This is GPU implementation of CoMD 1.1 proxy application. The GPU code supports both cell-based and neighbor-lists methods for molecular dynamics and includes various parallelization strategies for both. Distributed multi-GPU implementation is supported as well by using one GPU per MPI rank.
Use src-mpi/Makefile.EAM for EAM forces and src-mpi/Makefile.NAMD for LJ forces. Modify Makefiles according to your environment, then make.
- CUDA toolkit (6.5, 7.0 and later versions are preferred)
- MPI library (if building with DO_MPI = ON)
- When building with MPI you need to update MPI_INCLUDE variable in Makefile.
- You might need to do make clean/make after you modify header files.
Single-GPU run with EAM forces and 49x49x49 grid size using default method (cell-based, thread per atom):
$ ./bin/CoMD-cuda-mpi -e -x 49 -y 49 -z 49
Multi-GPU run with 2 GPUs, EAM forces and 98x49x49 overall grid size divided between GPUs along X dimension:
$ mpirun -np 2 ./bin/CoMD-cuda-mpi -e -x 98 -y 49 -z 49 -i 2
Multi-GPU run with 2 GPUs, EAM forces, 98x49x49 overall grid size and neighbor lists method:
$ mpirun -np 2 ./bin/CoMD-cuda-mpi -e -x 98 -y 49 -z 49 -i 2 -m thread_atom_nl
Best single-GPU configuration using warp per atom approach with neighbor lists:
$ ./bin/CoMD-cuda-mpi -e -x 49 -y 49 -z 49 -m warp_atom_nl
To view all available options please check:
- original CoMD Doxygen documentation at
- for any GPU-only options in mycommand.c
Below is a sample output which you can use for the validation of the results. When modifying the code please check that all energies and # of atoms remain the same as in the original code.
# Performance
# Loop Time(fs) Total Energy Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Temperature (us/atom) # Atoms
0 0.00 -3.460523233086 -3.538079224686 0.077555991600 600.0000 0.0000 470596
10 10.00 -3.460522622766 -3.529929454580 0.069406831814 536.9553 0.0707 470596
20 20.00 -3.460524220490 -3.509740515517 0.049216295027 380.7543 0.0711 470596
30 30.00 -3.460527806915 -3.488529040692 0.028001233777 216.6272 0.0660 470596
40 40.00 -3.460532196608 -3.477523402265 0.016991205657 131.4498 0.0662 470596
50 50.00 -3.460536497383 -3.479780609997 0.019244112614 148.8791 0.0709 470596
60 60.00 -3.460538213894 -3.488976046432 0.028437832538 220.0049 0.0665 470596
70 70.00 -3.460536800219 -3.496688002423 0.036151202204 279.6782 0.0663 470596
80 80.00 -3.460533977439 -3.498984084647 0.038450107208 297.4633 0.0713 470596
90 90.00 -3.460531463100 -3.497356126200 0.036824663100 284.8883 0.0664 470596
100 100.00 -3.460530040624 -3.495833910540 0.035303869916 273.1230 0.0666 470596
Performance metric for CoMD is atoms/us (processed atoms per time), which is printed at the end of the execution.
Average atom rate: 14.66 atoms/us
EAM code can achieve 34 atoms/us on NVIDIA Tesla K40m with the boost clocks.
GTC 2014: Optimizing CoMD: A Molecular Dynamics Proxy Application Study
CoMD is a reference implementation of typical classical molecular dynamics algorithms and workloads. It is created and maintained by ExMatEx: Exascale Co-Design Center for Materials in Extreme Environments ( The code is intended to serve as a vehicle for co-design by allowing others to extend and/or reimplement it as needed to test performance of new architectures, programming models, etc.
Original CoMD code is available at
To view the generated Doxygen documentation for CoMD, please visit
To contact the developers of CoMD send email to [email protected].