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+Rescale G%Rad_Earth and set it via dG%Rad_Earth_L
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  Rescaled the units of the Rad_Earth element of SIS_hor_grid_type and set it
using the equivalently scale variable dG%Rad_Earth_L from the dyn_grid type.
This change led naturally to changed units for the I_area_Earth internal
variable in ice_diagnostics_init() and the cancellation of some grid rescaling
factors that were there before.  This commit requires that SIS2 use a recent
(November 27, 2021 or later) version of MOM6 from the dev/gfdl branch, and will
not compile with earlier versions of the MOM6 code.  All answers are bitwise
identical, but there is one minor interface change in a widely used transparent
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA authored and marshallward committed Dec 23, 2021
1 parent 0cb6a0a commit 04ab05d
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Showing 3 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/SIS_ctrl_types.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ subroutine ice_diagnostics_init(IOF, OSS, FIA, G, US, IG, diag, Time, Cgrid)
!! sea ice velocities. The default is true.

real, dimension(G%isc:G%iec,G%jsc:G%jec) :: tmp_diag ! A temporary diagnostic array
real :: I_area_Earth ! The inverse of the area of the sphere [m-2].
real :: I_area_Earth ! The inverse of the area of the sphere [L-2 ~> m-2].
real, parameter :: missing = -1e34 ! The fill value for missing data.
integer :: id_geo_lon, id_geo_lat, id_sin_rot, id_cos_rot, id_cell_area
logical :: Cgrid_dyn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,21 +225,21 @@ subroutine ice_diagnostics_init(IOF, OSS, FIA, G, US, IG, diag, Time, Cgrid)
'rate of rain fall', 'kg/(m^2*s)', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, missing_value=missing)
FIA%id_runoff = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'RUNOFF', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'liquid runoff', 'kg/(m^2*s)', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, missing_value=missing)
FIA%id_calving = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'CALVING',diag%axesT1, Time, &
FIA%id_calving = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'CALVING', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'frozen runoff', 'kg/(m^2*s)', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, missing_value=missing)
FIA%id_runoff_hflx = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'RUNOFF_HFLX', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'liquid runoff sensible heat flux', 'W/m^2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2, missing_value=missing)
FIA%id_calving_hflx = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'CALVING_HFLX',diag%axesT1, Time, &
FIA%id_calving_hflx = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'CALVING_HFLX', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'frozen runoff sensible heat flux', 'W/m^2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2, missing_value=missing)
FIA%id_evap = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'EVAP',diag%axesT1, Time, &
'evaporation', 'kg/(m^2*s)', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, missing_value=missing)
IOF%id_saltf = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'SALTF', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'ice to ocean salt flux', 'kg/(m^2*s)', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, missing_value=missing)
FIA%id_tmelt = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'TMELT' , diag%axesT1, Time, &
FIA%id_tmelt = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'TMELT', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'upper surface melting energy flux', 'W/m^2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2, missing_value=missing)
FIA%id_bmelt = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'BMELT' , diag%axesT1, Time, &
FIA%id_bmelt = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'BMELT', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'bottom surface melting energy flux', 'W/m^2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2, missing_value=missing)
FIA%id_bheat = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'BHEAT' , diag%axesT1, Time, &
FIA%id_bheat = register_SIS_diag_field('ice_model', 'BHEAT', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'ocean to ice heat flux', 'W/m^2', conversion=US%QRZ_T_to_W_m2, missing_value=missing)

if (coupler_type_initialized(IOF%tr_flux_ocn_top)) &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ subroutine ice_diagnostics_init(IOF, OSS, FIA, G, US, IG, diag, Time, Cgrid)
I_area_Earth = 1.0 / (16.0*atan(1.0)*G%Rad_Earth**2)
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do j=jsc,jec ; do i=isc,iec
tmp_diag(i,j) = (US%L_to_m**2*G%areaT(i,j) * G%mask2dT(i,j)) * I_area_Earth
tmp_diag(i,j) = (G%areaT(i,j) * G%mask2dT(i,j)) * I_area_Earth
enddo ; enddo
call post_data(id_cell_area, tmp_diag, diag, is_static=.true.)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/SIS_hor_grid.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ module SIS_hor_grid
real :: west_lon !< The longitude (or x-coordinate) of the first u-line
real :: len_lat = 0. !< The latitudinal (or y-coord) extent of physical domain
real :: len_lon = 0. !< The longitudinal (or x-coord) extent of physical domain
real :: Rad_Earth = 6.378e6 !< The radius of the planet [m].
real :: Rad_Earth !< The radius of the planet [L ~> m], by default 6.378e6 m
real :: max_depth !< The maximum depth of the ocean [m].
end type SIS_hor_grid_type

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/SIS_transcribe_grid.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ subroutine copy_dyngrid_to_SIS_horgrid(dG, SG)
! SG%areaT_global = dG%areaT_global ; SG%IareaT_global = dG%IareaT_global
SG%south_lat = dG%south_lat ; SG%west_lon = dG%west_lon
SG%len_lat = dG%len_lat ; SG%len_lon = dG%len_lon
SG%Rad_Earth = dG%Rad_Earth ; SG%max_depth = dG%max_depth
SG%Rad_Earth = dG%Rad_Earth_L ; SG%max_depth = dG%max_depth

! Update the halos in case the dynamic grid has smaller halos than the ocean grid.
call pass_var(SG%areaT, SG%Domain)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ subroutine copy_SIS_horgrid_to_dyngrid(SG, dG)
! dG%areaT_global = SG%areaT_global ; dG%IareaT_global = SG%IareaT_global
dG%south_lat = SG%south_lat ; dG%west_lon = SG%west_lon
dG%len_lat = SG%len_lat ; dG%len_lon = SG%len_lon
dG%Rad_Earth = SG%Rad_Earth ; dG%max_depth = SG%max_depth
dG%Rad_Earth_L = SG%Rad_Earth ; dG%max_depth = SG%max_depth

! Update the halos in case the dynamic grid has smaller halos than the ocean grid.
call pass_var(dG%areaT, dG%Domain)
Expand Down

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