diff --git a/.github/workflows/extbuild.yml b/.github/workflows/extbuild.yml
index a90bf338d..b0b01f785 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/extbuild.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/extbuild.yml
@@ -19,12 +19,10 @@ jobs:
CXX: mpicxx
CPPFLAGS: "-I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include"
# Versions of all dependencies can be updated here
- ESMF_VERSION: ESMF_8_2_0_beta_snapshot_14
- PNETCDF_VERSION: pnetcdf-1.12.2
+ ESMF_VERSION: v8.3.0b13
+ PNETCDF_VERSION: pnetcdf-1.12.3
- # PIO version is awkward
- PIO_VERSION_DIR: pio2_5_3
- PIO_VERSION: pio-2.5.3
+ PIO_VERSION: pio2_5_7
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Build the ESMF library, if the cache contains a previous build
@@ -38,12 +36,19 @@ jobs:
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gfortran wget openmpi-bin netcdf-bin libopenmpi-dev libnetcdf-dev
+ - id: checkout-ESMF
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ with:
+ repository: esmf-org/esmf
+ path: esmf-src
+ ref: ${{ env.ESMF_VERSION }}
- id: build-ESMF
if: steps.cache-esmf.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
- wget https://github.com/esmf-org/esmf/archive/${{ env.ESMF_VERSION }}.tar.gz
- tar -xzvf ${{ env.ESMF_VERSION }}.tar.gz
- pushd esmf-${{ env.ESMF_VERSION }}
+ #wget https://github.com/esmf-org/esmf/archive/${{ env.ESMF_VERSION }}.tar.gz
+ #tar -xzvf ${{ env.ESMF_VERSION }}.tar.gz
+ #pushd esmf-${{ env.ESMF_VERSION }}
+ pushd esmf-src
export ESMF_DIR=`pwd`
export ESMF_COMM=openmpi
export ESMF_YAMLCPP="internal"
@@ -95,14 +100,18 @@ jobs:
${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.NETCDF_FORTRAN_VERSION }}-netcdf-fortran
${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.PNETCDF_VERSION }}-pnetcdf
+ - id: checkout-PIO
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ with:
+ repository: NCAR/ParallelIO
+ path: parallelio-src
+ ref: ${{ env.PIO_VERSION }}
- name: Build PIO
if: steps.cache-PIO.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
- wget https://github.com/NCAR/ParallelIO/releases/download/${{ env.PIO_VERSION_DIR }}/${{ env.PIO_VERSION }}.tar.gz
- tar -xzvf ${{ env.PIO_VERSION }}.tar.gz
mkdir build-pio
pushd build-pio
+ cmake -Wno-dev -DNetCDF_C_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnetcdf.so -DNetCDF_C_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/pio -DPIO_HDF5_LOGGING=On -DPIO_USE_MALLOC=On -DPIO_ENABLE_TESTS=Off -DPIO_ENABLE_LOGGING=On -DPIO_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=Off -DPIO_ENABLE_TIMING=Off -DNetCDF_Fortran_PATH=$HOME/netcdf-fortran -DPnetCDF_PATH=$HOME/pnetcdf ../parallelio-src
make VERBOSE=1
make install
diff --git a/cesm/driver/esm.F90 b/cesm/driver/esm.F90
index bd124639f..f788c2478 100644
--- a/cesm/driver/esm.F90
+++ b/cesm/driver/esm.F90
@@ -1203,6 +1203,8 @@ subroutine esm_set_single_column_attributes(compname, gcomp, rc)
use netcdf, only : nf90_inq_dimid, nf90_inquire_dimension, nf90_inq_varid, nf90_get_var
use NUOPC , only : NUOPC_CompAttributeGet, NUOPC_CompAttributeSet, NUOPC_CompAttributeAdd
use ESMF , only : ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_GridCompGet, ESMF_VM, ESMF_VMGet, ESMF_SUCCESS
+ use ESMF , only : ESMF_Field, ESMF_FieldCreate, ESMF_FieldGet, ESMF_FieldRegridGetArea, ESMF_TYPEKIND_r8
! input/output variables
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: compname
@@ -1212,6 +1214,7 @@ subroutine esm_set_single_column_attributes(compname, gcomp, rc)
! local variables
type(ESMF_VM) :: vm
character(len=CL) :: single_column_lnd_domainfile
+ character(len=CL) :: single_column_global_meshfile
real(r8) :: scol_lon
real(r8) :: scol_lat
real(r8) :: scol_area
@@ -1219,7 +1222,16 @@ subroutine esm_set_single_column_attributes(compname, gcomp, rc)
real(r8) :: scol_lndfrac
integer :: scol_ocnmask
real(r8) :: scol_ocnfrac
- integer :: i,j,ni,nj
+ integer :: scol_mesh_n
+ type(ESMF_Mesh) :: mesh
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: lfield
+ integer :: lsize
+ integer :: spatialdim
+ real(r8), pointer :: ownedElemCoords(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: latMesh(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: lonMesh(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: dataptr(:)
+ integer :: i,j,ni,nj,n
integer :: ncid
integer :: dimid
integer :: varid_xc
@@ -1243,7 +1255,6 @@ subroutine esm_set_single_column_attributes(compname, gcomp, rc)
character(len=*), parameter :: subname= ' (esm_get_single_column_attributes) '
! obtain the single column lon and lat
@@ -1255,6 +1266,8 @@ subroutine esm_set_single_column_attributes(compname, gcomp, rc)
read(cvalue,*) scol_lat
call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='single_column_lnd_domainfile', value=single_column_lnd_domainfile, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='mesh_atm', value=single_column_global_meshfile, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
call NUOPC_CompAttributeAdd(gcomp, attrList=(/'scol_spval'/), rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
@@ -1349,6 +1362,7 @@ subroutine esm_set_single_column_attributes(compname, gcomp, rc)
do j = 1,nj
lats(j) = glob_grid(1,j)
end do
! find nearest neighbor indices of scol_lon and scol_lat in single_column_lnd_domain file
! convert lons array and scol_lon to 0,360 and find index of value closest to 0
! and obtain single-column longitude/latitude indices to retrieve
@@ -1388,26 +1402,53 @@ subroutine esm_set_single_column_attributes(compname, gcomp, rc)
//' ocean and land mask cannot both be zero')
end if
