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
endpoints | list | Address list of registry endpoints | |
mirror_registry | string | registry.cluster.local |
The internal address of the containerd mirror registry, which should be defined in containers |
thirdparties | string | Address for the webserver, where thirdparties hosted |
Endpoint value is a string with an address (protocol, host, and port). Record format example:
Also, you can mix this types. Full example:
mirror_registry: "registry.cluster.local"
The following parameters are supported:
Parameter | Type | Default value | Description |
address | string | Full address to the registry, without protocol and port. | |
docker_port | number | Custom port for connecting to the image registry. | |
webserver | boolean | False |
A special parameter indicating whether registry has ability to serve http files. When enabled, the thirdparties are patched with the address provided. |
ssl | boolean | False |
Registry SSL support switch. |
docker_port: 5443
webserver: True
ssl: False
This configuration generates the following parameters:
capabilities: [pull, resolve]
However, if you override one of the replaced parameters, it is not replaced. For example, with the following configuration:
docker_port: 5443
webserver: True
ssl: False
The following configuration is produced:
capabilities: [pull, resolve]
If you do not have direct SSH-access to the cluster nodes from the deployer node and you need to connect via the gateway, you can specify the gateway nodes through which you need to create an SSH-tunnel. You can specify several gateways.
The following parameters are supported:
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
name | string | yes | Gateway node name |
address | ip address | yes | Gateway node's IP or hostname address for connection |
username | string | yes | Username for SSH-access the gateway node |
keyfile | string | no | Absolute path to keyfile on local machine to access the cluster machines, Either a keyfile or a password should be provided |
password | string | no | Password to access the cluster machines, Either a keyfile or a password should be provided |
An example is as follows:
- name: k8s-gateway-1
username: root
password: '{{ env.PASS }}'
keyfile: "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"
- name: k8s-gateway-2
username: root
password: '{{ env.PASS }}'
keyfile: "/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa"
You need to specify which gateways should be used to connect to nodes.
An example is as follows:
- name: "k8s-control-plane-1"
address: ""
internal_address: ""
roles: ["control-plane"]
gateway: k8s-gateway-1
- name: "k8s-control-plane-2"
address: ""
internal_address: ""
roles: ["control-plane"]
gateway: k8s-gateway-2
Note: If the gateway is not specified on the node, then the connection is direct.
Note: To establish an ssh connection, you can use either a keyfile or a password.
Installation task: deploy.loadbalancer.keepalived
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: Always yes, keepalived
OS specific: Yes, different OS may have different default network interfaces.
For interfaces with the autodetection mode selected, it is automatically detected by the internal_address
property of the node on which the particular VRRP IP should be set.
By default, autodetection is enabled.
In order to assign VRRP IP, you need to create a vrrp_ips
section in the inventory and specify the appropriate configuration.
You can specify several VRRP IP addresses.
This configuration will be applied in keepalived configuration on balancer nodes.
If it's needed, it's possible to specify global parameters or override whole keepalived configuration. More about it is
in keepalived section in loadbalancer specification.
The following parameters are supported:
Parameter | Default or Automatically Calculated Value | Description |
hosts | List of hosts on which the VRRP IP should be set. | |
hosts[i].name | The name of the node. It must match the name in the nodes list. |
hosts[i].priority | 255 - {{ i }} |
The priority of the VRRP IP host. |
hosts[i].interface | auto |
The interface on which the address must be listened for the particular host. |
ip | The IP address for virtual IP. | |
floating_ip | The floating IP address for virtual IP. | |
interface | auto |
The interface on which the address must be listened. The value of this property is propagated to the corresponding hosts[i].interface property, if the latter is not explicitly defined. |
id | md5({{ interface }} + {{ ip }}) cropped to 10 characters |
The ID of the VRRP IP. It must be unique for each VRRP IP. |
password | Randomly generated 8-digit string | Password for VRRP IP set. It must be unique for every VRRP IP ID. |
router_id | Last octet of IP | The router ID of the VRRP IP. Must be unique for each VRRP IP ID and have maximum 3-character size. |
params.maintenance-type | Label for IPs that describes what type of traffic should be received in maintenance mode. See maintenance mode and maintenance type |
There are several formats in which you can specify values.
The following are some examples of the format:
You can specify only the address of the VRRP IP, in which case it automatically applies to all balancers in the cluster and other parameters are automatically calculated. For example:
You can specify the address and which hosts it should apply to. Other parameters are automatically calculated. For example:
- hosts:
- name: balancer-1
priority: 254
- name: balancer-2
priority: 253
You can specify all possible parameters at one time instead of using auto-calculated. For example:
- hosts:
- name: balancer-1
priority: 254
interface: eth0
- name: balancer-2
priority: 253
interface: ens3
id: d8efc729e4
password: 11a1aabe
router_id: '1'
Generally, the maintenance configuration is the same as the default configuration for balancer. The maintenance_type
option allows to change the default behavior.
The following example describes the type of traffic that is applicable for a particular IP
in the maintenance mode configuration. (not bind
specifies that the IP receives neither TCP nor HTTP traffic):
- ip:
- ip:
maintenance-type: "not bind"
In the services
section, you can configure the service settings. The settings are described in the following sections.
Installation task: deploy.kubernetes
Can cause reboot: no
Can restart service: always yes, kubelet
OS specific: No
In the services.kubeadm
section, you can override the original settings for kubeadm.
For more information about these settings, refer to the official Kubernetes documentation at
By default, the installer uses the following parameters:
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
kubernetesVersion | v1.30.3 |
controlPlaneEndpoint | {{ cluster_name }}:6443 |
networking.podSubnet | for IPv4 or fd02::/48 for IPv6 |
networking.serviceSubnet | for IPv4 or fd03::/112 for IPv6 |
apiServer.certSANs | List with all nodes internal IPs, external IPs and names | Custom SANs are only appended to, but do not override the default list |
apiServer.extraArgs.enable-admission-plugins | NodeRestriction |
apiServer.extraArgs.feature-gates | PodSecurity=true is added for Kubernetes < v1.28 if RBAC pss is enabled |
apiServer.extraArgs.admission-control-config-file | /etc/kubernetes/pki/admission.yaml |
Provided default value overrides custom value if RBAC pss is enabled. |
apiServer.extraArgs.profiling | false |
apiServer.extraArgs.audit-log-path | /var/log/kubernetes/audit/audit.log |
apiServer.extraArgs.audit-policy-file | /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml |
apiServer.extraArgs.audit-log-maxage | 30 |
apiServer.extraArgs.audit-log-maxbackup | 10 |
apiServer.extraArgs.audit-log-maxsize | 100 |
scheduler.extraArgs.profiling | false |
controllerManager.extraArgs.profiling | false |
controllerManager.extraArgs.terminated-pod-gc-threshold | 1000 |
featureGates.ControlPlaneKubeletLocalMode | true |
Provided for Kubernetes version >= 1.31 |
The following is an example of kubeadm defaults override:
podSubnet: ''
serviceSubnet: ''
enable-admission-plugins: NodeRestriction,PodNodeSelector
profiling: "false"
audit-log-path: /var/log/kubernetes/audit/audit.log
audit-policy-file: /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml
audit-log-maxage: "30"
audit-log-maxbackup: "10"
audit-log-maxsize: "100"
profiling: "false"
profiling: "false"
terminated-pod-gc-threshold: "1000"
heartbeat-interval: "1000"
election-timeout: "10000"
Note: Those parameters remain in manifests files after Kubernetes upgrade. That is the proper way to preserve custom settings for system services.
Note: These kubeadm parameters can be reconfigured after installation using Reconfigure Procedure.
During init, join, upgrade procedures kubeadm runs preflight
procedure to do some preliminary checks. In case of any error kubeadm stops working. Sometimes it is necessary to ignore some preflight errors to deploy or upgrade successfully.
Kubemarine allows to configure kubeadm preflight errors to be ignored.
ignorePreflightErrors: Port-6443,CoreDNSUnsupportedPlugins,DirAvailable--var-lib-etcd
Note: Default settings for ignorePreflightErrors
ignorePreflightErrors: Port-6443,CoreDNSUnsupportedPlugins
By default, the v1.30.3
version of the Kubernetes is installed. See the table of supported versions for details in Supported versions section. However, we recommend that you explicitly specify the version you are about to install. This version applies into all the dependent parameters - images, binaries, rpms, configurations: all these are downloaded and used according to your choice. To specify the version, use the following parameter as in example:
kubernetesVersion: v1.30.3
- Manual Service Account Issuer setup on an already installed Kubernetes cluster is not supported.
- Service Account Issuer feature is supported only on Kubernetes 1.20.
If Service Account Issuer is required, you can configure the necessary Kubernetes parameters using the kubeadm
section in the cluster config. For example:
feature-gates: "ServiceAccountIssuerDiscovery=true"
service-account-issuer: "https://{{ cluster_name }}:6443"
service-account-jwks-uri: "https://{{ cluster_name }}:6443/openid/v1/jwks"
service-account-signing-key-file: /etc/kubernetes/pki/sa.key
service-account-key-file: /etc/kubernetes/pki/
feature-gates: "ServiceAccountIssuerDiscovery=true"
feature-gates: "ServiceAccountIssuerDiscovery=true"
To be able to fetch the public keys and validate the JWT tokens against the Kubernetes cluster’s issuer, you have to allow external unauthenticated requests. To do this, bind the special role, system:service-account-issuer-discovery, with a ClusterRoleBinding to unauthenticated users. Make sure that this is safe in your environment, but only public keys are visible on the URL.
Warning: The following command opens an unauthenticated access to the endpoint receiving public tokens. Do not execute this command if you do not need to open access to the outside, or if you do not understand what you are doing. If you still decide to open an external access, make sure to provide secure access to this endpoint with external resources outside the cluster.
For example:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding oidc-reviewer --clusterrole=system:service-account-issuer-discovery --group=system:unauthenticated
If you need to test that the Service Account Issuer is working, implement the following steps:
- Create a test pod:
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
serviceAccountName: default
- image: nginx:alpine
name: oidc
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
name: oidc-token
- name: oidc-token
- serviceAccountToken:
path: oidc-token
expirationSeconds: 7200
audience: vault
- Verify whether oidc-token is available:
kubectl exec nginx -- cat /var/run/secrets/tokens/oidc-token
- Verify ServiceAccount JWT:
kubectl exec nginx -- cat /var/run/secrets/
- Get the CA signing certificate of the Kubernetes API Server’s certificate to validate it:
kubectl exec nginx -- cat /var/run/secrets/ > kubernetes_ca.crt
- Visit well-known OIDC URLs:
curl --cacert kubernetes_ca.crt https://CLUSTER_NAME:6443/.well-known/openid-configuration
Example result:
"issuer": "https://localhost:6443",
"jwks_uri": "https://localhost:6443/openid/v1/jwks",
"response_types_supported": [
"subject_types_supported": [
"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
- Visit the JWKS address ("jwks_uri") to view public keys:
curl --cacert kubernetes_ca.crt https://CLUSTER_NAME:6443/openid/v1/jwks
Example result:
"keys": [
"use": "sig",
"kty": "RSA",
"kid": "Rt3TBA31bh3rH67PQbKImg2ldwhPqBTWF2w1Hxqi84c",
"alg": "RS256",
"n": "vL0tjBqLDFTyqOCPBQC5Mww_3xkhlkWmeklPjSAhFuqL0U-Oie9E1z8FuhcApBaUs7UEPzja02PEZd4i1UF2UDoxKYEG9hG5vPseTXwN_xGnbhOaBdfgQ7KDvqV-WHfmlrnnCizi1VmNAHsoAg6oZMiUdOuk8kCFxpe0N6THmBKNSKnqoRnhSL4uwHSBWJ5pEyWAqyL8KYaaGYhc2MVUs3I8e-gtQE6Vlwe75_QSp9uIZNZeFr5keqiXhz8BWL76ok-vY8UZ8-rH2VIN5LzXkCvhIFI9W_UBzziSnb9l5dgSQCwGf18zVgT0yJjCz0Z9YE9A1Wgeu-LLrJz3gxR8Hw",
"e": "AQAB"
Installation task: deploy.kubernetes
Can cause reboot: no
Can restart service: always yes, kubelet
OS specific: No
In the services.kubeadm_kubelet
section, you can override the original settings for kubelet.
For more information about these settings, refer to the official Kubernetes documentation at
By default, the installer uses the following parameters:
Parameter | Default Value |
readOnlyPort | 0 |
protectKernelDefaults | true |
podPidsLimit | 4096 |
maxPods | 110 |
cgroupDriver | systemd |
serializeImagePulls | false |
the default value is chosen to prevent Fork Bomb
field defines which cgroup driver the kubelet controls. Configuring the kubelet cgroup driver.
parameter defines whether the images will be pulled in parallel (false) or one at a time.
Note: Some of the parameters can be reconfigured after installation using Reconfigure Procedure.
Warning: If you want to change the values of variables podPidsLimit
and maxPods
, you have to update the value of the pid_max
(this value should not less than result of next expression: maxPods * podPidsLimit + 2048
), which can be done using task prepare.system.sysctl
. To get more info about pid_max
you can go to sysctl section.
The following is an example of kubeadm defaults override:
readOnlyPort: 0
protectKernelDefaults: true
podPidsLimit: 2048
maxPods: 100
cgroupDriver: systemd
Installation task: deploy.kubernetes
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: Always yes, kubelet
OS specific: No
In the services.kubeadm_kube-proxy
section, you can override the original settings for kube-proxy.
For more information about these settings, refer to the official Kubernetes documentation at
Note: conntrack.min
inherits the
value from sysctl, therefore if you would like to change this variable, set the desired value in
Note: These parameters can be reconfigured after installation using Reconfigure Procedure.
Installation task: deploy.kubernetes
Can cause reboot: no
Can restart service: always yes, kubelet
OS specific: No
In services.kubeadm_patches
section, you can override control-plane pod settings as well as kubelet settings on per node basis.
This feature is implemented by using of kubeadm patches.
The following is an example of control-plane settings override:
- groups: [control-plane]
max-requests-inflight: 500
- nodes: [master-3]
max-requests-inflight: 600
- nodes: [master-1]
snapshot-count: 110001
- nodes: [master-2]
snapshot-count: 120001
- nodes: [master-3]
snapshot-count: 130001
- groups: [control-plane]
authorization-webhook-cache-authorized-ttl: 30s
- nodes: [master-2,master-3]
profiling: true
- nodes: [worker5]
maxPods: 100
- nodes: [worker6]
maxPods: 200
By default, Kubemarine sets bind-address
parameter of kube-apiserver
to node.internal_address
via patches at every control-plane node.
Note: These parameters can be reconfigured after installation using Reconfigure Procedure.
Note: If a parameter of control-plane pods is defined in kubeadm.<service>.extraArgs
or is set by default by kubeadm and then redefined in services.kubeadm_patches
, the pod manifest file will contain the same flag twice, the value taken from services.kubeadm_patches will be in the end of the arguments list.
This is a common section for selinux
and apparmor
Installation task: prepare.system.setup_selinux
Can cause reboot: Yes, only on configurations change
Can restart service: No
Overwrite files: Yes, only on configurations change: /etc/selinux/config
, backup is created
OS specific: Yes, performs only on RHEL OS family.
All the SELinux settings are specified in the services.kernel_security.selinux
section of the inventory.
Note: SELinux configuration is possible only on nodes running Centos or RHEL operating system.
