diff --git a/model/fv_control.F90 b/model/fv_control.F90
index e87b01963..52743734c 100644
--- a/model/fv_control.F90
+++ b/model/fv_control.F90
@@ -647,7 +647,371 @@ subroutine run_setup(Atm, dt_atmos, grids_on_this_pe, p_split)
character(len=128) :: res_latlon_tracers = ''
character(len=80) :: grid_name = ''
character(len=120) :: grid_file = ''
+!> \defgroup Parameters_List
+!! @{
+!> ##A.1 Entries in fv\_core\_nml
+!>###A.1.1 Required options:
+!> \param[in] layout Integer(2): Processor layout on each tile. The number of PEs assigned to a domain must equal layout(1)*layout(2)*ntiles. Must be set.
+!> \param[in] npx Integer: Number of grid *corners* in the x-direction on one tile of the domain; so one more than the number of grid cells across a tile. On the cubed sphere this is *one* *more* *than* the number of cells across a cube face. Must be set.
+!> \param[in] npy Integer: Number of grid *corners* in the y-direction on one tile of the domain. This value should be identical to npx on a cubed-sphere grid; doubly periodic or nested grids do not have this restriction. Must be set.
+!> \param[in] npz Integer: Number of vertical levels. Each choice of npz comes with a pre-defined set of hybrid sigma pressure levels and model top (see fv\_eta.F90). Must be set.
+!> \param[in] ntiles Integer: Number of tiles on the domain. For the cubed sphere, this should be 6, one tile for each face of the cubed sphere; normally for most other domains (including nested grids) this should be set to 1. Must be set.
+!>###A.1.2 Initialization options:
+!> \param[in] add\_noise] Real: amplitude of random thermal noise (in K) to add upon startup. Useful for perturbing initial conditions. -1 by default; disabled if 0 or negative.
+!> \param[in] adjust\_dry\_mass Logical: whether to adjust the global dry-air mass to the value set by dry\_mass. This is only done in an initialization step, particularly when using an initial condition from an external dataset, interpolated from another resolution (either horizontal or vertical), or when changing the topography, so that the global mass of the atmosphere matches some estimate of observed value. False by default. It is recommended to only set this to True when initializing the model.
+!> \param[in] breed\_vortex\_inline Logical: whether to bogus tropical cyclones into the model, which are specified by an external file. Options are set in fv\_nwp\_nudge\_nml. False by default.
+!> \param[in] dry\_mass Real: if adjust\_dry\_mass is true, sets the global dry air mass, measured in the globally-averaged surface pressure (Pascals) by adding or removing mass from the lowest layer of the atmosphere as needed. 98290. (Pa) by default.
+!> \param[in] external\_ic Logical: Whether to initialize the models state using the data in an externally specified file, given in res\_latlon\_dynamics. By default this file is assumed to be a legacy lat-lon FV core restart file; set either ncep\_ic or fv\_diag\_ic to true override this behavior..false. by default. Note that external\_ic = true will cause the model to re-initialize the dynamical fields from the input dataset regardless of whether warm\_start is set.
+!> \param[in] full\_zs\_filter Logical: whether to apply the on-line topography filter during initialization. Only active if get\_nggps\_ic = .true. This is so topography filtering can be performed on the initial conditions output by the pre-processing tools, which currently do not support topography filtering for some configurations (such as the nested grid); this also allows the user to easily test changes to the topography filtering on the simulation. Note that for all other initialization methods (if external\_ic = .true.) the on-line topography filter will be applied automatically during the initialization of the topography. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] mountain Logical: takes topography into account when initializing the model. Set this to true to apply the terrain filter (if n\_zs\_filter = 2 or 4) upon startup; also set to True when cold starting so that the topography can be initialized. Only set this to false if you wish to cold-start without any topography; this value is ignored for the aquaplanet test\_case = 14. True by default. It is highly recommended to not alter this value unless you know what you are doing.
+!> \param[in] na\_init Integer: Number of forward-backward dynamics steps used to initialize adiabatic solver. This is useful for spinning up the nonhydrostatic state from the hydrostatic GFS analyses. 0 by default. Recommended to set this to a non-zero value (1 or 2 is typically sufficient) when initializing from GFS or ECMWF analyses.
+!> \param[in] ncep\_ic Logical: If external\_ic =.true., this variable says whether the file in res\_latlon\_dynamics is an NCEP analysis or reanalysis file. This option zeros out all tracer fields except specific humidity..false. by default.
+!> \param[in] nggps\_ic Logical: If external\_ic =.true., reads initial conditions from horizontally-interpolated output from chgres. False by default. Additional options are available through external\_ic\_nml.
+!> \param[in] ecmwf\_ic Logical: If external\_ic =.true., reads initial conditions from ECMWF analyses. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] external\_eta Logical: If .true., reads the interface coefficients ak and bk from either the restart file (if restarting) or from the external initial condition file (if nggps\_ic or ecwmf\_ic are .true.). This overrides the hard-coded levels in fv\_eta. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] nord\_zs\_filter Integer: order of the topography filter applied to n\_zs\_filter. Set to 2 to get a second-order filter, or 4 to get a fourth-order filter; other values do no filtering. 0 by default. This should not be set to a non-zero value on multiple successive simulations; the filter is applied every time the model restarts. This option is useful for testing the terrain filter, and should not be used for regular runs.