+ status = nf90_close(ncid)
+ if (status /= nf90_noerr) call shr_sys_abort (trim(subname) //': closing '//&
+ trim(single_column_lnd_domainfile))
+ ! Now read in mesh file to get exact values of scol_lon and scol_lat that will be used
+ ! by the models - assume that this occurs only on 1 processor
+ mesh = ESMF_MeshCreate(filename=trim(single_column_global_meshfile), fileformat=ESMF_FILEFORMAT_ESMFMESH, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_MeshGet(mesh, spatialDim=spatialDim, numOwnedElements=lsize, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ allocate(ownedElemCoords(spatialDim*lsize))
+ allocate(lonMesh(lsize), latMesh(lsize))
+ call ESMF_MeshGet(mesh, ownedElemCoords=ownedElemCoords)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ do n = 1,lsize
+ lonMesh(n) = ownedElemCoords(2*n-1)
+ latMesh(n) = ownedElemCoords(2*n)
+ if (abs(lonMesh(n) - scol_lon) < 1.e-4 .and. abs(latMesh(n) - scol_lat) < 1.e-4) then
+ scol_mesh_n = n
+ scol_mesh_n = n
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do
+ scol_lon = lonMesh(scol_mesh_n)
+ scol_lat = latMesh(scol_mesh_n)
+ ! Obtain mesh info areas
+ lfield = ESMF_FieldCreate(mesh, ESMF_TYPEKIND_r8, name='area', meshloc=ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_FieldRegridGetArea(lfield, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_FieldGet(lfield, farrayPtr=dataptr, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ scol_area = dataptr(scol_mesh_n)
+ ! Set single column attribute values for all components
write(cvalue,*) scol_lon
call NUOPC_CompAttributeSet(gcomp, name='scol_lon', value=trim(cvalue), rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
write(cvalue,*) scol_lat
call NUOPC_CompAttributeSet(gcomp, name='scol_lat', value=trim(cvalue), rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- write(cvalue,*) ni
- call NUOPC_CompAttributeSet(gcomp, name='scol_ni', value=trim(cvalue), rc=rc)
- if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- write(cvalue,*) nj
- call NUOPC_CompAttributeSet(gcomp, name='scol_nj', value=trim(cvalue), rc=rc)
+ write(cvalue,*) scol_area
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeSet(gcomp, name='scol_area', value=trim(cvalue), rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- status = nf90_close(ncid)
- if (status /= nf90_noerr) call shr_sys_abort (trim(subname) //': closing '//&
- trim(single_column_lnd_domainfile))
+ ! Write out diagnostic info
write(logunit,'(a,2(f13.5,2x))')trim(subname)//' nearest neighbor scol_lon and scol_lat in '&
//trim(single_column_lnd_domainfile)//' are ',scol_lon,scol_lat
if (trim(compname) == 'LND') then
@@ -1419,6 +1460,12 @@ subroutine esm_set_single_column_attributes(compname, gcomp, rc)
write(logunit,'(a)')trim(subname)//' atm point has unit mask and unit fraction '
end if
+ write(cvalue,*) ni
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeSet(gcomp, name='scol_ni', value=trim(cvalue), rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ write(cvalue,*) nj
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeSet(gcomp, name='scol_nj', value=trim(cvalue), rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
@@ -1431,12 +1478,11 @@ subroutine esm_set_single_column_attributes(compname, gcomp, rc)
scol_ocnfrac = 1._r8
scol_area = 1.e30
+ write(cvalue,*) 1
call NUOPC_CompAttributeSet(gcomp, name='scol_ni', value=trim(cvalue), rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- write(cvalue,*) 1
call NUOPC_CompAttributeSet(gcomp, name='scol_nj', value=trim(cvalue), rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- write(cvalue,*) 1
write(logunit,'(a)')' single point mode is active'
write(logunit,'(a,f13.5,a,f13.5,a)')' scol_lon is ',scol_lon,' and scol_lat is '
diff --git a/cime_config/buildnml b/cime_config/buildnml
index 4cdcb7aac..23354c522 100755
--- a/cime_config/buildnml
+++ b/cime_config/buildnml
@@ -62,11 +62,15 @@ def _create_drv_namelists(case, infile, confdir, nmlgen, files):
config['lnd_grid'] = lnd_grid
config['ice_grid'] = ice_grid
config['ocn_grid'] = ocn_grid
- config['samegrid_atm_lnd'] = 'true' if atm_grid == lnd_grid else 'false'
- config['samegrid_atm_ice'] = 'true' if atm_grid == ice_grid else 'false'
- config['samegrid_atm_ocn'] = 'true' if atm_grid == ocn_grid else 'false'
- config['samegrid_atm_wav'] = 'true' if atm_grid == wav_grid else 'false'
- config['samegrid_lnd_rof'] = 'true' if lnd_grid == rof_grid else 'false'
+ atm_mesh = case.get_value("ATM_DOMAIN_MESH")
+ lnd_mesh = case.get_value("LND_DOMAIN_MESH")
+ rof_mesh = case.get_value("ROF_DOMAIN_MESH")
+ config['samegrid_atm_lnd'] = 'true' if atm_mesh == case.get_value("LND_DOMAIN_MESH") else 'false'
+ config['samegrid_atm_ocn'] = 'true' if atm_mesh == case.get_value("OCN_DOMAIN_MESH") else 'false'
+ config['samegrid_atm_ice'] = 'true' if atm_mesh == case.get_value("ICE_DOMAIN_MESH") else 'false'
+ config['samegrid_atm_wav'] = 'true' if atm_mesh == case.get_value("WAV_DOMAIN_MESH") else 'false'
+ config['samegrid_lnd_rof'] = 'true' if lnd_mesh == rof_mesh else 'false'
# determine if need to set atm_domainfile
scol_lon = float(case.get_value('PTS_LON'))
@@ -102,6 +106,12 @@ def _create_drv_namelists(case, infile, confdir, nmlgen, files):
nmlgen.init_defaults(infile, config, skip_default_for_groups=["modelio"])
+ #--------------------------------
+ # Overwrite: wav-ice coupling (assumes cice6 as the ice component
+ #--------------------------------
+ if (case.get_value("COMP_WAV") == 'ww3dev' and case.get_value("COMP_ICE") == 'cice'):
+ nmlgen.set_value('wavice_coupling', value='.true.')
