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In NUOPC cap, add ability to import fields with ungridded dimensions
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alperaltuntas committed Aug 30, 2021
1 parent 0f0971a commit e3d190d
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Showing 2 changed files with 125 additions and 22 deletions.
60 changes: 43 additions & 17 deletions config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ module MOM_cap_mod
character(len=64) :: stdname
character(len=64) :: shortname
character(len=64) :: transferOffer
integer :: ungridded_lbound = 0
integer :: ungridded_ubound = 0
end type fld_list_type

integer,parameter :: fldsMax = 100
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2091,25 +2093,43 @@ subroutine MOM_RealizeFields(state, nfields, field_defs, tag, grid, mesh, rc)

if (present(grid)) then

field = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, &
name=field_defs(i)%shortname, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return

! initialize fldptr to zero
call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=fldptr2d, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
fldptr2d(:,:) = 0.0
if (field_defs(i)%ungridded_lbound > 0 .and. field_defs(i)%ungridded_ubound > 0) then
call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(subname)//": ERROR ungridded dimensions not supported in MOM6 nuopc cap when "//&
field = ESMF_FieldCreate(grid, ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, &
name=field_defs(i)%shortname, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return

! initialize fldptr to zero
call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=fldptr2d, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
fldptr2d(:,:) = 0.0

else if (present(mesh)) then

field = ESMF_FieldCreate(mesh=mesh, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, meshloc=ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT, &
name=field_defs(i)%shortname, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return

! initialize fldptr to zero
call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=fldptr1d, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
fldptr1d(:) = 0.0
if (field_defs(i)%ungridded_lbound > 0 .and. field_defs(i)%ungridded_ubound > 0) then
field = ESMF_FieldCreate(mesh=mesh, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, meshloc=ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT, &
name=field_defs(i)%shortname, ungriddedLbound=(/field_defs(i)%ungridded_lbound/), &
ungriddedUbound=(/field_defs(i)%ungridded_ubound/), gridToFieldMap=(/2/), rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return

! initialize fldptr to zero
call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=fldptr2d, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
fldptr2d(:,:) = 0.0
field = ESMF_FieldCreate(mesh=mesh, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, meshloc=ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT, &
name=field_defs(i)%shortname, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return

! initialize fldptr to zero
call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=fldptr1d, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
fldptr1d(:) = 0.0


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2166,12 +2186,14 @@ end subroutine MOM_RealizeFields

!> Set up list of field information
subroutine fld_list_add(num, fldlist, stdname, transferOffer, shortname)
subroutine fld_list_add(num, fldlist, stdname, transferOffer, shortname, ungridded_lbound, ungridded_ubound)
integer, intent(inout) :: num
type(fld_list_type), intent(inout) :: fldlist(:)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: stdname
character(len=*), intent(in) :: transferOffer
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: shortname
integer, optional, intent(in) :: ungridded_lbound
integer, optional, intent(in) :: ungridded_ubound

! local variables
integer :: rc
Expand All @@ -2193,6 +2215,10 @@ subroutine fld_list_add(num, fldlist, stdname, transferOffer, shortname)
fldlist(num)%shortname = trim(stdname)
fldlist(num)%transferOffer = trim(transferOffer)
if (present(ungridded_lbound) .and. present(ungridded_ubound)) then
fldlist(num)%ungridded_lbound = ungridded_lbound
fldlist(num)%ungridded_ubound = ungridded_ubound
end if

end subroutine fld_list_add

Expand Down
87 changes: 82 additions & 5 deletions config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap_methods.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,11 @@ module MOM_cap_methods
public :: state_diagnose
public :: ChkErr

private :: State_getImport
interface State_getImport
module procedure State_getImport_2d
module procedure State_getImport_3d ! third dimension being an ungridded dimension
end interface

private :: State_setExport

!> Get field pointer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -648,8 +652,8 @@ subroutine State_GetFldPtr_2d(State, fldname, fldptr, rc)

