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上周有 75 个新 issue。 25 个 issue 已经被关闭,50 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。
💚 #1895 疑是BUG,page文件名使用中划线(线上版本不支持的复现描述), by crper 💚 #1894 RN 端是否已兼容 CSS Modules?, by js-newbee 💚 #1893 使用 taro 编译出来的RN代码如何在 react-native init xxx 命令生成的项目中使用, by jnotnull 💚 #1892 taro radio单选在h5中的第二个页面不能点击,第一个页面就能点击?, by xingwen93 💚 #1891 @tarojs/components/types 下各个组件的interface 能否全部改成export interface, by w567675 💚 #1889 fix(types): 修复types定义, by mindfocus 💚 #1888 编译小程序,经常出现wxss文件为空, by 467057463 💚 #1887 使用switchTab不能跳转到声明tabBar的首页, by Mliushuai 💚 #1885 once can not destory, by icai 💚 #1884 getUserInfo, by jinyindu 💚 #1883 taro-cli 1.2.2升级到1.2.4出错, by 53tang 💚 #1882 gyp ERR! stack Error: 404 response downloading https://r.cnpmjs.org/node/v8.12.0/node-v8.12.0-headers.tar.gz, by xiaodel 💚 #1881 微信小程序image标签嵌套丢失, by marskid 💚 #1880 小程序源码转taro时,wx:if不正确?taro再编译成微信小程序时,wx:if丢了, by xrr0520 💚 #1878 原生小程序转taro再转微信小程序报错。 Bad attr class with message。, by xrr0520 💚 #1876 taro把原生小程序转成多端的时候,编译成h5却发现wx:if没有转换过来,这怎么解决?, by luodanyalian 💚 #1875 请问,h5的服务器端渲染如何实现, by zhengzhuang95 💚 #1874 未运行npm install的情况下build报错 RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded, by marskid 💚 #1872 编译为支付宝小程序后, global 全局对象找不到, by zw130633 💚 #1868 app.json 申明plugins的使用方式没有兼容, by xiaoreign 💚 #1867 fix: transform scss file with hyphen(-) in the filename, by js-newbee 💚 #1866 scrollView的onScroll方法参数有误, by figo-fe 💚 #1865 问题: 组件内部执行传入的函数,无法获取函数的返回值。有其他途径么?, by w567675 💚 #1863 百度小程序真机调试,video无法正常切换播放, by atony2099 💚 #1862 CSS Modules 配置不支持 camelCase 配置, by tomgao365 💚 #1861 h5环境中,Label的onClick事件会触发两次, by tourze 💚 #1860 在手机IOS safari上,page的componentWillUnmount,componentDidHide只走一次,同一个page不管push或者pop多少次,componentDidMount只走一次, by Lxg1582 💚 #1857 PureComponent 获取不到this.$router, by Lxg1582 💚 #1856 如果其他地方引用了app.tsx的变量,在小程序环境中会造成一些编译的bug, by rui19921122 💚 #1855 ios8上H5框架加载不起来。TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'Object.assign({}, onAndSyncApis, noPromiseApis, otherApis)'), by rainyf 💚 #1854 使用 npx @tarojs/cli init myApp 创建项目,通过 npx taro build --type weapp --watch 命令执行出现找不到命令:taro, by nicedudu 💚 #1850 @tarojs/mobx相关的控件,用jest测试时存在问题, by neoscript99 💚 #1849 borderTopStyle/borderRightStyle/borderBottomStyle/borderLeftStyle在RN中的支持, by tourze 💚 #1848 scss中:export后,RN端运行出错, by tourze 💚 #1847 mobx-state-tree的flow使用问题, by blooddrunk 💚 #1846 升级到1.2.2以上版本问题, by FangBoss 💚 #1843 setState数据无更新无法重新渲染吗?, by xuxiaoxiao312 💚 #1839 Taroui自定义主题版本测试Button在H5平台报错, by qiuhd2015 💚 #1838 taro转微信小程序,Audio组件安卓机使用正常,苹果机没法使用,api也不正常,微信原生都是正常啊, by wnuoer 💚 #1837 小程序Input组件清除不了内容, by sage-z 💚 #1834 taro怎么渲染一个html字符串,类似react的dangerouslysetinnerhtml, by linxiaowu66 💚 #1831 build 后 wxml 内容压缩处理不了换行, by NewsNIng 💚 #1830 compile exclude 可否排除文件夹而不是文件, by chenws1999 💚 #1829 taro的使用程序员们有没有兴趣创业, by mienv567 💚 #1827 h5环境下 storage封装问题。