From 7cccab04290bfe1a66932350103493d0ab267649 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MOM6 bot Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:52:38 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: Response to the code review MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: Response to the code review - NOAA-GFDL/MOM6@475212f8c ZB submitted via PR - NOAA-GFDL/MOM6@e4db92d74 Rotate test is passed. Regression changed (order of operatrions) - NOAA-GFDL/MOM6@1a38b8812 Filters for ZB. Regression changed (FGR changed to amplitude) - NOAA-GFDL/MOM6@932816ead Implementation of ZB sheme MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: Case-insensitive init_external_field MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: Update time_interp_external functions MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: Remove MPP-based axis data access - NOAA-GFDL/MOM6@6038735c4 FMS2 interpolation ID replaced with derived type MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: Update SIS2 to use the new IO interface - NOAA-GFDL/SIS2@88d9e32 Update SIS2 to use the new IO interface - NOAA-GFDL/SIS2@57923db Fix for sigma_i going to zero in ITD landfast ice. (#189) MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: Replaced type(real) with real in iceberg.F90 subroutine calve_fl_icebergs. Added a .nml that was missing from the footloose test in previous commits. A few empty, but necessary, directories were missing from the test cases in previous commits, so modified the makeberg run files to create these directories. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@a7c0676 Replaced type(real) with real in iceberg.F90 subroutine calve_fl_icebergs. Added a .nml that was missing from the footloose test in previous commits. A few empty, but necessary, directories were missing from the test cases in previous commits, so modified the makeberg run files to create these directories. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@66637d6 removed redundant file - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@796d591 Added script to download data for the a68_test. Simplified the conda environment tests/iceberg_env.yml. Edited some READMEs. MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: update CPP ifdef logic to set "file version" - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@338e8b2 more doxy comments - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@4248102 doxygen fix? - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@3002ee7 Some further cleanup of A68, simplifying the read-in of data - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@cdd773a Removed non-DEM breaking of bonds. Previous attempts to account for bond-breaking without DEM-mode was not fully-successful because without DEM torque and shear terms, 'strings' of bonded particles one layer thick would tend to bend unphysically without breaking. Furthermore, the physical basis for non-DEM fracture was lacking compared to DEM-mode fracture, anyway. Therefore, I removed all code related to non-DEM fracture, which substantially simplifies much of the code. For example, this eliminated 6 variables (rotation, n_frac_var, n_strain_rate, accum_bond_rotation, lon_prev, lat_prev). MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: Cleanup, documentation, and removal of unused features. Also cleaned-up corresponding tests .nmls. MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: adding footloose=.true. and fl_init_child_xy_by_pe=.true. (for backwards compatibility), and eliminating fl_use_l_scale, fl_l_scale_erosion_only, fl_r, fl_r_s, fl_k_scale_by_perimeter, fl_bits_scale_l, fl_bits_scale_w, and fl_bits_scale_t. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@f4d45da initialize some additional variables for new icebergs in calve_icebergs, for backwards compatibility in chksums when footloose=.true. MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@5a5a175 Modified calve_icebergs so that new berg prev/old velocities and positions are not initialized unless using interactive icebergs. This has no impact except enabling the berg restart chksums to match the reference runs in the om4 regression tests (the regression tests pass either way, but this modification undoes a previous change that caused mismatch in the berg restart chksums only). - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@b4ce7eb Fixed calve_icebergs so that the random numbers for tidal drift are only calculated under the new scheme for interpolation of gridded fields to bergs (bergs%old_interp_flds_order=.false.). This prevents a crash in the OM4p5 basic regression test. Added a safeguard that makes sure only Verlet integration is allowed for MTS, DEM, and footloose - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@dd55cca tests/collision_tests/makeberg used to be dependent on Alon's scripts in tests/Iceberg_repository, but now moved those few scripts directly to tests/collision_tests/makeberg and deleted tests/Iceberg_repository. This deleted directory was Alon's KID/ice shelf tests on the ISOMIP geometry, which are outdated (e.g. they may rely on specific branches of the coupler and SIS2, and job scripts are not written for slurm) - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@9bd3b77 Cleaned up the makeberg directories and files - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@7a52136 Removed energy monitoring. While it was previously useful for development, it was also clunky, it only worked in non-DEM mode (without torques), and it added a dozen or so variables. Removed energy-based bond-breaking as well. MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: fracture_testing_initialization, init_dem_params, uniaxial_test,use_spring_land_contact,and calculate_force_land_contact - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@51cba6b more clean up -removed 'dem_shear_for_frac_only' -set new_mts to default -converted some print statements into write statements -removed some old commented code -cleaned up A68a code in icebergs.F90 -added comments for some namelist options -added option 'print_fracture' to write bond/particle info to screen when fracture occurs - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@e13d1b6 Removed experimental use_damage and power_ground options - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@d7a8bab Added A68 test back into repository and driver. Tested it with new nml option 'use_broken_bonds_for_substep_contact=.true.', which yielded about a 15% speedup compared to previously - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@6d4d4d4 Added bond variable 'broken' to track if a bond is broken (1) or intact (0). Added namelist option 'use_broken_bonds_for_substep_contact', which if true, identifies a pair of particles as contacting during the sub-steps if and only if the bond between them is broken (according to the new 'broken' variable'). This is more computationally-efficient than searching for contact pairs in the current and neighboring grid cells. Both the new 'broken' variable and 'use_broken_bonds_for_substep_contact' option can only be used for iKID multiple time step runs in dem-mode (dem=.true.). - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@33a8bca removed experimental option to account for ocean/wind curl on particle torque, because it has minimal effect and is therefore unused anyway - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@9399b38 Combined the footloose tests into one directory. Also completed a directory of tests for collision using either the original KID scheme, KID+MTS, or iKID. Eliminated unused tests. MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: consolidated to a single test, tuned, and recorded chksum - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@2bf5e75 Added separate test cases for footloose_poisson (calve child bergs from iceberg edges similarly to England et al., 2020, with some geometric features from Huth et al., 2022) and footloose_physical (physically based parameterization of footloose calving of child bergs from iceberg edges, following Huth et al., 2022). Removed the A68a test case from the driver - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@28a755d changes towards passing om4p5 jra55 regression tests. In absence of DEM,MTS, or footloose, reset when grid to particle intepolations occur to the original convention. Only save footloose variables in restart files if footloose is active. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@e730ef2 documented file name variables for particle and bond trajectories - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@20cb345 reset input_freq_distribution to false, the old default - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@1ee47c1 merged in mpp_self_sync modification from dev/gfdl - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@b5a4bec Cleanup of beam tests - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@2686245 added test dem_test_contact, for varying L_ij, the critical-interactive-length scale, for MTS-DEM simulations. Artifically increasing L_ij is needed to prevent overlapping of conglomerates under contact if their particle radii are low. Also added and .nml in tests/a68, to test A68a test without increaing L_ij (it has essentially no effect, given the large particle radii). Some edits to icebergs.F90 to increase computational efficiency. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@b857d37 Delete makeberg-checkpoint.ipynb - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@684e66c Delete makeberg.ipynb - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@1a02384 -Tuned new run for paper using fewer MTS sub-steps (90 vs 200). Adjusted README accordingly. -Achieved about a 5x speedup by changing code so that forces for only one of the two bonds in a pair have to be evaluated during sub-steps, eliminating the call to process MTS sub-step contact with other elements in the same conglomerate for interior (fully-bonded) elements (to which this contact does not apply), and reducing the search range for this contact when it is needed (for non-fully bonded elements). -Increased parallelization buffer width +1*number_of_bonds to accomodate variable for relative rotation of bonds MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: 1. reduce number of calculations in calculate_force_dem 2. only enforce “force_convergence” on MTS long step if there is contact between conglomerates -New default Rearth. Can also specify Rearth in the .nml -nml option to use a power-law or linear grounding drag -relative rotation between bonded particles is now tracked as a variable, rather than calculating it from the tracked rotation of each particle. Probably a better approach for simulations over long timescales, where tracked rotation values may become extremely large -Fixed the maximum normal stress criteria to include the influence of bond bending. -Added 2 new fracture criteria based on Skjetne and Hansen 2019 (fracture_criterion=‘computed’ or ‘computer_s’). Currently unused. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@be810d9 added berg velocities to save_short_traj. added option to save trajectories of footloose child bergs with areas exceeding a given threshold - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@50d8c28 added footloose bergy bits to grd%bergy_mass diagnostic - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@b3e6395 fix diagnostic for gridded melt associated with footloose child bergs MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: (1) specify an area threshold that must be exceeded to save, (2) save all trajectories when some year is passed (nml parameter save_all_traj_year), (3) save all trajectories by initial mass class (see nml parameters save_nonfl_traj_by_class, save_traj_by_class_start_mass_thres_n, save_traj_by_class_start_mass_thres_s, traj_area_thres_sntbc) -Added a fix for a floating-error for that sometimes occurred when using input_freq_distribution, where the recalculated distributions would not add up to one. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@16e94cc -Modified perimeter scaling so that the new parent berg shape is determined by subtracting ice from both the length and width, rather than just the length. -Rearranged code so that interpolations from grid to particles occurs outside of evolve_icebergs -set default for input_freq_distribution to True, in accordance with the given default distribution and distribution_n. -Output thickness with trajectories if and only if save_fl_traj=.True. -Set the defauly for save_fl_traj to .True. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@6585a86 more documentation - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@40e0d44 (1) Added real nml parameter traj_area_thres, a threshold for berg area (km^2) that must be exceeded to save a non-bonded berg trajectory. This will reduce computational cost of producing trajectory data, by ignoring trajectories of small bergs. The BYU/NIC database of berg trajectories ignores bergs with areas less than 5 km^2, so setting traj_area_thres=5 would be appropriate to generate modeled trajectories for comparison. (2) Added documentation where it was missing. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@677fdb1 fix traj buffer width - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@f631618 removed useless nml parameter fl_melt_as_bergy_bits. Added nml parameter save_fl_traj to save masses and footloose parameters in the berg trajectories. MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: if the random initialization scheme fails to initialize the new berg on the current PE, an attempt is made to initialize it at one of the parent berg corners on the current PE. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@e27b158 -Fixed an error (again) in the calculation for the max number of footloose child bergs that can be calved from a parent berg over a time step. The previous way was often enforcing one less footloose event that it should have, according to England 2020. MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: allow k>1, and modify fl_bits_src on grid after calving the new berg so that the FL bits budget is still correct - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@8c92a8c A few fixes to displace_fl_bergs to ensure new child berg is calved onto the computational domain. Added testing of the option to convert footloose bits to a new berg upon accumulating enough mass. MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: the original definition, where radius corresponds to the true iceberg area (L*W). (11) Cleaned up the line lengths where namelist parameters are listed in icebergs_framework.F90 - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@53cb93c When approximating the dimensions of footloose bits, now apply scaling of length, width, and thickness before rolling correction, rather than after - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@a43341e fix lon/lat mixup for n/s hemisphere berg calving distribution/initial thickness&mass - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@80928ae fixed operator splitting error in footloose thermodynamics - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@2133641 quick fix to default N hemisphere initial thicknesses. Removed unnecessary line in footloose part of thermodynamics - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@cf1ce33 The mass associated with erosion of FL bits can now be added to bergy bits, rather than melting immediately. Rewrote initialization/calving of new bergs so that values of parameters (initial dimensions, distribution, mass scaling, etc) can be specified separately each hemisphere. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@a9deeea a few minor changes to footloose bits regarding scaling and rolling. Separated the Me and Mv melt functions for footloose bits from parent berg, as these melt terms will be different for the parent berg if there is bonding. Added in footloose bits area when spreading berg mass to grid, assuming that footloose bits have the same thickness as the parent berg (Note this is just an approximation, as FL bergs should not have the same thickness, but not sure at this point if including FL area makes a difference, anyway) - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@81f5b84 some minor edits to budgets. Added SST as nml parameter in the driver - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@1003d75 separated footloose bits fully from bergy bits, though footloose bits can still be melted as bergy bits with new nml parameter fl_melt_as_bergy_bits. Added fl_bits_scale_l, fl_bits_scale_w, and fl_bits_scale_t nml parameters for specifying scaled dimensions of representative FL bits berg for melting vs. the dimensions of a new fl berg. Modified all budgets code to accomodate fl bits separately from bergy bits - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@e720f7e finished preliminary footloose bits option, where footloose bergs are tracked and evolved as a group without advecting away from their parent bergs - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@0c6c964 quick fix of a mass calculation error for option where footloose mass added to bergy bits - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@a6ec49d fix that should prevent displaced footloose bergs from initializing into land cells. Added option to just convert footloose bergs into bergy bits. Partially implemented option to track footloose bergs similarly to (but separately from) bergy bits, where footloose bergs are tracked with the parent berg, and melted/eroded as a group - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@7828b3f added footloose displacement for lat/lon coords as well as cartesian - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@fefb646 amended previous footloose option for assigning child berg positions to random corners of parent berg. Now, assign to random positions along edges of parent berg - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@a58fa5a added option to position new footloose child bergs to a random corner of the parent berg, rather than having the child berg inherit the exact same position of the parent berg - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@b72ee3c length fix for footloose child bergs - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@32f0e56 fix mass scaling bug in creation of footloose child bergs - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@27c7f75 Update input.nml - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@09a6bae Update input.nml MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: finish footloose for bonded conglomerates. Moved rolling to separate solver. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@d2071bd Fixed angular velocity/rotation terms for dem-mode. Corrected which velocities are used for damping. A bit more development for constant_interaction_LW. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@693179a assigned initial value of 'none' for fracture_criterion - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@b705b60 partial fix for bond restart - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@decca5c Many changes regarding reading/writing restart files, saving trajectories, and allocating the iceberg/bond variables in preparation for full coupling of this version of the iceberg code with MOM6. Changed the value for traj_sample_hrs and traj_write_hrs that would always force output every timestep from 0 to -1, which fixes a conflict when running with MOM6. Added a 'damage' variable that weakens the stress threshold in areas of pre-existing rifts, crevasses, etc that were inherited from when iceberg was still attached to the ice shelf. Added some experimental options for DEM-mode that (1) track the shear force for fracture purposes but ignore its influence during berg interactions or (2) set the shear force to zero entirely. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@813c4a3 -Added a scale-invariant DEM-mode, complete with tangential forces, torque, and stress-based fracture criterion (can currently be used during inner MTS sub-steps only) -Added several 'beam' tests for DEM-mode that make sure it can match analytical solutions -Added a fracture-upon-grounding test for DEM-mode -Added an energy-based fracture criterion -New option to use explicit velocity Verlet during MTS inner iterations. This explicit option requires ~2x smaller MTS sub-time steps than the previous partially-implicit scheme, but actually may run faster. Furthermore, the explicit option ensures momentum conservation without needing to iterate to convergence like with the partially-implicit scheme. Currently, DEM-mode always uses this explicit approach. -Fixed radius definition for square packing -Consolidated MTS code to a single evolve_icebergs_mts subroutine -Finished up some documentation - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@ac688c3 removed redundant parameter - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@68611e9 Trying Ubuntu-20.04 - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@38ee441 Add graphviz (dot) to package list - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@0aaccd9 Add doxygen to package list - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@61f6cbe Add GH action to verify documentation - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@a21d3d3 Added missing doxygen comments for most of icebergs.F90 - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@dbcbf13 Fixed doxygen errors in icebergs_framework.F90 - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@54969d2 Added badge and folder descriptions - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@5e75f43 Another try to avoid reading contents.rst on RTS - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@ffda592 Try to avoid reading contents.rst on RTS - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@ca2ed5d First draft for RTD/sphinx - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@fe5e9c1 Corrected source path - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@fd14a22 Changes default value of cdrag_grounding - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@5eae634 Add flag to bypass requirement for restart file - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@3027432 Fix legacy syntax issue with write() - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@2a8a337 Corrected declaration of radial_contact - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@141267f Fixed expression using abs() of logical - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@d6d1c9d Fix integer i/o formatting for gnu compiler MOM6+SIS2+icebergs: tests/ground_frac_test and tests/energy_test(1-3) 5. The new test cases each have new berg initialization python scripts (e.g. 6. Subroutines to save bond trajectories 7. Fixed error in damping scheme, concerning the projection 8. Identification of elements at conglomerate edges, w/ separate melting/force treatment for these edge elements 9. Separated MTS and STS accel subroutines for clarity 10. Some minor changes to MTS scheme, e.g. which velocities used at half-steps (ustar) and damping 11. Experimental MTS iterative schemes that force convergence of damping velocities. For better conserve momentum/for testing the impact on fracture of violating conservation of momentum 12. Conversion of .nc to .csv for elements ( and bonds ( to enable correct visualization in programs such as paraview - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@5b59099 New MTS-Verlet parallelization scheme. New 'chaotic' test case for a large number of bergs with pseudo-randomly generated sizes,thicknesses,radii,etc, which serves the purpose of testing the robustness of the MTS scheme with high-parallelization,long timescales,diverse icebergs, and essentially random collision scenarios. Includes a python script w/ slightly different approach for initializing test bergs. Also some fixes regarding MTS+spherical coords. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@c4355d3 formatting - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@ecaf44e added mts velocity verlet scheme to increase time step size, which includes a routine to pass whole conglomerate bergs between processors. Added separate spring constant for collisions and an option to vary the distance at which contact between bergs occurs. New test cases. - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@2891feb Fix with mpp_sync_self rather than global vars - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@744216f reorg, collision test, fixed bond issues related to initialization and periodic boundaries, renamed diamonds to kid - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@f59cc7d Fixes CM4highres model crash with insufficient virtual memory - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@aa62ce8 add Iceberg_repository - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@3b43d93 restructure for solo-driver and add initial test case - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@a7cc66b Added diagnostics axes - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@1c80144 