diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index cdacb620b0..7ad78049f3 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ setup:
- git clone --recursive http://gitlab.gfdl.noaa.gov/ogrp/Gaea-stats-MOM6-examples.git tests && cd tests
# Install / update testing scripts
- git clone https://github.com/adcroft/MRS.git MRS
+ - (cd MRS ; git checkout xanadu-fms)
# Update MOM6-examples and submodules
- (cd MOM6-examples && git checkout . && git checkout dev/gfdl && git pull && git submodule init && git submodule update)
- (cd MOM6-examples/src/MOM6 && git submodule update)
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ gnu:ice-ocean-nolibs:
- time tar zxf $CACHE_DIR/tests_$CI_PIPELINE_ID.tgz && cd tests
- make -f MRS/Makefile.build build/gnu/env && cd build/gnu
# mkdir -p build/gnu/repro/symmetric_dynamic/ocean_only && cd build/gnu/repro/symmetric_dynamic/ocean_only
- - ../../MOM6-examples/src/mkmf/bin/list_paths -l ../../../config_src/{coupled_driver,dynamic} ../../../src ../../MOM6-examples/src/{FMS,coupler,SIS2,icebergs,ice_ocean_extras,land_null,atmos_null}
+ - ../../MOM6-examples/src/mkmf/bin/list_paths -l ../../../config_src/{coupled_driver,dynamic} ../../../src ../../MOM6-examples/src/{FMS,coupler,SIS2,icebergs,ice_param,land_null,atmos_null}
- ../../MOM6-examples/src/mkmf/bin/mkmf -t ../../MOM6-examples/src/mkmf/templates/ncrc-gnu.mk -p MOM6 -c"-Duse_libMPI -Duse_netCDF -D_USE_LEGACY_LAND_ -Duse_AM3_physics" path_names
- time (source ./env ; make NETCDF=3 REPRO=1 MOM6 -s -j)
diff --git a/.testing/Makefile b/.testing/Makefile
index d0f098e411..ee561375a3 100644
--- a/.testing/Makefile
+++ b/.testing/Makefile
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ else
EXPERIMENTS ?= unit_tests double_gyre flow_downslope/z CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL
-FMS_PACKAGES ?= platform,include,memutils,constants,mpp,fms,time_manager,diag_manager,data_override,coupler/ensemble_manager.F90,axis_utils,horiz_interp,time_interp,astronomy,mosaic,random_numbers
+FMS_PACKAGES ?= platform,include,memutils,constants,mpp,fms,time_manager,diag_manager,data_override,coupler/coupler_types.F90,coupler/ensemble_manager.F90,axis_utils,horiz_interp,time_interp,astronomy,mosaic,random_numbers
TEMPLATE ?= .testing/linux-ubuntu-xenial-gnu.mk
MPIRUN ?= mpirun
diff --git a/src/core/MOM.F90 b/src/core/MOM.F90
index 75ad9c427f..3364943222 100644
--- a/src/core/MOM.F90
+++ b/src/core/MOM.F90
@@ -999,13 +999,11 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dynamics(forces, p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, dt, dt_thermo, &
if (CS%use_RK2) then
call step_MOM_dyn_unsplit_RK2(u, v, h, CS%tv, CS%visc, Time_local, dt, forces, &
p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, CS%uh, CS%vh, CS%uhtr, CS%vhtr, &
- CS%eta_av_bc, G, GV, US, CS%dyn_unsplit_RK2_CSp, CS%VarMix, CS%MEKE, &
- CS%Barotropic_CSp, CS%thickness_diffuse_CSp)
+ CS%eta_av_bc, G, GV, US, CS%dyn_unsplit_RK2_CSp, CS%VarMix, CS%MEKE)
call step_MOM_dyn_unsplit(u, v, h, CS%tv, CS%visc, Time_local, dt, forces, &
p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, CS%uh, CS%vh, CS%uhtr, CS%vhtr, &
- CS%eta_av_bc, G, GV, US, CS%dyn_unsplit_CSp, CS%VarMix, CS%MEKE, &
- CS%Barotropic_CSp, CS%thickness_diffuse_CSp, Waves=Waves)
+ CS%eta_av_bc, G, GV, US, CS%dyn_unsplit_CSp, CS%VarMix, CS%MEKE, Waves=Waves)
if (showCallTree) call callTree_waypoint("finished step_MOM_dyn_unsplit (step_MOM)")
diff --git a/src/core/MOM_dynamics_split_RK2.F90 b/src/core/MOM_dynamics_split_RK2.F90
index 31cb35b54d..2422ac7028 100644
--- a/src/core/MOM_dynamics_split_RK2.F90
+++ b/src/core/MOM_dynamics_split_RK2.F90
@@ -689,8 +689,8 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dyn_split_RK2(u, v, h, tv, visc, &
! diffu = horizontal viscosity terms (u_av)
call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_horvisc)
call horizontal_viscosity(u_av, v_av, h_av, CS%diffu, CS%diffv, &
