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Implemented xy-averaged diagnostics for interface data
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- @nicjhan correctly disabled the xy-averaging of interface data in
  58b26a0 because it wasn't implemented.
  - Now it is.
- Interface data does not use thickness weights.
- Layer data that is extensive also does not use thickness weights.
  • Loading branch information
adcroft committed Nov 30, 2016
1 parent ff858c7 commit 5bd2cfc
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Showing 2 changed files with 124 additions and 50 deletions.
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions src/framework/MOM_diag_mediator.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -359,7 +359,8 @@ subroutine set_axes_info(G, GV, param_file, diag_cs, set_vertical)
call define_axes_group(diag_cs, (/ id_xh, id_yh, id_zi /), diag_cs%remap_axesTi(i), &
nz=nz, vertical_coordinate_number=i, &
x_cell_method='mean', y_cell_method='mean', v_cell_method='point', &
is_h_point=.true., is_interface=.true., is_native=.false., needs_interpolating=.true.)
is_h_point=.true., is_interface=.true., is_native=.false., needs_interpolating=.true., &

!! \note Remapping for B points is not yet implemented so needs_remapping is not provided for remap_axesBi
call define_axes_group(diag_cs, (/ id_xq, id_yq, id_zi /), diag_cs%remap_axesBi(i), &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -939,6 +940,7 @@ subroutine post_xy_average(diag_cs, diag, field)
if (diag_cs%ave_enabled) then
call horizontally_average_diag_field(diag_cs%diag_remap_cs(diag%axes%vertical_coordinate_number), &
diag_cs%G, staggered_in_x, staggered_in_y, &
diag%axes%is_layer, diag%v_extensive, &
diag_cs%missing_value, field, averaged_field)
used = send_data(diag%fms_xyave_diag_id, averaged_field, diag_cs%time_end, weight=diag_cs%time_int)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1192,9 +1194,7 @@ logical function register_diag_field_expand_cmor(dm_id, module_name, field_name,
interp_method=interp_method, tile_count=tile_count)
call attach_cell_methods(fms_xyave_id, axes%xyave_axes, cm_string, &
cell_methods, v_cell_method, v_extensive=v_extensive)
if (is_root_pe() .and. diag_CS%doc_unit > 0) then
if (associated(axes%xyave_axes)) then
if (is_root_pe() .and. diag_CS%doc_unit > 0) then
msg = ''
if (present(cmor_field_name)) msg = 'CMOR equivalent is "'//trim(cmor_field_name)//'_xyave"'
call log_available_diag(fms_xyave_id>0, module_name, trim(field_name)//'_xyave', cm_string, &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1254,9 +1254,7 @@ logical function register_diag_field_expand_cmor(dm_id, module_name, field_name,
err_msg=err_msg, interp_method=interp_method, tile_count=tile_count)
call attach_cell_methods(fms_xyave_id, axes%xyave_axes, cm_string, &
cell_methods, v_cell_method, v_extensive=v_extensive)
if (is_root_pe() .and. diag_CS%doc_unit > 0) then
if (associated(axes%xyave_axes)) then
if (is_root_pe() .and. diag_CS%doc_unit > 0) then
msg = 'native name is "'//trim(field_name)//'_xyave"'
call log_available_diag(fms_xyave_id>0, module_name, trim(cmor_field_name)//'_xyave', cm_string, &
msg, diag_CS, posted_cmor_long_name, posted_cmor_units, &
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162 changes: 119 additions & 43 deletions src/framework/MOM_diag_remap.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -512,67 +512,143 @@ end subroutine vertically_interpolate_diag_field

!> Horizontally average field
subroutine horizontally_average_diag_field(remap_cs, G, staggered_in_x, staggered_in_y, &
is_layer, is_extensive, &
missing_value, field, averaged_field)
type(diag_remap_ctrl), intent(in) :: remap_cs !< Diagnostic coodinate control structure
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< Ocean grid structure
logical, intent(in) :: staggered_in_x !< True is the x-axis location is at u or q points
logical, intent(in) :: staggered_in_y !< True is the y-axis location is at v or q points
logical, intent(in) :: staggered_in_x !< True if the x-axis location is at u or q points
logical, intent(in) :: staggered_in_y !< True if the y-axis location is at v or q points
logical, intent(in) :: is_layer !< True if the z-axis location is at h points
logical, intent(in) :: is_extensive !< True if the z-direction is spatially integrated (over layers)
real, intent(in) :: missing_value !< A missing_value to assign land/vanished points
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: field !< The diagnostic field to be remapped
real, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: averaged_field !< Field argument horizontally averaged
! Local variables
real, dimension(remap_cs%nz) :: vol_sum, stuff_sum
real :: v1, v2, total_volume, total_stuff
real, dimension(remap_cs%nz+1) :: vol_sum, stuff_sum ! nz+1 is needed for interface averages
real :: v1, v2, total_volume, total_stuff, val
integer :: i, j, k

call assert(remap_cs%initialized, 'horizontally_average_diag_field: remap_cs not initialized.')
call assert(size(field, 3) == remap_cs%nz, &
if (is_layer) then
call assert(size(field, 3) == remap_cs%nz, &
'horizontally_average_diag_field: Field vertical dimension does not match diag remap type.')
call assert(size(averaged_field, 1) == remap_cs%nz, &
'horizontally_average_diag_field: Averaged field dimension does not match diag remap type.')
call assert(size(field, 3) == remap_cs%nz+1, &
'horizontally_average_diag_field: Field vertical dimension does not match diag remap type.')
call assert(size(averaged_field, 1) == remap_cs%nz, &
call assert(size(averaged_field, 1) == remap_cs%nz+1, &
'horizontally_average_diag_field: Averaged field dimension does not match diag remap type.')