The following parameters are available:
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
state |
string | no | enforcing |
enforcing - The SELinux security policy is enforced. |
Defines the top-level state of SELinux on a system. |
permissive - The SELinux system prints warnings but does not enforce policy. This is useful for debugging and troubleshooting purposes. |
disabled - SELinux is fully disabled. SELinux hooks are disengaged from the kernel and the pseudo-file system is unregistered. |
policy |
string | no | targeted |
targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected. |
Specifies which policy is currently being enforced by SELinux. |
strict - Full SELinux protection, for all daemons. Security contexts are defined, for all subjects and objects, and every single action is processed by,the policy enforcement server. |
permissive |
list | no | - haproxy_t |
any | Certain SELinux object type policy records, applicable without requiring modification to or recompilation from the policy sources. |
Warning: It is recommended to use the default values. Using values different from the default may cause an unexpected consequences and no support is provided for consequences.
Note: Turning off and then turning on SELinux can lead to the loss of security rules, which were configured earlier.
For more information about SELinux, refer to the Official RedHat SELinux Configuration Documentation at
The procedure for applying SELinux settings is as follows:
- The current settings on remote hosts are validated first. The detected configurations are precisely compared with the configurations from the inventory:
SELinux status
compared withservices.selinux.state
- Specified if SELinux needs to be disabled or not.Current mode
andMode from config file
compared with theservices.selinux.state
parameter.Loaded policy name
andPolicy from config file
compared with theservices.selinux.policy
parameter.Customized Permissive Types
items compared with items in theservices.selinux.permissive
list parameter.
- If there are no differences, then proceeds with the following tasks.
- If there is at least one difference, the application of all SELinux settings for remote nodes begins.
- After applying the settings, it is planned to reboot and re-validate the required configurations.
- When re-validating, everything is checked again as described in Step 1.
Installation task: prepare.system.setup_apparmor
Can cause reboot: Yes, only on configurations change.
Can restart service: No
Overwrite files: Yes, only on configurations change: /etc/apparmor.d
, no backups.
OS specific: Yes, performs only on Ubuntu OS family.
All the AppArmor settings are specified in the services.kernel_security.apparmor
section of the inventory.
Note: AppArmor configuration is possible only on nodes running Ubuntu or Debian operating system.
In the AppArmor section, you must declare the already existing AppArmor profiles, the state of which needs to be changed. It is not necessary to indicate all the available profiles - something that is not indicated is not affected. The profiles should be specified in a standard way using a path or name. It is possible to modify the following states:
(default mode) - prohibits everything according to the profile settings.complain
- does not prohibit, but only displays violation warnings in the logs.disable
- disables and unloads security profile.
Note: The necessary profiles are installed and configured by themselves during the installation of packages and their activation manually is not required by default. However, if some profiles are missing for you, you need to preload them on all nodes yourself and launch the AppArmor task after that.
- /etc/cron/daily/logrotate
- /sbin/dhclient
- nvidia_modprobe
- /usr/lib/postfix/smtp
- man_filter
- /usr/bin/ping
- /bin/netstat
- man_groff
If you need to disable AppArmor, you cannot do this using Kubemarine. If you absolutely need it, you can uninstall AppArmor from the system through the package manager.
Note: After the installation of new repositories, the repodata is reloaded.
Installation task: prepare.package_manager.configure
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: No
Overwrite files: Yes, /etc/yum.repos.d/
or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
backup is presented.
OS specific: Yes, different defaults for different OS families.
Warning: This section is specific to different OS families. Ensure that you use the proper definition format for your OS distributive - it may differ from the presented examples in this document.
If your cluster is in a closed environment or if you need to add additional package manager repositories, you can specify them in the services.packages.package_manager
section of inventory.
The following parameters are supported:
Parameter | Default value | Description |
replace-repositories | false |
Deletes old repositories on hosts and installs new ones instead. |
repositories | List of new repositories. |
In the repositories section, you need to specify new repositories to install. The contents of their configurations can be arbitrary and is directly forwarded into the yum repo files.
For example in CentOS:
replace-repositories: true
name: "Kubernetes"
enabled: 1
gpgcheck: 0
baseurl: ""
name: "My repository"
enabled: 1
gpgcheck: 1
baseurl: ""
For example in Ubuntu:
replace-repositories: true
- "deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] focal main restricted"
- "deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] focal-updates main restricted"
- "deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] focal universe"
- "deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] focal-updates universe"
- "deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] focal multiverse"
- "deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] focal-updates multiverse"
- "deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse"
- "deb [arch=amd64 trusted=yes] buster stable"
Note: You cannot and do not need to specify repositories for different package managers. The package manager is detected automatically and the specified configuration should match it.
Note: You can use secure repositories with credentials as for thirdparties.
Installation task: prepare.package_manager.manage_packages
Can cause reboot: Yes, only when a list of installed packages changes.
Can restart service: No
OS specific: Yes, the necessary package manager is selected for different OS families.
By default, the installer installs predefined list of mandatory packages from the package manager. The mandatory packages are:
- conntrack
- iptables
- curl
- openssl
- unzip
- semanage
- kmod
The exact package names are detected automatically depending on the OS family of the cluster. For more information, see associations.
Warning: Make sure to have all the mandatory packages available in the repositories. You can configure the necessary repositories in the package_manager section of the inventory.
Most of the mandatory packages are installed on all nodes with the following exceptions:
- conntrack and iptables are installed only on control-plane and worker nodes.
- unzip is installed only on nodes that require thirdparties that are packed in .zip archives. For more information, see the unpack option in thirdparties.
- semanage is installed only on RHEL nodes.
If you need to turn some mandatory packages off for some reason,
it can be done in the services.packages.mandatory
section. For example:
conntrack: false
If you need other custom packages, you can manage them directly during the installation. You can choose any one of the following types of actions:
- remove
- install
- upgrade
All these actions are performed in a sequence as described above. You can specify only some types of actions or all at once. Short and full configuration formats are available.
Warning: Before you start working, ensure to check that you have all the necessary dependencies in the repositories you are using. You can configure the necessary repositories in the package_manager section of inventory.
Warning: This section is specific to different OS families. Ensure that you use the proper definition format for your OS distributive - it may differ from the presented examples in this document.
Warning: The packages in the install section are installed on all nodes.
The following is an example to install new packages:
- ethtool
- ebtables
- socat
The following is an example to install, upgrade, and remove packages:
- socat
- ebtables
- ethtool
The format of package definition is same as in the package manager. You can specify the exact version of package to install:
- ebtables-2.0.*
- ethtool-4.*
To update all packages, you can use an asterisk. For example:
- *
A more complex format is also available in which you can enable and exclude packages from processing:
- *
- kernel
- gluster
Warning: Be careful with managing packages, they directly affect the host operating system.
Warning: If changes in the installed packages list are detected, a reboot is scheduled.
Installation task: No
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: No
OS specific: Yes, different defaults for different OS families.
Warning: This section is specific to different OS families. Ensure that you use the proper definition format for your OS distributive - it may differ from the presented examples in this document.
In the services.packages
section, there is a services.packages.associations
sub-section that allows you to configure predefined associations of package objects. It allows you to redefine the following knowledges:
- executable_name
- package_name
- service_name
- config_location
This setting is required to change the behavior of the installer such as to install a package with a different name, use the configuration file from the different path, and so on.
Note: Associations defaults automatically switches for different OS families. Do not worry about this; use those associations that are specific to your operating system in the common section - specify which one is not required in common cases.
The following associations are used by default:
Subject | Association key | Association value |
containerd | executable_name | containerd |
package_name |{{k8s-version-specific}} | |
service_name | containerd | |
config_location | /etc/containerd/config.toml | |
haproxy | executable_name | /opt/rh/rh-haproxy18/root/usr/sbin/haproxy |
package_name | rh-haproxy18-haproxy-{{k8s-version-specific}} | |
service_name | rh-haproxy18-haproxy | |
config_location | /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg | |
keepalived | executable_name | keepalived |
package_name | keepalived-{{k8s-version-specific}} | |
service_name | keepalived | |
config_location | /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf | |
audit | executable_name | auditctl |
package_name | auditd | |
service_name | auditd | |
config_location | /etc/audit/rules.d/predefined.rules | |
conntrack | package_name | conntrack-tools |
iptables | package_name | iptables |
openssl | package_name | openssl |
curl | package_name | curl |
unzip | package_name | unzip |
kmod | package_name | kmod |
semanage | package_name | policycoreutils-python |
Subject | Association key | Association value |
containerd | executable_name | containerd |
package_name | containerd={{k8s-version-specific}} | |
service_name | containerd | |
config_location | /etc/containerd/config.toml | |
haproxy | executable_name | /usr/sbin/haproxy |
package_name | haproxy={{k8s-version-specific}} | |
service_name | haproxy | |
config_location | /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg | |
keepalived | executable_name | keepalived |
package_name | keepalived={{k8s-version-specific}} | |
service_name | keepalived | |
config_location | /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf | |
audit | executable_name | auditctl |
package_name | auditd | |
service_name | auditd | |
config_location | /etc/audit/rules.d/predefined.rules | |
conntrack | package_name | conntrack |
iptables | package_name | iptables |
openssl | package_name | openssl |
curl | package_name | curl |
unzip | package_name | unzip |
kmod | package_name | kmod |
- By default, the packages' versions are installed according to the Kubernetes version specified in the Supported versions section.
- In the procedure for adding nodes, the package versions are taken from the current nodes to match the nodes in the cluster.
For example, if
is installed on the nodes of the cluster, this version is installed on the new node. This behavior can be changed by setting thecache_versions
option to "false". The package versions are then used only with the template from theassociations
section. The option can be used both in globalservices.packages
and in specific associations sections. - 'cache_versions' is installed to 'false' for following packages:
- openssl;
- curl;
- unzip;
- kmod;
- semanage;
- Kubemarine disables
for packages on Ubuntu/Debian nodes with "true"cache_versions
The following is an example of overriding containerd associations:
cache_versions: true
cache_versions: false
executable_name: 'containerd'
- '*'
service_name: 'containerd'
config_location: '/etc/containerd/config.toml'
In case when you should redefine associations for multiple OS families at once, you should define their names in the root of associations
in the following way:
cache_versions: true
executable_name: '/usr/sbin/haproxy'
package_name: haproxy=1.8.*
executable_name: '/opt/rh/rh-haproxy18/root/usr/sbin/haproxy'
package_name: rh-haproxy18-haproxy-1.8*
Note: There are only 4 supported OS families: debian, rhel, rhel8 (for RHEL based version 8), and rhel9 (for RHEL based version 8).
Installation task: prepare.thirdparties
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: No
Overwrite files: Yes, backup is not presented
OS specific: No
The installer has a mechanism to automatically deliver files from third party sources and install them in the system.
For example, using it is convenient to automatically download a certain file from a repository and place it in a specific place in the system.
This is configured in the services.thirdparties
section. The contents of this section are as follows:
- The absolute destination path on the host system of the cluster is indicated as a key
- A set of the following parameters is indicated as values:
Name | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
source | yes | Source from where to upload the file to hosts. It can be an URL or an absolute path on the deployment node. For detailed description of this parameter, see Installation without Internet Resources. | |
sha1 | no | None |
SHA1 hash of the file. It is necessary in order to check with an existing file on the hosts and decide whether to download the file or not. |
owner | no | root |
The owner who needs to be assigned to the file after downloading it. |
mode | no | 700 |
The mode which needs to be assigned to the file after downloading it. |
unpack | no | None |
Absolute path on hosts where to unpack the downloaded file. Unpacking is supported only for the following file extensions: .tar.gz and .zip . |
group | no | None |
The name of the group to whose hosts the file should be uploaded. |
groups | no | None |
The list of group names to whose hosts the file should be uploaded. |
node | no | None |
The name of node where the file should be uploaded. |
nodes | no | None |
The list of node names where the file should be uploaded. |
Warning: verify that you specified the path to the correct version of the thirdparty.
Note: Groups and nodes can be combined.
Note: If no groups and nodes are present, then the file is uploaded to control-planes and workers by default.
Note: If the file is already uploaded to hosts and its hash matches with the hash in the config, then the file is not downloaded again.
Note: The installation of the thirdparties sources that are required in the plugins are installed with the plugin. For more information, see thirdparty.
By default, the installer installs the following thirdparties with the following configuration:
source: '{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubeadm'
source: '{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubelet'
source: '{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl'
group: control-plane
source: '{{calico-version}}/calicoctl-linux-amd64'
group: control-plane
source: '{{crictl-version}}/crictl-{{crictl-version}}-linux-amd64.tar.gz'
group: control-plane
unpack: /usr/bin/
If necessary, you can redefine or add thirdparties. For example:
If you have secure registry for thirdparties, you can specify credentials in source
field using HTTP basic configuration, e.g.:
source: 'http://user:password@some-registry-url/kubernetes-release/release/{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubeadm'
source: 'http://user:password@some-registry-url/kubernetes-release/release/{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubelet'
source: 'http://user:password@some-registry-url/kubernetes-release/release/{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl'
source: 'http://user:password@some-registry-url/projectcalico/calico/releases/download/{{calico-version}}/calicoctl-linux-amd64'
source: 'http://user:password@some-registry-url/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools/releases/download/{{crictl-version}}/crictl-{{crictl-version}}-linux-amd64.tar.gz'
Note: Percent-encoded (URL encoded) should be used for credentials. For example for username user
and password p@$$w0rD
source: 'http://user:p%40%24%24w0rD@some-registry-url/kubernetes-release/release/{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubeadm'
Also it's possible to use environment variables for such credentials. For that kubemarine provide following jinja functions to convert strings:
to encode to base64;b64decode
to decode from base64;url_quote
to use percent-encoding;
Note: Such functions can be used not only for thirdparties, but in any places and order;
For example, if you use REG_USERNAME
environments for credentials, you can use following configuration:
source: 'http://{{ env.REG_USERNAME | url_quote }}:{{ env.REG_PASSWORD | url_quote }}@some-registry-url/kubernetes-release/release/{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubeadm'
source: 'http://{{ env.REG_USERNAME | url_quote }}:{{ env.REG_PASSWORD | url_quote }}@some-registry-url/kubernetes-release/release/{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubelet'
source: 'http://{{ env.REG_USERNAME | url_quote }}:{{ env.REG_PASSWORD | url_quote }}@some-registry-url/kubernetes-release/release/{{k8s-version}}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl'
source: 'http://{{ env.REG_USERNAME | url_quote }}:{{ env.REG_PASSWORD | url_quote }}@some-registry-url/projectcalico/calico/releases/download/{{calico-version}}/calicoctl-linux-amd64'
source: 'http://{{ env.REG_USERNAME | url_quote }}:{{ env.REG_PASSWORD | url_quote }}@some-registry-url/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools/releases/download/{{crictl-version}}/crictl-{{crictl-version}}-linux-amd64.tar.gz'
Installation task: prepare.cri
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: Always yes, containerd
Overwrite files: Yes, by default /etc/containerd/config.toml
, /etc/crictl.yaml
and /etc/ctr/kubemarine_ctr_flags.conf
, backup is created.
Additionally, if plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.config_path
is defined in services.cri.containerdConfig
specified directory will be created and filled according services.cri.containerdRegistriesConfig
OS specific: No
The services.cri
section configures container runtime used for kubernetes. By default, the following parameters are used:
containerRuntime: containerd
version: 2
runtime_type: "io.containerd.runc.v2"
SystemdCgroup: true
# This parameter is added, if no registry.mirrors and registry.configs.tls specified:
config_path: "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
Note: default value of SystemdCgroup
= true
only in case, when cgroupDriver
from kubelet config is equal to systemd
The containerRuntime
parameter configures a particular container runtime implementation used for kubernetes.