+!> \param[in] npz\_rst Integer: If using a restart file with a different number of vertical levels, set npz\_rst to be the number of levels in your restart file. The model will then remap the restart file data to the vertical coordinates specified by npz. 0 by default; if 0 or equal to npz no remapping is done.
+!> \param[in] nudge Logical: whether to use the nudging towards the state in some externally-supplied file (such as from reanalysis or another simulation). Further nudging options are set in fv\_nwp\_nudge\_nml. False by default.
+!> \param[in] nudge\_dz Logical: during the adiabatic initialization (na\_init > 0), if set to .true. delz is nudged back to the value specified in the initial conditions, instead of nudging the temperature back to the initial value. Nudging delz is simpler (faster), doesn't require consideration of the virtual temperature effect, and may be more stable. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] nudge\_ic Logical: same as nudge, but works in adiabatic solo\_core simulations to nudge the field to a single external analysis file. False by default.
+!> \param[in] nudge\_qv Logical: during the adiabatic initialization (na\_init > 0), if set to .true., the water vapor profile is nudged to an analytic fit to the HALOE climatology. This is to improve the water vapor concentrations in GFS initial conditions, especially in the stratosphere, where values can be several times higher than observed. This nudging is unnecessary for other ICs, especially the ECMWF initial conditions. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] n\_zs\_filter Integer: number of times to apply a diffusive filter to the topography upon startup, if mountain is True and the model is not being cold-started. This is applied every time the model is warm-started, so if you want to smooth the topography make sure this is set to 0 after the first simulation. 0 by default. If initializing the model from cold-start the topography is already being filtered by an amount appropriate for the model resolution.
+!> \param[in] res\_latlon\_dynamics character(len=128) If external\_ic =.true. gives the filename of the input IC file. INPUT/fv\_rst.res.nc by default.
+!> \param[in] res\_latlon\_tracers character(len=128) If external\_ic =.true. and both ncep\_ic and fv\_diag\_ic are.false., this variable gives the filename of the initial conditions for the tracers, assumed to be a legacy lat-lon FV core restart file. INPUT/atmos\_tracers.res.nc by default.
+!> \param[in] warm\_start] Logical; whether to start from restart files, instead of cold-starting the model. True by default; if this is set to true and restart files cannot be found the model will stop.
+!>###A1.3 I/O and diagnostic options:
+!> \param[in] agrid\_vel\_rst Logical: whether to write the unstaggered latitude-longitude winds (ua and va) to the restart files. This is useful for data assimilation cycling systems which do not handle staggered winds. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] check\_negative Logical: whether to print the most negative global value of microphysical tracers.
+!> \param[in] fv\_debug Logical: whether to turn on additional diagnostics in fv\_dynamics..false. by default.
+!> \param[in] fv\_land Logical: whether to create terrain deviation and land fraction for output to mg\_drag restart files, for use in mg\_drag and in the land model..false. by default;.true. is recommended when, and only when, initializing the model, since the mg\_drag files created provide a much more accurate terrain representation for the mountain gravity wave drag parameterization and for the land surface roughness than either computes internally. This has no effect on the representation of the terrain in the dynamics.
+!> \param[in] io\_layout Integer(2): Layout of output files on each tile. 1,1 by default, which combines all restart and history files on a tile into one file. For 0,0, every process writes out its own restart and history files. If not equal to 1,1, you will have to use mppnccombine to combine these output files prior to post-processing, or if you want to change the number of PEs. Both entries must divide the respective value in layout.
+!> \param[in] nf\_omega Integer: number of times to apply second-order smoothing to the diagnosed omega. When 0 the filter is disabled. 1 by default.
+!> \param[in] print\_freq Integer: number of hours between print out of max/min and air/tracer mass diagnostics to standard output. 0 by default, which never prints out any output; set to -1 to see output after every dt\_atmos. Computing these diagnostics requires some computational overhead.
+!> \param[in] range\_warn Logical: checks whether the values of the prognostic variables are within a reasonable range at the end of a dynamics time step, and prints a warning if not. False by default; adds computational overhead, so we only recommend using this when debugging.
+!> \param[in] write\_3d\_diags Logical: whether to write out three-dimensional dynamical diagnostic fields (those defined in fv\_diagnostics.F90). This is useful for runs with multiple grids if you only want very large 3D diagnostics written out for (say) a nested grid, and not for the global grid. False by default.
+!>###A.1.4 Options controlling tracers and interactions with physics
+!> \param[in] adiabatic Logical: whether to skip any physics. If true, the physics is not called at all and there is no virtual temperature effect. False by default; this option has no effect if not running solo\_core.
+!> \param[in] do\_Held\_Suarez Logical: whether to use Held-Suarez forcing. Requires adiabatic to be false. False by default; this option has no effect if not running solo\_core.