# Overwrite: set brnch_retain_casename
@@ -307,7 +317,7 @@ def _create_drv_namelists(case, infile, confdir, nmlgen, files):
model = model.lower()
config = {}
config['component'] = model
- nmlgen.init_defaults(infile, config, skip_entry_loop=True)
+ nmlgen.init_defaults([], config, skip_entry_loop=True)
if model == 'cpl':
newgroup = "MED_modelio"
@@ -340,16 +350,14 @@ def _create_drv_namelists(case, infile, confdir, nmlgen, files):
nmlgen.set_value("diro", case.get_value('RUNDIR'))
if model == 'cpl':
logfile = 'med' + inst_string + ".log." + str(lid)
+ elif model == 'drv':
+ logfile = model + ".log." + str(lid)
logfile = model + inst_string + ".log." + str(lid)
nmlgen.set_value("logfile", logfile)
inst_index = inst_index + 1
# Update nuopc.runconfig file if component needs it
diff --git a/cime_config/namelist_definition_drv.xml b/cime_config/namelist_definition_drv.xml
index 611c36619..a535a0fa6 100644
--- a/cime_config/namelist_definition_drv.xml
+++ b/cime_config/namelist_definition_drv.xml
@@ -1992,7 +1992,7 @@
atm to ocn mapping, 'unset' or 'idmap' are normal possible values
- unset
+ unset
@@ -2002,7 +2002,7 @@
atm to ocn mapping, 'unset' or 'idmap' are normal possible values
- unset
+ unset
@@ -2012,7 +2012,7 @@
atm to lnd mapping, 'unset' or 'idmap' are normal possible values
- unset
+ unset
@@ -2022,7 +2022,7 @@
ocn to atm mapping, 'unset' or 'idmap' are normal possible values
- unset
+ unset
@@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@
ice to atm mapping, 'unset' or 'idmap' are normal possible values
- unset
+ unset
@@ -2042,7 +2042,7 @@
lnd to atm mapping, 'unset' or 'idmap' are normal possible values
- unset
+ unset
@@ -2053,7 +2053,7 @@
lnd to rof mapping, 'unset' or 'idmap' are normal possible values
- unset
+ unset
@@ -2064,7 +2064,7 @@
rof to lnd mapping, 'unset' or 'idmap' are normal possible values
- unset
+ unset
@@ -2074,7 +2074,7 @@
atm to wav mapping, 'unset' or 'idmap' are normal possible values
- unset
+ unset
@@ -3789,6 +3789,18 @@
+ logical
+ expdef
+ ALLCOMP_attributes
+ If true, wav-ice coupling is active
+ .false.
@@ -3806,13 +3818,12 @@
- ATM_attributes
+ ALLCOMP_attributes
MESH description of atm grid
- null
@@ -3866,13 +3877,12 @@
- ICE_attributes
+ ALLCOMP_attributes
MESH description of ice grid
- null
@@ -3899,7 +3909,6 @@
- null
@@ -3920,13 +3929,12 @@
- LND_attributes
+ ALLCOMP_attributes
MESH description of lnd grid
- null
@@ -3947,13 +3955,12 @@
- OCN_attributes
+ ALLCOMP_attributes
MESH description of ocn grid
- null
@@ -3980,7 +3987,6 @@
- null
@@ -4007,7 +4013,6 @@
- null
diff --git a/mediator/esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90 b/mediator/esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90
index 4ee15aba1..9bf8062eb 100644
--- a/mediator/esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/esmFldsExchange_cesm_mod.F90
@@ -93,11 +93,21 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_cesm(gcomp, phase, rc)
integer :: n, ns
character(len=CL) :: cvalue
character(len=CS) :: name
+ logical :: wavice_coupling
+ logical :: ocn2glc_coupling
character(len=*) , parameter :: subname=' (esmFldsExchange_cesm) '
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='wavice_coupling', value=cvalue, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ read(cvalue,*) wavice_coupling
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='ocn2glc_coupling', value=cvalue, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ read(cvalue,*) ocn2glc_coupling
! Get the internal state
@@ -2790,6 +2800,23 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_cesm(gcomp, phase, rc)
end if
end if
+ ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! to ice: wave elevation spectrum (field with ungridded dimensions)
+ ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (wavice_coupling) then
+ if (phase == 'advertise') then
+ call addfld(fldListFr(compwav)%flds, 'Sw_elevation_spectrum')
+ call addfld(fldListTo(compice)%flds, 'Sw_elevation_spectrum')
+ else
+ if ( fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compice) , 'Sw_elevation_spectrum', rc=rc) .and. &
+ fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compwav,compwav), 'Sw_elevation_spectrum', rc=rc)) then
+ call addmap(fldListFr(compwav)%flds, 'Sw_elevation_spectrum', compice, mapbilnr, 'one', 'unset')
+ call addmrg(fldListTo(compice)%flds, 'Sw_elevation_spectrum', &
+ mrg_from=compwav, mrg_fld='Sw_elevation_spectrum', mrg_type='copy')
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
! FIELDS TO WAVE (compwav)
@@ -2808,7 +2835,36 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_cesm(gcomp, phase, rc)
call addmrg(fldListTo(compwav)%flds, 'Si_ifrac', mrg_from=compice, mrg_fld='Si_ifrac', mrg_type='copy')
end if
end if
+ !----------------------------------------------------------
+ ! to wav: ice thickness from ice
+ !----------------------------------------------------------
+ if (wavice_coupling) then
+ if (phase == 'advertise') then
+ call addfld(fldListFr(compice)%flds, 'Si_thick')
+ call addfld(fldListTo(compwav)%flds, 'Si_thick')
+ else
+ if (fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBexp(compwav) , 'Si_thick', rc=rc) .and. &
+ fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compice,compice ), 'Si_thick', rc=rc)) then
+ call addmap(fldListFr(compice)%flds, 'Si_thick', compwav, mapbilnr, 'one', ice2wav_smap)
+ call addmrg(fldListTo(compwav)%flds, 'Si_thick', mrg_from=compice, mrg_fld='Si_thick', mrg_type='copy')
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ !----------------------------------------------------------
+ ! to wav: ice floe diameter from ice
+ !----------------------------------------------------------
+ if (wavice_coupling) then
+ if (phase == 'advertise') then
+ call addfld(fldListFr(compice)%flds, 'Si_floediam')
+ call addfld(fldListTo(compwav)%flds, 'Si_floediam')
+ else
+ if (fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBexp(compwav) , 'Si_floediam', rc=rc) .and. &
+ fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compice,compice ), 'Si_floediam', rc=rc)) then
+ call addmap(fldListFr(compice)%flds, 'Si_floediam', compwav, mapbilnr, 'one', ice2wav_smap)