Currently, only containerd
is available and used by default.
It is possible to additionally define the containerdConfig
which contains the parameters passed to config.toml
, for example:
containerRuntime: containerd
Also, it is possible to specify registries configuration in registries hosts format using containerdRegistriesConfig
containerRuntime: containerd
capabilities: [ "pull", "resolve" ]
If containerdRegistriesConfig
is specified, registries hosts configuration is placed in /etc/containerd/certs.d
directory by default.
It's possible to override this value plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".registry.config_path
in containerdConfig
containerRuntime: containerd
config_path: "/etc/containerd/registries"
capabilities: [ "pull", "resolve" ]
Note: it's possible to specify registries using registry.mirrors
and registries.configs.tls
, but it's not recommended,
because this approach is deprecated by containerd team since containerd v1.5.0:
containerRuntime: containerd
insecure_skip_verify: true
Note: registry.mirrors
and registries.configs.tls
can't be used with config_path
or containerdRegistriesConfig
because it's restricted by containerd. In that case kubemarine fails with exception during enrichment.
Although, registry.mirrors
and registries.configs
are deprecated, when the registry requires an authentication,
it should be specified using registries.configs.auth
, as in following example:
containerRuntime: containerd
auth: "bmMtdXNlcjperfr="
capabilities: [ "pull", "resolve" ]
skip_verify: true
Where, auth: "bmMtdXNlcjperfr="
field is username:password
string in base64 encoding.
Note: it's possible to use environment variables for credentials as for thirdparies.
For example, you can use REG_USERNAME
environments with folowing configuration:
containerRuntime: containerd
auth: "{{ (env.REG_USERNAME ~ ':' ~ env.REG_PASSWORD ) | b64encode }}"
capabilities: [ "pull", "resolve" ]
skip_verify: true
Or more simple:
containerRuntime: containerd
username: "{{ env.REG_USERNAME }}"
password: "{{ env.REG_PASSWORD }}"
capabilities: [ "pull", "resolve" ]
skip_verify: true
Note how containerdConfig
and containerdRegistriesConfig.<registry>
sections reflect the toml format structure.
For more details on containerd configuration, refer to the official containerd configuration file documentation at
By default, the following parameters are used for containerdConfig
version: 2
runtime_type: "io.containerd.runc.v2"
SystemdCgroup: true
# This parameter is added, if no registry.mirrors and registry.configs.tls specified:
config_path: "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
Note: crictl
binary is also installed and configured as required.
Note: After applying the parameters, containerd is restarted on all nodes in the cluster.
Installation task: prepare.system.modprobe
Can cause reboot: Yes, only when a list of kernel modules changes.
Can restart service: No
Overwrite files: Yes, only when a list of kernel modules changes, /etc/modules-load.d/predefined.conf
, backup is created
OS specific: Yes
The services.modprobe
section manages Linux Kernel modules to be loaded in the host operating system.
By default, the following modules are loaded:
IP version | OS families | Note | |||
rhel | rhel8 | rhel9 | debian | ||
IPv4 | br_netfilter | Loaded on roles: control-plane , worker |
nf_conntrack | Loaded on roles: control-plane , worker |
IPv6 | br_netfilter | Loaded on roles: control-plane , worker |
nf_conntrack | Loaded on roles: control-plane , worker |
nf_conntrack_ipv6 | |||||
ip6table_filter | |||||
nf_nat | |||||
nf_nat_masquerade_ipv6 | |||||
nf_reject_ipv6 | |||||
nf_defrag_ipv6 |
If necessary, you can redefine or add List Merge Strategy to the standard list of Kernel modules to load. For example (Debian OS family):
- my_own_module1
- my_own_module2
There is also an extended format that allows to choose nodes on which the modules should be loaded. For example:
- modulename: my_own_module1
groups: [control-plane, worker]
- modulename: my_own_module2
nodes: [balancer-1, balancer-2]
The following settings are supported in the extended format:
Parameter | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
modulename | yes | Module name. | |
groups | no | None |
The list of group names in whose hosts the module should be loaded. |
nodes | no | None |
The list of node names where the module should be loaded. |
install | no | true |
Whether the module is managed (installed, checked) by Kubemarine. |
Note: You can specify nodes and groups at the same time.
Note: If no groups or nodes are specified, then the module is loaded on all nodes.
Warning: Be careful with these settings, they directly affect the hosts operating system.
Warning: If changes to the hosts modprobe
configurations are detected, a reboot is scheduled. After the reboot, the new parameters are validated to match the expected configuration.
Installation task: prepare.system.sysctl
Can cause reboot: Yes, only when list of Kernel parameters changes.
Can restart service: No
Overwrite files: Yes, only when list of Kernel parameters changes: /etc/sysctl.d/98-kubemarine-sysctl.conf
, backup is created
OS specific: No
The services.sysctl
section manages the Linux Kernel parameters for all hosts in a cluster. By default, the following key-values are configured:
Key | Value | Note |
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables | 1 | |
net.ipv4.ip_forward | 1 | |
net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind | 1 | |
net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet | 1 | |
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables | 1 | Presented only when IPv6 detected in node IP |
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding | 1 | Presented only when IPv6 detected in node IP |
net.ipv6.ip_nonlocal_bind | 1 | Presented only when IPv6 detected in node IP |
net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max | 1000000 | |
kernel.panic | 10 | Presented only if services.kubeadm_kubelet.protectKernelDefaults is true (default value) |
vm.overcommit_memory | 1 | Presented only if services.kubeadm_kubelet.protectKernelDefaults is true (default value) |
kernel.panic_on_oops | 1 | Presented only if services.kubeadm_kubelet.protectKernelDefaults is true (default value) |
kernel.pid_max | calculated | If this parameter is not explicitly indicated in the cluster.yaml , then this value is calculated by this formula: maxPods * podPidsLimit + 2048 |
Constant value equal to 2048
means the maximum number of processes that the system can require during run (only processes of the Linux virtual machine itself are implied). This value have been established empirically.
Note: You can also define the kernel.pid_max
value by your own, but you need to be sure that it is at least greater than the result of the expression: maxPods * podPidsLimit + 2048
. For more information about the podPidsLimit
and maxPods
values, refer to the kubeadm_kubelet section.
Warning: Also, in both the cases of calculation and manual setting of the pid_max
value, the system displays a warning if the specified value is less than the system default value equal to 32768
. If the pid_max
value exceeds the maximum allowable value of 4194304
, the installation is interrupted.
Note: All default parameters are installed only on control-plane
, worker
except net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind
, and net.ipv6.ip_nonlocal_bind
that are installed on balancer
nodes only by default.
Note: Before Kubernetes 1.21 sysctl
property net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet
have been set automatically to 1
by Kubernetes, but now it setting by Kubemarine defaults. Kubernetes 1.21 Urgent Upgrade Notes.
You can specify your own parameters instead of the standard parameters. You need to specify the parameter key and its value. If the value is empty, the key is ignored. For example:
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables: 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward: 0
net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind: 0
There is also an extended format that allows to choose nodes on which the parameters should be managed. For example:
value: 1000000
groups: [control-plane, worker]
nodes: [balancer-1]
install: true
value: 262144
The following settings are supported in the extended format:
Parameter | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
value | yes | The value of the parameter. The property is mandatory for custom parameters, and calculated for standard parameters. To learn how values are calculated for the standard parameters, refer to their description in the previous table. | |
groups | no | None |
The list of group names to whose hosts the parameter should be set. |
nodes | no | None |
The list of node names where the parameter should be set. |
install | no | true |
Whether the parameter is managed (installed, checked) by Kubemarine. The property is true for custom parameters by default, and calculated for standard parameters. To learn what parameters are installed by default, refer to their description in the previous table. |
Note: You can specify nodes and groups at the same time.
Note: If no groups or nodes are specified, then the parameter is installed on all nodes.
Note: Per-node patches are also supported for this section.
Note: Kernel parameters can be reconfigured after installation using Reconfigure Procedure.
Warning: Be careful with these settings, they directly affect the hosts operating system.
Warning: If the changes to the hosts sysctl
configurations are detected, a reboot is scheduled. After the reboot, the new parameters are validated to match the expected configuration.
Installation task: deploy.kubernetes.audit
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: Always yes, container kube-apiserver.
Overwrite files: Yes, /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml
backup is created.
OS specific: No
For more information about Kubernetes auditing, refer to the official documentation at
Logging level:
- do not log;
— log request metadata: user, request time, target resource (pod, namespace, etc.), action type (verb), etc.;
— log metadata and request body;
- log metadata, request body and response body.
omitStages: The list of stages for which no events are created.
By default, the following policy is installed:
Default Policy
kind: Policy
# Don't generate audit events for all requests in RequestReceived stage.
- "RequestReceived"
# Don't log read-only requests
- level: None
verbs: ["watch", "get", "list"]
# Don't log checking access by internal services
- level: None
- "system:serviceaccounts:calico-apiserver"
- "system:nodes"
verbs: ["create"]
- group: ""
resources: ["subjectaccessreviews"]
- group: ""
resources: ["tokenreviews"]
# Don't log update of ingress-controller-leader ConfigMap by ingress-nginx.
# This reproduces only for v1.2.0 and can be removed after its support stop.
- level: None
users: ["system:serviceaccount:ingress-nginx:ingress-nginx"]
verbs: ["update"]
- group: ""
resources: ["configmaps"]
resourceNames: ["ingress-controller-leader"]
# Log all other resources in core and extensions at the request level.
- level: Metadata
verbs: ["create", "update", "patch", "delete", "deletecollection"]
- group: ""
- configmaps
- endpoints
- limitranges
- namespaces
- nodes
- persistentvolumeclaims
- persistentvolumes
- pods
- replicationcontrollers
- resourcequotas
- secrets
- serviceaccounts
- services
- group: ""
- customresourcedefinitions
- group: "apps"
- daemonsets
- deployments
- replicasets
- statefulsets
- group: "batch"
- cronjobs
- jobs
- group: ""
- clusterrolebindings
- clusterroles
- rolebindings
- roles
- group: "autoscaling"
- horizontalpodautoscalers
- group: ""
- storageclasses
- volumeattachments
- group: ""
- ingresses
- ingressclasses
- networkpolicies
- group: ""
resources: ["tokenreviews"]
- group: ""
- group: ""
- bgpconfigurations
- bgpfilters
- bgppeers
- blockaffinities
- caliconodestatuses
- clusterinformations
- felixconfigurations
- globalnetworkpolicies
- globalnetworksets
- hostendpoints
- ipamconfigurations
- ippools
- ipreservations
- kubecontrollersconfigurations
- networkpolicies
- networksets
- profiles
- group: ""
- bgpconfigurations
- bgpfilters
- bgppeers
- blockaffinities
- caliconodestatuses
- clusterinformations
- felixconfigurations
- globalnetworkpolicies
- globalnetworksets
- hostendpoints
- ipamblocks
- ipamconfigs
- ipamhandles
- ippools
- ipreservations
- kubecontrollersconfigurations
- networkpolicies
- networksets
It is possible not only to redefine the default policy, but also to extend it. For more information, refer to List Merge Strategy.
For example, consider you have an operator that constantly updates some Pods' labels and some ConfigMap to maintain the leadership.
If you do not see any benefit from logging of such events, they can be disabled by specifying the following in cluster.yaml
- level: None
userGroups: ["system:serviceaccounts:operator-namespace"]
verbs: ["patch", "update"]
namespaces: ["operator-namespace"]
- group: ""
resources: [pods]
- group: ""
resources: [configmaps]
resourceNames: [controller-leader]
- '<<': merge
Installation tasks:
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: Always yes, auditd
OS specific: No
- -w /usr/bin/containerd -k docker
This is a common section for chrony
and timesyncd
For Kubernetes and ETCD to work correctly, it is recommended to configure the system time synchronization on all nodes of the cluster. However, this is optional and you can do it at your own discretion.
Installation task: prepare.ntp.chrony
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: Always yes, chronyd
Overwrite files: Yes, /etc/chrony.conf
, backup is created
OS specific: Yes, performs only on the RHEL OS family.
Warning: incorrect time synchronization can lead to incorrect operation of the cluster or services. You can validate the time synchronization via the Time difference test between the nodes from PAAS Check procedure.
To synchronize the system time, you must make a list of NTP servers. All servers must be accessible from any node of the cluster.
The list should be indicated in the chrony
section of the services.ntp
section config file.
In addition to the NTP server address, you can specify any additional configurations in the same line.
The following parameters are supported:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Default value | Description |
servers | yes | list | NTP servers addresses with additional configurations. | |
makestep | no | string | 5 -1 |
Step the system clock if large correction is needed. |
rtcsync | no | boolean | True |
Specify that RTC should be automatically synchronized by kernel. |
For more information about Chrony configuration, refer to the Official Chrony Documentation at
The following is a configuration example:
- iburst
- iburst
An example is also available in Full Inventory Example.
Synchronization is configured with the prepare.ntp.chrony
task. The task performs the following:
- Generates the
file and uploads it to the/etc/chrony
directory on all cluster hosts. If dumping is enabled, the config dump is saved. - Restarts the
service - Checks if the synchronization is done by the first host of the cluster. Leap status should become normal.
If the configuration services.ntp.chrony.servers
is absent, then the task prepare.ntp.chrony
in the installation is skipped.
Installation task: prepare.ntp.timesyncd
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: Always yes, systemd-timesyncd
Overwrite files: Yes, /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf
, backup is created.
OS specific: Yes, performs only on Debian OS family.
Warning: incorrect time synchronization can lead to incorrect operation of the cluster or services. You can validate the time synchronization via the Time difference test between the nodes from PAAS Check procedure.
To synchronize the system time, you must make a list of NTP servers. All servers must be accessible from any node of the cluster.
The list should be indicated in the timesyncd.Time.NTP
parameter of the services.ntp
section config file.
In addition to the NTP server address, you can specify any additional configurations in the same line.
The following parameters are supported:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Default value | Description |
NTP | yes | list | NTP servers addresses. | |
FallbackNTP | no | list | Backup NTP servers addresses when NTP servers are unavailable. | |
RootDistanceMaxSec | no | int | 5 |
Step the system clock if large correction is needed. |
PollIntervalMinSec | no | int | 32 |
The minimal poll interval. |
PollIntervalMaxSec | no | int | 2048 |
The maximum poll interval. |
The following is a configuration example:
Synchronization is configured with the prepare.ntp.timesyncd
task. The task performs the following:
- Generates the
file and uploads it to the/etc/systemd/
directory on all cluster hosts. If dumping is enabled, the config dump is saved. - Restarts the
service. - Checks if the synchronization is done by the first host of the cluster. The leap status should become normal.
If the configuration services.ntp.timesyncd.servers
is absent, then the task prepare.ntp.timesyncd
in the installation is skipped.
Installation task: prepare.dns.resolv_conf
Can cause reboot: No
Can restart service: No
Overwrite files: Yes, /etc/resolv.conf
, backup is created
OS specific: No
The services.resolv.conf
section allows you to configure the nameserver addresses to which cluster systems has access. By default, this section is empty in the inventory. The following parameters are supported:
Name | Type | Description |
search | string | The domain name to search |
nameservers | list | The DNS servers for usage in the OS |
- If some network resources are located in a restricted network and are not resolved through the standard DNS, be sure to configure this section and specify your custom DNS service.