+!> \param[in] do\_uni\_zfull Logical: whether to compute z\_full (the height of each model layer, as opposed to z\_half, the height of each model interface) as the midpoint of the layer, as is done for the nonhydrostatic solver, instead of the height of the location where p the mean pressure in the layer. This option is not available for fvGFS or the solo\_core. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] dnats Integer: The number of tracers which are not to be advected by the dynamical core, but still passed into the dynamical core; the last dnats+pnats tracers in field\_table are not advected. 0 by default.
+!> \param[in] dwind\_2d Logical: whether to use a simpler \& faster algorithm for interpolating the A-grid (cell-centered) wind tendencies computed from the physics to the D-grid. Typically, the A-grid wind tendencies are first converted in 3D cartesian coordinates and then interpolated before converting back to 2D local coordinates. When this option enabled, a much simpler but less accurate 2D interpolation is used. False by default.
+!> \param[in] fill Logical: Fills in negative tracer values by taking positive tracers from the cells above and below. This option is useful when the physical parameterizations produced negatives. False by default.
+!> \param[in] inline\_q Logical: whether to compute tracer transport in-line with the rest of the dynamics instead of sub-cycling, so that tracer transport is done at the same time and on the same time step as is `p` and potential temperature. False by default; if true, q\_split and z\_tracer are ignored.
+!> \param[in] ncnst Integer: Number of tracer species advected by fv\_tracer in the dynamical core. Typically this is set automatically by reading in values from field\_table, but ncnst can be set to a smaller value so only the first ncnst tracers listed in field\_table are not advected. 0 by default, which will use the value from field\_table.
+!> \param[in] nwat Integer: Number of water species to be included in condensate and water vapor loading. The masses of the first nwat tracer species will be added to the dry air mass, so that `p` is the mass of dry air, water vapor, and the included condensate species. The value used depends on the microphysics in the physics package you are using. For GFS physics with only a single condensate species, set to 2. For schemes with prognostic cloud water and cloud ice, such as GFDL AM2/AM3/AM4 Rotsteyn-Klein or Morrison-Gettlean microphysics, set to 3. For warm-rain (Kessler) microphysics set to 4 (with an inactive ice tracer), which only handles three species but uses 4 to avoid interference with the R-K physics. For schemes such as WSM5 or Ferrier that have prognostic rain and snow but not hail, set to 5 (not yet implemented). For six-category schemes that also have prognostic hail or graupel, such as the GFDL, Thompson, or WSM6 microphysics, set to 6. A value of 0 turns off condensate loading. 3 by default.
+!> \param[in] phys\_hydrostatic Logical: Option to enable hydrostatic application of heating from the physics in a nonhydrostatic simulation: heating is applied in hydrostatic balance, causing the entire atmospheric column to expand instantaneously. If false, heating from the physics is applied simply as a temperature tendency. True by default; ignored if hydrostatic =.true.
+!> \param[in] pnats Integer: The number of tracers not to advect by the dynamical core. Unlike dnats, these tracers are not seen by the dynamical core. The last pnats entries in field\_table are not advected. 0 by default.
+!> \param[in] tau\_h2o Real: time-scale (days) for simple methane chemistry to act as a source of water in the stratosphere. Can be useful if your stratosphere dries out too quickly; consider a value between 60 and 120 days if this is the case. 0. by default, which disables the methane chemistry. Values less than zero apply the chemistry above 100 mb; else applied above 30 mb. Requires adiabatic to be false.
+!> \param[in] use\_hydro\_pressure Logical: whether to compute hydrostatic pressure for input to the physics. Currently only enabled for the fvGFS model. Ignored in hydrostatic simulations. False by default.
+!> \param[in] z\_tracer Logical: whether to transport sub-cycled tracers layer-by-layer, each with its own computed sub-cycling time step (if q\_split = 0). This may improve efficiency for very large numbers of tracers. False by default; currently not implemented.
+!>###A.1.5 Timestep options
+!> \param[in] k\_split Integer: number of vertical remappings per dt\_atmos (physics time step). 1 by default.
+!> \param[in] n\_split Integer: number of small dynamics (acoustic) time steps between vertical remapping. 0 by default, in which case the model produces a good first guess by examining the resolution, dt\_atmos, and k\_split.
+!> \param[in] umax Real: for the doubly-periodic grid (grid\_type = 4) an estimate of the maximum wave speed (m/s), used to determine the value of n\_split when n\_split = 0. 350 by default.
+!> \param[in] q\_split] Integer: number of time steps for sub-cycled tracer advection. 0 by default (recommended), in which case the model determines the number of time steps from the global maximum wind speed at each call to the tracer advection.
+!>###A.1.6 Grid options
+!> \param[in] deglat Real: Latitude (in degrees) used to compute the uniform f-plane Coriolis parameter for doubly-periodic simulations (grid\_type = 4). 15. by default.
+!> \param[in] do\_schmidt Logical: Whether to enable grid stretching and rotation using stretch\_fac, target\_lat, and target\_lon..false. by default.
+!> \param[in] dx\_const Real: on a doubly-periodic grid (grid\_type = 4) specifies the (uniform) grid-cell-width in the x-direction, in meters. 1000 by default.
+!> \param[in] dy\_const Real: on a doubly-periodic grid (grid\_type = 4) specifies the (uniform) grid-cell-width in the y-direction, in meters. 1000 by default.