- MEKE, Varmix, CS%barotropic_CSp, thickness_diffuse_CSp, &
- G, GV, US, CS%hor_visc_CSp, OBC=CS%OBC)
+ MEKE, Varmix, G, GV, US, CS%hor_visc_CSp, &
+ OBC=CS%OBC, BT=CS%barotropic_CSp)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_horvisc)
if (showCallTree) call callTree_wayPoint("done with horizontal_viscosity (step_MOM_dyn_split_RK2)")
@@ -1147,14 +1147,11 @@ subroutine initialize_dyn_split_RK2(u, v, h, uh, vh, eta, Time, G, GV, US, param
CS%barotropic_CSp, restart_CS, calc_dtbt, CS%BT_cont, &
-! CS%barotropic_CSp => Barotropic_CSp
-! CS%thickness_diffuse_CSp => thickness_diffuse_CSp
if (.not. query_initialized(CS%diffu,"diffu",restart_CS) .or. &
.not. query_initialized(CS%diffv,"diffv",restart_CS)) &
call horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, CS%diffu, CS%diffv, MEKE, VarMix, &
- CS%barotropic_CSp, thickness_diffuse_CSp, &
- G, GV, US, CS%hor_visc_CSp, OBC=CS%OBC)
+ G, GV, US, CS%hor_visc_CSp, &
+ OBC=CS%OBC, BT=CS%barotropic_CSp)
if (.not. query_initialized(CS%u_av,"u2", restart_CS) .or. &
.not. query_initialized(CS%u_av,"v2", restart_CS)) then
CS%u_av(:,:,:) = u(:,:,:)
diff --git a/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit.F90 b/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit.F90
index afdc99f2d7..dd03e11f42 100644
--- a/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit.F90
+++ b/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit.F90
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ module MOM_dynamics_unsplit
!! 3rd order (for the inviscid momentum equations) order scheme
subroutine step_MOM_dyn_unsplit(u, v, h, tv, visc, Time_local, dt, forces, &
p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, uh, vh, uhtr, vhtr, eta_av, G, GV, US, CS, &
- VarMix, MEKE, Barotropic, thickness_diffuse, Waves)
+ VarMix, MEKE, Waves)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure.
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure.
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
@@ -218,10 +218,6 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dyn_unsplit(u, v, h, tv, visc, Time_local, dt, forces, &
!! that specify the spatially variable viscosities.
type(MEKE_type), pointer :: MEKE !< A pointer to a structure containing
!! fields related to the Mesoscale Eddy Kinetic Energy.
- type(barotropic_CS), pointer :: Barotropic!< Pointer to a structure containing
- !! barotropic velocities
- type(thickness_diffuse_CS), pointer :: thickness_diffuse!< Pointer to a structure containing
- !! interface height diffusivities
type(wave_parameters_CS), optional, pointer :: Waves !< A pointer to a structure containing
!! fields related to the surface wave conditions
@@ -260,7 +256,7 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dyn_unsplit(u, v, h, tv, visc, Time_local, dt, forces, &
call enable_averaging(dt,Time_local, CS%diag)
call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_horvisc)
call horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, CS%diffu, CS%diffv, MEKE, Varmix, &
- Barotropic, thickness_diffuse, G, GV, US, CS%hor_visc_CSp)
+ G, GV, US, CS%hor_visc_CSp)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_horvisc)
call disable_averaging(CS%diag)
diff --git a/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit_RK2.F90 b/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit_RK2.F90
index f88c08ac45..2cb22b12fe 100644
--- a/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit_RK2.F90
+++ b/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit_RK2.F90
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ module MOM_dynamics_unsplit_RK2
!> Step the MOM6 dynamics using an unsplit quasi-2nd order Runge-Kutta scheme
subroutine step_MOM_dyn_unsplit_RK2(u_in, v_in, h_in, tv, visc, Time_local, dt, forces, &
p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, uh, vh, uhtr, vhtr, eta_av, G, GV, US, CS, &
- VarMix, MEKE, Barotropic, thickness_diffuse)
+ VarMix, MEKE)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure.