- Do not put ${cluster_name} in the
field, otherwise some microservices might work incorrectly.
For example:
search: default
- 2606:4700:4700::1111
- 2606:4700:4700::1001
Installation task: prepare.dns.etc_hosts
Can cause reboot: no
Can restart service: no
Overwrite files: Yes, /etc/hosts
, backup is created
OS specific: No
The installation procedure has a task that generates and applies /etc/hosts
configuration file on all nodes presented in the cluster.
Warning: This task overwrites the existing original /etc/hosts
file records on all hosts. If you need to save these records, manually move them into inventory file to serives.etc_hosts
By default, the generated file contains the following address associations:
- Localhost for IPv4 and IPv6
- Internal control-plain address as
and FQDN name - Balancers, control-planes, workers names and theirs FQDNs
In order to setup your custom address, you need to specify the IP-address as the key and DNS-name as the list item. Example:
Example of generated file: localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 control-plain balancer-1 control-plane-1 control-plane-2 control-plane-3 worker-1 worker-2 worker-3
You can specify multiple addresses at once, for example:
This generates the following result:
It is possible to define custom names for internal and external ip addresses of the cluster nodes. In this case /etc/hosts file at the nodes will contain 2 lines about the same IP address.
For example, setting the following in the cluster.yaml
etc_hosts: another-name-for-control-plane-1
will lead to the following content of /etc/hosts:
... another-name-for-control-plane-1
... control-plane-1
Warning: The content of the user-defined services.etc_hosts
section is not transmitted into the CoreDNS configmap. If you would like CoreDNS to have these records, put them into the services.coredns.configmap.Hosts
parameter configures the Coredns service and its DNS rules in the Kubernetes cluster. It is divided into the following sections:
This is a boolean parameter defining whether IP addresses of the cluster nodes and their generated domain names should be added to services.coredns.configmap.Hosts
Default is true
Warning: The add_etc_hosts_generated: true
parameter doesn't add the user-defined hosts from services.etc_hosts
to the CoreDNS configmap; if necessary, they must be added explicitly to services.coredns.configmap.Hosts
This section contains the Configmap parameters that are applied to the Coredns service. By default, the following configs are used:
- Corefile - The main Coredns config, which is converted into a template in accordance with the specified parameters.
- Hosts - IP addresses and names in the format of
file. Can be customized with any desired IP addresses and names. Default value is localhost localhost.localdomain
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain
If services.coredns.add_etc_hosts_generated
is set to true
, Hosts
is enriched with generated list of IP addresses and names of the cluster nodes.
If Hosts
is redefined in the cluster.yaml
its default value is overridden.
Before working with the Corefile, refer to the official Coredns plugins documentation at
The Corefile consists of the settings applied for a specific destination. By default, all settings are applied for .:53
For example:
errors: True
rewrite: # Not used by default, intended for GEO distributed scheme
priority: 1
- regex
- (.*)\.cluster-1\.local {1}.cluster.local
- name
- (.*)\.cluster\.local {1}.cluster-1.local
The following settings are supported:
Parameter | Type |
Default value | Description |
errors | boolean | True | Any errors encountered during the query processing are printed to standard output. The errors of a particular type can be consolidated and printed once per a period of time |
health | boolean | True | Enabled process wide health endpoint. When CoreDNS is up and running, this returns a 200 OK HTTP status code. The health is exported, by default, on port 8080/health. |
ready | boolean | True | By enabling ready, an HTTP endpoint on port 8181 returns 200 OK when all plugins that are able to signal readiness have done so. If some are not ready, the endpoint still returns a 503 with the body containing the list of plugins that are not ready. Once a plugin has signaled that it is ready, it is not queried again. |
prometheus | string | :9153 | With Prometheus, you export metrics from the CoreDNS and any plugin that has them. The metrics path is fixed to /metrics |
cache | integer | 30 | With cache enabled, all records except zone transfers and metadata records are cached according to the ttl value set |
loop | boolean | True | The loop plugin sends a random probe query and keeps a track of how many it is viewed. If it is viewed more than twice, assume that CoreDNS has seen a forwarding loop and halt the process. |
reload | boolean | True | This plugin allows automatic reload of a changed Corefile. |
loadbalance | boolean |
True | The loadbalance acts as a round-robin DNS load balancer by randomizing the order of A, AAAA, and MX records in the answer. |
rewrite [continue|stop] | dict | Not provided | The rewrite could be used for rewriting different parts of DNS questions and answers. By default, it is not used, but it is required to use rewrite plugin in DR schema. It is possible to use `rewrite continue` or `rewrite stop` to define the `rewrite` plugin behaviour in case of multiple rules. Refer to the [official documentation]( for more details. |
hosts | dict | /etc/coredns/Hosts | The hosts plugin is useful for serving zones from a /etc/hosts like file. It serves from a preloaded file, which is applied from ConfigMap during the installation. |
forward | list | - . - /etc/resolv.conf |
The forward plugin re-uses already opened sockets to the upstreams. It supports UDP, TCP, and DNS-over-TLS. It is used in band health checking. |
kubernetes | dict | This plugin implements the Kubernetes DNS-Based Service Discovery Specification. Refer the following sections for more details. | |
template | dict | The template plugin allows you to dynamically respond to queries by just writing a template. Refer the following sections for more details. |
- Some settings allow multiple entries. For example,
. If necessary, different priority can be set for different template sections. For example:
enabled: true
priority: 1
class: IN
type: A
zone: ''
answer: '{% raw %}{{ .Name }}{% endraw %} 100 IN A'
priority: 2
enabled: true
class: IN
type: A
zone: ''
answer: '{% raw %}{{ .Name }}{% endraw %} 100 IN A'
The lesser the priority value, the earlier in Corefile
config this entry appears. Default priority is 1
- DNS resolving is done according to the hardcoded plugin chain. This specifies that a query goes through
, then throughhosts
, then throughkubernetes
, and then throughforward
. By default, Corefile contains thetemplate
setting, which resolves all names like*.{{ cluster_name }}
in the vIP address. Hence despite entries inHosts
, such names are resolved in the vIP address. - You can set any setting parameter to
to disable it, no matter what type it is. - It is possible to specify other Corefile settings in an inventory-like format. However, this is risky since the settings have not been tested with the generator. All non-supported settings have a lower priority.
Warning: It is strongly discouraged to change the configuration of the CoreDNS manually, if you need to change the configuration, you must reflect them in the cluster.yaml
and call the installation procedure with --tasks="deploy.coredns"
argument. This will help keep the cluster configuration consistent.
This section contains YAML settings that are applied to Coredns service via a patch. By default, this section contains the following data:
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
- key: Corefile
path: Corefile
- key: Hosts
path: Hosts
name: coredns
name: config-volume
However, it is possible to add or modify any deployment parameters of the inventory in accordance with the Kubernetes patching syntax.
configures the balancers for the Kubernetes cluster. Currently, only the Haproxy and Keepalived configuration can be customized.
This section describes the ports, which are used for http/https connections from balancer nodes to workers. Those parameters are specified as backend ports in haproxy configuration and as host ports in ingress-nginx-controller plugin.
Default values depend on balancer availability:
Parameter | Type |
Default value if balancer is presented | Default value in no-balancer clusters |
target_ports.http | integer | 20080 | 80 |
target_ports.https | integer | 20443 | 443 |
If it is needed, those parameters can be overriden in cluster.yaml
, e.g.:
http: 80
https: 443
This section describes the configuration parameters that are applied to the haproxy.cfg config file, and also some Kubemarine related parameters. By default, the following configuration is used:
maxconn: 10000
timeout_connect: '10s'
timeout_client: '1m'
timeout_server: '1m'
timeout_tunnel: '60m'
timeout_client_fin: '1m'
maxconn: 10000
keep_configs_updated: True
These settings can be overrided in the cluster.yaml. Currently, the following settings of haproxy.cfg are supported:
Parameter | Type |
Default value | Description |
global.maxconn | integer | 10000 | "maxconn". Set the total number of connections allowed, process-wide. |
defaults.timeout_connect | string | 10s | "timeout connect". Set the maximum time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed. |
defaults.timeout_client | string | 1m | "timeout client". Set the maximum inactivity time on the client side. |
defaults.timeout_server | string | 1m | "timeout server". Set the maximum inactivity time on the server side. |
defaults.timeout_tunnel | string | 60m | "timeout tunnel". Set the maximum inactivity time on the client and server sides for tunnels. |
defaults.timeout_client_fin | string | 1m | "timeout client-fin". Set the inactivity timeout on the client side for half-closed connections. |
defaults.maxconn | integer | 10000 | "maxconn". Limits the sockets to this number of concurrent connections. |
keep_configs_updated | boolean | True | Allows Kubemarine update haproxy configs every time, when cluster (re)installed or it's schema updated (added/removed nodes) |
config | string | Custom haproxy config value to be used instead of the default one. | |
config_file | string | Path to the Jinja-template file with custom haproxy config to be used instead of the default one. | |
maintenance_mode | boolean | False | Enable maintenance config for HAproxy |
mntc_config_location | string | /etc/haproxy/haproxy_mntc.cfg | Maintenance config flie location |
For more information on Haproxy-related parameters, refer to the official Haproxy documentation at
Note: you can use either config
or config_file
if you need to use custom config instead of default.
Parameter config
allows to specify your custom config file. The priority of this option is higher than that of config_file
, and if both are specified, config
will be used. Example:
keep_configs_updated: True
config: "global
log /dev/log local0
log /dev/log local1 notice
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin expose-fd listeners
stats timeout 30s
user haproxy
group haproxy
ca-base /etc/ssl/certs
crt-base /etc/ssl/private
ssl-default-bind-ciphersuites TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
ssl-default-bind-options ssl-min-ver TLSv1.2 no-tls-tickets
log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http"
Parameter config_file
allows to specify path to Jinja-compiled template. Example:
keep_configs_updated: True
config_file: '/root/my_haproxy_config.cfg.j2'
This parameter use the following context options for template rendering:
- nodes
- bindings
- config_options
- target_ports
As an example of a template, you can look at default template.
This section describes the configuration parameters that are applied to the keepalived.conf config file in addition to those related to vrrp ips. By default, the following configuration is used:
global: {}
These settings can be overrided in the cluster.yaml. Currently, the following settings of keepalived.conf are supported:
Parameter | Type |
Default value | Description |
global.vrrp_garp_master_refresh | integer | "vrrp_garp_master_refresh". Number of gratuitous ARP messages to send at a time while MASTER. Not applied by default. | |
keep_configs_updated | boolean | True | Allows Kubemarine update keepalived configs every time, when cluster (re)installed or it's schema updated (added/removed nodes) |
config | string | Custom keepalived config value to be used instead of the default one. It can be userful, when every installation/add_node procedure adds only one balancer. In that case it's possible to specify custom configuration for every balancer without jinja templates./td> | |
config_file | string | Path to the Jinja-template file with custom keepalived config to be used instead of the default one. |
Note: you can use either config
or config_file
if you need to use custom config instead of default.
Parameter config
allows to specify your custom config file. The priority of this option is higher than that of config_file
, and if both are specified, config
will be used. Example:
keep_configs_updated: True
config: |
global_defs {
vrrp_garp_master_refresh 60
vrrp_garp_master_refresh_repeat 10
vrrp_garp_interval 1
vrrp_script script_27a2eb32e5 {
script "/usr/local/bin/"
interval 2
fall 2
rise 2
vrrp_instance balancer_27a2eb32e5 {
state BACKUP
interface enp0s8
virtual_router_id 130
priority 254
virtual_ipaddress { dev enp0s8 label vip_27a2eb32e5
track_script {
authentication {
auth_type PASS
auth_pass 6f3a13e1
Parameter config_file
allows to specify path to Jinja-compiled template. Example:
keep_configs_updated: True
config_file: '/root/my_keepalived_config.conf.j2'
This parameter use the following context options for template rendering:
(values from '`);- modified vrrp_ips with following properties for every of them:
Parameter | Type |
Description |
id | string | The ID of the VRRP IP, specified in vrrp_ips[].id . |
router_id | string | The router ID of the VRRP IP, specified in vrrp_ips[].router_id . |
ip | string | The IP address for virtual IP, specified in vrrp_ips[].ip . |
password | string | Password for VRRP IP set, specified in vrrp_ips[].password or randomly generated. |
interface | string | The interface on which the address must be listened, specified in vrrp_ips[].interface or autodetected. |
priority | string | The priority of the VRRP IP host, specified in vrrp_ips[].priority . |
source | string | The `internal_address` of the node, where target configuration is applied. |
peers | list of strings | The `internal_address` of the other nodes, where VRRP IP should be set. |
As an example of a template, you can look at default template.
Kubemarine supports maintenance mode for HAproxy balancer. HAproxy balancer has additional configuration file for that purpose. The following configuration enable maintenance mode for balancer:
maintenance_mode: True
mntc_config_location: '/etc/haproxy/haproxy_mntc_v1.cfg'
It is possible to override the resulting configuration for specific nodes using patches
This allows to either override default parameters for specific nodes, or provide different settings for different nodes.
For example:
- groups: [control-plane, worker]
net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_ignore: 0
- groups: [balancer]
net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_ignore: 2
The patches in the list are merged with the global configuration one by one. Thus, the same settings have precedence in the last patch if overridden few times for the same node.
The following settings are supported:
Parameter | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
groups | yes* | None |
The list of group names to apply the patch to. At least one of groups and nodes parameters should be provided. |
nodes | yes* | None |
The list of node names to apply the patch to. At least one of groups and nodes parameters should be provided. |
services.sysctl | no | Manage the Linux Kernel parameters for the specified nodes in a patch. For more information, see sysctl. |
Note: New patches can be appended after installation using Reconfigure Procedure.
Installation task: deploy.kubernetes.init
There is currently one supported Pod Security implementation. Pod Security Standards (PSS) are implemented as a feature gate of kube-apiserver
This is reflected in the cluster.yaml as follows:
admission: pss
Originally PSS assumes only three levels (or profiles) of policies. The profiles are the following:
- Unrestricted policy, providing the widest possible level of permissions. This policy allows for known privilege escalations.Baseline
- Minimally restrictive policy which prevents known privilege escalations. Allows the default (minimally specified) Pod configuration.Restricted
- Heavily restricted policy, following current Pod hardening best practices.
There are plenty of rules that included in baseline
and restricted
profiles. For more information, refer to
Pod Security Standards.
The following configuration is default for PSS:
admission: pss
pod-security: enabled
enforce: baseline
enforce-version: latest
audit: baseline
audit-version: latest
warn: baseline
warn-version: latest
usernames: []
runtimeClasses: []
namespaces: ["kube-system"]
There are three parts of PSS configuration:
enables or disables the PSS installation.- The default profile is described in the
section andenforce
defines the policy standard that enforces the pods. exemptions
describes the exemptions from default rules.
PSS enabling requires special labels for plugin namespaces such as nginx-ingress-controller
, kubernetes-dashboard
, local-path-provisioner
, and calico
(relevant only for calico-apiserver
namespace). For instance:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
labels: privileged latest privileged latest privileged latest
In case of enabling predefined plugins the labels will be set during the installation procedure automatically.
Pay attention to the fact that PSS is implicitly enabled by default (that is reflected in
Feature Gates prior to Kubernetes v1.28).
PSS labels on namespaces shouldn't be set if your Kubernetes cluster is deployed without PSS enabled.