+!> \param[in] grid\_type Integer: which type of grid to use. If 0, the equidistant gnomonic cubed-sphere will be used. If 4, a doubly-periodic f-plane cartesian grid will be used. If -1, the grid is read from INPUT/grid\_spec.nc. Values 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 are not supported and will likely not run. 0 by default.
+!> \param[in] hybrid\_z Logical: whether to use a hybrid-height coordinate, instead of the usual sigma-p coordinate. False by default. (Not currently maintained.)
+!> \param[in] make\_hybrid\_z Logical: Converts the vertical coordinate to a hybrid-height coordinate, instead of the usual sigma-p coordinate. Requires hybrid\_z = True. False by default.
+!> \param[in] p\_ref Real: surface pressure used to construct a horizontally-uniform reference vertical pressure profile, used in some simple physics packages in the solo\_core and in the Rayleigh damping. *This should not be con- fused with the actual, horizontally-varying pressure levels used for all other dynamical calculations.* 1.e5 by default. *Changing this value is strongly discouraged.*
+!> \param[in] shift\_fac Real: westward zonal rotation (or shift) of cubed-sphere grid from its natural orientation with cube face centers at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees longitude. The shift, in degrees, is 180/shift\_fac. This shift does not move the poles. By default this is set to 18, shifting the grid westward 180/18=10 degrees, so that the edges of the cube do not run through the mountains of Japan; all standard CM2.x, AM3, CM3, and HiRAM simulations use this orientation of the grid. Requires do\_schmidt =.false.
+!> \param[in] stretch\_fac Real: stretching factor for the Schmidt transformation. This is the factor by which tile 6 of the cubed sphere will be shrunk, with the grid size shrinking accordingly. 1 by default, which performs no grid stretching. Requires do\_schmidt =.true. The model will crash if stretch\_fac is set to zero. Values of up to 40 have been found useful and stable for short-term cloud-scale integrations.
+!> \param[in] target\_lat Real: latitude (in degrees) to which the center of tile 6 will be rotated; if stretching is done with stretch\_fac the center of the high-resolution part of the grid will be at this latitude. -90 by default, which does no grid rotation (the Schmidt transformation rotates the south pole to the appropriate target). Requires do\_schmidt =.true.
+!> \param[in] target\_lon Real: longitude to which the center of tile 6 will be rotated. 0 by default. Requires do\_schmidt =.true.
+!> \param[in] nested Logical: whether this is a nested grid. False by default.
+!> \param[in] twowaynest Logical: whether to use two-way nesting, the process by which the nested-grid solution can feed back onto the coarse-grid solution. False by default.
+!> \param[in] parent\_grid\_num Integer: Number of the parent to this nested grid. The coarsest grid in a simulation is numbered 1; further nested grids are numbered sequentially. Required to be a positive value if nested = True. Unless you are nesting inside of nested grids or running multiple (coarse) grids that themselves do not interact, this should be set to 1. -1 by default, indicating that this grid does not have a parent grid.
+!> \param[in] parent\_tile Integer: number of the tile (ie. face) in which this nested grid is found in its parent. Required to be a positive value if nested = true. If the parent grid is not a cubed sphere, or itself is a nested grid, this should be set to 1. If the parent grid has been rotated (using do\_schmidt) with the intent of centering the nested grid at target\_lat and target\_lon, then parent\_tile should be set to 6. 1 by default.
+!> \param[in] refinement Integer: refinement ratio of the nested grid. This is the number of times that each coarse-grid cell face will be divided into smaller segments on the nested grid. Required to be a positive integer if nested = true. Nested grids are aligned with the coarse grid, so non-integer refinements are not permitted. 3 by default.
+!> \param[in] nestupdate Integer: type of nested-grid update to use; details are given in model/fv\_nesting.F90. 0 by default.
+!>###A.1.7 Solver options
+!> \param[in] a2b\_ord Integer: order of interpolation used by the pressure gradient force to interpolate cell-centered (A-grid) values to the grid corners. 4 by default (recommended), which uses fourth-order interpolation; otherwise second-order interpolation is used.
+!> \param[in] beta Real: Parameter specifying fraction of time-off-centering for backwards evaluation of the pressure gradient force. 0.0 by default, which produces a fully backwards evaluationthe pressure gradient force is entirely evaluated using the updated (time `n+1` dynamical fields. A value of 0.5 will equally weight the PGF determined at times `n` and `n+1`, but may not be stable; values larger than 0.45 are not recommended. A value of 0.4 is recommended for most hydrostatic simulations, which allows an improved representation of inertia-gravity waves in the tropics. In non-hydrostatic simulations using the semi-implicit solver (a\_imp > 0.5) the values of a\_imp and beta should add to 1, so that the time-centering is consistent between the PGF and the nonhydrostatic solver. Proper range is 0 to 0.45.
+!> \param[in] c2l\_ord Integer: order of interpolation from the solvers native D-grid winds to latitude-longitude A-grid winds, which are used as input to the physics routines and for writing to history files. 4 by default (recommended); fourth-order interpolation is used unless c2l\_ord = 2.
+!> \param[in] consv\_am Logical: whether to enable Angular momentum fixer. False by default.
