This folder contains example XML files for the CEFI project that can be used by FRE for conducting regional MOM6-cobalt runs on Gaea C5 and running postprocessing/analysis on GFDL PPAN.
The provided XML files are primarily intended for users with access to NOAA Gaea C5 and GFDL PPAN platforms. We cannot guarantee the compatibility of these XML files with any other platforms. Users who wish to implement CEFI configurations on alternative platforms are encouraged to refer to the example configurations located under exps/NWA12.COBALT for guidance.
ssh -Y <First.Last>
(orssh -Y <First.Last>
ssh -Y [email protected]
- Enter your pin and passcode from the RSA FOB. For example, if you pin was abcd1234 you would enter "abcd1234xxxxxx" where x's are the randomly generated numbers from the rsa fob.
- USer can use the following command to find the accounts/projects to which you belong (By default you should be under cefi project)
sacctmgr show associations where user=$USER format=account%20,qos%50
Account QOS
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------
cefi windfall
cefi debug,interactive,normal,urgent,windfall
cefi interactive,normal,windfall
Once user login, the default path would be your home directory: /ncrc/home1|2/<First.Last>
. Each user has a 50 GB limit under their home folder. User should switch to F5
to conduct their model runs.
F5 is a 50 PB General Parallel File System. F5 will not be swept. Any project jobs will be blocked if the project is significantly over quota.
- Directory Hierarchy
- switch to Short-term user folder:
cd /gpfs/f5/cefi/scratch/Yi-cheng.Teng
This step involves loading the necessary modules required for running the FRE XML.
module use -a /ncrc/home2/fms/local/modulefiles
module load fre/bronx-21
module load git
git clone -b main
cd CEFI-regional-MOM6/xmls/NWA12
fremake -x CEFI_NWA12_cobalt.xml -p ncrc5.intel22 -t prod MOM6_SIS2_GENERIC_4P_compile_symm
The above step will git clone the source codes and prepare makefiles under /gpfs/f5/cefi/scratch/<First.Last>/fre/cefi/NWA12/MOM6_SIS2_GENERIC_4P_compile_symm
Once its done, user can submit a job for compiling/building MOM6-SIS2-COBALT:
sleep 1; sbatch /gpfs/f5/cefi/scratch/Yi-cheng.Teng/fre/cefi/NWA12/MOM6_SIS2_GENERIC_4P_compile_symm/ncrc5.intel22-prod/exec/compile_MOM6_SIS2_GENERIC_4P_compile_symm.csh
User can check /gpfs/f5/cefi/scratch/<First.Last>/fre/cefi/NWA12/MOM6_SIS2_GENERIC_4P_compile_symm/ncrc5.intel22-prod/exec/compile_MOM6_SIS2_GENERIC_4P_compile_symm.csh.oJOB_ID to monitor the progress. If the job is completed successfully, you should be able to find the executable file:
ls -l -h /gpfs/f5/cefi/scratch/Yi-cheng.Teng/fre/cefi/NWA12/MOM6_SIS2_GENERIC_4P_compile_symm/ncrc5.intel22-prod/exec/fms_MOM6_SIS2_GENERIC_4P_compile_symm.x
The total length of the model simulation, in years, is controlled by the following parameter in the XML file:
<property name="PROD_SIMTIME" value="30"/>
Users can change this value to their desired simulated length. To conduct simulation, first do frerun
frerun -x CEFI_NWA12_cobalt.xml -p ncrc5.intel22 -t prod CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1
Once the aboe step is done, it will create a job script /gpfs/f5/cefi/scratch/<First.Last>/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/ncrc5.intel22-prod/scripts/run/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1
To submit the simulation, simply type:
sleep 1; sbatch /gpfs/f5/cefi/scratch/Yi-cheng.Teng/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/ncrc5.intel22-prod/scripts/run/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1
You can keep montioring the job progress by checking the stdout file /gpfs/f5/cefi/scratch/<First.Last>/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/ncrc5.intel22-prod/stdout/run/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1.oJOB_ID
In our example XML, it will conduct a 30-year simulation at a yearly interval. Every time it finishes a 1-year simulation, the XML workflow will automatically wrap up model outputs, restarts, clean up working folders, transfer this data to the PPAN archive, and submit a new job for the next year's simulation. You can find model outputs either on Gaea:
ls /gpfs/f5/cefi/scratch/Yi-cheng.Teng/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/ncrc5.intel22-prod/archive
ascii history restart
or on GFDL PPAN (ssh -Y <First.Last>
ls /archive/Yi-cheng.Teng/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/gfdl.ncrc5-intel22-prod/
ascii history restart
where ascii
contains model ASCII outputs (e.g., log files), history
contains model diagnostic outputs, and restart
contains model restart files, respectively.
The example XML contains a post-processing step to process 5-year and 30-year model history files, making them ready for analysis. By default, the FRE should conduct this step automatically on GFDL PPAN, and users should not have to do anything. In case you receive a system-generated email mentioning that your post-processing step failed, you can run this step manually on GFDL PPAN (ssh -Y <First.Last>
; assuming the model data has been transferred to the GFDL PPAN without issues):
module purge
module load fre/bronx-21
frepp -t 2022 -s -d /archive/<First.Last>/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/gfdl.ncrc5-intel22-prod/history/ -x CEFI_NWA12_cobalt.xml -p gfdl.ncrc5-intel22 -T prod CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1
This will allow you to manually run the PP
step and generate a pp folder /archive/<First.Last>/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/gfdl.ncrc5-intel22-prod/pp
Once you have your pp files (e.g. /archive/<First.Last>/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/gfdl.ncrc5-intel22-prod/pp
), you can run additional step to generate plots for analysis in NWA12 (the analysis scripts can be found in regional-mom6-xml/NWA12/analysis. Make sure you have a copy of the analysis scripts on 'GFDL PPAN' (e.g. use gcp to copy files from gaea to GFDL PPAN), and ensure that the analysis folder and your XML are in the same directory):
module purge
module load fre/bronx-21
frepp -t 2022 -A -R -O ./results/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1 -c ocean_monthly -d /archive/<First.Last>/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/gfdl.ncrc5-intel22-prod/history/ -x CEFI_NWA12_cobalt.xml -p gfdl.ncrc5-intel22 -T prod CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1
sbatch --chdir $HOME ./results/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/cefi_physics_monthly.csh.1993-2022
frepp -t 2022 -A -R -O ./results/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1 -c ocean_cobalt_sfc -d /archive/<First.Last>/fre/cefi/NWA12/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/gfdl.ncrc5-intel22-prod/history/ -x CEFI_NWA12_cobalt.xml -p gfdl.ncrc5-intel22 -T prod CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1
sbatch --chdir $HOME results/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/cefi_bgc_monthly.csh.1993-2022
You can find the analysis results under $HOME/results/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/analysis/CEFI-regional-MOM6/diagnostics/physics/figures
and $HOME/results/analysis/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1/CEFI-regional-MOM6/diagnostics/biogeochemistry/figures