, by treesea2014 💚 #1826 Taro对象在mobx方法中调用,发生异常, by shuiruohanyu 💚 #1824 taro 框架中怎么调整支付宝原生方法,takePhoto方法在支付宝上保存, by hdalin 💚 #1822 加入微信小程序云开发wx-server-sdk依赖后构建报错。, by giscafer 💚 #1821 希望打包小程序可以支持publicPath, by loveonelong 💚 #1820 函数传参无法取到, by hyyqcweb
❤️ #1886 微信小程序原生转 taro 再转 支付宝小程序报错, by zw130633 ❤️ #1879 小程序 转trao H5 报错, by yunfei497335458 ❤️ #1877 h5苹果手机input 弹框收起,页面空白, by Young1993 ❤️ #1871 关于AtImagePicker在taro v1.2.4报错问题, by zuojx1013 ❤️ #1870 调用微信所有接口均报错, by LYfirstday ❤️ #1869 不支持render内写方法,传参数?, by xiaofengz ❤️ #1864 fix(cli): 修复第一次编译成功不显示 devUrl 的问题, by DiamondYuan ❤️ #1859 config配置 alias选项 暂不支持转换usingComponents #1704, by lolipop99 ❤️ #1858 添加esnextModules后仍然报Module parse failed: Unexpected token (101:11)的问题, by zuojx1013 ❤️ #1853 RN设置高度100%,应该是disableScroll:true, by bobchow ❤️ #1852 h5 & rn 环境下的 Provider 定义为 stateful, by nanjingboy ❤️ #1851 用typescript后,特定写法,在文件末尾会出现不明字符</>,报语法错误, by lizongze ❤️ #1845 taro依赖node-sass, by harrydengchao ❤️ #1844 Taro.request() content-type 传入 application/x-www-form-urlencoded 微信端与H5端表现不一致, by pollux2015 ❤️ #1842 多层map下,dom没有重新渲染, by xiaofengz ❤️ #1841 请问有没有兼容小程序跟h5的下拉刷新和上拉加载, by isTeemo ❤️ #1840 1.2.4小程序编译后出现wxml是空的,编译后脚本里面出现React.createElement(...), by hyccpq ❤️ #1836 小程序自定义组件编译后不显示, by ForgetMonstar ❤️ #1835 小程序转成taro,Error: slot 的值必须是一个字符串, by xrr0520 ❤️ #1833 css module新增样式类无法时时更新问题, by FaureWu ❤️ #1832 he "path" argument must, by xxzhiwei ❤️ #1828 添加功能 :是否可以不用expo打包方式 自己添加一种rn的打包方式 , by westeast ❤️ #1825 Taro.getUserInfo 没有返回 encryptedData 和 iv,有什么办法吗, by xxzhiwei ❤️ #1823 支付宝, by hdalin ❤️ #1819 Taro1.2.4版H5端Input组件问题, by schinvendy
上周有 13 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。
上周打开了 1 个 pull request: 💚 #1885 once can not destory, by icai
上周有 7 个 pull request 更新: 💛 #1889 fix(types): 修复types定义, by mindfocus 💛 #1867 fix: transform scss file with hyphen(-) in the filename, by js-newbee 💛 #1612 chore(taro-swan): remove unnecessary judge, by suyingtao 💛 #1361 fix taro-cli development empty outputRoot, by NoBey 💛 #1354 Activating Open Collective, by monkeywithacupcake 💛 #1294 强力压缩, by liangxingchen 💛 #1214 chore(taro-cli): fix typo, by coolzilj
上周 merge 了 5 个 pull request:
💜 #1864 fix(cli): 修复第一次编译成功不显示 devUrl 的问题, by DiamondYuan 💜 #1859 config配置 alias选项 暂不支持转换usingComponents #1704, by lolipop99 💜 #1852 h5 & rn 环境下的 Provider 定义为 stateful, by nanjingboy 💜 #1817 Fix h5 ScrollView, by fjc0k 💜 #1722 fix(taro-components): 修复 Textarea 组件无法传递 detail 问题, by pacoyang
上周共有 33 个 提交:
🛠️ fix(transformer): JSX children 表达式中的小于号会被 html-prettier 强制换行,fix #1802 by yuche 🛠️ feat(transformer): 父类方法阻止事件冒泡,close #1596 by yuche 🛠️ fix(taroize): 无法解析没有 name 的 slot,close #1835 by yuche 🛠️ feat(transformer): this.state 的变量和 render 的自定义变量重名时警告,close #1385 by yuche 🛠️ fix(components): nerv 无法支持 render 的结果是一个数组,close #1804 by yuche 🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 修复 weapp 下 this.$router.path 没有赋值的问题。fix #1814 by Chen-jj 🛠️ fix(cli): 修复第一次编译成功不显示 devUrl 的问题 (#1864) by DiamondYuan 🛠️ feat(cli): config配置 alias选项 暂不支持转换usingComponents #1704 (#1859) by lolipop99 🛠️ docs: update preload doc. close #1805 by Chen-jj 🛠️ docs(RN): RN设置高度100%,应该是disableScroll:true close #1853 by Pines-Cheng 🛠️ Merge branches 'master' and 'master' of github.com:NervJS/taro by Pines-Cheng 🛠️ fix(RN): taro 编译 rn 时分包路径有问题 close #1610 by Pines-Cheng 🛠️ fix(input): 选择文件出错 by jimczj 🛠️ fix(mobx): h5 & rn 环境下的 Provider 定义为 stateful(#1850) (#1852) by nanjingboy 🛠️ fix(transformer): 当继承基类组件没有 render 函数时不报错, close #1370 by yuche 🛠️ Merge branches 'master' and 'master' of github.com:NervJS/taro by Pines-Cheng 🛠️ fix(RN): yarn dev:rn 时 报错 TypeError: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.$router.params') close #1779 by Pines-Cheng 🛠️ fix(transformer): TypeScript 会把装饰器编译为延时赋值,fix #1840 by yuche 🛠️ fix(transformer): 从 this 中结构 props 失败,close #1813 by yuche 🛠️ fix(transformer): 小程序会把 false 渲染出来,#1812 by yuche 🛠️ docs(RN): 添加 openUrl 的文档 by Pines-Cheng 🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of github.com:NervJS/taro by Pines-Cheng 🛠️ feat(RN): RN 端添加 openUrl API by Pines-Cheng 🛠️ Merge pull request #1722 from pacoyang/fix-textarea-input by jinjinjin0731 🛠️ Merge branch 'master' into fix-textarea-input by jinjinjin0731 🛠️ Update index.js by jinjinjin0731 🛠️ fix(taro-components): 修复 Input 组件类型为 number 或者 digit 时的错误,close #1819 by jinjinjin0731 🛠️ feat(taro): 要求传入小程序原生对象的 api ,可以通过传入 taro 实例来解决 by luckyadam 🛠️ Merge pull request #1817 from fjc0k/fix_h5_ScrollView by jinjinjin0731 🛠️ fix(taro-components): 修复 Input 组件默认值问题 close #1790 by jinjinjin0731 🛠️ chore(taro): 升级依赖版本 by luckyadam 🛠️ fix(cli): h5 端编译对于带有后缀的资源引用编译错误 by luckyadam 🛠️ chore: revert yarn.lock by fjc0k
上周共有 10 名独立贡献者:
👤 yuche 👤 Chen-jj 👤 DiamondYuan 👤 lolipop99 👤 Pines-Cheng 👤 jimczj 👤 nanjingboy 👤 jinjinjin0731 👤 luckyadam 👤 fjc0k
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上周有 75 个新 issue。
25 个 issue 已经被关闭,50 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。
💚 #1895 疑是BUG,page文件名使用中划线(线上版本不支持的复现描述), by crper
💚 #1894 RN 端是否已兼容 CSS Modules?, by js-newbee
💚 #1893 使用 taro 编译出来的RN代码如何在 react-native init xxx 命令生成的项目中使用, by jnotnull