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure.
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
@@ -232,10 +232,6 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dyn_unsplit_RK2(u_in, v_in, h_in, tv, visc, Time_local, dt,
type(MEKE_type), pointer :: MEKE !< A pointer to a structure containing
!! fields related to the Mesoscale
!! Eddy Kinetic Energy.
- type(barotropic_CS), pointer :: Barotropic!< Pointer to a structure containing
- !! barotropic velocities
- type(thickness_diffuse_CS), pointer :: thickness_diffuse!< Pointer to a structure containing
- !! interface height diffusivities
! Local variables
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)) :: h_av, hp
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)) :: up
@@ -271,7 +267,7 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dyn_unsplit_RK2(u_in, v_in, h_in, tv, visc, Time_local, dt,
call enable_averaging(dt,Time_local, CS%diag)
call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_horvisc)
call horizontal_viscosity(u_in, v_in, h_in, CS%diffu, CS%diffv, MEKE, VarMix, &
- Barotropic, thickness_diffuse, G, GV, US, CS%hor_visc_CSp)
+ G, GV, US, CS%hor_visc_CSp)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_horvisc)
call disable_averaging(CS%diag)
call pass_vector(CS%diffu, CS%diffv, G%Domain, clock=id_clock_pass)
diff --git a/src/diagnostics/MOM_obsolete_params.F90 b/src/diagnostics/MOM_obsolete_params.F90
index 7c1ee90f12..23d6f19e4e 100644
--- a/src/diagnostics/MOM_obsolete_params.F90
+++ b/src/diagnostics/MOM_obsolete_params.F90
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ subroutine find_obsolete_params(param_file)
hint="Instead use OBC_SEGMENT_XXX_DATA.")
call obsolete_char(param_file, "EXTEND_OBC_SEGMENTS", &
hint="This option is no longer needed, nor supported.")
+ call obsolete_char(param_file, "MEKE_VISCOSITY_COEFF", &
+ hint="This option has been replaced by MEKE_VISCOSITY_COEFF_KU and \n" //&
+ " MEKE_VISCOSITY_COEFF_AU. Please set these parameters instead.")
nseg = 0
call read_param(param_file, "OBC_NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS", nseg)
do l_seg = 1,nseg
diff --git a/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_MEKE.F90 b/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_MEKE.F90
index da0310c012..21ad5a9800 100644
--- a/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_MEKE.F90
+++ b/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_MEKE.F90
@@ -1420,9 +1420,13 @@ end subroutine MEKE_end
!! \subsection section_MEKE_viscosity Viscosity derived from MEKE
!! As for \f$ \kappa_M \f$, the predicted eddy velocity scale can be
-!! used to form an eddy viscosity:
+!! used to form a harmonic eddy viscosity,
-!! \f[ \kappa_u = \gamma_u \sqrt{ U_e^2 A_\Delta } . \f]
+!! \f[ \kappa_u = \gamma_u \sqrt{ U_e^2 A_\Delta } \f]
+!! as well as a biharmonic eddy viscosity,
+!! \f[ \kappa_4 = \gamma_4 \sqrt{ U_e^2 A_\Delta^3 } \f]
!! \subsection section_MEKE_limit_case Limit cases for local source-dissipative balance
@@ -1459,7 +1463,8 @@ end subroutine MEKE_end
!! | \f$ \kappa_4 \f$ | MEKE_K4
!! | \f$ \gamma_\kappa \f$ | MEKE_KHCOEFF
!! | \f$ \gamma_M \f$ | MEKE_KHMEKE_FAC
-!! | \f$ \gamma_u \f$ | MEKE_VISCOSITY_COEFF
+!! | \f$ \gamma_u \f$ | MEKE_VISCOSITY_COEFF_KU
+!! | \f$ \gamma_4 \f$ | MEKE_VISCOSITY_COEFF_AU
!! | \f$ \gamma_{min}^2 \f$| MEKE_MIN_GAMMA2
!! | \f$ \alpha_d \f$ | MEKE_ALPHA_DEFORM
!! | \f$ \alpha_f \f$ | MEKE_ALPHA_FRICT
diff --git a/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_hor_visc.F90 b/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_hor_visc.F90
index 7d0b5a8dca..977d9b9228 100644
--- a/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_hor_visc.F90
+++ b/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_hor_visc.F90
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ module MOM_hor_visc
!! u[is-2:ie+2,js-2:je+2]
!! v[is-2:ie+2,js-2:je+2]
!! h[is-1:ie+1,js-1:je+1]
-subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, Barotropic, &
- thickness_diffuse, G, GV, US, CS, OBC)
+subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, US, &
+ CS, OBC, BT)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< The ocean's grid structure.
