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Added new kernel reintegrate_column()
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- reintegrate_column() re-grids an extensive field (one that is
  already integrated over layers) from one grid to another. It is
  conservative (the sum of layers is conserved) if the grids have
  the same total thickness but not otherwise.
  - Unit tests implemented in diag_vkernels_unit_tests().
  - Kernel reintegrate_column() passes tests with all three compilers.
- Also removed unused "use MOM_cpu_clock" statements.
- No answer changes.
  • Loading branch information
adcroft committed Sep 2, 2016
1 parent b1ccc5a commit b1b3554
Showing 1 changed file with 134 additions and 8 deletions.
142 changes: 134 additions & 8 deletions src/framework/MOM_diag_vkernels.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
!> Provides single-column interpolation, re-sampling and remapping in the vertical
!> Provides kernels for single-column interpolation, re-integration (re-mapping of integrated quantities)
!! and intensive-variable remapping in the vertical
module MOM_diag_vkernels

! This file is part of MOM6. See for the license.

use MOM_cpu_clock, only : cpu_clock_id, cpu_clock_begin, cpu_clock_end
use MOM_cpu_clock, only : CLOCK_MODULE, CLOCK_ROUTINE

implicit none ; private

public diag_vkernels_unit_tests
public interpolate_column
public reintegrate_column

! Module data used only for debugging
logical :: verbose_diag_vkernels_unit_tests = .true. ! If true, always write out unit tests results
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,9 +90,67 @@ subroutine interpolate_column(nsrc, h_src, u_src, ndest, h_dest, missing_value,

end subroutine interpolate_column

!> Re-sample integrated layer data to a new grid
subroutine resample_column!(nsrc, h_src, u_src, ndest, h_dest, u_dest)
end subroutine resample_column
!> Conservatively calculate integrated data, uh_dest, on grid h_dest, from layer-integrated data, uh_src, on grid h_src
subroutine reintegrate_column(nsrc, h_src, uh_src, ndest, h_dest, missing_value, uh_dest)
integer, intent(in) :: nsrc !< Number of source cells
real, dimension(nsrc), intent(in) :: h_src !< Thickness of source cells
real, dimension(nsrc), intent(in) :: uh_src !< Values at source cell interfaces
integer, intent(in) :: ndest !< Number of destination cells
real, dimension(ndest), intent(in) :: h_dest !< Thickness of destination cells
real, intent(in) :: missing_value !< Value to assign in vanished cells
real, dimension(ndest), intent(inout) :: uh_dest !< Interpolated value at destination cell interfaces
! Local variables
real :: x_dest ! Relative position of target interface
real :: h_src_rem, h_dest_rem, dh ! Incremental thicknesses
real :: uh_src_rem, uh_dest_rem, duh ! Incremental amounts of stuff
integer :: k_src, k_dest ! Index of cell in src and dest columns
integer :: iter

k_src = 0
k_dest = 0
h_dest_rem = 0.
h_src_rem = 0.

do while(.true.)
if (h_src_rem==0. .and. k_src<nsrc) then
! Supply is empty so move to the next source cell
k_src = k_src + 1
h_src_rem = h_src(k_src)
uh_src_rem = uh_src(k_src)
if (h_dest_rem==0. .and. k_dest<ndest) then
! Sink has no capacity so move to the next destination cell
k_dest = k_dest + 1
h_dest_rem = h_dest(k_dest)
uh_dest(k_dest) = 0.
duh = 0.
if (h_src_rem<h_dest_rem) then
! The source cell is fully within the destination cell
dh = h_src_rem
duh = uh_src_rem
h_src_rem = 0.
uh_src_rem = 0.
h_dest_rem = max(0., h_dest_rem - dh)
elseif (h_src_rem>h_dest_rem) then
! Only part of the source cell can be used up
dh = h_dest_rem
duh = (dh / h_src_rem) * uh_src_rem
h_src_rem = max(0., h_src_rem - dh)
uh_src_rem = uh_src_rem - duh
h_dest_rem = 0.
else ! h_src_rem==h_dest_rem
! The source cell exactly fits the destination cell
duh = uh_src_rem
h_src_rem = 0.
uh_src_rem = 0.
h_dest_rem = 0.
uh_dest(k_dest) = uh_dest(k_dest) + duh
if (k_dest+k_src==nsrc+ndest) exit

end subroutine reintegrate_column

!> Returns true if any unit tests for module MOM_diag_vkernels fail
logical function diag_vkernels_unit_tests()
Expand All @@ -102,6 +159,7 @@ logical function diag_vkernels_unit_tests()
logical :: fail

write(0,*) '============ MOM_diag_kernels: diag_vkernels_unit_tests =================='
write(0,*) '- - - - - - - - - - reintegration tests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'