💚 #1892 taro radio单选在h5中的第二个页面不能点击,第一个页面就能点击?, by xingwen93
💚 #1891 @tarojs/components/types 下各个组件的interface 能否全部改成export interface, by w567675
💚 #1889 fix(types): 修复types定义, by mindfocus
💚 #1888 编译小程序,经常出现wxss文件为空, by 467057463
💚 #1887 使用switchTab不能跳转到声明tabBar的首页, by Mliushuai
💚 #1885 once can not destory, by icai
💚 #1884 getUserInfo, by jinyindu
💚 #1883 taro-cli 1.2.2升级到1.2.4出错, by 53tang
💚 #1882 gyp ERR! stack Error: 404 response downloading https://r.cnpmjs.org/node/v8.12.0/node-v8.12.0-headers.tar.gz, by xiaodel
💚 #1881 微信小程序image标签嵌套丢失, by marskid
💚 #1880 小程序源码转taro时,wx:if不正确?taro再编译成微信小程序时,wx:if丢了, by xrr0520
💚 #1878 原生小程序转taro再转微信小程序报错。 Bad attr class with message。, by xrr0520
💚 #1876 taro把原生小程序转成多端的时候,编译成h5却发现wx:if没有转换过来,这怎么解决?, by luodanyalian
💚 #1875 请问,h5的服务器端渲染如何实现, by zhengzhuang95
💚 #1874 未运行npm install的情况下build报错 RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded, by marskid
💚 #1872 编译为支付宝小程序后, global 全局对象找不到, by zw130633
💚 #1868 app.json 申明plugins的使用方式没有兼容, by xiaoreign
💚 #1867 fix: transform scss file with hyphen(-) in the filename, by js-newbee
💚 #1866 scrollView的onScroll方法参数有误, by figo-fe
💚 #1865 问题: 组件内部执行传入的函数,无法获取函数的返回值。有其他途径么?, by w567675
💚 #1863 百度小程序真机调试,video无法正常切换播放, by atony2099
💚 #1862 CSS Modules 配置不支持 camelCase 配置, by tomgao365
💚 #1861 h5环境中,Label的onClick事件会触发两次, by tourze
💚 #1860 在手机IOS safari上,page的componentWillUnmount,componentDidHide只走一次,同一个page不管push或者pop多少次,componentDidMount只走一次, by Lxg1582
💚 #1857 PureComponent 获取不到this.$router, by Lxg1582
💚 #1856 如果其他地方引用了app.tsx的变量,在小程序环境中会造成一些编译的bug, by rui19921122
💚 #1855 ios8上H5框架加载不起来。TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'Object.assign({}, onAndSyncApis, noPromiseApis, otherApis)'), by rainyf
💚 #1854 使用 npx @tarojs/cli init myApp 创建项目,通过 npx taro build --type weapp --watch 命令执行出现找不到命令:taro, by nicedudu
💚 #1850 @tarojs/mobx相关的控件,用jest测试时存在问题, by neoscript99
💚 #1849 borderTopStyle/borderRightStyle/borderBottomStyle/borderLeftStyle在RN中的支持, by tourze
💚 #1848 scss中:export后,RN端运行出错, by tourze
💚 #1847 mobx-state-tree的flow使用问题, by blooddrunk
💚 #1846 升级到1.2.2以上版本问题, by FangBoss
💚 #1843 setState数据无更新无法重新渲染吗?, by xuxiaoxiao312
💚 #1839 Taroui自定义主题版本测试Button在H5平台报错, by qiuhd2015
💚 #1838 taro转微信小程序,Audio组件安卓机使用正常,苹果机没法使用,api也不正常,微信原生都是正常啊, by wnuoer
💚 #1837 小程序Input组件清除不了内容, by sage-z
💚 #1834 taro怎么渲染一个html字符串,类似react的dangerouslysetinnerhtml, by linxiaowu66
💚 #1831 build 后 wxml 内容压缩处理不了换行, by NewsNIng
💚 #1830 compile exclude 可否排除文件夹而不是文件, by chenws1999
💚 #1829 taro的使用程序员们有没有兴趣创业, by mienv567
💚 #1827 h5环境下 storage封装问题。, by treesea2014
💚 #1826 Taro对象在mobx方法中调用,发生异常, by shuiruohanyu
💚 #1824 taro 框架中怎么调整支付宝原生方法,takePhoto方法在支付宝上保存, by hdalin