+!> \param[in] consv\_te Real: fraction of total energy lost during the adiabatic integration between calls of the physics, to be added back globally as heat; essentially the strength of the energy fixer in the physics. Note that this is a global energy fixer and cannot add back energy locally. The default algorithm increments the potential temperature so the pressure gradients are unchanged. 0 by default. Proper range is 0 to 1. 1 will restore the energy completely to its original value before entering the physics; a value of 0.7 *roughly* causes the energy fixer to compensate for the amount of energy changed by the physics in GFDL HiRAM or AM3.
+!> \param[in] convert\_ke Logical: If true, adds energy dissipated through mechanical damping to heat throughout the *entire* depth of the domain; if false (default) this is only done in the sponge layer at the top of the domain. This option is only enabled if d_con > 1.e-5.
+!> \param[in] d\_con Real: Fraction of kinetic energy lost to explicit damping to be converted to heat. Acts as a dissipative heating mechanism in the dynamical core. 0. by default. Proper range is 0 to 1. Note that this is a local, physically correct, energy fixer.
+!> \param[in] delt\_max Real: maximum allowed magnitude of the dissipative heating rate, K s$^{-1}$; larger magnitudes are clipped to this amount. This can help avoid instability that can occur due to strong heating when d\_con $> 0$. A value of 0.008 (a rate equivalent to about 800 K/day) is sufficient to stabilize the model at 3-km resolution. Set to 1 by default, which effectively disables this limitation.
+!> \param[in] fill\_dp Logical: like fill except for `p`, the hydrostatic pressure thickness. When the filling occurs a diagnostic message is printed out, which is helpful for diagnosing where the problem may be occurring. Typically if the pressure filling is needed a crash is inevitable, and thus this option is often better for debugging than as a safety valve. False by default.
+!> \param[in] fv\_sg\_adj Integer: timescale (in seconds) at which to remove two-delta-z instability when the local (between two adjacent levels) Richardson number is less than 1. This is achieved by local mixing, which conserves mass, momentum, and total energy. Values of 0 or smaller disable this feature. If n\_sponge $< 0$ then the mixing is applied only to the top n\_sponge layers of the domain. Set to -1 (inactive) by default. Proper range is 0 to 3600.
+!> \param[in] halo\_update\_type Integer: which scheme to use for halo updates in multiprocessor simulations. If set to 1 non-blocking updates are used, which can improve simulation efficiency on some systems. Otherwise, blocking halo updates are performed. 1 by default.
+!> \param[in] hord\_mt Integer: horizontal advection scheme for momentum fluxes. A complete list of kord options is given in the table below. 9 by default, which uses the third-order piecewise-parabolic method with the monotonicity constraint of Huynh, which is less diffusive than other constraints. For hydrostatic simulation, 8 (the L04 monotonicity constraint) is recommended; for nonhydrostatic simulation, the completely unlimited (``linear'' or non-monotone) PPM scheme is recommended. If no monotonicity constraint is applied, enabling the flux damping (do\_vort\_damp = .true.) is highly recommended to control grid-scale noise. It is also recommended that hord\_mt, hord\_vt, hord\_tm, and hord\_dp use the same value, to ensure consistenttransport of all dynamical fields, unless a positivity constraint on mass advection (hord\_dp) is desired.
+!> \param[in] hord\_vt Integer: horizontal advection scheme for absolute vorticity and for vertical velocity in nonhydrostatic simulations. 9 by default.
+!> \param[in] hord\_tm Integer: horizontal advection scheme for potential temperature and layer thickness in nonhydrostatic simulations. 9 by default.
+!> \param[in] hord\_dp Integer: horizontal advection scheme for mass. A positivity constraint may be warranted for hord\_dp but not strictly necessary. 9 by default.
+!> \param[in] hord\_tr Integer: horizontal advection scheme for tracers. 12 by default. This value can differ from the other hord options since tracers are sub-cycled (if inline\_q == False) and require positive-definite advection to control the appearance of non-physical negative masses. 8 (fastest) or 10 (least diffusive) are typically recommended.
+!! hord | Advection Method
+!! :----: | ----
+!! 5 | Fastest unlimited fifth-order scheme with built-in 2Δx filter; not recommended for hord_tr. This is also the most accurate and least diffusive FV scheme available within FV³ if monotonicity preservation is not a high priority.
+!! 6 | *Developmental* PPM scheme with an intermediate-strength mono- tonicity constraint. More diffusive than 5.
+!! 7 | 6, applying a 2Δx filter and a positivity constraint
+!! 8 | PPM with the constraint of Lin 2004
+!! 9 | PPM with the Hunyh constraint
+!! 10 | 9, with a 2Δx filter, and the Huynh constraint applied only if a certain condition is met; otherwise unlimited
+!> \param[in] kord\_mt Integer: vertical remapping scheme for the winds. 8 by default; 9 is recommended as the safest option, although 10, and 11 can also be useful. See table below for a complete list of kord options.
+!> \param[in] kord\_tm Integer: vertical remapping scheme for temperature. If positive (not recommended), then vertical remapping is performed on total energy instead of temperature (see remap\_t below). -8 by default.