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< The ocean's vertical grid structure.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, Barotropic,
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(G)), &
intent(in) :: v !< The meridional velocity [m s-1].
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
- intent(inout) :: h !< Layer thicknesses, in H
+ intent(inout) :: h !< Layer thicknesses, in H
!! (usually m or kg m-2).
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), &
intent(out) :: diffu !< Zonal acceleration due to convergence of
@@ -211,14 +211,12 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, Barotropic,
!! related to Mesoscale Eddy Kinetic Energy.
type(VarMix_CS), pointer :: VarMix !< Pointer to a structure with fields that
!! specify the spatially variable viscosities
- type(barotropic_CS), pointer :: Barotropic !< Pointer to a structure containing
- !! barotropic velocities
- type(thickness_diffuse_CS), pointer :: thickness_diffuse !< Pointer to a structure containing
- !! interface height diffusivities
type(hor_visc_CS), pointer :: CS !< Control structure returned by a previous
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
!! call to hor_visc_init.
type(ocean_OBC_type), optional, pointer :: OBC !< Pointer to an open boundary condition type
+ type(barotropic_CS), optional, pointer :: BT !< Pointer to a structure containing
+ !! barotropic velocities.
! Local variables
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: &
@@ -386,20 +384,6 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, Barotropic,
use_MEKE_Ku = associated(MEKE%Ku)
use_MEKE_Au = associated(MEKE%Au)
-!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(Isq,Ieq,Jsq,Jeq,nz,CS,G,GV,u,v,is,js,ie,je,h, &
-!$OMP rescale_Kh,VarMix,h_neglect,h_neglect3, &
-!$OMP Kh_h,Ah_h,Kh_q,Ah_q,diffu,apply_OBC,OBC,diffv, &
-!$OMP find_FrictWork,FrictWork,use_MEKE_Ku, &
-!$OMP use_MEKE_Au, MEKE, hq, &
-!$OMP mod_Leith, legacy_bound, div_xx_h, vort_xy_q) &
-!$OMP private(u0, v0, sh_xx, str_xx, visc_bound_rem, &
-!$OMP sh_xy, str_xy, Ah, Kh, AhSm, KhSm, dvdx, dudy, &
-!$OMP sh_xx_bt, sh_xy_bt, dvdx_bt, dudy_bt, &
-!$OMP bhstr_xx, bhstr_xy,FatH,RoScl, hu, hv, h_u, h_v, &
-!$OMP vort_xy,vort_xy_dx,vort_xy_dy,Vort_mag,AhLth,KhLth, &
-!$OMP div_xx, div_xx_dx, div_xx_dy,local_strain, &
-!$OMP Shear_mag, h2uq, h2vq, Kh_scale, hrat_min)
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
boundary_mask(i,j) = (G%mask2dCu(I,j) * G%mask2dCv(i,J) * G%mask2dCu(I-1,j) * G%mask2dCv(i,J-1))
enddo ; enddo
@@ -419,7 +403,7 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, Barotropic,
! call pass_var(boundary_mask, G%Domain, complete=.true.)