💚 #1822 加入微信小程序云开发wx-server-sdk依赖后构建报错。, by giscafer
💚 #1821 希望打包小程序可以支持publicPath, by loveonelong
💚 #1820 函数传参无法取到, by hyyqcweb
❤️ #1886 微信小程序原生转 taro 再转 支付宝小程序报错, by zw130633
❤️ #1879 小程序 转trao H5 报错, by yunfei497335458
❤️ #1877 h5苹果手机input 弹框收起,页面空白, by Young1993
❤️ #1871 关于AtImagePicker在taro v1.2.4报错问题, by zuojx1013
❤️ #1870 调用微信所有接口均报错, by LYfirstday
❤️ #1869 不支持render内写方法,传参数?, by xiaofengz
❤️ #1864 fix(cli): 修复第一次编译成功不显示 devUrl 的问题, by DiamondYuan
❤️ #1859 config配置 alias选项 暂不支持转换usingComponents #1704, by lolipop99
❤️ #1858 添加esnextModules后仍然报Module parse failed: Unexpected token (101:11)的问题, by zuojx1013
❤️ #1853 RN设置高度100%,应该是disableScroll:true, by bobchow
❤️ #1852 h5 & rn 环境下的 Provider 定义为 stateful, by nanjingboy
❤️ #1851 用typescript后,特定写法,在文件末尾会出现不明字符</>,报语法错误, by lizongze
❤️ #1845 taro依赖node-sass, by harrydengchao
❤️ #1844 Taro.request() content-type 传入 application/x-www-form-urlencoded 微信端与H5端表现不一致, by pollux2015
❤️ #1842 多层map下,dom没有重新渲染, by xiaofengz
❤️ #1841 请问有没有兼容小程序跟h5的下拉刷新和上拉加载, by isTeemo
❤️ #1840 1.2.4小程序编译后出现wxml是空的,编译后脚本里面出现React.createElement(...), by hyccpq
❤️ #1836 小程序自定义组件编译后不显示, by ForgetMonstar
❤️ #1835 小程序转成taro,Error: slot 的值必须是一个字符串, by xrr0520
❤️ #1833 css module新增样式类无法时时更新问题, by FaureWu
❤️ #1832 he "path" argument must, by xxzhiwei
❤️ #1828 添加功能 :是否可以不用expo打包方式 自己添加一种rn的打包方式 , by westeast
❤️ #1825 Taro.getUserInfo 没有返回 encryptedData 和 iv,有什么办法吗, by xxzhiwei
❤️ #1823 支付宝, by hdalin
❤️ #1819 Taro1.2.4版H5端Input组件问题, by schinvendy
上周有 13 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。
上周打开了 1 个 pull request:
💚 #1885 once can not destory, by icai
上周有 7 个 pull request 更新:
💛 #1889 fix(types): 修复types定义, by mindfocus
💛 #1867 fix: transform scss file with hyphen(-) in the filename, by js-newbee
💛 #1612 chore(taro-swan): remove unnecessary judge, by suyingtao
💛 #1361 fix taro-cli development empty outputRoot, by NoBey
💛 #1354 Activating Open Collective, by monkeywithacupcake
💛 #1294 强力压缩, by liangxingchen
💛 #1214 chore(taro-cli): fix typo, by coolzilj
上周 merge 了 5 个 pull request:
💜 #1864 fix(cli): 修复第一次编译成功不显示 devUrl 的问题, by DiamondYuan
💜 #1859 config配置 alias选项 暂不支持转换usingComponents #1704, by lolipop99
💜 #1852 h5 & rn 环境下的 Provider 定义为 stateful, by nanjingboy
💜 #1817 Fix h5 ScrollView, by fjc0k
💜 #1722 fix(taro-components): 修复 Textarea 组件无法传递 detail 问题, by pacoyang
上周共有 33 个 提交:
🛠️ fix(transformer): JSX children 表达式中的小于号会被 html-prettier 强制换行,fix #1802 by yuche
🛠️ feat(transformer): 父类方法阻止事件冒泡,close #1596 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taroize): 无法解析没有 name 的 slot,close #1835 by yuche
🛠️ feat(transformer): this.state 的变量和 render 的自定义变量重名时警告,close #1385 by yuche