fail = test_interp('Identity: 3 layer', &
3, (/1.,2.,3./), (/1.,2.,3.,4./), &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,6 +206,38 @@ logical function diag_vkernels_unit_tests()
4, (/0.,2.,6.,0./), (/missing_value,1.,3.,8.,missing_value/) )
diag_vkernels_unit_tests = diag_vkernels_unit_tests .or. fail

write(0,*) '- - - - - - - - - - reintegration tests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'

fail = test_reintegrate('Identity: 3 layer', &
3, (/1.,2.,3./), (/-5.,2.,1./), &
3, (/1.,2.,3./), (/-5.,2.,1./) )
diag_vkernels_unit_tests = diag_vkernels_unit_tests .or. fail

fail = test_reintegrate('A: 3 layer to 2', &
3, (/2.,2.,2./), (/-5.,2.,1./), &
2, (/3.,3./), (/-4.,2./) )
diag_vkernels_unit_tests = diag_vkernels_unit_tests .or. fail

fail = test_reintegrate('A: 3 layer to 2 (deep)', &
3, (/2.,2.,2./), (/-5.,2.,1./), &
2, (/3.,4./), (/-4.,2./) )
diag_vkernels_unit_tests = diag_vkernels_unit_tests .or. fail

fail = test_reintegrate('A: 3 layer to 2 (shallow)', &
3, (/2.,2.,2./), (/-5.,2.,1./), &
2, (/3.,2./), (/-4.,1.5/) )
diag_vkernels_unit_tests = diag_vkernels_unit_tests .or. fail

fail = test_reintegrate('B: 3 layer to 4 with vanished top/bottom', &
3, (/2.,2.,2./), (/-5.,2.,1./), &
4, (/0.,3.,3.,0./), (/0.,-4.,2.,0./) )
diag_vkernels_unit_tests = diag_vkernels_unit_tests .or. fail

fail = test_reintegrate('C: 3 layer to 4 with vanished top//middle/bottom', &
3, (/2.,2.,2./), (/-5.,2.,1./), &
5, (/0.,3.,0.,3.,0./), (/0.,-4.,0.,2.,0./) )
diag_vkernels_unit_tests = diag_vkernels_unit_tests .or. fail

write(0,*) '=========================================================================='

Expand All @@ -162,7 +252,7 @@ logical function test_interp(msg, nsrc, h_src, u_src, ndest, h_dest, u_true)
real, dimension(ndest), intent(in) :: h_dest !< Thickness of destination cells
real, dimension(ndest+1), intent(in) :: u_true !< Correct value at destination cell interfaces
! Local variables
real, dimension(ndest+1) :: u_dest ! Interpolated alue at destination cell interfaces
real, dimension(ndest+1) :: u_dest ! Interpolated value at destination cell interfaces
integer :: k
real :: error
logical :: print_results
Expand All @@ -188,6 +278,42 @@ logical function test_interp(msg, nsrc, h_src, u_src, ndest, h_dest, u_true)
end function test_interp

!> Returns true if a test of reintegrate_column() produces the wrong answer
logical function test_reintegrate(msg, nsrc, h_src, uh_src, ndest, h_dest, uh_true)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg !< Message to label test
integer, intent(in) :: nsrc !< Number of source cells
real, dimension(nsrc), intent(in) :: h_src !< Thickness of source cells
real, dimension(nsrc), intent(in) :: uh_src !< Values of source cell stuff
integer, intent(in) :: ndest !< Number of destination cells
real, dimension(ndest), intent(in) :: h_dest !< Thickness of destination cells
real, dimension(ndest), intent(in) :: uh_true !< Correct value of destination cell stuff
! Local variables
real, dimension(ndest) :: uh_dest ! Reintegrated value on destination cells
integer :: k
real :: error
logical :: print_results

! Interpolate from src to dest
call reintegrate_column(nsrc, h_src, uh_src, ndest, h_dest, missing_value, uh_dest)

test_reintegrate = .false.
do k=1,ndest
if (uh_dest(k)/=uh_true(k)) test_reintegrate = .true.
if (verbose_diag_vkernels_unit_tests .or. test_reintegrate) then
write(0,'(2a)') ' Test: ',msg
write(0,'(a3,3(a24))') 'k','uh_result','uh_true','error'
do k=1,ndest
error = uh_dest(k)-uh_true(k)
if (error==0.) then
write(0,'(i3,3(1pe24.16))') k,uh_dest(k),uh_true(k),uh_dest(k)-uh_true(k)
write(0,'(i3,3(1pe24.16),x,a)') k,uh_dest(k),uh_true(k),uh_dest(k)-uh_true(k),'<--- WRONG!'
end function test_reintegrate

end function diag_vkernels_unit_tests

end module MOM_diag_vkernels

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