Corrected README with critical bit for MPI - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@aa759b7 Re-structure to add solo-driver - NOAA-GFDL/icebergs@ad861df Fix for single-process tests --- .../AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ .../CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.all | 5 +++++ ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.short | 2 ++ src/MOM6 | 2 +- src/SIS2 | 2 +- src/icebergs | 2 +- 125 files changed, 430 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 4cd38afac3..439613d7a4 100644 --- a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1077,6 +1077,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 6f2e0bff48..dd42d33414 100644 --- a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/AM2_SIS2_MOM6i_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -295,6 +295,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 2777bf1ee0..d35e798946 100644 --- a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1077,6 +1077,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short index d3f5b0ab18..b6029c6bf6 100644 --- a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Concurrent_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -279,6 +279,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 7643815b19..38b9d2f57b 100644 --- a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1077,6 +1077,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 61e2efa3b3..2add5bf549 100644 --- a/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/coupled_AM2_LM3_SIS2/Intersperse_ice_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -282,6 +282,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 6b5a751c26..6031dd1956 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1077,6 +1077,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 5a7a87aadf..ff7b40fd7e 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -290,6 +290,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 1fdf5e6cb1..22b2ae3a24 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1287,6 +1287,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 0d43419618..179aa53b2a 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_ALE_z_offline_tracers/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -332,6 +332,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 8233a40b94..b04fe5cd0e 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1302,6 +1302,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short index c81e5b4261..789de89d85 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -421,6 +421,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all index ce690f59a8..e55df18e8e 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1315,6 +1315,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 5611a40afe..a9b793c259 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -439,6 +439,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 617a715d93..5f444512e2 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1302,6 +1302,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 90d9ad422d..da310c0fc8 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_025/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -428,6 +428,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 5061653ee4..e70eb9827e 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1315,6 +1315,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 70926f8a7f..7375570fce 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM4_05/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -443,6 +443,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 2c1ba40b73..fee9f9c9d7 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1293,6 +1293,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 8b60ad0ba8..d8fbe9010d 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/OM_1deg/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -455,6 +455,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 26fe7c78b0..78ca351c93 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1044,6 +1044,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 9dda5f4c07..13d4cd2b76 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -317,6 +317,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 666a5845a6..e2777123af 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1044,6 +1044,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short index fad79f17c6..ab5534691b 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_bergs_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -317,6 +317,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 658ac68d28..f66a12bd70 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1044,6 +1044,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short index e39f983f6c..df146adb9c 100644 --- a/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ice_ocean_SIS2/SIS2_cgrid/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -317,6 +317,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all index e2c0664bbe..65cdf1d26a 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -881,6 +881,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short index d63f44c861..05e1fc3e3c 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all index d1aa64765f..aae0ecfb2c 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -988,6 +988,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 7fb2046ddb..89a1656232 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -254,6 +254,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all index ec741b478c..bde3dd5637 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -988,6 +988,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 2708a92f2b..db7f28a394 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/cooling_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -254,6 +254,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all index cfe9f3eaa4..155be847ea 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -881,6 +881,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 4253649f2c..fa01d4b7e3 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all index baa77dc34e..06e9e5516d 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -988,6 +988,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 265fbf7dd2..0dd86406dc 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -254,6 +254,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all index eb60ae9eb5..fe65e8f0eb 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -988,6 +988,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short index bed686813f..dcf2fd1572 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/mech_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -254,6 +254,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 9cf4089dbd..e52133da8e 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -881,6 +881,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 1d10f8cac6..ad6bd1e85a 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 377217f1ea..0e9da93098 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -988,6 +988,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short index ac559b944f..64fde65b45 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -252,6 +252,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 4dceda90c1..ff310cfc3c 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -988,6 +988,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 46f84353ed..a4eed2b10c 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/skin_warming_wind/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -252,6 +252,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 72b15cfb2e..5c8c869598 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -881,6 +881,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 3bc0dfd231..d265678617 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 2f18173603..b5d1641306 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -988,6 +988,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 1d150411df..bfb83be6ab 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -254,6 +254,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 93a2747875..738f2ac1c0 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -988,6 +988,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short index a60aa16ba7..f007f58f89 100644 --- a/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -254,6 +254,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 1eb563848a..7c92355666 100644 --- a/ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -899,6 +899,11 @@ ANALYTIC_FV_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! === module MOM_PressureForce_Mont === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.short index facb5a82c6..6fc5881d9d 100644 --- a/ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/DOME/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ ANALYTIC_FV_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! === module MOM_PressureForce_Mont === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === AH_VEL_SCALE = 0.003 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 ! The velocity scale which is multiplied by the cube of the grid spacing to diff --git a/ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 7c7c04f18c..278ec74b99 100644 --- a/ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -834,6 +834,11 @@ ANALYTIC_FV_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! === module MOM_PressureForce_Mont === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short index c74986d472..bc9a923a8b 100644 --- a/ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/Phillips_2layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -268,6 +268,8 @@ ANALYTIC_FV_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! === module MOM_PressureForce_Mont === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === AH_VEL_SCALE = 0.003 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 ! The velocity scale which is multiplied by the cube of the grid spacing to diff --git a/ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 8859409e4c..dfc18581fb 100644 --- a/ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -988,6 +988,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 5e1e8e9f01..90b5cd273d 100644 --- a/ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/SCM_idealized_hurricane/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -227,6 +227,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 22d5e4c10f..036a305ea7 100644 --- a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -908,6 +908,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 5c6dc849a9..23e1f6c2dc 100644 --- a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -271,6 +271,8 @@ KE_SCHEME = "KE_GUDONOV" ! default = "KE_ARAKAWA" ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all index dd491cb279..a5b79fdfd5 100644 --- a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1062,6 +1062,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 886b883030..0f6aed109f 100644 --- a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -319,6 +319,8 @@ KE_SCHEME = "KE_GUDONOV" ! default = "KE_ARAKAWA" ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 541f2e97bd..84f19c7b8d 100644 --- a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1014,6 +1014,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 5eb38dab1f..ab08c2d75a 100644 --- a/ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/adjustment2d/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -297,6 +297,8 @@ KE_SCHEME = "KE_GUDONOV" ! default = "KE_ARAKAWA" ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.all index e71a74b7a7..a783f88de4 100644 --- a/ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -991,6 +991,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.short index cdf819ea89..bddb5f2f95 100644 --- a/ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/benchmark/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -299,6 +299,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === AH_VEL_SCALE = 0.05 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 ! The velocity scale which is multiplied by the cube of the grid spacing to diff --git a/ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.all index e1207d5c10..05e07562b3 100644 --- a/ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -919,6 +919,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 706c3ca98e..85be53afb6 100644 --- a/ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/circle_obcs/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -241,6 +241,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 15aca93665..63462a24b1 