+ call addmrg(fldListTo(compwav)%flds, 'Si_floediam', mrg_from=compice, mrg_fld='Si_floediam', mrg_type='copy')
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! to wav: ocean surface temperature from ocn
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -2823,7 +2879,6 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_cesm(gcomp, phase, rc)
call addmrg(fldListTo(compwav)%flds, 'So_t', mrg_from=compocn, mrg_fld='So_t', mrg_type='copy')
end if
end if
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! to wav: ocean currents from ocn
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/mediator/esmFldsExchange_nems_mod.F90 b/mediator/esmFldsExchange_nems_mod.F90
index 436232652..9fe5b70ba 100644
--- a/mediator/esmFldsExchange_nems_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/esmFldsExchange_nems_mod.F90
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_nems(gcomp, phase, rc)
use esmFlds , only : addmap => med_fldList_AddMap
use esmFlds , only : addmrg => med_fldList_AddMrg
use esmflds , only : fldListTo, fldListFr, fldListMed_aoflux, fldListMed_ocnalb
+ use med_internalstate_mod , only : InternalState, mastertask, logunit
! input/output parameters:
type(ESMF_GridComp) :: gcomp
@@ -132,6 +133,39 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_nems(gcomp, phase, rc)
end if
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
+ allocate(flds(12))
+ flds = (/'Sa_u ', 'Sa_v ', 'Sa_z ', 'Sa_tbot ', 'Sa_pbot ', &
+ 'Sa_pslv ', 'Sa_shum ', 'Sa_ptem ', 'Sa_dens ', 'Sa_u10m ', &
+ 'Sa_v10m ', 'Faxa_lwdn'/)
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ fldname = trim(flds(n))
+ if (phase == 'advertise') then
+ if (is_local%wrap%comp_present(compatm) )then
+ call addfld(fldListFr(compatm)%flds, trim(fldname))
+ end if
+ else
+ if ( fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), trim(fldname), rc=rc)) then
+ call addmap(fldListFr(compatm)%flds, trim(fldname), compocn, maptype, 'one', 'unset')
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ deallocate(flds)
+ ! fields returned by the atm/ocn flux computation which are otherwise unadvertised
+ allocate(flds(13))
+ flds = (/'So_tref ', 'So_qref ','So_u10 ', 'So_ustar ','So_ssq ', &
+ 'So_re ', 'So_duu10n','Faox_lwup', 'Faox_sen ','Faox_lat ', &
+ 'Faox_evap', 'Faox_taux','Faox_tauy'/)
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ fldname = trim(flds(n))
+ if (phase == 'advertise') then
+ call addfld(fldListMed_aoflux%flds, trim(fldname))
+ end if
+ end do
+ deallocate(flds)
+ end if
! TODO: unused, but required to maintain B4B repro for mediator restarts; should be removed
if (phase == 'advertise') then
call addfld(fldListFr(compice)%flds, 'mean_sw_pen_to_ocn')
@@ -215,6 +249,35 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_nems(gcomp, phase, rc)
end if
end if
+ ! to atm: unmerged from mediator, merge will be done under FV3/CCPP composite step
+ ! - zonal surface stress, meridional surface stress
+ ! - surface latent heat flux,
+ ! - surface sensible heat flux
+ ! - surface upward longwave heat flux
+ ! - evaporation water flux from water, not in the list do we need to send it to atm?
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux') then
+ if (is_local%wrap%comp_present(compocn) .and. is_local%wrap%comp_present(compatm)) then
+ allocate(flds(5))
+ flds = (/ 'lat ', 'sen ', 'lwup', 'taux', 'tauy' /)
+ if (phase == 'advertise') then
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ call addfld(fldListMed_aoflux%flds , 'Faox_'//trim(flds(n)))
+ call addfld(fldListTo(compatm)%flds, 'Faox_'//trim(flds(n)))
+ end do
+ else
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ if (fldchk(is_local%wrap%FBMed_aoflux_o, 'Faox_'//trim(flds(n)), rc=rc)) then
+ if (trim(is_local%wrap%aoflux_grid) == 'ogrid') then
+ call addmap(fldListMed_aoflux%flds, 'Faox_'//trim(flds(n)), compatm, maptype, 'ofrac', 'unset')
+ end if
+ call addmrg(fldListTo(compatm)%flds, 'Faox_'//trim(flds(n)), mrg_from=compmed, mrg_fld='Faox_'//trim(flds(n)), mrg_type='copy')
+ end if
+ end do
+ end if
+ deallocate(flds)
+ end if
+ end if
! to atm: surface roughness length from wav
if (phase == 'advertise') then
if (is_local%wrap%comp_present(compwav) .and. is_local%wrap%comp_present(compatm)) then
@@ -310,7 +373,8 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_nems(gcomp, phase, rc)
end do
- if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac') then
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
! to ocn: merge surface stress (custom merge calculation in med_phases_prep_ocn)
@@ -379,7 +443,7 @@ subroutine esmFldsExchange_nems(gcomp, phase, rc)
call addmap(fldListFr(compatm)%flds, 'Faxa_lat', compocn, mapconsf_aofrac, 'aofrac', 'unset')
end if
end if
- else
+ else if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig_data' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux') then
! nems_orig_data
! to ocn: surface stress from mediator and ice stress via auto merge
diff --git a/mediator/fd_cesm.yaml b/mediator/fd_cesm.yaml
index 9196090d8..648a4fed2 100644
--- a/mediator/fd_cesm.yaml
+++ b/mediator/fd_cesm.yaml
@@ -740,6 +740,14 @@
canonical_units: m
description: sea-ice export - volume of snow per unit area
+ - standard_name: Si_thick
+ canonical_units: m
+ description: sea-ice export - ice thickness
+ #
+ - standard_name: Si_floediam
+ canonical_units: m
+ description: sea-ice export - ice floe diameter
+ #
# section: ocean export to mediator
@@ -1157,6 +1165,13 @@
- standard_name: Sw_pstokes_y
canonical_units: m/s
description: Northward partitioned stokes drift components
+ #
+ - standard_name: Sw_elevation_spectrum
+ alias: wave_elevation_spectrum
+ canonical_units: m2/s
+ description: wave elevation spectrum
# mediator fields
diff --git a/mediator/med.F90 b/mediator/med.F90
index 92be267e1..ac92f2638 100644
--- a/mediator/med.F90
+++ b/mediator/med.F90
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module MED
use med_internalstate_mod , only : med_internalstate_defaultmasks, logunit, mastertask
use med_internalstate_mod , only : ncomps, compname
