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+Add zonal_BT_mass_flux & meridional_BT_mass_flux
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  Added the new publicly visible routines zonal_BT_mass_flux and
meridional_BT_mass_flux to return the vertically summed transports that the
continuity solver would generate.  Also revised the routine continuity_2d_fluxes
in MOM_continuity to make use of these new routines.  Because these new routines
are not yet being used, all answers are bitwise identical, but there are new
public interfaces.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Dec 6, 2023
1 parent 2c5c25e commit 3d3ea0f
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Showing 2 changed files with 152 additions and 19 deletions.
22 changes: 3 additions & 19 deletions src/core/MOM_continuity.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module MOM_continuity
use MOM_continuity_PPM, only : continuity_CS=>continuity_PPM_CS
use MOM_continuity_PPM, only : zonal_edge_thickness, meridional_edge_thickness
use MOM_continuity_PPM, only : zonal_mass_flux, meridional_mass_flux
use MOM_continuity_PPM, only : zonal_BT_mass_flux, meridional_BT_mass_flux
use MOM_diag_mediator, only : time_type
use MOM_grid, only : ocean_grid_type
use MOM_open_boundary, only : ocean_OBC_type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,29 +102,12 @@ subroutine continuity_2d_fluxes(u, v, h, uhbt, vhbt, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC, pbv
real :: h_E(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) ! East edge thicknesses in the zonal PPM reconstruction [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: h_S(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) ! South edge thicknesses in the meridional PPM reconstruction [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: h_N(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) ! North edge thicknesses in the meridional PPM reconstruction [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: uh(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) ! Thickness fluxes through zonal faces, u*h*dy [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1]
real :: vh(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(GV)) ! Thickness fluxes through v-point faces, v*h*dx [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1]
integer :: i, j, k

uh(:,:,:) = 0.0
vh(:,:,:) = 0.0

call zonal_edge_thickness(h, h_W, h_E, G, GV, US, CS, OBC)
call zonal_mass_flux(u, h, h_W, h_E, uh, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC, pbv%por_face_areaU)
call zonal_BT_mass_flux(u, h, h_W, h_E, uhbt, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC, pbv%por_face_areaU)

call meridional_edge_thickness(h, h_S, h_N, G, GV, US, CS, OBC)
call meridional_mass_flux(v, h, h_S, h_N, vh, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC, pbv%por_face_areaV)

uhbt(:,:) = 0.0
vhbt(:,:) = 0.0

do k=1,GV%ke ; do j=G%jsc,G%jec ; do I=G%isc-1,G%iec
uhbt(I,j) = uhbt(I,j) + uh(I,j,k)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo

do k=1,GV%ke ; do J=G%jsc-1,G%jec ; do i=G%isc,G%iec
vhbt(I,j) = vhbt(I,j) + vh(I,j,k)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
call meridional_BT_mass_flux(v, h, h_S, h_N, vhbt, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC, pbv%por_face_areaV)

end subroutine continuity_2d_fluxes

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149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions src/core/MOM_continuity_PPM.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module MOM_continuity_PPM
public zonal_mass_flux, meridional_mass_flux
public zonal_flux_thickness, meridional_flux_thickness
public zonal_edge_thickness, meridional_edge_thickness
public zonal_BT_mass_flux, meridional_BT_mass_flux
public set_continuity_loop_bounds

