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Alessandro Pezzè edited this page Jul 13, 2015 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Log to History wiki!

Our Log to History is a tool that creates three beautiful graphs representing the user history on a specific website.

Here a demo:

As can be seen the graphs has been created with D3, a powerfull graphics library.


To deploy correctly our tool the server must run a Linux distro and the following packages are required:

  • PHP
  • Python 2.7 with pip ( sudo apt-get install python-pip )
  • a web server that generates access logs (like Apache2, Nginx)


  • Clone this repository in a website folder

git clone

  • Enter the folder and give the permission to be executable and data to be writable by www-data
cd Log-to-History
chmod +x
chmod 777 data/
  • Install python requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Go in config.json and change it accordingly to your website
  • Navigate via browser to the index.php contained in that folder

How it works

Firstly a user must visit a graph webpage(tree.php, flow.php, stack.php), he must choose a period to be analyzed, than PHP will call a Python script named, this script generates a data file parsing the access log, when it is generated Javascript will load it and create the graph.

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