+!> \param[in] kord\_tr Integer: vertical remapping scheme for tracers. 8 by default. 9 or 11 recommended. It is often recommended to use the same value for kord\_tr as for kord\_tm.
+!> \param[in] kord\_wz Integer: vertical remapping scheme for vertical velocity in nonhydrostatic simulations. 8 by default; 9 recommended. It is also recommended to use the same value for kord\_wz as for kord\_mt.
+!! kord | Vertical remapping reconstruction method
+!! :---------: | --------------------------------
+!! 4 | Monotone PPM
+!! 6 | PPM
+!! 7 | PPM with Hyunh’s second constraint (see L04)
+!! 9 | Monotonic cubic spline with 2Δz oscillations removed
+!! 10 | Selectively monotonic cubic spline, where local extrema are retained, with 2Δz oscillations removed
+!! 11 | Non-monotonic (linear) cubic spline with 2Δz oscillations removed; if an invalid value for kord is given, this scheme is used
+!! 13 | Monotonic cubic spline with 2Δz oscillations removed
+!! 16 | Non-monotonic cubic spline with a strong 2Δz filter (similar to hord = 6).
+!> \param[in] no\_dycore Logical: disables execution of the dynamical core, only running the initialization, diagnostic, and I/O routines, and any physics that may be enabled. Essentially turns the model into a column physics model. False by default.
+!> \param[in] remap\_t Logical: whether the vertical remapping is performed on (virtual) temperature instead of (virtual) potential temperature. Since typically potential temperature increases exponentially from layer to layer near the top boundary, the cubic-spline interpolation in the vertical remapping will have difficulty with the exponential profile. Temperature does not have this problem and will often yield a more accurate result. True by default.
+!> \param[in] reproduce\_sum Logical: uses an exactly-reproducible global sum operation performed when computing the global energy for consv\_te. This is used because the FMS routine mpp\_sum() is not bit-wise reproducible due to its handling of floating point arithmetic, and so can return different answers for (say) different processor layouts. True by default.
+!>###A.1.8 Nonhydrostatic options
+!> \param[in] a\_imp Real: Controls behavior of the non-hydrostatic solver. Values \> 0.5 enable the semi-implicit solver, in which the value of a\_imp controls the time-off-centering: use a\_imp = 1.0 for a fully backward time-stepping. For consistency, the sum of beta and a\_imp should be 1 when the semi-implicit solver is used. The semi-implicit algorithm is substantially more efficient except at very high (km-scale) resolutions with an acoustic time step of a few seconds or less. 0.75 by default. Proper values are 0, or between 0.5 and 1 Only used if hydrostatic =.false.
+!> \param[in] hydrostatic Logical: whether to use the hydrostatic or nonhydrostatic solver. True by default.
+!> \param[in] make\_nh Logical: Whether to re-initialize the nonhydrostatic state, by re-computing dz from hydrostatic balance and setting w to 0. False by default.
+!> \param[in] p\_fac Real: Safety factor for minimum nonhydrostatic pressures, which will be limited so the full pressure is no less than p\_fac times the hydrostatic pressure. This is only of concern in mid-top or high-top models with very low pressures near the model top, and has no effect in most simulations. The pressure limiting activates only when model is in danger of blowup due to unphysical negative total pressures. 0.05 by default. Only used if hydrostatic =.false. and the semi-implicit solver is used. Proper range is 0 to 0.25.
+!> \param[in] use\_logp Logical: Enables a variant of the Lin pressure-gradient force algorithm, which uses the logarithm of pressure instead of the Exner function (as in Lin 1997). This yields more accurate results for regions that are nearly isothermal. Ignored if hydrostatic = true. False by default.
+!>###A.1.9 Damping options
+!> \param[in] d2\_bg Real: coefficient for background second-order divergence damping. This option remains active even if nord is nonzero. 0.0 by default. Proper range is 0 to 0.02.
+!> \param[in] d2\_bg\_k1 Real: strength of second-order diffusion in the top sponge layer. 0.16 by default. This value, and d2\_bg\_k2, will be changed appropriately in the model (depending on the height of model top), so the actual damping may be very reduced. See atmos\_cubed\_sphere/model/dyn\_core.F90 for details. Recommended range is 0. to 0.2. Note that since diffusion is converted to heat if d\_con > 0 larger amounts of sponge-layer diffusion may be *less* stable.
+!> \param[in] d2\_bg\_k2 Real: strength of second-order diffusion in the second sponge layer from the model top. 0.02 by default. This value should be lower than d2\_bg\_k1.
+!> \param[in] d4\_bg Real: Dimensionless coefficient for background higher-order divergence damping. 0.0 by default. If no second-order divergence damping is used, then values between 0.1 and 0.16 are recommended. Requires nord > 0. Note that the scaling for d4\_bg differs from that of d2\_bg; nord >= 1 and d4\_bg = 0.16 will be less diffusive than nord = 0 and d2\_bg = 0.02.
+!> \param[in] dddmp Real: Dimensionless coefficient for the second-order Smagorinsky-type divergence damping. 0.0 by default. 0.2 (the Smagorinsky constant) is recommended if ICs are noisy.