🛠️ fix(components): nerv 无法支持 render 的结果是一个数组,close #1804 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 修复 weapp 下 this.$router.path 没有赋值的问题。fix #1814 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复第一次编译成功不显示 devUrl 的问题 (#1864) by DiamondYuan
🛠️ feat(cli): config配置 alias选项 暂不支持转换usingComponents #1704 (#1859) by lolipop99
🛠️ docs: update preload doc. close #1805 by Chen-jj
🛠️ docs(RN): RN设置高度100%,应该是disableScroll:true close #1853 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ Merge branches 'master' and 'master' of github.com:NervJS/taro by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(RN): taro 编译 rn 时分包路径有问题 close #1610 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(input): 选择文件出错 by jimczj
🛠️ fix(mobx): h5 & rn 环境下的 Provider 定义为 stateful(#1850) (#1852) by nanjingboy
🛠️ fix(transformer): 当继承基类组件没有 render 函数时不报错, close #1370 by yuche
🛠️ Merge branches 'master' and 'master' of github.com:NervJS/taro by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(RN): yarn dev:rn 时 报错 TypeError: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.$router.params') close #1779 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(transformer): TypeScript 会把装饰器编译为延时赋值,fix #1840 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 从 this 中结构 props 失败,close #1813 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 小程序会把 false 渲染出来,#1812 by yuche
🛠️ docs(RN): 添加 openUrl 的文档 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of github.com:NervJS/taro by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ feat(RN): RN 端添加 openUrl API by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ Merge pull request #1722 from pacoyang/fix-textarea-input by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' into fix-textarea-input by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ Update index.js by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ fix(taro-components): 修复 Input 组件类型为 number 或者 digit 时的错误,close #1819 by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ feat(taro): 要求传入小程序原生对象的 api ,可以通过传入 taro 实例来解决 by luckyadam
🛠️ Merge pull request #1817 from fjc0k/fix_h5_ScrollView by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ fix(taro-components): 修复 Input 组件默认值问题 close #1790 by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ chore(taro): 升级依赖版本 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(cli): h5 端编译对于带有后缀的资源引用编译错误 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore: revert yarn.lock by fjc0k
上周共有 10 名独立贡献者:
👤 yuche
👤 Chen-jj
👤 DiamondYuan
👤 lolipop99
👤 Pines-Cheng
👤 jimczj
👤 nanjingboy
👤 jinjinjin0731
👤 luckyadam
👤 fjc0k
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