The exemption
section describes objects that are not enforced by the policy. It is possible to define User
or ServiceAccount
the username
section. For example, ("system:serviceaccount:my-ns:myadmin" - it is a serviceAccount, "myuser" - it is a user):
usernames: ["system:serviceaccount:my-ns:myadmin", "myuser"]
In this case, kube-apiserver
does not enforce the default policy to any pods that are created by myuser
or myadmin
The default configuration does not enforce the default policy to any of the pods in the kube-system
namespaces: ["kube-system"]
Do not change the namespaces exemption list without strong necessary. In any case, check our Maintenance Guide before any implementation.
In case of using PSS, the application that installed in Kubernetes cluster should be matched with PSS profiles (privileged
, restricted
). Those profiles may be set by labeling the namespace so as it described above for predefined plugins.
Moreover, the application should be compatible with PSS. The restricted
profile requires the following section in pod description:
runAsNonRoot: true
type: "RuntimeDefault"
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
drop: ["ALL"]
Installation task: deploy.accounts
In the deploy.accounts
section, you can specify the account creation settings after the cluster is installed.
In this section, you can describe any parameters that needs to be applied by default to each record in the RBAC accounts section. It works the same way as node_defaults.
The default settings for account_defaults
are as follows:
namespace: kube-system
- apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
metadata: {}
- apiVersion:
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
metadata: {}
kind: ClusterRole
- kind: ServiceAccount
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
annotations: {}
The yaml file that is created from the above template is applied to the cluster during the installation procedure.
Installation task: deploy.plugins
In the plugins
section, you can configure the parameters of plugins, as well as register your own plugins. Plugins are installed during the deploy.plugins
If you skip the plugin installation task, no plugins are installed.
When you want to install a plugin, the installer includes pre-configured plug-in configurations. The following plugins are available for installation out of the box:
- Network plugins
- Ingress Controllers
- kubernetes-dashboard
- local-path-provisioner
Note: It is not possible to install multiple plugins of the same type at the same time.
Before proceeding, refer to the Official Documentation of the Kubernetes Cluster Network.
Calico plugin is installed by default and does not require any special enablement or configuration. However it is possible to explicitly enable or disable the installation of this plugin through the install
plugin parameter.
Warning: According to the Calico kernel requirements, CentOS 7 with a kernel lower than 3.10.0-940.el7.x86_64
is not compatible with Calico 3.24 and higher. For more information, refer to Kubernetes requirements.
The following is an example to enable the calico plugin:
install: true
The following is an example to disable the calico plugin:
install: false
After applying the plugin configurations, the plugin installation procedure waits for the following pods to be in the Running
- coredns
- calico-kube-controllers
- calico-node
- calico-apiserver
If the pods do not have time to start at a specific timeout, then the plugin configuration is incorrect. In this case, the installation is aborted.
By default, no additional settings are required for the plugin. However, you can change the default settings. To do this, in the plugins
section of the config file, specify the calico
plugin section and list all the necessary parameters and their values in it.
For example:
install: true
mtu: 1400
enabled: true
region: infra
image: calico/node:v3.10.1
An example is also available in Full Inventory Example.
By default, calico is installed with "full mesh" BGP topology, that is, every node has BGP peering with all other nodes in the cluster. If the cluster size is more than 50 nodes it is recommended to use the BGP configuration with route reflectors instead of full mesh. You also have to change calico BGP configuration if you are using DR schema.
Note: change BGP topology is possible for calico v3.20.1 or higher.
To enable route reflector and/or DR topology during installation the next steps are required:
Choose the nodes to be route reflectors and add the label
route-reflector: True
to their description in the cluster.yaml. It is recommended to use control-plane nodes for route reflectors, but not necessarily. -
Add required parameters in the
plugin section:
fullmesh: false # Full mesh will not be used, RRs will be used instead
announceServices: true # ClusterIP services CIDR will be announced through BGP
defaultAsNumber: 65200 # AS Number will be 65200 for all nodes by default
globalBgpPeers: # Additional global BGP Peer(s) will be configured with given IP and AS Number
- ip:
as: 65200
It is also possible to change BGP topology at the running cluster.
Warning: short downtime is possible during BGP peering sessions reestablishing.
To switch from "full mesh" to "route reflector" topology:
- add the label
route-reflector: True
to the route reflector nodes manually:
$ kubectl label node <NODENAME> route-reflector=True
- add
fullmesh: false
parameter to thecalico
plugin section in the cluster.yaml - run
kubemarine install
with thedeploy.plugins
task only. Other plugins should haveinstall: false
in the cluster.yaml at this step.
Note: for the topology with route reflectors the predefined value routeReflectorClusterID=
is used.
To switch from "route reflector" to "full mesh" topology:
- change
parameter value totrue
in thecalico
plugin section in the cluster.yaml (it also may be removed so the default value offullmesh
is being used) - run
kubemarine install
with thedeploy.plugins
task only. Other plugins should haveinstall: false
in the cluster.yaml at this step - remove the labels
route-reflector: true
from the route reflector nodes manually:
$ kubectl label node <NODENAME> route-reflector-
If necessary, remove route-reflector
label from the cluster.yaml as well.
Warning: For correct network communication, it is important to set the correct MTU value (For example in case ipip
mode it should be 20 bytes less than MTU NIC size), see more details in Troubleshooting Guide.
Note: If the cluster size is more than 3 nodes, Calico Typha daemon is enabled by default and number of its replicas is incremented with every 50 nodes. This behavior can be overridden with cluster.yaml.
The plugin configuration supports the following parameters:
Name | Type | Default Value | Value Rules | Description |
mode | string | ipip |
ipip / vxlan / none |
Network overlay technology to be used in network plugin |
crossSubnet | boolean | true |
true/false | Enables crossing subnet boundaries to avoid additional network configuration. The parameter works when mode is set to ipip or vxlan . See more details in Overlay networking |
mtu | int | 1430 |
MTU size on interface - 20 | MTU size for Calico interface |
fullmesh | boolean | true | true/false | Enable or disable full mesh BGP topology |
announceServices | boolean | false | true/false | Enable announces of ClusterIP services CIDR through BGP |
defaultAsNumber | int | 64512 | AS Number to be used by default for the cluster | |
globalBgpPeers | list | [] | list of (IP,AS) pairs | List of global BGP Peer (IP,AS) values |
typha.enabled | boolean | true or false |
If nodes < 4 then false else true |
Enables the Typha Daemon |
typha.replicas | int | {{ (((nodes|length)/50) + 2) | round(1) }} |
Starts from 2 replicas and increments for every 50 nodes | Number of Typha running replicas. |
typha.image | string | calico/typha:{calico.version} |
Should contain both image name and version | Calico Typha image |
typha.tolerations | list | Default Typha Tolerations | list of extra tolerations | Additional custom tolerations for calico-typha pods |
cni.image | string | calico/cni:{calico.version} |
Should contain both image name and version | Calico CNI image |
node.image | string | calico/node:{calico.version} |
Should contain both image name and version | Calico Node image |
kube-controllers.image | string | calico/kube-controllers:{calico.version} |
Should contain both image name and version | Calico Kube Controllers image |
kube-controllers.tolerations | list | Original kube-controllers tolerations | list of extra tolerations | Additional custom toleration for calico-kube-controllers pods |
flexvol.image | string | calico/pod2daemon-flexvol:{calico.version} |
Should contain both image name and version | Calico Flexvol image |
apiserver.image | string | calico/apiserver:{calico.version} |
Should contain both image name and version | Calico API server image |
apiserver.tolerations | list | Original API server tolerations | list of extra tolerations | Additional custom toleration for calico-apiserver pods |
- key: CriticalAddonsOnly
operator: Exists
- key:
effect: NoSchedule
- key:
effect: NoExecute
Note: The CriticalAddonsOnly
toleration key inherits from Calico
manifest YAML, whereas the rest of toleration keys are represented by Kubemarine itself.
By default, no additional settings are required for Calico metrics. They are enabled by default.
Note: The following ports are opened for metrics: calico-node
: 9091
, calico-kube-controllers
: 9094
, and calico-typha
: 9093
The ports for calico-node
and calico-typha
are opened on the host.
These ports are currently not configurable by means of Kubemarine.
Note: If you use prometheus-operator or its resources in your monitoring solution, you can use the following ServiceMonitors to collect metrics from Calico:
Click to expand
kind: ServiceMonitor
# If you use prometheus-operator,
# specify the custom label corresponding to the configuration of your Prometheus.serviceMonitorSelector.
# The same is for the other ServiceMonitors below. monitoring
name: calico-metrics
namespace: kube-system
# You can configure custom scraping properties, but leave `port: metrics`.
# The same is for the other ServiceMonitors below.
- interval: 30s
port: metrics
scrapeTimeout: 10s
- kube-system
k8s-app: calico-node
kind: ServiceMonitor
labels: monitoring
name: calico-kube-controllers-metrics
namespace: kube-system
- interval: 30s
port: metrics
scrapeTimeout: 10s
- kube-system
k8s-app: calico-kube-controllers
kind: ServiceMonitor
labels: monitoring
name: calico-typha-metrics
namespace: kube-system
- interval: 30s
port: metrics
scrapeTimeout: 10s
- kube-system
k8s-app: calico-typha-metrics
It is possible to change the default Calico environment properties. To do that, it is required to specify a key-value in the env
section in the calico
plugin definition. For example:
Note: In case of you use IPv6, you have to define CALICO_ROUTER_ID
with value hash
in env
section. This uses a hash of the configured nodename for the router ID.
For more information about the supported Calico environment variables, refer to the Official Calico Documentation at
For details about the Calico API server, refer to the Official Documentation at
By default, the Calico API server is not installed. To install it during the Calico installation, specify the following:
enabled: true
Note: Calico API server requires its annual certificates' renewal. For more information, refer to Configuring Certificate Renew Procedure for calico.
Kubemarine waits for the API server availability during the installation.
If the default wait timeout does not fit, it can be extended in the same apiserver
section of the calico
retries: 60
The following parameters are supported:
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Example | Description |
apiserver.expect.apiservice.timeout |
int | no | 5 | 10 |
Number of retries for the API service expect check. |
apiserver.expect.apiservice.retries |
int | no | 40 | 60 |
Timeout for the API service expect check in seconds. |
Before proceeding, refer to the Official Documentation of the Kubernetes Ingress Controllers and visit official Nginx Ingress Controller repository.
NGINX Ingress Controller plugin is installed by default and does not require any special enablement or configuration. However, you can explicitly enable or disable the installation of this plugin through the install
plugin parameter.
The following is an example to enable the plugin:
install: true
The following is an example to disable the plugin:
install: false
After applying the plugin configurations, the plugin installation procedure waits for the nginx-ingress-controller
pod to be in the Running
If the pods do not have time to start at a specific timeout, then the plugin configuration is incorrect. In this case, the installation is aborted.
By default, no additional settings are required for the plugin. However, you can change the default settings. To do this, in the plugins
section of the config file, specify the nginx-ingress-controller
plugin section and list all the necessary parameters and their values in it.
For example:
install: true
image: k8s-artifacts-prod/ingress-nginx/controller:v0.34.1
An example is also available in Full Inventory Example.
The plugin configuration supports the following parameters:
parameter specifies the string for the NGINX Ingress Controller image. -
parameter is used to enable the ssl-passthrough feature. The default value isfalse
. Note: Enabling this feature introduces a small performance penalty. -
parameter is used to configure a custom default certificate for ingress resources. The certificate and key are provided using one of the following two formats:-
format is used to provide a certificate and a key inplace in the pem format:nginx-ingress-controller: controller: ssl: default-certificate: data: cert: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... (skipped) ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- key: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ... (skipped) ... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
format is used to provide a certificate and a key as paths to the pem files:nginx-ingress-controller: controller: ssl: default-certificate: paths: cert: /path/to/cert key: /path/to/key
If the intermediate certificate should be specified, set it in /path/to/cert
file or in
option after the default ingress certificate:
<Default ingress certificate>
<Intermediate certificate>
- The
parameter is used to customize or fine tune NGINX behavior. Before proceeding, refer to the Official NGINX Ingress Controller documentation For example:
server-tokens: "False"
Default config_map settings:
Parameter | Default value if balancer is presented | Default value in no-balancer clusters |
allow-snippet-annotations | "true" | "true" |
use-proxy-protocol | "true" | "false" |
Warning: Ingress-nginx and HAproxy use proxy protocol in the default configuration. If you are using a load balancer without a proxy protocol, it must also be disabled in ingress-nginx. To do this, specify use-proxy-protocol: "false"
in configmap.
- The
parameter sets specified custom headers before sending the traffic to backends. Before proceeding, refer to the official NGINX Ingress Controller documentation at
For example:
Expect: $http_expect
X-Different-Name: "true"
X-Request-Start: t=${msec}
X-Using-Nginx-Controller: "true"
- The
parameter is used to add cli arguments to ingress-nginx-controller. Before proceeding, refer to the official NGINX Ingress Controller documentation at
For example:
args: ['--disable-full-test', '--disable-catch-all']
Warning: Arguments for ingress-nginx-controller are also added from nginx-ingress-controller-v*-original.yaml, from other parameters in cluster.yaml (controller.ssl.enableSslPassthrough
and controller.ssl.default-certificate
) and --watch-ingress-without-class=true
is added by default. Make sure there are no conflicts, otherwise the task will be interrupted.
By default, 10254 port is opened and provides Prometheus metrics.
Before proceeding, refer to the Official Documentation of the Kubernetes Dashboard UI and visit official Kubernetes Dashboard repository.
By default, the Kubernetes dashboard is not installed, as it is not a mandatory part of the cluster. However, you can install it by enabling the plugin.
The following is an example to enable dashboard plugin:
install: true
Note: By default Kubernetes dashboard is available at dashboard.{{ cluster_name }}
Note: The Kubernetes Dashboards UI is available only via HTTPS.
If you enable the plugin, all other parameters are applied by default. The following is a list of supported parameters:
Name | Default value | Description |
hostname | dashboard.{{ cluster_name }} |
Address on which the Kubernetes Dashboard UI is located. Actually an alias for ingress.spec |
dashboard.image | kubernetesui/dashboard:{{ plugins["kubernetes-dashboard"].version }} |
Kubernetes Dashboard image. |
metrics-scraper.image | kubernetesui/metrics-scraper:{{["kubernetes-dashboard"][services.kubeadm.kubernetesVersion]["metrics-scraper-version"] }} |
Kubernetes Dashboard Metrics Scraper image. |
ingress.metadata | name: kubernetes-dashboard namespace: kubernetes-dashboard annotations: "HTTPS" |
Ingress metadata, typically contains namespace and NGINX-specific parameters. |
ingress.spec | tls: - hosts: - '{{ plugins["kubernetes-dashboard"].hostname }}' rules: - host: '{{ plugins["kubernetes-dashboard"].hostname }}' http: paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: kubernetes-dashboard port: number: 443 |
Ingress specs, determining where and on which port the Kubernetes Dashboard UI is located. |
If you do not want the default parameters, you can override them.
The following is an example to use custom dashboard address:
install: true
hostname: ''
The following is an example to use custom dashboard images:
install: true
image: kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.4.0-rc2
image: kubernetesui/metrics-scraper:v1.0.7
The following is an example to redefine ingress parameters:
install: true
name: kubernetes-dashboard
namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
annotations: "HTTPS" "true" / "true" "true"
- hosts:
- ''
- host: ''
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: kubernetes-dashboard
number: 443
Warning: Be very careful when overriding these parameters.
Before proceeding, visit official Local Path Provisioner repository.
By default, the local path provisioner is not installed, as it is not a mandatory part of the cluster. However, you can install it by enabling the plugin.