!>@{ CPU time clock IDs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -610,6 +611,80 @@ subroutine zonal_mass_flux(u, h_in, h_W, h_E, uh, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC, por_fa

end subroutine zonal_mass_flux

!> Calculates the vertically integrated mass or volume fluxes through the zonal faces.
subroutine zonal_BT_mass_flux(u, h_in, h_W, h_E, uhbt, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC, por_face_areaU, LB_in)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< Ocean's grid structure.
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean's vertical grid structure.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: u !< Zonal velocity [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h_in !< Layer thickness used to
!! calculate fluxes [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h_W !< Western edge thickness in the PPM
!! reconstruction [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h_E !< Eastern edge thickness in the PPM
!! reconstruction [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G)), intent(out) :: uhbt !< The summed volume flux through zonal
!! faces [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1].
real, intent(in) :: dt !< Time increment [T ~> s].
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
type(continuity_PPM_CS), intent(in) :: CS !< This module's control structure.G
type(ocean_OBC_type), pointer :: OBC !< Open boundary condition type
!! specifies whether, where, and what
!! open boundary conditions are used.
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(G)), intent(in) :: por_face_areaU !< fractional open area of U-faces [nondim]
type(cont_loop_bounds_type), optional, intent(in) :: LB_in !< Loop bounds structure.

! Local variables
real :: uh(SZIB_(G)) ! Volume flux through zonal faces = u*h*dy [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1]
real :: duhdu(SZIB_(G)) ! Partial derivative of uh with u [H L ~> m2 or kg m-1].
logical, dimension(SZIB_(G)) :: do_I
real :: ones(SZIB_(G)) ! An array of 1's [nondim]
type(cont_loop_bounds_type) :: LB
integer :: i, j, k, ish, ieh, jsh, jeh, nz
logical :: local_specified_BC, OBC_in_row

local_specified_BC = .false.
if (associated(OBC)) then ; if (OBC%OBC_pe) then
local_specified_BC = OBC%specified_v_BCs_exist_globally
endif ; endif

if (present(LB_in)) then
LB = LB_in
LB%ish = G%isc ; LB%ieh = G%iec ; LB%jsh = G%jsc ; LB%jeh = G%jec
ish = LB%ish ; ieh = LB%ieh ; jsh = LB%jsh ; jeh = LB%jeh ; nz = GV%ke

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_correct)
ones(:) = 1.0 ; do_I(:) = .true.

uhbt(:,:) = 0.0
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(uh,duhdu,OBC_in_row)
do j=jsh,jeh
! Determining whether there are any OBC points outside of the k-loop should be more efficient.
OBC_in_row = .false.
if (local_specified_BC) then ; do I=ish-1,ieh ; if (OBC%segnum_u(I,j) /= OBC_NONE) then
if (OBC%segment(OBC%segnum_u(I,j))%specified) OBC_in_row = .true.
endif ; enddo ; endif
do k=1,nz
! This sets uh and duhdu.
call zonal_flux_layer(u(:,j,k), h_in(:,j,k), h_W(:,j,k), h_E(:,j,k), uh, duhdu, ones, &
dt, G, US, j, ish, ieh, do_I, CS%vol_CFL, por_face_areaU(:,j,k), OBC)
if (OBC_in_row) then ; do I=ish-1,ieh ; if (OBC%segnum_u(I,j) /= OBC_NONE) then
if (OBC%segment(OBC%segnum_u(I,j))%specified) uh(I) = OBC%segment(OBC%segnum_u(I,j))%normal_trans(I,j,k)
endif ; enddo ; endif

! Accumulate the barotropic transport.
do I=ish-1,ieh
uhbt(I,j) = uhbt(I,j) + uh(I)
enddo ! k-loop
enddo ! j-loop
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_correct)

end subroutine zonal_BT_mass_flux

!> Evaluates the zonal mass or volume fluxes in a layer.
subroutine zonal_flux_layer(u, h, h_W, h_E, uh, duhdu, visc_rem, dt, G, US, j, &
ish, ieh, do_I, vol_CFL, por_face_areaU, OBC)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1422,6 +1497,80 @@ subroutine meridional_mass_flux(v, h_in, h_S, h_N, vh, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC, p