+!> \param[in] d\_ext Real: coefficient for external (barotropic) mode damping. 0.02 by default. Proper range is 0 to 0.02. A value of 0.01 or 0.02 may help improve the models maximum stable time step in low-resolution (2-degree or poorer) simulations; otherwise a value of 0 is recommended.
+!> \param[in] do\_vort\_damp Logical: whether to apply flux damping (of strength governed by vtdm4) to the fluxes of vorticity, air mass, and nonhydrostatic vertical velocity (there is no dynamically correct way to add explicit diffusion to the tracer fluxes). The form is the same as is used for the divergence damping, including the same order (from nord) damping, unless nord = 0, in which case this damping is fourth-order, or if nord = 3, in which case this damping is sixth-order (instead of eighth-order). We recommend enabling this damping when the linear or non-monotonic horizontal advection schemes are enabled, but is unnecessary and not recommended when using monotonic advection. False by default.
+!> \param[in] n\_sponge Integer: controls the number of layers at the upper boundary on which the 2Δx filter is applied. *This does not control the sponge layer.* 0 by default.
+!> \param[in] nord Integer: order of divergence damping: 0 for second-order; 1 for fourth-order (default); 2 for sixth-order; 3 for eighth-order. Sixth-order may yield a better solution for low resolutions (one degree or coarser) by virtue of it being more scale-selective and will not damp moderately-well-resolved disturbances as much as does lower-order damping.
+!> \param[in] nord\_tr Integer: Order of tracer damping; values mean the same as for nord. 0 by default.
+!> \param[in] rf\_cutoff Real: pressure below which no Rayleigh damping is applied if tau > 0.
+!> \param[in] rf\_fast Logical: option controlling whether to apply Rayleigh damping (for tau > 0) on the dynamic/acoustic timestep rather than on the physics timestep. This can help stabilize the model by applying the damping more weakly more frequently, so the instantaneous amount of damping (and thereby heat added) is reduced. .false. by default, which applies the Rayleigh drag every physics timestep.
+!> \param[in] tau Real: time scale (in days) for Rayleigh friction applied to horizontal and vertical winds; lost kinetic energy is converted to heat, except on nested grids. 0.0 by default, which disables damping. Larger values yield less damping. For models with tops at 1mb or lower values between 10 and 30 are useful for preventing overly-strong polar night jets; for higher-top hydrostatic models values between 5 and 15 should be considered; and for non-hydrostatic models values of 10 or less should be considered, with smaller values for higher-resolution.
+!> \param[in] vtdm4 Real: coefficient for background other-variable damping. The value of vtdm4 should be less than that of d4\_bg. A good first guess for vtdm4 is about one-third the value of d4\_bg. 0.0 by default. Requires do\_vort\_damp to be .true. Disabled for values less than 1.e-3. Other-variable damping should not be used if a monotonic horizontal advection scheme is used.
+!>##A.2 Entries in coupler\_nml
+!> \param[in] months, days,hours,minutes,seconds Integer: length of the model integration in the corresponding units. All are 0 by default, which initializes the model and then immediately writes out the restart files and halts.
+!> \param[in] dt\_atmos Integer: time step for the largest atmosphere model loop, corresponding to the frequency at which the top level routine in the dynamics is called, and the physics timestep. Must be set.
+!> \param[in] current\_date Integer(6): initialization date (in the chosen calendar) for the model, in year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. (0,0,0,0,0,0) by default, a value that is useful for control integrations of coupled models.
+!> \param[in] calendar Character(17): calendar selection; JULIAN is typically recommended, although the other values (THIRTY\_DAY\_MONTHS, NOLEAP, NO\_CALENDAR) have particular uses in idealized models. Must be set.
+!> \param[in] force\_date\_from\_namelist Logical: if .true., will read the initialization date from the namelist variable current\_date, rather than taking the value from a restart file. If the model is being cold-started (such as what is typically but not necessarily done if external\_ic = .true.) then the initialization date must be specified in current\_date, otherwise the model will stop. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] atmos\_nthreads Integer: number of threads for OpenMP multi-threading. 1 by default.
+!> \param[in] use\_hyper\_thread Logical: indicates that some of the threads in atmos\_nthreads may be hyperthreads. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] ncores\_per\_node Integer: number of processor codes per physical compute node. Used when setting up hyperthreading to determine number of virtual vs. hardware threads. 0 by default.
+!> \param[in] debug\_affinity Logical: if .true. prints out a message describing cpu affinity characteristics while initializing OpenMP. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] restart\_days, restart\_secs] Integer: frequency at which to write out "intermediate" restart files, which are useful for checkpointing in the middle of a long run, or to be able to diagnose problems during the model integration. Both are 0 by default, in which case intermediate restarts are not written out.
+!>##A.3 Entries in external\_ic\_nml
+!> \param[in] filtered\_terrain Logical: whether to use the terrain filtered by the preprocessing tools rather than the raw terrain. .true. by default. Only active if nggps\_ic = .true. or ecmwf\_ic = .true.
+!> \param[in] levp Integer: number of levels in the input (remapped) initial conditions. 64 by default. Only active if nggps\_ic = .true.