The following is an example to enable this plugin:
install: true
If you enable the plugin, all other parameters are applied by default. The following is a list of supported parameters:
Name | Default value | Description |
---|---|---| | local-path |
Name of the storage class resource, which describes the class of the local volumes created by the provisioner. | | "false" |
If "true" , the created storage class is the default one. |
volume-dir | /opt/local-path-provisioner |
The directory on each node, where the provisioner stores the PV data. For each requested PV, the provisioner creates the subdirectory in the volume-dir. |
If you do not want the default parameters, you can override them.
The following is an example to use custom volume directory:
install: true
volume-dir: /mnt/local-path-provisioner-volume
The following is an example to create default storage class:
install: true
is-default: "true"
The following is an example to use custom provisioner and helper pod image:
install: true
image: rancher/local-path-provisioner:v0.0.20
helper-pod-image: busybox:latest
This section provides information about the plugin features in detail.
In the plugin_defaults
section, you can describe any parameters that are to be applied by default to each record in the Plugins section. It works the same way as node_defaults.
For example:
For detailed description of registry
parameter, see Installation without Internet Resources.
You can reinstall the necessary plugins without cluster reinstallation, for example, if the plugin configuration is corrupted.
You can also change the configuration of any plugin on an already running cluster.
To do this, you need to start the execution of the plugin task deploy.plugins
and set the following:
- Set the parameter
install: true
for plugins that need to be reinstalled - Set the parameter
install: false
for those plugins that do not need to be reinstalled.
Starting the task leads to re-application of the plugin configurations in the Kubernetes, which allows you to reinstall, reset, reconfigure the plugin to the desired parameters without stopping the Kubernetes cluster and other plugins.
The following is an example in which Calico and NGINX Ingress Controller not assigned for reinstall, and the Kubernetes Dashboard is assigned for reinstall:
install: false
install: false
install: true
Warning: The plugin reinstallation behavior is intended, but is not necessarily by custom plugins. For detailed information on the procedure for reinstalling custom plugins, contact the respective provider.
Plugins are installed in a strict sequential order. The installation sequence is determined by the installation.priority
parameter in each plugin separately. Predefined plugins have the following predefined installation priorities:
Plugin | Priority |
calico | 0 |
nginx-ingress-controller | 1 |
kubernetes-dashboard | 2 |
local-path-provisioner | 2 |
You can change the priorities of preinstalled plugins, as well as set your own priority for the custom plugins. The following is an example of how to prioritize a plugin:
install: true
priority: 55
After the priorities are set, you can see the sequence of installation in the stdout.
If you do not set the priorities for the plugins, they are installed in any order immediately after the plugins for which the priorities are set. Also, if the plugins have the same priority, they are installed in any order.
It is possible to set custom nodeSelectors for the OOB plugins in order to influence pods scheduling for particular plugin.
The following table contains details about existing nodeSelector configuration options:
Plugin | YAML path (relative) | Default | Notes |
calico |
| linux |
nodeSelector applicable only for calico typha , calico kube-controllers, and calico apiserver containers, but not for ordinary calico containers, which should be deployed on all nodes |
nginx-ingress-controller | controller.nodeSelector | linux |
kubernetes-dashboard |
| linux |
For example, if you want to customize Calico kube-controllers pods to be scheduled only on nodes with netcracker-infra: infra
label, you need to specify the following in your cluster.yml
netcracker-infra: infra
Custom nodeSelector is merged with default nodeSelector that results in the following configuration:
nodeSelector: linux
netcracker-infra: infra
Note: You need to specify corresponding labels for nodes in order for nodeSelector
customization to work.
It is possible to set custom tolerations for the provided OOB plugins in order to influence pods scheduling for particular plugin.
The following table contains details about existing tolerations configuration options:
Plugin | YAML path (relative) | Default | Notes |
calico |
Delegates to default Calico tolerations except for extra Default Typha Tolerations | tolerations are not configurable for calico-node pods |
nginx-ingress-controller |
none | |
kubernetes-dashboard |
none | |
local-host-provisioner |
none |
For example, if you want to customize the nginx-ingress-controller pods to allow scheduling on control-plane nodes, you need to specify the following tolerations in your cluster.yml
- key:
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
It is recommended to set resources requests and limits for plugins. There are default values, but you should adjust them accordingly to your needs.
The following table contains details about existing resources requests and limits configuration options:
Plugin | YAML path (relative) | Default requests/limits |
calico |
nginx-ingress-controller |
kubernetes-dashboard |
local-host-provisioner |
For example, if you want to customize the nginx-ingress-controller resources requests and limits,
you need to specify the following in your cluster.yml
cpu: 100m
memory: 90Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 256M
During the installation of plugins, certain installation procedures are performed. You can use these procedures to write your custom plugins. The procedures should be presented as a list in the installation.procedures
section in plugin definition, where each element is a separate procedure execution.
For example:
- shell: mkdir -p /var/data
- template: /var/data/template.yaml.j2
- config:
source: /var/data/config.yaml
do_render: False
- expect:
- my-service
- ansible: /var/data/playbook.yaml
- python:
module: /opt/checker/
method: check_service
pod-name: my-service
The procedures are executed strictly one after another according to the procedure list. The procedures of the same type can be called multiple times.
A description of each type of plugins procedures is presented below.
Note: It is highly recommended to write plugin installation procedures so that they are idempotent and it should be possible to run the installation for the plugin several times and the result should be the same.
Consequent plugin installations should not perform re-installation of the plugin, they should ensure that the plugin is already installed.
For this reason, be cautious with python
, shell
, and ansible
installation procedures.
This procedures allows you to automatically compile the Jinja2 template file, upload to remote hosts, and apply it. The following parameters are supported:
Parameter | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
source | yes | The local absolute path to the source Jinja2 template file. It is compiled before uploading to hosts. | |
destination | no | /etc/kubernetes/{{ filename from source }} |
The absolute path on the hosts where the compiled template needs to be uploaded. |
apply_required | no | True |
A switch to call the command to apply the uploaded template on remote hosts. |
apply_command | no | kubectl apply -f {{ destination }} |
The command to apply the template on remote hosts after uploading it. It is called only if the switch apply_required is on. |
sudo | no | True |
A switch for the command execution from the sudoer. |
destination_groups | no | None |
List of groups on which the compiled template needs to be uploaded. |
destination_nodes | no | None |
List of nodes on which the compiled template needs to be uploaded. |
apply_groups | no | None |
List of groups on which the template apply command needs to be executed. |
apply_nodes | no | None |
List of nodes on which the template apply command needs to be executed. |
Inside the templates you can use all the variables defined in the inventory in cluster.yaml
Moreover, it is possible to dynamically create your own variables in runtime using python
or shell
plugin procedures.
These runtime variables can also be used in templates by accessing runtime_vars
, for example, if you have variable
created in runtime you can access this variable in templates like runtime_vars['example_var']
Note: You can specify nodes and groups at the same time.
Note: If no groups and nodes defined, by default control-plane group is used for destination and the first control-plane node is used for applying.
Note: You can use wildcard source. For example:
. This source argument matches every .yaml
template in the my_templates
The following is an example of using all parameters at a time:
- template:
source: /var/data/template.yaml.j2
destination: /etc/example/configuration.yaml
apply_required: true
sudo: true
destination_groups: ['control-plane']
destination_nodes: ['worker-1']
apply_groups: None
apply_nodes: ['control-plane-1', 'worker-1']
apply_command: 'testctl apply -f /etc/example/configuration.yaml'
The following is an example of applying a Kubernetes configuration:
- template:
source: /var/data/plugins/nginx-ingress-controller.yaml.j2
The following is an example of applying configuration with custom ctl:
- template:
source: /var/data/plugins/calico-ippool.yaml.j2
destination: /etc/calico/ippool.yaml
apply_command: 'calicoctl apply -f /etc/calico/ippool.yaml'
The following is an example of uploading a compiled Jinja2 template to control-planes and workers without applying it:
- template:
source: /var/data/plugins/calicoctl.cfg.j2
destination: /etc/calico/calicoctl.cfg
destination_groups: ['control-plane', 'worker']
apply_required: false
A short format of template procedure is available. In this format only mandatory source paths should be specified. For example:
- template: /var/data/template.yaml.j2
It equals to the following record:
- template:
source: /var/data/template.yaml.j2
This procedure is an alias for template that allows you not to render the contents of the files by using an additional property, do_render
. By default, this value is defined as True
, which specifies that the content is rendered as in the Template
All the parameters match with template.
Parameter | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
do_render | no | True | Allows you not to render the contents of the file. |
Note: If do_render: false
is specified, Kubemarine uploads the file without any transformation.
It is desirable for such files to have LF line endings.
This is especially relevant for Windows deployers
and is important if the files are aimed for services that are sensitive to line endings.
This procedure allows you to wait until the necessary pods are ready. You have to declare a procedure section and specify the list of the pod names that should be expected. For example:
- expect:
- coredns
- calico-kube-controllers
- calico-node
Note: You can specify some part of the pod name instead of the full name of the container.
The procedure tries once every few seconds to find the necessary pods and detect their running status. If you use the standard format of this procedure, then pods are expected in accordance with the following configurations:
Configuration | Value | Description |
timeout | 5 |
The number of seconds until the next pod status check. |
retries | 45 |
The number of attempts to check the status. |
The total waiting time is calculated by multiplying the configuration timeout * retries
, for default values it is 2 to 5 minutes to wait.
If during this time, the pods do not have a ready status, then a corresponding error is thrown and the work is stopped.
Also, if at least one of the expected pods is detected in the status of a fail, an error is thrown without waiting for the end of the total waiting time.
If you are not satisfied with the default wait values, you can use the advanced form of the procedure record. For example:
- expect:
timeout: 10
retries: 60
- coredns
- calico-kube-controllers
- calico-node
Default values for plugins pods expect timeout and retries are:
Configuration | Value | Description |
timeout | 5 |
The number of seconds until the next pod status check. |
retries | 150 |
The number of attempts to check the status. |
These values can be changed in a particular expect
or globally:
timeout: 10
retries: 25
This procedure is similar to expect pods
, but it is intended to wait for deployments/daemonsets/replicasets/statefulsets. For example:
- expect:
- calico-node
- calico-kube-controllers
Note: You can specify some part of the resource name instead of its full name.
The procedure tries once every few seconds to find the necessary resources and detect their status. If you use the standard format of this procedure, then the resources are expected in accordance with the following configurations:
Configuration | Value | Description |
timeout | 5 |
The number of seconds until the next resource status check. |
retries | 30 |
The number of attempts to check the status. |
The total waiting time in seconds is calculated by multiplying the configuration timeout * retries
If during this time, the resources do not have an up-to-date status, then a corresponding error is thrown and the work is stopped.
If you are not satisfied with the default wait values, you can use the advanced form of the procedure record. For example:
- expect:
- calico-node
timeout: 10
retries: 100
- calico-kube-controllers
retries: 60
Default values for deployments/daemonsets/replicasets/statefulsets expect timeout and retries are:
Configuration | Value | Description |
timeout | 5 |
The number of seconds until the next status check. |
retries | 45 |
The number of attempts to check the status. |
These values can be changed in a particular expect
or globally:
timeout: 10
retries: 15
This procedure allows you to directly call the Python 3 code. This is helpful when you want to connect a ready-made product in Python, or for example you have complex business logic that can only be described in a programming language. For this procedure, you must specify the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
module | The absolute path on local host to the Python 3 module to be loaded. |
method | The name of the method to call. |
arguments | Optional. Key-value map, which should be applied as kwargs to the requested method. |
Note: The python code is executed on the deploying node and not on remote nodes.
Note: The called method must accept a cluster object as the first argument.
For example:
- python:
module: plugins/
method: apply_yaml
plugin_name: nginx-ingress-controller
original_yaml_path: plugins/yaml/nginx-ingress-controller-{{ plugins.nginx-ingress-controller.version }}-original.yaml
This procedure allows you to trigger specific thirdparty installation. This thirdparty must be configured in the thirdparties section and its destination path must be specified in this procedure. In this case, thirdparty is not installed in prepare.thirdparties
task, but is installed during the installation of the current plugin.
For example:
source: ''
- thirdparty: /usr/bin/calicoctl
This procedure allows you to execute shell code on remote hosts. The following parameters are supported:
Parameter | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
command | yes | A shell command to be executed on remote hosts. | |
sudo | no | False |
Switch for the command execution from the sudoer. |
groups | no | None |
List of groups on which the shell command should be executed. |
nodes | no | None |
List of nodes on which the shell command should be executed. |
out_vars | no | None |
List of ENV variables to export and save for later use |
in_vars | no | None |
List of ENV variables to import before command execution |
Note: You can specify nodes and groups at the same time.
Note: If no groups or nodes are specified, then by default the first control-plane is used.
For example:
- shell:
command: mkdir -p /etc/calico
groups: ['control-plane']
sudo: true
There is support for a shortened format. In this case, you need to specify only the command to execute, all other parameters are set by default. For example:
- shell: whoami
It equals to the following record:
- shell:
command: whoami
If you combine several commands, for example whoami && whoami
with sudo: true
, the second command is executed from non-sudoer. In this case, specify sudo
for second command explicitly. For example:
- shell:
command: whoami && sudo whoami
sudo: true
Also try to avoid complex shell features, for example pipe redirection. Shell procedure is only for simple command invocation, but not for complex shell scripts. If you need to call complex shell logic, place a script file, upload it to a remote host, and call the script. For example:
- config:
source: /var/data/plugins/
destination: /etc/calico/
destination_nodes: ['control-plane-1']
apply_required: false
do_render: false
- shell:
command: bash -x /etc/calico/
nodes: ['control-plane-1']
sudo: true
For more information, see the config procedure type.
Example of runtime variables usage in shell procedure:
- shell:
- echo $input_var $input_var_1
- export output_var='this string will be saved to `runtime_vars` with name `output_var`'
- export output_var_2='this string will be saved to `runtime_vars` with name `example_var_alias`'
- name: output_var
- name: output_var_2
save_as: example_var_alias
- name: input_var # value for this var should be set in runtime as it is for `output_var`, or else it will be empty
- name: input_var_1
value: static value, which can also be rendered {{ like_this }}
This procedure allows you to directly execute Ansible playbooks. This is useful when you have a ready-made set of playbooks required for your business logic and you need to execute them during the installation process. For this procedure you must specify the following parameters:
Parameter | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
playbook | yes | An absolute path for playbook to be executed. | |
vars | no | None |
Additional variables, overriding variables from Ansible inventory. They are passed as --extra-vars in CLI. |
become | no | False |
Privilege escalation switch. Enables -b argument. |
groups | no | None |
Targeted list of groups, passed to Ansible as --limit argument. |
nodes | no | None |
Targeted list of nodes, passed to Ansible as --limit argument. |
Note: The playbook execution starts on the deploying node, not on remote nodes.
Note: Ansible must be manually installed on the deploying node.
Note: Executing of the playbooks is currently not supported on Windows deployers.
Note: An Ansible Inventory is provided to the playbook, so it should not be disabled.
Note: When calling ansible plugin from Kubemarine container, note that Kubemarine container is shipped with ansible-2.9.*
Exact patch version is not fixed.
For example:
- ansible:
playbook: /var/data/plugins/playbook.yaml
foo: bar
become: True
groups: ['control-plane', 'worker']
There is support for a shortened format. In this case, you need to specify only path to the playbook, all other parameters are set by default. For example:
- ansible: /var/data/plugins/playbook.yaml
It equals to the following record:
- ansible:
playbook: /var/data/plugins/playbook.yaml
You can install or upgrade HELM chart on Kubernetes cluster.
