diff --git a/config_src/mct_driver/mom_surface_forcing_mct.F90 b/config_src/mct_driver/mom_surface_forcing_mct.F90 index d43f9f064b..2bed34580e 100644 --- a/config_src/mct_driver/mom_surface_forcing_mct.F90 +++ b/config_src/mct_driver/mom_surface_forcing_mct.F90 @@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ module MOM_surface_forcing_mct !> Structure corresponding to forcing, but with the elements, units, and conventions !! that exactly conform to the use for MOM-based coupled models. type, public :: ice_ocean_boundary_type - real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: rofl_flux =>NULL() !< liquid runoff [W/m2] - real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: rofi_flux =>NULL() !< ice runoff [W/m2] + real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: rofl_flux =>NULL() !< liquid runoff [kg/m2/s] + real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: rofi_flux =>NULL() !< ice runoff [kg/m2/s] real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u_flux =>NULL() !< i-direction wind stress [Pa] real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: v_flux =>NULL() !< j-direction wind stress [Pa] real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: t_flux =>NULL() !< sensible heat flux [W/m2] diff --git a/config_src/nuopc_driver/mom_cap.F90 b/config_src/nuopc_driver/mom_cap.F90 index e99a1a0a22..cbbefd6afd 100644 --- a/config_src/nuopc_driver/mom_cap.F90 +++ b/config_src/nuopc_driver/mom_cap.F90 @@ -2325,13 +2325,12 @@ end subroutine shr_file_getLogUnit #endif !> -!! @subpage MOM NUOPC Cap +!! @page nuopc_cap NUOPC Cap !! @author Fei Liu (fei.liu@gmail.com) !! @date 5/10/13 Original documentation !! @author Rocky Dunlap (rocky.dunlap@noaa.gov) !! @date 1/12/17 Moved to doxygen !! @date 2/28/19 Rewrote for unified cap -!! !! @tableofcontents !! !! @section Overview Overview @@ -2384,17 +2383,30 @@ end subroutine shr_file_getLogUnit !! MOM cap. The "Phase" column says whether the subroutine is called during the !! initialization, run, or finalize part of the coupled system run. !! -!! Phase | MOM Cap Subroutine | Description -!! ---------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------- -!! Init | [InitializeP0] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::initializep0) | Sets the Initialize Phase Definition -!! | (IPD) version to use -!! Init | [InitializeAdvertise] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::initializeadvertise) | Advertises standard names of import -!! | and export fields -!! Init | [InitializeRealize] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::initializerealize) | Creates an ESMF_Grid or ESMF_Mesh -!! | as well as ESMF_Fields for import -!! | and export fields -!! Run | [ModelAdvance] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::modeladvance) | Advances the model by a timestep -!! Final | [Finalize] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::ocean_model_finalize) | Cleans up +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!!
Phase MOM Cap Subroutine Description +!!
Init +!! [InitializeP0] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::initializep0) +!! Sets the Initialize Phase Definition (IPD) version to use +!!
Init +!! [InitializeAdvertise] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::initializeadvertise) +!! Advertises standard names of import and export fields +!!
Init +!! [InitializeRealize] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::initializerealize) +!! Creates an ESMF_Grid or ESMF_Mesh as well as ESMF_Fields for import and export fields +!!
Run +!! [ModelAdvance] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::modeladvance) +!! Advances the model by a timestep +!!
Final +!! [Finalize] (@ref MOM_cap_mod::ocean_model_finalize) +!! Cleans up +!!
+!! !! !! @section UnderlyingModelInterfaces Underlying Model Interfaces !! @@ -2527,152 +2539,152 @@ end subroutine shr_file_getLogUnit !! @subsection ImportFields Import Fields !! !! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! !!
Standard NameUnitsModel VariableDescriptionNotes
inst_pres_height_surfacePappressure of overlying sea ice and atmosphere
mass_of_overlying_sea_icekgmimass of overlying sea ice
seaice_melt_heatW m-2seaice_melt_heatsea ice and snow melt heat flux
seaice_meltkg m-2 s-1seaice_meltwater flux due to sea ice and snow melting
mean_calving_heat_flxW m-2calving_hflxheat flux, relative to 0C, of frozen land water into ocean
mean_calving_ratekg m-2 s-1calvingmass flux of frozen runoff
mean_evap_ratekg m-2 s-1q_fluxspecific humidity flux
mean_fprec_ratekg m-2 s-1fprecmass flux of frozen precip
mean_merid_moment_flxPav_fluxj-directed wind stress into ocean[vector rotation] (@ref VectorRotations) applied - lat-lon to tripolar
mean_net_lw_flxW m-2lw_fluxlong wave radiation
mean_net_sw_ir_dif_flxW m-2sw_flux_nir_difdiffuse near IR shortwave radiation
mean_net_sw_ir_dir_flxW m-2sw_flux_nir_dirdirect near IR shortwave radiation
mean_net_sw_vis_dif_flxW m-2sw_flux_vis_difdiffuse visible shortware radiation
mean_net_sw_vis_dir_flxW m-2sw_flux_vis_dirdirect visible shortware radiation
mean_prec_ratekg m-2 s-1lprecmass flux of liquid precip
mean_runoff_heat_flxW m-2runoff_hflxheat flux, relative to 0C, of liquid land water into ocean
mean_runoff_ratekg m-2 s-1runoffmass flux of liquid runoff
mean_salt_ratekg m-2 s-1salt_fluxsalt flux
mean_sensi_heat_flxW m-2t_fluxsensible heat flux into ocean
mean_zonal_moment_flxPau_fluxi-directed wind stress into ocean[vector rotation] (@ref VectorRotations) applied - lat-lon to tripolar
Standard Name +!! Units +!! Model Variable +!! Description +!! Notes +!!