end subroutine meridional_mass_flux

!> Calculates the vertically integrated mass or volume fluxes through the meridional faces.
subroutine meridional_BT_mass_flux(v, h_in, h_S, h_N, vhbt, dt, G, GV, US, CS, OBC, por_face_areaV, LB_in)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< Ocean's grid structure.
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< Ocean's vertical grid structure.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: v !< Meridional velocity [L T-1 ~> m s-1]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h_in !< Layer thickness used to
!! calculate fluxes [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h_S !< Southern edge thickness in the PPM
!! reconstruction [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), intent(in) :: h_N !< Northern edge thickness in the PPM
!! reconstruction [H ~> m or kg m-2].
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G)), intent(out) :: vhbt !< The summed volume flux through meridional
!! faces [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1].
real, intent(in) :: dt !< Time increment [T ~> s].
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
type(continuity_PPM_CS), intent(in) :: CS !< This module's control structure.G
type(ocean_OBC_type), pointer :: OBC !< Open boundary condition type
!! specifies whether, where, and what
!! open boundary conditions are used.
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(G)), intent(in) :: por_face_areaV !< fractional open area of V-faces [nondim]
type(cont_loop_bounds_type), optional, intent(in) :: LB_in !< Loop bounds structure.

! Local variables
real :: vh(SZI_(G)) ! Volume flux through meridional faces = v*h*dx [H L2 T-1 ~> m3 s-1 or kg s-1]
real :: dvhdv(SZI_(G)) ! Partial derivative of vh with v [H L ~> m2 or kg m-1].
logical, dimension(SZI_(G)) :: do_I
real :: ones(SZI_(G)) ! An array of 1's [nondim]
type(cont_loop_bounds_type) :: LB
integer :: i, j, k, ish, ieh, jsh, jeh, nz
logical :: local_specified_BC, OBC_in_row

local_specified_BC = .false.
if (associated(OBC)) then ; if (OBC%OBC_pe) then
local_specified_BC = OBC%specified_v_BCs_exist_globally
endif ; endif

if (present(LB_in)) then
LB = LB_in
LB%ish = G%isc ; LB%ieh = G%iec ; LB%jsh = G%jsc ; LB%jeh = G%jec
ish = LB%ish ; ieh = LB%ieh ; jsh = LB%jsh ; jeh = LB%jeh ; nz = GV%ke

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_correct)
ones(:) = 1.0 ; do_I(:) = .true.

vhbt(:,:) = 0.0
!$OMP parallel do default(shared) private(vh,dvhdv,OBC_in_row)
do J=jsh-1,jeh
! Determining whether there are any OBC points outside of the k-loop should be more efficient.
OBC_in_row = .false.
if (local_specified_BC) then ; do i=ish,ieh ; if (OBC%segnum_v(i,J) /= OBC_NONE) then
if (OBC%segment(OBC%segnum_v(i,J))%specified) OBC_in_row = .true.
endif ; enddo ; endif
do k=1,nz
! This sets vh and dvhdv.
call merid_flux_layer(v(:,J,k), h_in(:,:,k), h_S(:,:,k), h_N(:,:,k), vh, dvhdv, ones, &
dt, G, US, J, ish, ieh, do_I, CS%vol_CFL, por_face_areaV(:,:,k), OBC)
if (OBC_in_row) then ; do i=ish,ieh ; if (OBC%segnum_v(i,J) /= OBC_NONE) then
if (OBC%segment(OBC%segnum_v(i,J))%specified) vh(i) = OBC%segment(OBC%segnum_v(i,J))%normal_trans(i,J,k)
endif ; enddo ; endif

! Accumulate the barotropic transport.
do i=ish,ieh
vhbt(i,J) = vhbt(i,J) + vh(i)
enddo ! k-loop
enddo ! j-loop
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_correct)

end subroutine meridional_BT_mass_flux

!> Evaluates the meridional mass or volume fluxes in a layer.
subroutine merid_flux_layer(v, h, h_S, h_N, vh, dvhdv, visc_rem, dt, G, US, J, &
ish, ieh, do_I, vol_CFL, por_face_areaV, OBC)
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