100644 --- a/ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -789,6 +789,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.short index c7a364895a..c58e53a48d 100644 --- a/ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/double_gyre/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.all index b01450da06..2e4765b729 100644 --- a/ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -897,6 +897,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 349981cc9f..d46fe0b7b9 100644 --- a/ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/external_gwave/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -259,6 +259,8 @@ KE_SCHEME = "KE_GUDONOV" ! default = "KE_ARAKAWA" ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all index fb0d8a5aa7..4c25497200 100644 --- a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -907,6 +907,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 318aa8a1d9..3b13d84566 100644 --- a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -272,6 +272,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all index d8deae42fb..6daec28e24 100644 --- a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1063,6 +1063,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 7947618fe9..989ae3f5a2 100644 --- a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -322,6 +322,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all index b847287b72..d5f03873b6 100644 --- a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1015,6 +1015,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short index a9208e563a..735fdd9990 100644 --- a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -298,6 +298,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all index c6054ab067..b9e23241e2 100644 --- a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1015,6 +1015,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short index bf3dd7021f..ea01e589c0 100644 --- a/ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/flow_downslope/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -298,6 +298,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.all index dee598e6e6..47c1a53818 100644 --- a/ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1337,6 +1337,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 20287b157a..7743e50b1e 100644 --- a/ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/global_ALE/hycom/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -350,6 +350,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all index df80bddab5..f28fac5116 100644 --- a/ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1223,6 +1223,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 9988893a09..8338e73288 100644 --- a/ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/global_ALE/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE = 0.094 ! [m m-1] ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all index d988128153..1885691036 100644 --- a/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1284,6 +1284,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 4527d58d7b..81bdb1ceef 100644 --- a/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -325,6 +325,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 14a9acb309..bf605b9f1a 100644 --- a/ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -900,6 +900,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.short index f9ab099a9a..63cb35faf5 100644 --- a/ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/lock_exchange/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -253,6 +253,8 @@ KE_SCHEME = "KE_GUDONOV" ! default = "KE_ARAKAWA" ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 209527f90b..4e8922481d 100644 --- a/ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1000,6 +1000,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.short index fbf1e2d5ce..1b0016a3c0 100644 --- a/ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/mixed_layer_restrat_2d/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -293,6 +293,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 8926535bec..5b111a976e 100644 --- a/ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1064,6 +1064,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 4602d36768..f0eca5de66 100644 --- a/ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/nonBous_global/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -319,6 +319,8 @@ TIDE_SAL_SCALAR_VALUE = 0.094 ! [m m-1] ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all index ea5c96410d..5e497e604a 100644 --- a/ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -892,6 +892,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 60c14efb74..49ccc3f926 100644 --- a/ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/resting/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -238,6 +238,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 8d1d35eec9..dd747c6160 100644 --- a/ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1000,6 +1000,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short index ca20bcd276..16de362101 100644 --- a/ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/resting/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -252,6 +252,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 1e7ced82de..8c7cec23c2 100644 --- a/ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -925,6 +925,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short index d60745a154..7bac0c8627 100644 --- a/ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/seamount/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -271,6 +271,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 5b87383a58..4c36c59503 100644 --- a/ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1079,6 +1079,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 0e6fc13bff..3a38870c75 100644 --- a/ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/seamount/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -322,6 +322,8 @@ MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the ! bathymetry in FV pressure gradient calculations. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all index bc8772ed3b..9a12ffe843 100644 --- a/ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1028,6 +1028,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short index f589febd83..f8d97fa36e 100644 --- a/ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/seamount/sigma/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -297,6 +297,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 80079f7cd1..60cae7a5c5 100644 --- a/ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1028,6 +1028,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short index b26fb876a1..06b9681509 100644 --- a/ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/seamount/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -297,6 +297,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 3c1decdfbf..e029358935 100644 --- a/ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -911,6 +911,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 638988e00f..2abb357e44 100644 --- a/ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/single_column/BML/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 99d7ff07a8..7a8a6461b2 100644 --- a/ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -971,6 +971,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 8291104fb8..1e0596e5f2 100644 --- a/ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/single_column/EPBL/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 86efc2d3ef..edfd2ffd05 100644 --- a/ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -971,6 +971,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 1fccd5a6e8..ff5aa134f5 100644 --- a/ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/single_column/KPP/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a biharmonic horizontal viscosity. BIHARMONIC may be used with diff --git a/ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all index f6becd9b15..33d183c348 100644 --- a/ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -906,6 +906,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 11e1aa5e82..e72f499f9d 100644 --- a/ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/sloshing/layer/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -269,6 +269,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 6d600532d0..c80ece1013 100644 --- a/ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1062,6 +1062,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 89a30fa6f8..4cc436bab9 100644 --- a/ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/sloshing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -317,6 +317,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 4ea4dc89be..6212fa48d4 100644 --- a/ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1014,6 +1014,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short index b221986ab2..306fa6660b 100644 --- a/ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/sloshing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -295,6 +295,8 @@ BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.all index dee3e49e59..effd4f68fa 100644 --- a/ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -889,6 +889,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 146ccd0f25..a64700f94b 100644 --- a/ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/torus_advection_test/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -237,6 +237,8 @@ KE_SCHEME = "KE_GUDONOV" ! default = "KE_ARAKAWA" ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all index c79d964888..df42078ffc 100644 --- a/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1063,6 +1063,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 7cf8044f6b..47e7598f49 100644 --- a/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/rho/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ KE_SCHEME = "KE_GUDONOV" ! default = "KE_ARAKAWA" ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all index b099aae51f..c0c548cbc6 100644 --- a/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -1015,6 +1015,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 05070b48ad..2ce9971450 100644 --- a/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/tracer_mixing/z/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -267,6 +267,8 @@ KE_SCHEME = "KE_GUDONOV" ! default = "KE_ARAKAWA" ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. diff --git a/ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.all b/ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.all index 1ea91f6bce..b917026a4c 100644 --- a/ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.all +++ b/ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.all @@ -755,6 +755,11 @@ BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = True USE_STANLEY_PGF = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, turn on Stanley SGS T variance parameterization in PGF code. +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === +USE_ZB2020 = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on Zanna-Bolton-2020 (ZB) subgrid momentum parameterization of + ! mesoscale eddies. + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === HOR_VISC_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use the order of arithmetic and expressions that recover the answers diff --git a/ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.short b/ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.short index 1788be7ded..1587e26014 100644 --- a/ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.short +++ b/ocean_only/unit_tests/MOM_parameter_doc.short @@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ SIMPLE_2ND_PPM_CONTINUITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_PressureForce_FV === +! === module MOM_Zanna_Bolton === + ! === module MOM_hor_visc === ! === module MOM_vert_friction === diff --git a/src/MOM6 b/src/MOM6 index 273da2fb27..7bb452bf9d 160000 --- a/src/MOM6 +++ b/src/MOM6 @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 273da2fb272e37860c9617be3857aa8236a34f66 +Subproject commit 7bb452bf9d85af8ae8775917dfedf1ab7b043451 diff --git a/src/SIS2 b/src/SIS2 index 31ada5474b..88d9e32c14 160000 --- a/src/SIS2 +++ b/src/SIS2 @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 31ada5474bf64c2d34ea323955e746597d142839 +Subproject commit 88d9e32c145124ac23a52a9df5a327c104d4ebdd diff --git a/src/icebergs b/src/icebergs index 0908ff0f78..238e45ca85 160000 --- a/src/icebergs +++ b/src/icebergs @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 0908ff0f7804ddb7b61ea8372bfd90eb6d08472a +Subproject commit 238e45ca854e0abb8ffb978621be2cdc37b225f9