use med_internalstate_mod , only : compmed, compatm, compocn, compice, complnd, comprof, compwav, compglc
- use med_internalstate_mod , only : coupling_mode
+ use med_internalstate_mod , only : coupling_mode, aoflux_code, aoflux_ccpp_suite
use esmFlds , only : fldListMed_ocnalb
use esmFlds , only : med_fldList_GetNumFlds, med_fldList_GetFldNames, med_fldList_GetFldInfo
use esmFlds , only : med_fldList_Document_Mapping, med_fldList_Document_Merging
@@ -762,6 +762,36 @@ subroutine InitializeIPDv03p1(gcomp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
end if
is_local%wrap%aoflux_grid = trim(cvalue)
+ ! Determine aoflux scheme that will be used to compute atmosphere-ocean fluxes [cesm|ccpp]
+ ! TODO: If ccpp is not available it will be always run in cesm mode independent from aoflux_code option
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='aoflux_code', value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (.not. isPresent .and. .not. isSet) then
+ cvalue = 'cesm'
+ end if
+ aoflux_code = trim(cvalue)
+ if (mastertask) then
+ write(logunit,*) '========================================================'
+ write(logunit,'(a)')trim(subname)//' Mediator aoflux scheme is '//trim(aoflux_code)
+ write(logunit,*) '========================================================'
+ end if
+ ! Determine CCPP suite if aoflux scheme set to 'ccpp'
+ if (trim(aoflux_code) == 'ccpp') then
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='aoflux_ccpp_suite', value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (.not. isPresent .and. .not. isSet) then
+ call ESMF_LogWrite("aoflux_ccpp_suite need to be provided when aoflux_code is set to 'ccpp'", ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
+ end if
+ aoflux_ccpp_suite = trim(cvalue)
+ if (mastertask) then
+ write(logunit,*) '========================================================'
+ write(logunit,'(a)')trim(subname)//' Mediator aoflux CCPP suite is '//trim(aoflux_ccpp_suite)
+ write(logunit,*) '========================================================'
+ end if
+ end if
! Initialize mediator flds
diff --git a/mediator/med_fraction_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_fraction_mod.F90
index 5b7944c7d..521ba0007 100644
--- a/mediator/med_fraction_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_fraction_mod.F90
@@ -367,7 +367,10 @@ subroutine med_fraction_init(gcomp, rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
! Set 'aofrac' in FBfrac(compatm)
- if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac') then
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
call fldbun_getdata1d(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), 'Sa_ofrac', Sa_ofrac, rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
call fldbun_getdata1d(is_local%wrap%FBFrac(compatm), 'aofrac', aofrac, rc)
@@ -789,7 +792,10 @@ subroutine med_fraction_set(gcomp, rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
end if
! Set 'aofrac' from FBImp(compatm) to FBfrac(compatm)
- if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac') then
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
call fldbun_getdata1d(is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compatm), 'Sa_ofrac', Sa_ofrac, rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
call fldbun_getdata1d(is_local%wrap%FBFrac(compatm), 'aofrac', aofrac, rc)
diff --git a/mediator/med_internalstate_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_internalstate_mod.F90
index b9b61e85e..99baa2fe1 100644
--- a/mediator/med_internalstate_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_internalstate_mod.F90
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module med_internalstate_mod
use ESMF , only : ESMF_RouteHandle, ESMF_FieldBundle, ESMF_State, ESMF_Field, ESMF_VM
use med_kind_mod , only : CX=>SHR_KIND_CX, CS=>SHR_KIND_CS, CL=>SHR_KIND_CL, R8=>SHR_KIND_R8
use med_utils_mod, only : chkerr => med_utils_ChkErr
@@ -47,7 +47,13 @@ module med_internalstate_mod
character(len=CS), public :: glc_name = ''
! Coupling mode
- character(len=CS), public :: coupling_mode ! valid values are [cesm,nems_orig,nems_frac,nems_orig_data,hafs]
+ character(len=CS), public :: coupling_mode ! valid values are [cesm,nems_orig,nems_frac,nems_orig_data,hafs,nems_frac_aoflux,nems_frac_aoflux_sbs]
+ ! Atmosphere-ocean flux algorithm
+ character(len=CS), public :: aoflux_code ! valid values are [cesm,ccpp]
+ ! Atmosphere-ocean CCPP suite name
+ character(len=CL), public :: aoflux_ccpp_suite
! Default src and destination masks for mapping
integer, public, allocatable :: defaultMasks(:,:)
@@ -153,6 +159,7 @@ module med_internalstate_mod
! Mediator field bundles and other info for atm/ocn flux computation
character(len=CS) :: aoflux_grid ! 'ogrid', 'agrid' or 'xgrid'
+ type(ESMF_Mesh) :: aoflux_mesh ! Mesh used for atm/ocn flux computation
type(ESMF_FieldBundle) :: FBMed_aoflux_a ! Ocn/Atm flux output fields on atm grid
type(ESMF_FieldBundle) :: FBMed_aoflux_o ! Ocn/Atm flux output fields on ocn grid
type(packed_data_type), pointer :: packed_data_aoflux_o2a(:) ! packed data for mapping ocn->atm
diff --git a/mediator/med_io_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_io_mod.F90
index 1a1541475..6d9b8d2f6 100644
--- a/mediator/med_io_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_io_mod.F90
@@ -1111,12 +1111,14 @@ subroutine med_io_write_FB(filename, FB, whead, wdata, nx, ny, nt, &
call pio_write_darray(io_file(lfile_ind), varid, iodesc, fldptr2(n,:), rcode, fillval=lfillvalue)
end if
end do
- else if (rank == 1) then
+ else if (rank == 1 .or. rank == 0) then
name1 = trim(lpre)//'_'//trim(itemc)
rcode = pio_inq_varid(io_file(lfile_ind), trim(name1), varid)
call pio_setframe(io_file(lfile_ind),varid,frame)
+ ! fix for writing data on exchange grid, which has no data in some PETs
+ if (rank == 0) nullify(fldptr1)
call pio_write_darray(io_file(lfile_ind), varid, iodesc, fldptr1, rcode, fillval=lfillvalue)
- end if ! end if rank is 2 or 1
+ end if ! end if rank is 2 or 1 or 0
end if ! end if not "hgt"
end do ! end loop over fields in FB