inst_pres_height_surfacePappressure of overlying sea ice and atmosphere
mass_of_overlying_sea_icekgmimass of overlying sea ice
seaice_melt_heatW m-2seaice_melt_heatsea ice and snow melt heat flux
seaice_meltkg m-2 s-1seaice_meltwater flux due to sea ice and snow melting
mean_calving_heat_flxW m-2calving_hflxheat flux, relative to 0C, of frozen land water into ocean
mean_calving_ratekg m-2 s-1calvingmass flux of frozen runoff
mean_evap_ratekg m-2 s-1q_fluxspecific humidity flux
mean_fprec_ratekg m-2 s-1fprecmass flux of frozen precip
mean_merid_moment_flxPav_fluxj-directed wind stress into ocean[vector rotation] (@ref VectorRotations) applied - lat-lon to tripolar
mean_net_lw_flxW m-2lw_fluxlong wave radiation
mean_net_sw_ir_dif_flxW m-2sw_flux_nir_difdiffuse near IR shortwave radiation
mean_net_sw_ir_dir_flxW m-2sw_flux_nir_dirdirect near IR shortwave radiation
mean_net_sw_vis_dif_flxW m-2sw_flux_vis_difdiffuse visible shortware radiation
mean_net_sw_vis_dir_flxW m-2sw_flux_vis_dirdirect visible shortware radiation
mean_prec_ratekg m-2 s-1lprecmass flux of liquid precip
mean_runoff_heat_flxW m-2runoff_hflxheat flux, relative to 0C, of liquid land water into ocean
mean_runoff_ratekg m-2 s-1runoffmass flux of liquid runoff
mean_salt_ratekg m-2 s-1salt_fluxsalt flux
mean_sensi_heat_flxW m-2t_fluxsensible heat flux into ocean
mean_zonal_moment_flxPau_fluxi-directed wind stress into ocean[vector rotation] (@ref VectorRotations) applied - lat-lon to tripolar
!! !! @subsection ExportField Export Fields @@ -2681,79 +2693,76 @@ end subroutine shr_file_getLogUnit !! after the call to `update_ocean_model()`. !! !! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! -!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! +!! !!
Standard NameUnitsModel VariableDescriptionNotes
freezing_melting_potentialW m-2combination of frazil and melt_potentialcap converts model units (J m-2) to (W m-2) for export
ocean_maskocean mask
ocn_current_meridm s-1v_surfj-directed surface velocity on u-cell[vector rotation] (@ref VectorRotations) applied - tripolar to lat-lon
ocn_current_zonalm s-1u_surfi-directed surface velocity on u-cell[vector rotation] (@ref VectorRotations) applied - tripolar to lat-lon
s_surfpsus_surfsea surface salinity on t-cell
sea_surface_temperatureKt_surfsea surface temperature on t-cell
sea_surface_slope_zonalunitlesscreated from sshsea surface zonal slope
sea_surface_slope_meridunitlesscreated from sshsea surface meridional slope
so_bldepthmobldocean surface boundary layer depth
Standard NameUnitsModel VariableDescriptionNotes
freezing_melting_potentialW m-2combination of frazil and melt_potentialcap converts model units (J m-2) to (W m-2) for export
ocean_maskocean mask
ocn_current_meridm s-1v_surfj-directed surface velocity on u-cell[vector rotation] (@ref VectorRotations) applied - tripolar to lat-lon
ocn_current_zonalm s-1u_surfi-directed surface velocity on u-cell[vector rotation] (@ref VectorRotations) applied - tripolar to lat-lon
s_surfpsus_surfsea surface salinity on t-cell
sea_surface_temperatureKt_surfsea surface temperature on t-cell
sea_surface_slope_zonalunitlesscreated from sshsea surface zonal slope
sea_surface_slope_meridunitlesscreated from sshsea surface meridional slope
so_bldepthmobldocean surface boundary layer depth
!! !! @subsection MemoryManagement Memory Management diff --git a/config_src/nuopc_driver/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 b/config_src/nuopc_driver/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 index cdd93a8772..ba6760ffa4 100644 --- a/config_src/nuopc_driver/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 +++ b/config_src/nuopc_driver/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 @@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ module MOM_surface_forcing_nuopc !> Structure corresponding to forcing, but with the elements, units, and conventions !! that exactly conform to the use for MOM-based coupled models. type, public :: ice_ocean_boundary_type - real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: rofl_flux =>NULL() !< liquid runoff [W/m2] - real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: rofi_flux =>NULL() !< ice runoff [W/m2] + real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: rofl_flux =>NULL() !< liquid runoff [kg/m2/s] + real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: rofi_flux =>NULL() !< ice runoff [kg/m2/s] real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u_flux =>NULL() !< i-direction wind stress [Pa] real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: v_flux =>NULL() !< j-direction wind stress [Pa] real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: t_flux =>NULL() !< sensible heat flux [W/m2]