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Configure your run

Kate Friedman edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 10 revisions

The global-workflow configs contain default settings that match operations. Users wishing to run with different settings should adjust their $EXPDIR configs and then rerun the setup_workflow[_fcstonly].py script since some configuration settings/switches change the workflow/xml ("Adjusts XML" column value is "YES").

Switch What Default Adjusts XML More Details
EXP_WARM_START Is experiment starting warm (.true.) or cold (.false)? .false. NO Impacts IAU settings for initial cycle. Can also be set when running setup_expy[_fcstonly].py script with --start flag (e.g. --start warm)
RUN_CCPP Run CCPP NO NO If YES, set desired suite for CCPP_SUITE variable. CCPP will become default soon, variable may be removed. Click for further instructions on running CCPP
QUILTING Use I/O quilting .true. NO If .true., choose OUTPUT_GRID as cubed_sphere_grid in netcdf or gaussian_grid
OUTPUT_GRID Output grid type gaussian_grid NO If gaussian_grid, set OUTPUT_FILE for nemsio or netcdf
OUTPUT_FILE Output file type netcdf NO GFSv16 uses netcdf, GFSv15 used nemsio, recommend netcdf
WRITE_DOPOST Run inline post .true. NO If .true., produces master post output in forecast job
DOIAU Enable 4DIAU for control with 3 increments YES NO New for GFSv16
DOHYBVAR Run EnKF YES YES Don't recommend turning off
DONST Run NSST YES NO If YES, turns on NSST in anal/fcst steps, and turn off rtgsst
DO_GLDAS Run GLDAS to spin up land ICs YES YES Spins up for 84hrs if sflux files not available
DO_WAVE Runs wave jobs and produce wave forecast output YES YES One-way wave coupling, new for GFSv16
DO_BUFRSND Run job to produce BUFR sounding products NO YES downstream processing
DO_GEMPAK Run job to produce GEMPAK products NO YES downstream processing, ops only
DO_AWIPS Run jobs to produce AWIPS products NO YES downstream processing, ops only
WAFSF Run jobs to produce WAFS products NO YES downstream processing, ops only
DO_METP Run METplus jobs YES YES One cycle spinup
DO_VSDB Run VSDB package YES NO Retiring in GFSv17+