diff --git a/mediator/med_phases_aofluxes_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_phases_aofluxes_mod.F90
index 794b84293..582a622a4 100644
--- a/mediator/med_phases_aofluxes_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_phases_aofluxes_mod.F90
@@ -11,25 +11,34 @@ module med_phases_aofluxes_mod
! map aoflux_out from xgrid to both atm and ocn grid
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- use ESMF , only : ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_GridCompGet
+ use ESMF , only : operator(/=)
+ use ESMF , only : ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_GridCompGet, ESMF_CoordSys_Flag
use ESMF , only : ESMF_Field, ESMF_FieldGet, ESMF_FieldCreate, ESMF_FieldIsCreated, ESMF_FieldDestroy
- use ESMF , only : ESMF_FieldBundle, ESMF_FieldBundleGet
+ use ESMF , only : ESMF_FieldBundle, ESMF_FieldBundleGet, ESMF_FieldRegridGetArea
use ESMF , only : ESMF_FieldBundleCreate, ESMF_FieldBundleAdd
use ESMF , only : ESMF_RouteHandle, ESMF_FieldRegrid, ESMF_FieldRegridStore
use ESMF , only : ESMF_Mesh, ESMF_MeshGet, ESMF_XGrid, ESMF_XGridCreate, ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8
use ESMF , only : ESMF_Finalize, ESMF_LogFoundError
+ use ESMF , only : ESMF_XGridGet, ESMF_MeshCreate, ESMF_MeshWrite, ESMF_KIND_R8
use med_kind_mod , only : CX=>SHR_KIND_CX, CS=>SHR_KIND_CS, CL=>SHR_KIND_CL, R8=>SHR_KIND_R8
use med_internalstate_mod , only : InternalState, mastertask, logunit
- use med_internalstate_mod , only : compatm, compocn, coupling_mode, mapconsd, mapconsf, mapfcopy
+ use med_internalstate_mod , only : compatm, compocn, coupling_mode, aoflux_code, mapconsd, mapconsf, mapfcopy
use med_constants_mod , only : dbug_flag => med_constants_dbug_flag
use med_utils_mod , only : memcheck => med_memcheck
use med_utils_mod , only : chkerr => med_utils_chkerr
use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf
+ use ufs_const_mod , only : rearth => SHR_CONST_REARTH
+ use ufs_const_mod , only : pi => SHR_CONST_PI
+ use shr_const_mod , only : rearth => SHR_CONST_REARTH
+ use shr_const_mod , only : pi => SHR_CONST_PI
implicit none
@@ -105,18 +114,23 @@ module med_phases_aofluxes_mod
real(R8) , pointer :: zbot (:) => null() ! atm level height
real(R8) , pointer :: ubot (:) => null() ! atm velocity, zonal
real(R8) , pointer :: vbot (:) => null() ! atm velocity, meridional
+ real(R8) , pointer :: usfc (:) => null() ! atm surface velocity, zonal
+ real(R8) , pointer :: vsfc (:) => null() ! atm surface velocity, meridional
real(R8) , pointer :: thbot (:) => null() ! atm potential T
real(R8) , pointer :: shum (:) => null() ! atm specific humidity
real(R8) , pointer :: pbot (:) => null() ! atm bottom pressure
+ real(R8) , pointer :: psfc (:) => null() ! atm surface pressure
real(R8) , pointer :: dens (:) => null() ! atm bottom density
real(R8) , pointer :: tbot (:) => null() ! atm bottom surface T
real(R8) , pointer :: shum_16O (:) => null() ! atm H2O tracer
real(R8) , pointer :: shum_HDO (:) => null() ! atm HDO tracer
real(R8) , pointer :: shum_18O (:) => null() ! atm H218O tracer
- ! local size and computational mask: on aoflux grid
+ real(R8) , pointer :: lwdn (:) => null() ! atm downward longwave heat flux
+ ! local size and computational mask and area: on aoflux grid
integer :: lsize ! local size
integer , pointer :: mask (:) => null() ! integer ocn domain mask: 0 <=> inactive cell
real(R8) , pointer :: rmask (:) => null() ! real ocn domain mask: 0 <=> inactive cell
+ real(R8) , pointer :: garea (:) => null() ! atm grid area
end type aoflux_in_type
type aoflux_out_type
@@ -284,6 +298,7 @@ subroutine med_phases_aofluxes_run(gcomp, rc)
aoflux_created = .false.
end if
! Now set first_call to .false.
first_call = .false.
end if
@@ -480,6 +495,10 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_init_ogrid(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
character(len=CX) :: tmpstr
integer :: lsize
integer :: fieldcount
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: lfield
+ type(ESMF_Mesh) :: lmesh
+ real(R8), pointer :: garea(:) => null()
+ type(ESMF_CoordSys_Flag) :: coordSys
character(len=*),parameter :: subname=' (med_aofluxes_init_ocngrid) '
@@ -515,6 +534,27 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_init_ogrid(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
write(tmpstr,'(i12,g22.12,i12)') lsize,sum(aoflux_in%rmask),sum(aoflux_in%mask)
call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(subname)//" : maskB= "//trim(tmpstr), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ ! ------------------------
+ ! setup grid area
+ ! ------------------------
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(is_local%wrap%FBArea(compocn), 'area', field=lfield, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ allocate(aoflux_in%garea(lsize))
+ call ESMF_FieldGet(lfield, farrayPtr=garea, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_FieldGet(lfield, mesh=lmesh, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ is_local%wrap%aoflux_mesh = ESMF_MeshCreate(lmesh, rc=rc)
+ call ESMF_MeshGet(lmesh, coordSys=coordSys, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (coordSys /= ESMF_COORDSYS_CART) then
+ ! Convert square radians to square meters
+ aoflux_in%garea(:) = garea(:)*(rearth**2)
+ else
+ aoflux_in%garea(:) = garea(:)
+ end if
! ------------------------
! create packed mapping from ocn->atm if aoflux_grid is ocn
! ------------------------
@@ -565,6 +605,10 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_init_agrid(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
type(ESMF_Mesh) :: mesh_src
type(ESMF_Mesh) :: mesh_dst
integer :: maptype
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: lfield
+ type(ESMF_Mesh) :: lmesh
+ real(R8), pointer :: garea(:) => null()
+ type(ESMF_CoordSys_Flag) :: coordSys
character(len=*),parameter :: subname=' (med_aofluxes_init_atmgrid) '
@@ -641,6 +685,27 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_init_agrid(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
end if
+ ! ------------------------
+ ! setup grid area
+ ! ------------------------