+!> \param[in] checker\_tr Logical: whether to enable the ``checkerboard'' tracer test. .false. by default. Only active if nggps\_ic = .true.
+!> \param[in] nt\_checker Integer: number of tracers (at the end of the list of tracers defined in field\_table) to initialize with an idealized ``checkerboard'' pattern, with values of either 0 or 1. This is intended to test the monotonicity or positivity constraint in the advection scheme. 0 by default. Only active if nggps\_ic = .true.
+!>##A.4 Entries in surf\_map\_nml
+!> \param[in] surf\_file Character(len=128): File containing topography data. This file must be in NetCDF format. INPUT/topo1min.nc by default. (Previous versions of the model have used 5 minute USGS data, which is not recommended.)
+!> \param[in] nlon Integer: Size of the longitude dimension in topography data; not used.
+!> \param[in] nlat Integer: Size of the latitude dimension in topography data; not used.
+!> \param[in] zero\_ocean Logical: whether to prevent the smoothing from extending topography out into the ocean. True by default.
+!> \param[in] zs\_filter Logical: whether to apply smoothing to the topography. True by default.
+!>##A.5 Entries in fv\_grid\_nml
+!> \param[in] grid\_name Character(len=80): Name of the grid either being read in (if grid\_spec = -1) or being created. This is only used for writing out a binary file in the directory from which the model is run. Gnomonic by default.
+!> \param[in] grid\_file Character(len=120): If grid\_type = -1 the name of the grid\_spec file to read in. INPUT/grid\_spec.nc by default; other values will not work.
+!>##A.6 Entries in test\_case\_nml
+!> \param[in] test\_case Integer: number of the idealized test case to run. A number of nest cases are defined in tools/test\_cases.F90, of which numbers 19 are intended for the shallow-water model. Requires warm\_start =.false. 11 by default; this creates a resting atmosphere with a very basic thermodynamic profile, with topography. If you wish to initialize an Aquaplanet simulation (no topography) set to 14.
+!> \param[in] alpha Real: In certain shallow-water test cases specifies the angle (in fractions of a rotation, so 0.25 is a 45-degree rotation) through which the basic state is rotated. 0 by default.
+!>##A.7 Entries in nest\_nml
+!> \param[in] ngrids Integer: number of grids in this simulation. 1 by default. (The variable ntiles has the same effect, but its use is not recommended as it can be confused with the six tiles of the cubed sphere, which in this case form only one grid.)
+!> \param[in] nest\_pes Integer(100): array carrying number of PEs assigned to each grid, in order. Must be set if ngrids > 1.
+!> \param[in] p\_split Integer: number of times to sub-cycle dynamics, performing nested-grid BC interpolation and (if twowaynest ==.true.) two-way updating at the end of each set of dynamics calls. If p\_split > 1 the user should decrease k\_split appropriately so the remapping and dynamics time steps remain the same. 1 by default.
+!>##A.8 Entries in nggps\_diag\_nml
+!> \param[in] fdiag Real(1028): Array listing the diagnostic output times (in hours) for the GFS physics. This can either be a list of times after initialization, or an interval if only the first entry is nonzero. All 0 by default, which will result in no outputs.
+!>##A.9 Entries in atmos\_model\_nml (for UFS)
+!> \param[in] blocksize Integer: Number of columns in each ``block'' sent to the physics. OpenMP threading is done over the number of blocks. For best performance this number should divide the number of grid cells per processor ( (npx-1)*(npy-1) /(layout\_x)*(layout\_y) ) and be small enough so the data can best fit into cache?values around 32 appear to be optimal on Gaea. 1 by default
+!> \param[in] chksum\_debug Logical: whether to compute checksums for all variables passed into the GFS physics, before and after each physics timestep. This is very useful for reproducibility checking. .false. by default.
+!> \param[in] dycore\_only Logical: whether only the dynamical core (and not the GFS physics) is executed when running the model, essentially running the model as a solo dynamical core. .false. by default.
+!>##A.10 Entries in fms\_nml
+!> \param[in] domains\_stack\_size Integer: size (in bytes) of memory array reserved for domains. For large grids or reduced processor counts this can be large (>10 M); if it is not large enough the model will stop and print a recommended value of the stack size. Default is 0., reverting to the default set in MPP (which is probably not large enough for modern applications).
+!> \param[in] regional Logical: Controls whether this is a regional domain (and thereby needs external BC inputs
+!> \param[in] bc_update_interval Integer: Default setting for interval (hours) between external regional BC data files.
+!> \param[in] read_increment Logical: Read in analysis increment and add to restart following are namelist parameters for Stochastic Energy Baskscatter dissipation estimate. This is useful as part of a data-assimilation cycling system or to use native restarts from the six-tile first guess, after which the analysis increment can be applied.
+!> \param[in] do_sat_adj Logical: The same as fast_sat_adj = .false. has fast saturation adjustments
+!> @{
namelist /fv_grid_nml/ grid_name, grid_file
namelist /fv_core_nml/npx, npy, ntiles, npz, npz_rst, layout, io_layout, ncnst, nwat, &
use_logp, p_fac, a_imp, k_split, n_split, m_split, q_split, print_freq, write_3d_diags, do_schmidt, &