diff --git a/src/icebergs_framework.F90 b/src/icebergs_framework.F90 index c7133bc..3b23c26 100644 --- a/src/icebergs_framework.F90 +++ b/src/icebergs_framework.F90 @@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ subroutine ice_bergs_framework_init(bergs, & logical :: critical_interaction_damping_on=.true. ! Sets the damping on relative iceberg velocity to critical value - Added by Alon logical :: tang_crit_int_damp_on=.true. ! Critical interaction damping for tangential component? logical :: do_unit_tests=.false. ! Conduct some unit tests -logical :: input_freq_distribution=.true. ! Flag to show if input distribution is freq or mass dist (=1 if input is a freq dist, =0 to use an input mass dist) +logical :: input_freq_distribution=.false. ! Flag to show if input distribution is freq or mass dist (=1 if input is a freq dist, =0 to use an input mass dist) logical :: read_old_restarts=.false. ! Legacy option that does nothing logical :: use_old_spreading=.true. ! If true, spreads iceberg mass as if the berg is one grid cell wide logical :: read_ocean_depth_from_file=.false. ! If true, ocean depth is read from a file.