end subroutine State_GetFldPtr_2d

!> Map import state field to output array
subroutine State_GetImport(state, fldname, isc, iec, jsc, jec, output, do_sum, areacor, rc)
!> Map 2d import state field to output array
subroutine State_GetImport_2d(state, fldname, isc, iec, jsc, jec, output, do_sum, areacor, rc)
type(ESMF_State) , intent(in) :: state !< ESMF state
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: fldname !< Field name
integer , intent(in) :: isc !< The start i-index of cell centers within
Expand All @@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ subroutine State_GetImport(state, fldname, isc, iec, jsc, jec, output, do_sum, a
integer :: lbnd1,lbnd2
real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: dataPtr1d(:)
real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: dataPtr2d(:,:)
character(len=*) , parameter :: subname='(MOM_cap_methods:state_getimport)'
character(len=*) , parameter :: subname='(MOM_cap_methods:state_getimport_2d)'
! ----------------------------------------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -731,7 +735,80 @@ subroutine State_GetImport(state, fldname, isc, iec, jsc, jec, output, do_sum, a


end subroutine State_GetImport
end subroutine State_GetImport_2d

!> Map 3d import state field to output array (where 3rd dim is an ungridded dimension)
subroutine State_GetImport_3d(state, fldname, isc, iec, jsc, jec, lbd, ubd, output, do_sum, areacor, rc)
type(ESMF_State) , intent(in) :: state !< ESMF state
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: fldname !< Field name
integer , intent(in) :: isc !< The start i-index of cell centers within
!! the computational domain
integer , intent(in) :: iec !< The end i-index of cell centers within the
!! computational domain
integer , intent(in) :: jsc !< The start j-index of cell centers within
!! the computational domain
integer , intent(in) :: jec !< The end j-index of cell centers within
!! the computational domain
integer , intent(in) :: lbd !< lower bound of ungridded dimension
integer , intent(in) :: ubd !< upper bound of ungridded dimension
real (ESMF_KIND_R8) , intent(inout) :: output(isc:iec,jsc:jec,lbd:ubd)!< Output 3D array
logical, optional , intent(in) :: do_sum !< If true, sums the data
real (ESMF_KIND_R8), optional, intent(in) :: areacor(:) !< flux area correction factors
!! applicable to meshes
integer , intent(out) :: rc !< Return code

! local variables
type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag) :: itemFlag
integer :: n, i, j, i1, j1, u
integer :: lbnd1,lbnd2
real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: dataPtr2d(:,:)
character(len=*) , parameter :: subname='(MOM_cap_methods:state_getimport_3d)'
! ----------------------------------------------


call ESMF_StateGet(State, trim(fldname), itemFlag, rc=rc)
if (itemFlag /= ESMF_STATEITEM_NOTFOUND) then

if (geomtype == ESMF_GEOMTYPE_MESH) then

! get field pointer
call state_getfldptr(state, trim(fldname), dataptr2d, rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return

! determine output array and apply area correction if present
do u = lbd, ubd ! ungridded dims
n = 0
do j = jsc,jec
do i = isc,iec
n = n + 1
if (present(do_sum)) then
if (present(areacor)) then
output(i,j,u) = output(i,j,u) + dataPtr2d(u,n) * areacor(n)
output(i,j,u) = output(i,j,u) + dataPtr2d(u,n)
end if
if (present(areacor)) then
output(i,j,u) = dataPtr2d(u,n) * areacor(n)
output(i,j,u) = dataPtr2d(u,n)
end if

else if (geomtype == ESMF_GEOMTYPE_GRID) then
call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(subname)//": ERROR ungridded dimensions not supported in MOM6 nuopc cap when "// &


end subroutine State_GetImport_3d

!> Map input array to export state
subroutine State_SetExport(state, fldname, isc, iec, jsc, jec, input, ocean_grid, areacor, rc)
Expand Down

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