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(is_local%wrap%FBArea(compatm), 'area', field=lfield, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ allocate(aoflux_in%garea(lsize))
+ call ESMF_FieldGet(lfield, farrayPtr=garea, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_FieldGet(lfield, mesh=lmesh, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ is_local%wrap%aoflux_mesh = ESMF_MeshCreate(lmesh, rc=rc)
+ call ESMF_MeshGet(lmesh, coordSys=coordSys, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (coordSys /= ESMF_COORDSYS_CART) then
+ ! Convert square radians to square meters
+ aoflux_in%garea(:) = garea(:)*(rearth**2)
+ else
+ aoflux_in%garea(:) = garea(:)
+ end if
! ------------------------
! set one normalization for ocn-atm mapping if needed
! ------------------------
@@ -695,11 +760,14 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_init_xgrid(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
type(ESMF_Field) :: field_a
type(ESMF_Field) :: field_o
type(ESMF_Field) :: lfield
- integer :: elementCount
+ type(ESMF_Mesh) :: lmesh
type(ESMF_Mesh) :: ocn_mesh
type(ESMF_Mesh) :: atm_mesh
+ type(ESMF_Mesh) :: xch_mesh
real(r8), pointer :: dataptr(:)
integer :: fieldcount
+ type(ESMF_CoordSys_Flag) :: coordSys
+ real(ESMF_KIND_R8) ,allocatable :: garea(:)
character(ESMF_MAXSTR),allocatable :: fieldNameList(:)
character(len=*),parameter :: subname=' (med_aofluxes_init_xgrid) '
@@ -732,6 +800,17 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_init_xgrid(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
storeOverlay=.true., rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! write meshes for debug purpose
+ if (dbug_flag > 20) then
+ call ESMF_MeshWrite(atm_mesh, filename="atm_mesh", rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_MeshWrite(ocn_mesh, filename="ocn_mesh", rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_XGridGet(xgrid, mesh=xch_mesh, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_MeshWrite(xch_mesh, filename="xch_mesh", rc=rc)
+ end if
! create module field on exchange grid and set its initial value to 1
field_x = ESMF_FieldCreate(xgrid, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
@@ -789,12 +868,14 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_init_xgrid(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(xgrid, field_a, field_x, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_2ndord, &
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(field_a, field_x, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_bilinr, &
- regridmethod=ESMF_REGRIDMETHOD_BILINEAR, dstMaskValues=(/0/), rc=rc)
- if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(field_a, field_x, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_patch, &
- regridmethod=ESMF_REGRIDMETHOD_PATCH, dstMaskValues=(/0/), rc=rc)
- if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'cesm') then
+ call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(field_a, field_x, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_bilinr, &
+ regridmethod=ESMF_REGRIDMETHOD_BILINEAR, dstMaskValues=(/0/), rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(field_a, field_x, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_patch, &
+ regridmethod=ESMF_REGRIDMETHOD_PATCH, dstMaskValues=(/0/), rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
! create xgrid->zgrid route handle
call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(xgrid, field_x, field_a, routehandle=rh_xgrid2agrid, rc=rc)
@@ -832,6 +913,23 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_init_xgrid(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
aoflux_in%mask(:) = 1
+ ! ------------------------
+ ! setup grid area
+ ! ------------------------
+ allocate(garea(lsize))
+ allocate(aoflux_in%garea(lsize))
+ call ESMF_XGridGet(xgrid, mesh=lmesh, coordSys=coordSys, area=garea, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ is_local%wrap%aoflux_mesh = ESMF_MeshCreate(lmesh, rc=rc)
+ if (coordSys /= ESMF_COORDSYS_CART) then
+ ! Convert square radians to square meters
+ aoflux_in%garea(:) = garea(:)*(rearth**2)
+ else
+ aoflux_in%garea(:) = garea(:)
+ end if
+ deallocate(garea)
end subroutine med_aofluxes_init_xgrid
@@ -854,6 +952,9 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_update(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
use flux_atmocn_mod, only : flux_atmocn
+#ifdef UFS_AOFLUX
+ use flux_atmocn_ccpp_mod, only : flux_atmocn_ccpp
! Arguments
type(ESMF_GridComp) :: gcomp
@@ -862,13 +963,18 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_update(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
integer , intent(out) :: rc
! Local variables
- type(InternalState) :: is_local
- type(ESMF_Field) :: field_src
- type(ESMF_Field) :: field_dst
- integer :: n,i,nf ! indices
- real(r8), pointer :: data_normdst(:)
- real(r8), pointer :: data_dst(:)
- character(*),parameter :: subName = '(med_aofluxes_update) '
+ type(InternalState) :: is_local
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: field_src
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: field_dst
+ integer :: n,i,nf ! indices
+ real(r8), pointer :: data_normdst(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: data_dst(:)
+ integer :: maptype
+ real(r8), parameter :: qmin = 1.0e-8_r8
+ real(r8), parameter :: p0 = 100000.0_r8 ! reference pressure in Pa
+ real(r8), parameter :: rcp = 0.286_r8 ! gas constant of air / specific heat capacity at a constant pressure
+ real(r8), parameter :: rdair = 287.058_r8 ! dry air gas constant in J/K/kg
+ character(*),parameter :: subName = '(med_aofluxes_update) '
@@ -908,15 +1014,29 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_update(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
! Note pbot, tbot and shum have already been mapped or are available on the aoflux grid
if (compute_atm_thbot) then
do n = 1,aoflux_in%lsize
- if (aoflux_in%mask(n) /= 0._r8) then
- aoflux_in%thbot(n) = aoflux_in%tbot(n)*((100000._R8/aoflux_in%pbot(n))**0.286_R8)
+ if (aoflux_in%mask(n) /= 0.0_r8) then
+ aoflux_in%thbot(n) = aoflux_in%tbot(n)*((p0/aoflux_in%pbot(n))**rcp)
end if
end do
end if