if (staggered_in_x .and. .not. staggered_in_y) then
! U-points
do k=1,remap_cs%nz
vol_sum(k) = 0.
stuff_sum(k) = 0.
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
v1 = G%areaCu(I,j) * 0.5 * ( remap_cs%h(i,j,k) + remap_cs%h(i+1,j,k) )
v2 = G%areaCu(I-1,j) * 0.5 * ( remap_cs%h(i,j,k) + remap_cs%h(i-1,j,k) )
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 + v2 ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 * field(I,j,k) + v2 * field(I-1,j,k) ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
if (is_layer) then
! U-points
do k=1,remap_cs%nz
vol_sum(k) = 0.
stuff_sum(k) = 0.
if (is_extensive) then
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
v1 = G%areaCu(I,j)
v2 = G%areaCu(I-1,j)
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 + v2 ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 * field(I,j,k) + v2 * field(I-1,j,k) ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
else ! Intensive
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
v1 = G%areaCu(I,j) * 0.5 * ( remap_cs%h(i,j,k) + remap_cs%h(i+1,j,k) )
v2 = G%areaCu(I-1,j) * 0.5 * ( remap_cs%h(i,j,k) + remap_cs%h(i-1,j,k) )
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 + v2 ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 * field(I,j,k) + v2 * field(I-1,j,k) ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
else ! Interface
do k=1,remap_cs%nz+1
vol_sum(k) = 0.
stuff_sum(k) = 0.
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
v1 = G%areaCu(I,j)
v2 = G%areaCu(I-1,j)
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 + v2 ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 * field(I,j,k) + v2 * field(I-1,j,k) ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
elseif (staggered_in_y .and. .not. staggered_in_x) then
! V-points
do k=1,remap_cs%nz
vol_sum(k) = 0.
stuff_sum(k) = 0.
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
v1 = G%areaCv(i,J) * 0.5 * ( remap_cs%h(i,j,k) + remap_cs%h(i,j+1,k) )
v2 = G%areaCv(i,J-1) * 0.5 * ( remap_cs%h(i,j,k) + remap_cs%h(i,j-1,k) )
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 + v2 ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 * field(i,J,k) + v2 * field(i,J-1,k) ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
if (is_layer) then
! V-points
do k=1,remap_cs%nz
vol_sum(k) = 0.
stuff_sum(k) = 0.
if (is_extensive) then
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
v1 = G%areaCv(i,J)
v2 = G%areaCv(i,J-1)
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 + v2 ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 * field(i,J,k) + v2 * field(i,J-1,k) ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
else ! Intensive
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
v1 = G%areaCv(i,J) * 0.5 * ( remap_cs%h(i,j,k) + remap_cs%h(i,j+1,k) )
v2 = G%areaCv(i,J-1) * 0.5 * ( remap_cs%h(i,j,k) + remap_cs%h(i,j-1,k) )
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 + v2 ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 * field(i,J,k) + v2 * field(i,J-1,k) ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
else ! Interface
do k=1,remap_cs%nz+1
vol_sum(k) = 0.
stuff_sum(k) = 0.
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
v1 = G%areaCv(i,J)
v2 = G%areaCv(i,J-1)
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 + v2 ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + 0.5 * ( v1 * field(i,J,k) + v2 * field(i,J-1,k) ) * G%mask2dT(i,j)
enddo ; enddo
elseif ((.not. staggered_in_x) .and. (.not. staggered_in_y)) then
! H-points
do k=1,remap_cs%nz
vol_sum(k) = 0.
stuff_sum(k) = 0.
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
if (G%mask2dT(i,j)>0. .and. remap_cs%h(i,j,k)>0.) then
v1 = G%areaT(i,j) * remap_cs%h(i,j,k)
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + v1
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + v1 * field(i,j,k)
if (abs(field(i,j,k))>1.e20) then
stop 'xxx'
if (is_layer) then
! H-points
do k=1,remap_cs%nz
vol_sum(k) = 0.
stuff_sum(k) = 0.
if (is_extensive) then
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
if (G%mask2dT(i,j)>0. .and. remap_cs%h(i,j,k)>0.) then
v1 = G%areaT(i,j)
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + v1
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + v1 * field(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo
else ! Intensive
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
if (G%mask2dT(i,j)>0. .and. remap_cs%h(i,j,k)>0.) then
v1 = G%areaT(i,j) * remap_cs%h(i,j,k)
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + v1
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + v1 * field(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo
enddo ; enddo
else ! Interface
do k=1,remap_cs%nz+1
vol_sum(k) = 0.
stuff_sum(k) = 0.
do j=G%jsc, G%jec ; do i=G%isc, G%iec
val = field(i,j,k)
if (G%mask2dT(i,j)>0. .and. val/=missing_value) then
v1 = G%areaT(i,j)
vol_sum(k) = vol_sum(k) + v1
stuff_sum(k) = stuff_sum(k) + v1 * field(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo
call assert(.false., 'vertically_interpolate_diag_field: Q point averaging is not coded yet.')
call assert(.false., 'horizontally_average_diag_field: Q point averaging is not coded yet.')

call sum_across_PEs(vol_sum, remap_cs%nz)
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