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+Added MERGED_CONTINUITY runtime option
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  Added the new SIS2 runtime option MERGED_CONTINUITY.  When enabled the
continuity solvers are replaced by calls to summed_continuity for the overall
mass fluxes and proportionate_continuity for the fluxes by category.  Also, the
runtime parameter RHO_SNOW was not being used by the SIS_transport module and
has been removed, although it still exists elsewhere.  By default, all answers
are bitwise identical, but the SIS_parameter_doc.all files are have new answers.
If MERGED_CONTINUITY=True, answers change but are similar to previous solutions.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Nov 29, 2018
1 parent 6b0af86 commit fe740e6
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 11 deletions.
45 changes: 34 additions & 11 deletions src/SIS_transport.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ module SIS_transport
use SIS_tracer_advect, only : advect_tracers_thicker, SIS_tracer_advect_CS
use SIS_tracer_advect, only : advect_SIS_tracers, SIS_tracer_advect_init, SIS_tracer_advect_end
use SIS_tracer_advect, only : advect_scalar
use SIS_continuity, only : SIS_continuity_init, SIS_continuity_end
use SIS_continuity, only : continuity=>ice_continuity, SIS_continuity_CS
use SIS_continuity, only : SIS_continuity_init, SIS_continuity_end
use SIS_continuity, only : continuity=>ice_continuity, SIS_continuity_CS
use SIS_continuity, only : summed_continuity, proportionate_continuity

use SIS_hor_grid, only : SIS_hor_grid_type
use ice_grid, only : ice_grid_type
Expand All @@ -36,14 +37,15 @@ module SIS_transport

logical :: SLAB_ICE = .false. !< If true, do old style GFDL slab ice?
real :: Rho_ice = 905.0 !< The nominal density of sea ice, in kg m-3, used here only in rolling.
!### Rho_snow is unused in this module.
real :: Rho_snow = 330.0 !< The nominal density of snow on sea ice, in kg m-3.
real :: Roll_factor !< A factor by which the propensity of small amounts of thick sea-ice
!! to become thinner by rolling is increased, or 0 to disable rolling.
!! Sensible values are 0 or larger than 1.

logical :: readjust_categories !< If true, readjust the distribution into
!! ice thickness categories after advection.
logical :: merged_cont !< If true, update the continuity equations for the ice, snow,
!! and melt pond water together with proportionate fluxes.
!! Otherwise the three media are updated separately.
logical :: specified_ice !< If true, the sea ice is specified and there is
!! no need for ice dynamics.
logical :: check_conservation !< If true, write out verbose diagnostics of conservation.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,13 +117,20 @@ subroutine ice_transport(part_sz, mH_ice, mH_snow, mH_pond, uc, vc, TrReg, &
uh_snow, & ! Zonal fluxes of snow in H m2 s-1.
uh_pond ! Zonal fluxes of melt pond water in H m2 s-1.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: &
uh_tot, & ! Total zonal fluxes in H m2 s-1.
uf ! Total zonal fluxes in kg s-1.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZCAT_(IG)) :: &
vh_ice, & ! Meridional fluxes of ice in H m2 s-1.
vh_snow, & ! Meridional fluxes of snow in H m2 s-1.
vh_pond ! Meridional fluxes of melt pond water in H m2 s-1.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G)) :: &
vh_tot, & ! Total meridional fluxes in H m2 s-1.
vf ! Total meridional fluxes in kg s-1.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: &
mca_tot, & ! The total mass per unit total area of snow and ice summed across thickness
! categories in a cell, in units of H (often kg m-2).
mca0_tot ! The initial total mass per unit total area of snow and ice summed across
! thickness categories in a cell, in units of H (often kg m-2).
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZCAT_(IG)) :: &
mca_ice, mca_snow, & ! The mass of snow and ice per unit total area in a
! cell, in units of H (often kg m-2). "mca" stands
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,11 +282,24 @@ subroutine ice_transport(part_sz, mH_ice, mH_snow, mH_pond, uc, vc, TrReg, &
mca0_snow(i,j,k) = mca_snow(i,j,k)
mca0_pond(i,j,k) = mca_pond(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
call continuity(uc, vc, mca0_ice, mca_ice, uh_ice, vh_ice, dt_adv, G, IG, CS%continuity_CSp)
call continuity(uc, vc, mca0_snow, mca_snow, uh_snow, vh_snow, dt_adv, G, IG, CS%continuity_CSp)
call continuity(uc, vc, mca0_pond, mca_pond, uh_pond, vh_pond, dt_adv, G, IG, CS%continuity_CSp)

if (CS%merged_cont) then
do j=jsd,jed ; do i=isd,ied ; mca_tot(i,j) = 0.0 ; enddo ; enddo
do k=1,nCat ; do j=jsd,jed ; do i=isd,ied
mca_tot(i,j) = mca_tot(i,j) + (mca_ice(i,j,k) + (mca_snow(i,j,k) + mca_pond(i,j,k)))
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
do j=jsd,jed ; do i=isd,ied ; mca0_tot(i,j) = mca_tot(i,j) ; enddo ; enddo
call summed_continuity(uc, vc, mca_tot, uh_tot, vh_tot, dt_adv, G, IG, CS%continuity_CSp)

call proportionate_continuity(mca0_tot, uh_tot, vh_tot, dt_adv, G, IG, CS%continuity_CSp, &
h1=mca_ice, uh1=uh_ice, vh1=vh_ice, &
h2=mca_snow, uh2=uh_snow, vh2=vh_snow, &
h3=mca_pond, uh3=uh_pond, vh3=vh_pond)
call continuity(uc, vc, mca0_ice, mca_ice, uh_ice, vh_ice, dt_adv, G, IG, CS%continuity_CSp)
call continuity(uc, vc, mca0_snow, mca_snow, uh_snow, vh_snow, dt_adv, G, IG, CS%continuity_CSp)
call continuity(uc, vc, mca0_pond, mca_pond, uh_pond, vh_pond, dt_adv, G, IG, CS%continuity_CSp)

call advect_scalar(mH_ice, mca0_ice, mca_ice, uh_ice, vh_ice, dt_adv, G, IG, CS%SIS_thick_adv_CSp)
call advect_SIS_tracers(mca0_ice, mca_ice, uh_ice, vh_ice, dt_adv, G, IG, &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1097,6 +1119,10 @@ subroutine SIS_transport_init(Time, G, param_file, diag, CS)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "RECATEGORIZE_ICE", CS%readjust_categories, &
"If true, readjust the distribution into ice thickness \n"//&
"categories after advection.", default=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MERGED_CONTINUITY", CS%merged_cont, &
"If true, update the continuity equations for the ice, snow, \n"//&
"and melt pond water together with proportionate fluxes. \n"//&
"Otherwise the media are updated separately.", default=.false.)

call obsolete_real(param_file, "ICE_CHANNEL_VISCOSITY", warning_val=0.0)
call obsolete_real(param_file, "ICE_CHANNEL_VISCOSITY", warning_val=0.15)
Expand All @@ -1105,9 +1131,6 @@ subroutine SIS_transport_init(Time, G, param_file, diag, CS)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "RHO_ICE", CS%Rho_ice, &
"The nominal density of sea ice as used by SIS.", &
units="kg m-3", default=905.0)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "RHO_SNOW", CS%Rho_snow, &
"The nominal density of snow as used by SIS.", &
units="kg m-3", default=330.0)

call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SEA_ICE_ROLL_FACTOR", CS%Roll_factor, &
"A factor by which the propensity of small amounts of \n"//&
Expand Down

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