If a Helm chart is already installed on the cluster, the helm upgrade
command is called, otherwise helm install
command is called.
Specify the following parameters:
The chart_path
parameter specifies the absolute path on local host to the Helm chart. The URL link to chart archive is also supported.
The values_file
parameter specifies the absolute path on the local host to the file with YAML formatted values for the chart that override values from the values.yaml
file from the provided chart.
This parameter is optional.
The values
parameter specifies the YAML formatted values for the chart that override values from the values.yaml
file from the provided chart.
The values from this parameter also override the values from the values_file
This parameter is optional.
The namespace
parameter specifies the cloud namespace where chart should be installed. This parameter is optional.
The release
parameter specifies target Helm release. The parameter is optional and is equal to chart name by default.
- Helm 3 is only supported.
For example:
install: True
priority: 10
- helm:
chart_path: /tmp/some-chart
create: false
namespace: elastic-search
release: elastic-search-1
values_file: /tmp/custom_values.yaml
Before use, the configuration file cluster.yaml is preprocessed. The user settings are merged with default settings, thereby creating the final configuration file, which is further used throughout the entire installation.
Note: If Dump Files is enabled, then you can see merged cluster.yaml file version in the dump directory.
To simplify maintenance of the configuration file, the following advanced functionality appears in the yaml file:
- List merge strategy
- Dynamic variables
- Environment Variables
It is possible to define the following strategies when merging two lists:
- replace - It indicates that the contents of one list must be replaced by other. This strategy is useful when you need to completely replace the default list with the settings on your own. If no strategy is specified, then this strategy is applied by default.
- merge - It indicates that the contents of one list must be merged with other. This strategy is useful when you need to merge the default list of settings with your list, without replacing the earlier list.
To define a strategy in the list, you must specify a new list element. In
this element, you need to put a key-value pair, where the key is <<
, and value
is the name of the join strategy.
Note: This functionality is available only for lists and only a single strategy pointer is allowed inside the list.
Note: This functionality is available only in specific sections of the inventory file. For a detailed set of allowed sections, refer to List Merge Allowed Sections.
The following is an example of replace
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
- '<<': replace
The user list replaces the default:
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
The following is an example of merge
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
- '<<': merge
The result is as follows:
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
- template: templates/plugins/calico.yaml.j2
- coredns
With the merge
strategy, you can specify a specific place for the content
from the default list inside the user list.
For example, you can indicate it at the beginning:
- '<<': merge
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
- template: /var/data/custom_template2.yaml.j2
As a result, the default part of the list is at the beginning, and the user part at the end:
- template: templates/plugins/calico.yaml.j2
- coredns
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
- template: /var/data/custom_template2.yaml.j2
You can specify it at the end as follows:
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
- template: /var/data/custom_template2.yaml.j2
- '<<': merge
As a result, the default part of the list is at the end, and the user part at the beginning:
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
- template: /var/data/custom_template2.yaml.j2
- template: templates/plugins/calico.yaml.j2
- coredns
You can specify in the middle as follows:
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
- '<<': merge
- template: /var/data/custom_template2.yaml.j2
The result is as follows:
- template: /var/data/custom_template.yaml.j2
- template: templates/plugins/calico.yaml.j2
- coredns
- template: /var/data/custom_template2.yaml.j2
Application of the list merge strategy is allowed in the following sections:
There are settings in the configuration file that borrow their contents from the settings of the other sections. To avoid any duplication of the settings, the mechanism of dynamic variables is used.
This mechanism allows you to specify a link from one variable to another.
For example, the following parameters:
variable: "test"
variable: '{{ section_one.variable }}'
This leads to the following result:
variable: test
variable: test
Dynamic variables allow you to refer to the other variables, but can also be full-fledged Jinja2 templates.
For example, the following configuration:
variable: '{{ section_one.variable | default("nothing") }}'
This leads to the following result:
section_one: null
variable: nothing
Recursive pointing to each other is also supported. For example:
- variable: '{{ section[1].variable }}-2'
- variable: '{{ section[2].variable }}-1'
- variable: "hello"
The above configuration generates the following result:
- variable: hello-1-2
- variable: hello-1
- variable: hello
The inventory is compiled in two stages:
- Lightweight compilation of only those sections that participate in the enrichment of SSH connections.
- Full compilation of the inventory.
This introduces some restrictions to the sections that make up the connections. Such sections must not refer to the other sections of the inventory.
For example, the following snippet shows illegal references:
kubernetesVersion: '{{ services.kubeadm.kubernetesVersion }}'
- name: 'node-on-{{ services.cri.containerRuntime }}'
roles: [worker]
Back references are still possible.
A complete subset of connection-making sections and properties is as follows:
Dynamic variables have some limitations that should be considered when working with them:
Limitations due to pecularities of Compilation Stages.
Dynamic variables have restricted support in inventory files of maintenance procedures (e.g. upgrade, etc.). The references are supported only in those sections that are merged with the main inventory.
All variables should be either valid variables that Kubemarine understands, or custom variables defined in the dedicated
section.values: custom_variable: value kubemarine_section: kubemarine_variable: '{{ values.custom_variable }}'
The start pointer of the Jinja2 template must be inside a pair of single or double quotes. The
out of quotes leads to a parsing error of the yaml file. -
The variable cannot refer to itself.
The variables cannot mutually refer to each other. For example, the following configuration:
section: variable_one: '{{ section.variable_two }}' variable_two: '{{ section.variable_one }}'
This leads to the "cyclic reference" error.
Inventory strings can have strings containing characters that Jinja2 considers as their expressions. For example, if you specify a golang template. To avoid rendering errors for such expressions, it is possible to escape the special characters. For example:
authority: '{{ "{{ .Name }}" }} 3600 IN SOA'
authority: '{% raw %}{{ .Name }}{% endraw %} 3600 IN SOA'
For more information, refer to
Kubemarine supports environment variables inside the following places:
- The configuration file cluster.yaml.
- Jinja2 template files for plugins. For more information, refer to template.
Environment variables are available through the predefined env
Jinja2 variable.
Refer to them inside the configuration file in the following way:
variable: '{{ env.ENV_VARIABLE_NAME }}'
Environment variables inherit all features and limitations of the Dynamic Variables including but not limited to:
- The ability to participate in full-fledged Jinja2 templates.
- The recursive pointing to other variables pointing to environment variables.
Consider the following more complex example:
variable: '{{ env["ENV_VARIABLE_NAME"] | default("nothing") }}'
variable: '{{ values.variable }}'
The above configuration generates the following result, provided that ENV_VARIABLE_NAME=ENV_VARIABLE_VALUE
is defined:
If you want to install Kubernetes in a private environment, without access to the internet, then you need to redefine the addresses of remote resources. Be careful with the following parameters:
Path | Registry Type | Format | Example | Description |
services.kubeadm.imageRepository |
Docker | Address without protocol, where Kubernetes images are stored. It should be the full path to the repository. | |
Kubernetes Image Repository. The system container's images such as kubeapi or etcd is loaded from this registry. |
services.thirdparties.{{ thirdparty }}.source |
Plain | Address with protocol or absolute path on deploy node. It should be the full path to the file. | |
Thridparty Source. Thirdparty file, such as binary, archive and so on, is loaded from this registry. |
plugin_defaults.installation.registry |
Docker | Address without protocol, where plugins images are stored. | |
Plugins Images Registry. All plugins container's images are loaded from this registry. |
The installation information for Kubemarine is specified below.
Warning: Running the installation on an already running cluster redeploys the cluster from scratch.
The following is the installation tasks tree:
- prepare
- check
- sudoer - Validates if the connection user has the sudoer permissions.
- system - Validates the distributive and version of the hosts operating system.
- cluster_installation - Looks for an already installed cluster.
- dns
- hostname - Configures nodes hostnames.
- etc_hosts - Configures the records in
(backup is presented). This task writes the node names and their addresses to this file. - resolv_conf - Configures the records in
(backup is presented). For more information about parameters for this task, see resolv.conf. If no parameters are presented, the task is skipped.
- package_manager
- configure - Configures repositories for the package manager (backup is presented) and updates the repodata. For more information about parameters for this task, see package_manager. If no parameters are presented, the task is skipped. OS-specific.
- disable_unattended_upgrades - Disables Ubuntu/Debian unattended-upgrades for some packages. See associations for more information;
- manage_packages - Manages packages on hosts. For more information about parameters for this task, see packages. If no parameters are presented, the task is skipped. OS-specific.
- ntp
- chrony - Configures the file
(backup is presented) and synchronizes the time using thechronyd
service. For more information about parameters for this task, see chrony. If no parameters are presented or non-RHEL OS is used, the task is skipped. - timesyncd - Configures the file
(backup is presented) and synchronizes the time using thetimesyncd
service. For more information about parameters for this task, see timesyncd. If no parameters are presented or non-Debian OS is used, the task is skipped.
- chrony - Configures the file
- system
- setup_selinux - Configures SELinux. For more information about parameters for this task, see SELinux. The task is performed only for the RHEL OS family.
- setup_apparmor - Configures AppArmor. For more information about parameters for this task, see AppArmor. The task is performed only for the Debian OS family.
- disable_firewalld - Forcibly disables FirewallD service.
- disable_swap - Forcibly disables swap in system.
- modprobe - Configures Linux Kernel modules. For more information about parameters for this task, see modprobe.
- sysctl - Configures Linux Kernel parameters. For more information about parameters for this task, see sysctl.
- audit
- install - Installs auditd daemon on nodes.
- configure - Configures Linux audit rules. For more information about parameters for this task, see audit-daemon.
- cri
- thirdparties - Downloads thirdparties and installs them. For more information about parameters for this task, see thirdparties.
- check
- deploy
- loadbalancer
- haproxy
- install - Installs HAProxy if balancers are presented in the inventory. If the HAProxy is already installed, then there is no reinstallation.
- configure - Configures HAProxy in the file
(backup is presented).
- keepalived
- install - Installs Keepalived if
is presented in the inventory. If the Keepalived is already installed, then there is no reinstallation. - configure - Configures Keepalived in the file
(backup is presented). For more information about parameters for this task, see vrrp_ips.
- install - Installs Keepalived if
- haproxy
- kubernetes
- reset - Resets an existing or previous Kubernetes cluster. All the data related to the Kubernetes is removed, including the container runtime being cleaned up.
- install - Configures Kubernetes service in the file
- prepull_images - Prepulls Kubernetes images on all nodes using parameters from the inventory.
- init - Initializes Kubernetes nodes via kubeadm with config files:
. For more information about parameters for this task, see kubeadm. Also apply PSS if it is enabled. For more information about PSS, see RBAC pss. - audit - Configures Kubernetes audit rules. For more information about parameters for this task, see audit-Kubernetes Policy.
- coredns - Configures CoreDNS service with coredns inventory settings.
- plugins - Applies plugin installation procedures. For more information about parameters for this task, see Plugins.
- accounts - Creates new users in cluster. For more information about parameters for this task, see RBAC accounts.
- loadbalancer
- overview - Collects general information about the cluster and displays it in stdout.
Note: The task execution is strictly performed in the order as in the tree above.
Full installation using CLI can be started with the following command:
kubemarine install
It begins the execution of all tasks available in the installer in accordance with its task tree.
Note: The SSH-keyfile path in the config-file should be absolute, not relative.
If you are installing via CLI, you can specify the custom cluster.yaml
location as follows:
kubemarine install --config="${PATH_TO_CONFIG}/cluster.yaml"
or shorter
kubemarine install -c "${PATH_TO_CONFIG}/cluster.yaml"
where, ${PATH_TO_CONFIG}
- is the path to the local inventory file.
Note: Use the absolute path in arguments, instead of relative.
This section describes the installation features.
It is possible to override the default installation tasks tree with --tasks
argument when installing via CLI, and as the contents list tasks names separated by commas.
The following is an example for CLI:
kubemarine install --tasks="prepare.dns.etc_hosts,deploy"
For detailed tree of tasks, see Installation Tasks Description.
If required, you can exclude some tasks from the execution in --exclude
argument when installing via CLI. The principle of action is the opposite of tasks
kubemarine install --exclude="deploy.loadbalancer,deploy.kubernetes.install"
The arguments can be combined. For example, when you only need to perform a deploy, but not touch the balancers.
kubemarine install --tasks="deploy" --exclude="deploy.loadbalancer"
When you specify the name of the task, you can specify the following types:
- group - Logically separated part of the execution tree, which includes a
certain set of tasks. For example, when you specify
group, it executes only tasks from group:prepare.dns.resolv_conf
, tasks from other groups are skipped. - task - The exact address of the task to be performed. Others are skipped.
You can also combine the types, specify both groups and tasks at the same time. For example:
kubemarine install --tasks="prepare.system,prepare.dns.resolv_conf"
The Flow Filter filters everything and make a new execution tree, on which the installation begins. The list of excluded tasks gets printed before starting the work and displays as follows:
Excluded tasks:
If nothing is excluded, it displays:
Excluded tasks:
No excluded tasks
The Flow Filter also takes care of sorting the sequence of tasks. Therefore, you do not need to consider the sequence for listing the tasks. You can do it in any sequence, and then the actual sequence of the tasks is automatically decided and followed at the time of installation.
Note: The sequence cannot be changed, it is hardcoded into the source code. This is done intentionally since some tasks are dependent on others.
Kubemarine has the ability to customize the output of logs, as well as customize the output to a separate file or graylog. For more information, refer to the Configuring Kubemarine Logging section.
During installation configurations, templates and other files are generated. For best user experience, these configurations are not displayed in the output log. However, by default, all intermediate results are saved in the dump directory, which is automatically created at the beginning of work. It is not recommended but you can also disable this functionality.
The dumped files are put into the dump
directory which is located by default in the executable directory. However, you can put the dump
directory into any other folder instead of the executable directory using the --dump-location
argument. For example:
$ install --dump-location /var/data/
Note: When creating a dump directory, the entire hierarchy of directories is created recursively in accordance with the specified path, even if a part of the path is missing.
You can use the --disable-dump
argument to disable the dumping feature that disables creation of the dump directory and stop storing dump files in it.
The following example turns off the dump:
$ install --disable-dump
If you want a dump to be created, but you do not want it to be cleaned every time, you can turn off the automatic cleaning using the disable-dump-cleanup
parameter. For example:
$ install --disable-dump-cleanup
After any procedure is completed, a final inventory with all the missing variable values is needed, which is pulled from the finished cluster environment. This inventory can be found in the cluster_finalized.yaml file in the working directory, and can be passed as a source inventory in future runs of Kubemarine procedures.
Note: The cluster_finalized.yaml inventory file is aimed to reflect the current cluster state together with the Kubemarine version using which it is created. This in particular means that the file cannot be directly used with a different Kubemarine version. Though, it still can be migrated together with the managed cluster using the Kubemarine Migration Procedure.
In the file, you can see not only the compiled inventory, but also some converted values depending on what is installed on the cluster. For example, consider the following package's origin configuration:
executable_name: 'containerd'
service_name: 'containerd'
config_location: '/etc/containerd/config.toml'
package_name: conntrack-tools
- ethtool
- ebtables
- socat
The above configuration is converted to the following finalized configuration, provided that the cluster is based on RHEL nodes:
executable_name: 'containerd'
service_name: 'containerd'
config_location: '/etc/containerd/config.toml'
package_name: conntrack-tools-1.4.4-7.el7.x86_64
- ethtool-4.8-10.el7.x86_64
- ebtables-2.0.10-16.el7.x86_64
- socat-
Note: Some of the packages are impossible to be detected in the system, therefore such packages remain unchanged.