! Get barotropic velocities and their gradients
- call barotropic_get_tav(Barotropic, ubtav, vbtav, G)
+ call barotropic_get_tav(BT, ubtav, vbtav, G)
call pass_vector(ubtav, vbtav, G%Domain)
do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
@@ -480,6 +464,19 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, Barotropic,
endif ! use_GME
+ !$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(Isq,Ieq,Jsq,Jeq,nz,CS,G,GV,u,v,is,js,ie,je,h, &
+ !$OMP rescale_Kh,VarMix,h_neglect,h_neglect3, &
+ !$OMP Kh_h,Ah_h,Kh_q,Ah_q,diffu,apply_OBC,OBC,diffv, &
+ !$OMP find_FrictWork,FrictWork,use_MEKE_Ku, &
+ !$OMP use_MEKE_Au, MEKE, hq, &
+ !$OMP mod_Leith, legacy_bound, div_xx_h, vort_xy_q) &
+ !$OMP private(u0, v0, sh_xx, str_xx, visc_bound_rem, &
+ !$OMP sh_xy, str_xy, Ah, Kh, AhSm, KhSm, dvdx, dudy, &
+ !$OMP sh_xx_bt, sh_xy_bt, dvdx_bt, dudy_bt, &
+ !$OMP bhstr_xx, bhstr_xy,FatH,RoScl, hu, hv, h_u, h_v, &
+ !$OMP vort_xy,vort_xy_dx,vort_xy_dy,Vort_mag,AhLth,KhLth, &
+ !$OMP div_xx, div_xx_dx, div_xx_dy,local_strain, &
+ !$OMP Shear_mag, h2uq, h2vq, Kh_scale, hrat_min)
do k=1,nz
! The following are the forms of the horizontal tension and horizontal
@@ -1410,6 +1407,8 @@ subroutine hor_visc_init(Time, G, US, param_file, diag, CS)
logical :: get_all ! If true, read and log all parameters, regardless of
! whether they are used, to enable spell-checking of
! valid parameters.
+ logical :: split ! If true, use the split time stepping scheme.
+ ! If false and USE_GME = True, issue a FATAL error.
character(len=64) :: inputdir, filename
real :: deg2rad ! Converts degrees to radians
real :: slat_fn ! sin(lat)**Kh_pwr_of_sine
@@ -1563,7 +1562,7 @@ subroutine hor_visc_init(Time, G, US, param_file, diag, CS)
"the grid spacing to calculate the biharmonic viscosity. \n"//&
"The final viscosity is the largest of this scaled \n"//&
"viscosity, the Smagorinsky and Leith viscosities, and AH.", &
- units="m s-1", default=0.1)
+ units="m s-1", default=0.0)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SMAGORINSKY_AH", CS%Smagorinsky_Ah, &
"If true, use a biharmonic Smagorinsky nonlinear eddy \n"//&
"viscosity.", default=.false.)
@@ -1642,6 +1641,14 @@ subroutine hor_visc_init(Time, G, US, param_file, diag, CS)
"If true, use the GM+E backscatter scheme in association \n"//&
"with the Gent and McWilliams parameterization.", default=.false.)
+ if (CS%use_GME) then
+ call get_param(param_file, mdl, "SPLIT", split, &
+ "Use the split time stepping if true.", default=.true., &
+ do_not_log=.true.)
+ if (.not. split) call MOM_error(FATAL,"ERROR: Currently, USE_GME = True "// &
+ "cannot be used with SPLIT=False.")
+ endif
if (CS%bound_Kh .or. CS%bound_Ah .or. CS%better_bound_Kh .or. CS%better_bound_Ah) &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "DT", dt, &
"The (baroclinic) dynamics time step.", units = "s", &
diff --git a/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_thickness_diffuse.F90 b/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_thickness_diffuse.F90
index 7a85292e54..68b747182d 100644
--- a/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_thickness_diffuse.F90
+++ b/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_thickness_diffuse.F90
@@ -63,8 +63,10 @@ module MOM_thickness_diffuse
!! with GME closure.
logical :: MEKE_GEOMETRIC !< If true, uses the GM coefficient formulation from the GEOMETRIC
!! framework (Marshall et al., 2012)
- real :: MEKE_GEOMETRIC_alpha !< The nondimensional coefficient governing the efficiency of
+ real :: MEKE_GEOMETRIC_alpha!< The nondimensional coefficient governing the efficiency of
!! the GEOMETRIC thickness difussion [nondim]
+ real :: MEKE_GEOMETRIC_epsilon !< Minimum Eady growth rate for the GEOMETRIC thickness
+ !! diffusivity [s-1].
logical :: Use_KH_in_MEKE !< If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse MEKE.
logical :: GM_src_alt !< If true, use the GM energy conversion form S^2*N^2*kappa rather
!! than the streamfunction for the GM source term.