The same rule is applied if two different package versions are detected on different nodes.
Also, see the cache_versions
option in the associations section.
Note: After some time is passed, the detected package versions might disappear from the repository.
Direct using of the cluster_finalized.yaml
file in procedures like install
or add_node
might be impossible due to this reason, and would require a manual intervention.
The same applies to the VRRP interfaces. For example, the following origin configuration without interfaces:
- ip:
The above configuration is converted to the following configuration with real interfaces as it is presented on the keepalived nodes:
- floating_ip:
- interface: eth0
name: balancer-1
- interface: eth0
name: balancer-2
Note: Also, finalization escapes the golang expression; this required for prevention incompatibility with the jinja parser.
During perform of Kubemarine, all configuration files on the nodes are copied to their backup copies before being overwritten. Also, all versions of the file, that are different from each other, are saved, and new copies are incremented in the file name. This protects from losing important versions of configuration files and allows to restore the desired file from a necessary backup version. After several installations, you can find the file and all its backups as in the following example:
$ ls -la /etc/resolv.conf*
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root root 78 jul 5 08:57 /etc/resolv.conf
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 117 jul 5 08:55 /etc/resolv.conf.bak1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 216 jul 5 08:57 /etc/resolv.conf.bak2
By default, during installation a new Ansible inventory file is converted from cluster.yaml file. Ansible inventory file is available in the root directory of the distribution immediately after starting the installation.
If you want to generate only an inventory file, you must run the installer with the argument --without-act
. For example:
kubemarine install --without-act
You can specify custom path and name for the ansible inventory file, using the argument --ansible-inventory-location
. By default, the file is saved to the executable directory with the name ansible-inventory.ini
. For example:
kubemarine install --ansible-inventory-location /var/data/ansible-inventory.ini
Warning: Always specify the absolute path to the file, not relative.
Arguments can be combined. For example the following arguments generate the inventory without starting the installation:
kubemarine install --without-act --ansible-inventory-location /var/data/inventory.ini
The automatically converted information is placed in the inventory file, divided into the following sections.
The [all]
section contains the following basic knowledge about nodes to connect to:
- Node name
- Ansible-host
- Internal IP address
- External IP address (if exists)
For example:
localhost ansible_connection=local
k8s-lb ansible_host= ip= external_ip=
k8s-control-plane-1 ansible_host= ip= external_ip=
k8s-control-plane-2 ansible_host= ip= external_ip=
k8s-control-plane-3 ansible_host= ip= external_ip=
k8s-worker-1 ansible_host= ip= external_ip=
k8s-worker-2 ansible_host= ip= external_ip=
The [cluster:children]
section contains the following node roles presented in cluster:
- balancer (if any presented)
- control-plane
- worker (if any presented)
For example:
The [balancer]
, [control-plane]
, [worker]
sections contain nodes names, which are included in this sections.
For example:
The [cluster:vars]
section contains other cluster-specific information:
- Username for connection
- Path to SSH key-file for connection (this data is used from
section from the original inventory) - Services parameters
- Plugins parameters
For example:
All the data from the original inventory is included in the parameters of services and plugins, either explicitly defined by the user or automatically calculated. They are either explicitly converted to a string type, or converted to JSON if it is list or dict. The parameter values are presented as follows:
For example:
# services.kubeadm
kubeadm_networking={"podSubnet": "", "serviceSubnet": ""}
kubeadm_apiServer={"certSANs": ["", "k8s-lb", ""]}
# services.cri
cri_containerdConfig={"version": 2, "plugins.\"io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri\"": {"sandbox_image": ""}, "plugins.\"io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri\".registry.mirrors.\"\"": {"endpoint": [""]}, "plugins.\"io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri\".containerd.runtimes.runc": {"runtime_type": "io.containerd.runc.v2"}, "plugins.\"io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri\".containerd.runtimes.runc.options": {"SystemdCgroup": true}}
Note: From the final variables list the following parameters are excluded:
Cumulative points is a special feature that allows you to combine several repeating actions of the same type into one, and run at the right moment of installation. For example, if you have 3 tasks, each of which requires a system reboot in order for their configurations to apply. So instead of repeating reboot 3 times in a row, you can do 1 reboot after these 3 tasks. The description of cumulative points is as follows:
Method | Scheduled by Tasks | Executed before tasks | Description |
os.reboot_nodes | prepare.system.setup_selinux prepare.system.disable_firewalld prepare.system.disable_swap prepare.system.modprobe prepare.system.sysctl |
prepare.system.sysctl | Reboots all cluster nodes. |
os.verify_system | prepare.system.setup_selinux prepare.system.disable_firewalld prepare.system.disable_swap prepare.system.modprobe prepare.system.sysctl |
prepare.system.sysctl | Verifies that configured system configurations have been applied. |
Cumulative points are not necessarily always executed. Tasks independently decide when to schedule a cumulative point. For example, if the configurations are not updated, then a reboot for applying them is also not required. For more detailed information, see the description of the tasks and their parameters. If the task is skipped, then it is not able to schedule the cumulative point. For example, by skipping certain tasks, you can avoid a reboot.
Note: You can specify Kubernetes version via kubernetesVersion
parameter. See Kubernetes version section for more details.
Note: If you need to upgrade an existing Kubernetes cluster to new version, please use the Upgrade Procedure.
The tables below shows the correspondence of versions that are supported and is used during the installation:
Type | Name | Versions | Note | ||||||
CentOS RHEL 7.5+ | CentOS RHEL Oracle Linux 8.4 | Ubuntu 20.04,22.04 | Ubuntu 24.04 | Oracle Linux 7.5+ | RHEL 8.6+ | RockyLinux 8.6+ | |||
binaries | kubeadm | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | unsupported | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | SHA1: b8cc2038662975025dd17a94d9185ffc7a241222 |
kubelet | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | unsupported | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | SHA1: 2a69d84c97133c44b3159f7ca9fd09d7e43f6b0f | |
kubectl | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | unsupported | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | SHA1: fa0da5539a2b186ff276d1552700825b7fe49acd | |
calicoctl | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | unsupported | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | SHA1: 46875b3d28318553fe382db0766a0916f2556217 Required only if calico is installed. | |
crictl | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | unsupported | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | SHA1: c81e76d5d4bf64d6b513485490722d2fc0a9a83b | |
rpms | | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | unsupported | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | |
haproxy/rh-haproxy | 1.8 | 1.8 | 2.* | unsupported | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 | Required only if balancers are presented in the deployment scheme. | |
keepalived | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.* | unsupported | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.1 | Required only if VRRP is presented in the deployment scheme. | |
images | | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | unsupported | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | | | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | unsupported | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | || | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | unsupported | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | || | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | unsupported | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | v1.27.13 | || | v1.10.1 | v1.10.1 | v1.10.1 | unsupported | v1.10.1 | v1.10.1 | v1.10.1 | || | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | unsupported | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | || | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | unsupported | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | ||
calico/typha | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | unsupported | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | Required only if Typha is enabled in Calico config. | |
calico/cni | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | unsupported | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | ||
calico/node | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | unsupported | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | ||
calico/kube-controllers | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | unsupported | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | ||
calico/apiserver | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | unsupported | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | v3.26.4 | Required only if API server is enabled in Calico config. | | | v1.9.6 | v1.9.6 | v1.9.6 | unsupported | v1.9.6 | v1.9.6 | v1.9.6 | || | v20231226-1a7112e06 | v20231226-1a7112e06 | v20231226-1a7112e06 | unsupported | v20231226-1a7112e06 | v20231226-1a7112e06 | v20231226-1a7112e06 | ||
kubernetesui/dashboard | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | unsupported | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
kubernetesui/metrics-scraper | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | unsupported | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
rancher/local-path-provisioner | v0.0.26 | v0.0.26 | v0.0.26 | unsupported | v0.0.26 | v0.0.26 | v0.0.26 | Required only if local-path provisioner plugin is set to be installed. |
Type | Name | Versions | Note | ||||||
CentOS RHEL 7.5+ | CentOS RHEL Oracle Linux 8.4 | Ubuntu 20.04,22.04 | Ubuntu 24.04 | Oracle Linux 7.5+ | RHEL 8.6+ | RockyLinux 8.6+ | |||
binaries | kubeadm | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | unsupported | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | SHA1: 22476176e43fc7d0842ea0339883e7f6736c4626 |
kubelet | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | unsupported | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | SHA1: 03127cf21c2d0dda9b771af9243aedea5a6bdc05 | |
kubectl | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | unsupported | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | SHA1: be8da097d394fd4693c1953a463c5896199780ba | |
calicoctl | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | unsupported | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | SHA1: 80f164a8248b8fa501f35f12cbcac0b059e665e2 Required only if calico is installed. | |
crictl | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | unsupported | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | SHA1: c81e76d5d4bf64d6b513485490722d2fc0a9a83b | |
rpms | | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | unsupported | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | |
haproxy/rh-haproxy | 1.8 | 1.8 | 2.* | unsupported | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 | Required only if balancers are presented in the deployment scheme. | |
keepalived | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.* | unsupported | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.1 | Required only if VRRP is presented in the deployment scheme. | |
images | | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | unsupported | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | | | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | unsupported | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | || | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | unsupported | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | || | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | unsupported | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | v1.28.12 | || | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | unsupported | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | || | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | unsupported | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | || | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | unsupported | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | ||
calico/typha | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | unsupported | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | Required only if Typha is enabled in Calico config. | |
calico/cni | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | unsupported | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/node | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | unsupported | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/kube-controllers | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | unsupported | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/apiserver | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | unsupported | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | Required only if API server is enabled in Calico config. | | | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | unuspported | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | || | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | unsupported | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | ||
kubernetesui/dashboard | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | unsupported | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
kubernetesui/metrics-scraper | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | unsupported | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
rancher/local-path-provisioner | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | unsupported | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | Required only if local-path provisioner plugin is set to be installed. |
Type | Name | Versions | Note | ||||||
CentOS RHEL 7.5+ | CentOS RHEL Oracle Linux 8.4 | Ubuntu 20.04,22.04 | Ubuntu 24.04 | Oracle Linux 7.5+ | RHEL 8.6+ | RockyLinux 8.6+ | |||
binaries | kubeadm | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | SHA1: 1c3204a3ba2139e65dc6353da8cc23d5c2d4c449 |
kubelet | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | SHA1: a8be6dadd57062577102ddcad029f7b23a5ce925 | |
kubectl | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | SHA1: 6be79225976da1bdbbafc2f63118263fc35f224f | |
calicoctl | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | SHA1: 80f164a8248b8fa501f35f12cbcac0b059e665e2 Required only if calico is installed. | |
crictl | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | SHA1: c81e76d5d4bf64d6b513485490722d2fc0a9a83b | |
rpms | | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.7.* | 1.7.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | |
haproxy/rh-haproxy | 1.8 | 1.8 | 2.* | 2.* | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 | Required only if balancers are presented in the deployment scheme. | |
keepalived | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.* | 2.* | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.1 | Required only if VRRP is presented in the deployment scheme. | |
images | | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | | | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | || | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | || | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | v1.29.7 | || | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | || | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | || | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | ||
calico/typha | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | Required only if Typha is enabled in Calico config. | |
calico/cni | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/node | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/kube-controllers | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/apiserver | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | Required only if API server is enabled in Calico config. | | | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | || | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | ||
kubernetesui/dashboard | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
kubernetesui/metrics-scraper | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
rancher/local-path-provisioner | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | Required only if local-path provisioner plugin is set to be installed. |
Type | Name | Versions | Note | ||||||
CentOS RHEL 7.5+ | CentOS RHEL Oracle Linux 8.4 | Ubuntu 20.04,22.04 | Ubuntu 24.04 | Oracle Linux 7.5+ | RHEL 8.6+ | RockyLinux 8.6+ | |||
binaries | kubeadm | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | SHA1: f840e75f5dc1001ebdd7e286c0e87e1090df011b |
kubelet | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | SHA1: fbae53efc43ec715a45b05415294ab991ea087a2 | |
kubectl | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | SHA1: 097d6b02fabb284418a9c95ea81fa86fc3c85bb7 | |
calicoctl | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | SHA1: 80f164a8248b8fa501f35f12cbcac0b059e665e2 Required only if calico is installed. | |
crictl | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | SHA1: c81e76d5d4bf64d6b513485490722d2fc0a9a83b | |
rpms | | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.7.* | 1.7.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | |
haproxy/rh-haproxy | 1.8 | 1.8 | 2.* | 2.* | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 | Required only if balancers are presented in the deployment scheme. | |
keepalived | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.* | 2.* | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.1 | Required only if VRRP is presented in the deployment scheme. | |
images | | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | | | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | || | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | || | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | v1.30.3 | || | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | || | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 3.9 | || | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | 3.5.12-0 | ||
calico/typha | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | Required only if Typha is enabled in Calico config. | |
calico/cni | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/node | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/kube-controllers | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/apiserver | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | Required only if API server is enabled in Calico config. | | | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | || | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | ||
kubernetesui/dashboard | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
kubernetesui/metrics-scraper | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
rancher/local-path-provisioner | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | Required only if local-path provisioner plugin is set to be installed. |
Type | Name | Versions | Note | ||||||
CentOS RHEL 7.5+ | CentOS RHEL Oracle Linux 8.4 | Ubuntu 20.04,22.04 | Ubuntu 24.04 | Oracle Linux 7.5+ | RHEL 8.6+ | RockyLinux 8.6+ | |||
binaries | kubeadm | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | SHA1: 0a682af6436ce4e7188f93ddeebff5c2f3be1592 |
kubelet | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | SHA1: fc7d0a9859c97ec2a2a4ac9ec1814b131e8d875f | |
kubectl | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | SHA1: a0fd9dc942f533e2bdeaa4b2691fc408e334f922 | |
calicoctl | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | SHA1: 80f164a8248b8fa501f35f12cbcac0b059e665e2 Required only if calico is installed. | |
crictl | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | v1.30.0 | SHA1: c81e76d5d4bf64d6b513485490722d2fc0a9a83b | |
rpms | | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.7.* | 1.7.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | 1.6.* | |
haproxy/rh-haproxy | 1.8 | 1.8 | 2.* | 2.* | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 | Required only if balancers are presented in the deployment scheme. | |
keepalived | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.* | 2.* | 1.3 | 2.1 | 2.1 | Required only if VRRP is presented in the deployment scheme. | |
images | | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | | | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | || | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | || | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | v1.31.1 | || | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | || | 3.10 | 3.10 | 3.10 | 3.10 | 3.10 | 3.10 | 3.10 | || | 3.5.15-0 | 3.5.15-0 | 3.5.15-0 | 3.5.15-0 | 3.5.15-0 | 3.5.15-0 | 3.5.15-0 | ||
calico/typha | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | Required only if Typha is enabled in Calico config. | |
calico/cni | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/node | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/kube-controllers | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | ||
calico/apiserver | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | v3.28.1 | Required only if API server is enabled in Calico config. | | | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | v1.11.1 | || | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | v1.4.1 | ||
kubernetesui/dashboard | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | v2.7.0 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
kubernetesui/metrics-scraper | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | v1.0.8 | Required only if Kubernetes Dashboard plugin is set to be installed. | |
rancher/local-path-provisioner | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | v0.0.27 | Required only if local-path provisioner plugin is set to be installed. |