@@ -144,7 +146,6 @@ subroutine thickness_diffuse(h, uhtr, vhtr, tv, dt, G, GV, US, MEKE, VarMix, CDp
real :: hv(SZI_(G), SZJ_(G)) ! v-thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: KH_u_lay(SZI_(G), SZJ_(G)) ! layer ave thickness diffusivities [m2 s-1]
real :: KH_v_lay(SZI_(G), SZJ_(G)) ! layer ave thickness diffusivities [m2 s-1]
- real :: epsilon
if (.not. associated(CS)) call MOM_error(FATAL, "MOM_thickness_diffuse:"// &
"Module must be initialized before it is used.")
@@ -176,7 +177,6 @@ subroutine thickness_diffuse(h, uhtr, vhtr, tv, dt, G, GV, US, MEKE, VarMix, CDp
cg1 => null()
- epsilon = 1.e-6
!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(is,ie,js,je,KH_u_CFL,dt,G,CS)
do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,ie
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ subroutine thickness_diffuse(h, uhtr, vhtr, tv, dt, G, GV, US, MEKE, VarMix, CDp
do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,ie
Khth_Loc_u(I,j) = Khth_Loc_u(I,j) + G%mask2dCu(I,j) * CS%MEKE_GEOMETRIC_alpha * 0.5*(MEKE%MEKE(i,j)+MEKE%MEKE(i+1,j)) / &
- (VarMix%SN_u(I,j) + epsilon)
+ (VarMix%SN_u(I,j) + CS%MEKE_GEOMETRIC_epsilon)
enddo ; enddo
do j=js,je ; do I=is-1,ie
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ subroutine thickness_diffuse(h, uhtr, vhtr, tv, dt, G, GV, US, MEKE, VarMix, CDp
do j=js-1,je ; do I=is,ie
Khth_Loc(I,j) = Khth_Loc(I,j) + G%mask2dCv(i,J) * CS%MEKE_GEOMETRIC_alpha * 0.5*(MEKE%MEKE(i,j)+MEKE%MEKE(i,j+1)) / &
- (VarMix%SN_v(i,J) + epsilon)
+ (VarMix%SN_v(i,J) + CS%MEKE_GEOMETRIC_epsilon)
enddo ; enddo
do J=js-1,je ; do i=is,ie
@@ -362,7 +362,8 @@ subroutine thickness_diffuse(h, uhtr, vhtr, tv, dt, G, GV, US, MEKE, VarMix, CDp
do j=js,je ; do I=is,ie
MEKE%Kh(i,j) = CS%MEKE_GEOMETRIC_alpha * MEKE%MEKE(i,j) / &
- (0.25*(VarMix%SN_u(I,j)+VarMix%SN_u(I-1,j)+VarMix%SN_v(i,J)+VarMix%SN_v(i,J-1)) + epsilon)
+ (0.25*(VarMix%SN_u(I,j)+VarMix%SN_u(I-1,j)+VarMix%SN_v(i,J)+VarMix%SN_v(i,J-1)) + &
enddo ; enddo
endif ; endif
@@ -1923,9 +1924,17 @@ subroutine thickness_diffuse_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, CDp, CS)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MEKE_GEOMETRIC", CS%MEKE_GEOMETRIC, &
"If true, uses the GM coefficient formulation \n"//&
"from the GEOMETRIC framework (Marshall et al., 2012).", default=.false.)
- call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MEKE_GEOMETRIC_ALPHA", CS%MEKE_GEOMETRIC_alpha, &
+ call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MEKE_GEOMETRIC_EPSILON", CS%MEKE_GEOMETRIC_epsilon, &
+ "Minimum Eady growth rate used in the calculation of \n"//&
+ "GEOMETRIC thickness diffusivity.", units="s-1", default=1.0e-7)
+ call get_param(param_file, mdl, "MEKE_GEOMETRIC_ALPHA", CS%MEKE_GEOMETRIC_alpha, &
"The nondimensional coefficient governing the efficiency of the GEOMETRIC \n"//&
"thickness diffusion.", units="nondim", default=0.05)
+ endif
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "USE_KH_IN_MEKE", CS%Use_KH_in_MEKE, &
"If true, uses the thickness diffusivity calculated here to diffuse \n"//&
"MEKE.", default=.false.)