if (compute_atm_dens) then
+ if (trim(aoflux_code) == 'ccpp' .and. &
+ (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs')) then
+ ! Add limiting factor to humidity to be consistent with UFS aoflux calculation
+ do n = 1,aoflux_in%lsize
+ if (aoflux_in%mask(n) /= 0.0_r8) then
+ aoflux_in%shum(n) = max(aoflux_in%shum(n), qmin)
+ end if
+ end do
+ ! Use pbot as psfc for the initial pass since psfc provided by UFS atm is zero
+ if (maxval(aoflux_in%psfc, mask=(aoflux_in%mask/= 0.0_r8)) < 100.0_r8) then
+ aoflux_in%psfc(:) = aoflux_in%pbot(:)
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(subname)//" : using pbot as psfc for initial pass!", ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ end if
+ end if
do n = 1,aoflux_in%lsize
- if (aoflux_in%mask(n) /= 0._r8) then
- aoflux_in%dens(n) = aoflux_in%pbot(n)/(287.058_R8*(1._R8 + 0.608_R8*aoflux_in%shum(n))*aoflux_in%tbot(n))
+ if (aoflux_in%mask(n) /= 0.0_r8) then
+ aoflux_in%dens(n) = aoflux_in%pbot(n)/(rdair*(1.0_r8 + 0.608_r8*aoflux_in%shum(n))*aoflux_in%tbot(n))
end if
end do
end if
@@ -926,7 +1046,6 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_update(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
call flux_atmocn (logunit=logunit, &
nMax=aoflux_in%lsize, &
zbot=aoflux_in%zbot, ubot=aoflux_in%ubot, vbot=aoflux_in%vbot, thbot=aoflux_in%thbot, qbot=aoflux_in%shum, &
@@ -942,15 +1061,30 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_update(gcomp, aoflux_in, aoflux_out, rc)
- call flux_atmocn (logunit=logunit, &
- nMax=aoflux_in%lsize, mask=aoflux_in%mask, &
- zbot=aoflux_in%zbot, ubot=aoflux_in%ubot, vbot=aoflux_in%vbot, thbot=aoflux_in%thbot, qbot=aoflux_in%shum, &
- rbot=aoflux_in%dens, tbot=aoflux_in%tbot, us=aoflux_in%uocn, vs=aoflux_in%vocn, ts=aoflux_in%tocn, &
- ocn_surface_flux_scheme=ocn_surface_flux_scheme, &
- sen=aoflux_out%sen, lat=aoflux_out%lat, lwup=aoflux_out%lwup, evap=aoflux_out%evap, &
- taux=aoflux_out%taux, tauy=aoflux_out%tauy, tref=aoflux_out%tref, qref=aoflux_out%qref, &
- duu10n=aoflux_out%duu10n, missval=0.0_r8)
+#ifdef UFS_AOFLUX
+ if (trim(aoflux_code) == 'ccpp') then
+ call flux_atmocn_ccpp(gcomp=gcomp, mastertask=mastertask, logunit=logunit, &
+ nMax=aoflux_in%lsize, psfc=aoflux_in%psfc, &
+ pbot=aoflux_in%pbot, tbot=aoflux_in%tbot, qbot=aoflux_in%shum, lwdn=aoflux_in%lwdn, &
+ zbot=aoflux_in%zbot, garea=aoflux_in%garea, ubot=aoflux_in%ubot, usfc=aoflux_in%usfc, vbot=aoflux_in%vbot, &
+ vsfc=aoflux_in%vsfc, rbot=aoflux_in%dens, ts=aoflux_in%tocn, mask=aoflux_in%mask, &
+ sen=aoflux_out%sen, lat=aoflux_out%lat, lwup=aoflux_out%lwup, evp=aoflux_out%evap, &
+ taux=aoflux_out%taux, tauy=aoflux_out%tauy, tref=aoflux_out%tref, qref=aoflux_out%qref, &
+ duu10n=aoflux_out%duu10n, ustar_sv=aoflux_out%ustar, re_sv=aoflux_out%re, ssq_sv=aoflux_out%ssq, &
+ missval=0.0_r8)
+ else
+ call flux_atmocn (logunit=logunit, &
+ nMax=aoflux_in%lsize, mask=aoflux_in%mask, &
+ zbot=aoflux_in%zbot, ubot=aoflux_in%ubot, vbot=aoflux_in%vbot, thbot=aoflux_in%thbot, qbot=aoflux_in%shum, &
+ rbot=aoflux_in%dens, tbot=aoflux_in%tbot, us=aoflux_in%uocn, vs=aoflux_in%vocn, ts=aoflux_in%tocn, &
+ ocn_surface_flux_scheme=ocn_surface_flux_scheme, &
+ sen=aoflux_out%sen, lat=aoflux_out%lat, lwup=aoflux_out%lwup, evap=aoflux_out%evap, &
+ taux=aoflux_out%taux, tauy=aoflux_out%tauy, tref=aoflux_out%tref, qref=aoflux_out%qref, &
+ duu10n=aoflux_out%duu10n, missval=0.0_r8)
+#ifdef UFS_AOFLUX
+ end if
@@ -1008,7 +1142,7 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2agrid_input(gcomp, rc)
real(r8), pointer :: data_dst(:)
integer :: nf,n
integer :: maptype
- character(*),parameter :: subName = '(med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2agrid_output) '
+ character(*),parameter :: subName = '(med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2agrid_input) '
@@ -1043,6 +1177,7 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2agrid_input(gcomp, rc)
! Map ocn->atm conservatively without fractions
call ESMF_FieldRegrid(field_src, field_dst, routehandle=is_local%wrap%RH(compocn,compatm, maptype), &
termorderflag=ESMF_TERMORDER_SRCSEQ, zeroregion=ESMF_REGION_TOTAL, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
! Normalization of map by 'one'
if (maptype /= mapfcopy) then
@@ -1076,7 +1211,7 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_map_agrid2xgrid_input(gcomp, rc)
type(ESMF_Field) :: field_src
type(ESMF_Field) :: field_dst
integer :: nf
- character(*),parameter :: subName = '(med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2agrid_output) '
+ character(*),parameter :: subName = '(med_aofluxes_map_agrid2xgrid_input) '
@@ -1096,11 +1231,23 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_map_agrid2xgrid_input(gcomp, rc)
! Map atm->xgrid
if (trim(fldnames_atm_in(nf)) == 'Sa_u' .or. (trim(fldnames_atm_in(nf)) == 'Sa_v')) then
- call ESMF_FieldRegrid(field_src, field_dst, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_patch, &
- termorderflag=ESMF_TERMORDER_SRCSEQ, zeroregion=ESMF_REGION_TOTAL, rc=rc)
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'cesm') then
+ call ESMF_FieldRegrid(field_src, field_dst, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_patch, &
+ termorderflag=ESMF_TERMORDER_SRCSEQ, zeroregion=ESMF_REGION_TOTAL, rc=rc)
+ else
+ call ESMF_FieldRegrid(field_src, field_dst, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_2ndord, &
+ termorderflag=ESMF_TERMORDER_SRCSEQ, zeroregion=ESMF_REGION_TOTAL, rc=rc)
+ end if
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call ESMF_FieldRegrid(field_src, field_dst, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_bilinr, &
- termorderflag=ESMF_TERMORDER_SRCSEQ, zeroregion=ESMF_REGION_TOTAL, rc=rc)
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'cesm') then
+ call ESMF_FieldRegrid(field_src, field_dst, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid_bilinr, &
+ termorderflag=ESMF_TERMORDER_SRCSEQ, zeroregion=ESMF_REGION_TOTAL, rc=rc)
+ else
+ call ESMF_FieldRegrid(field_src, field_dst, routehandle=rh_agrid2xgrid, &
+ termorderflag=ESMF_TERMORDER_SRCSEQ, zeroregion=ESMF_REGION_TOTAL, rc=rc)
+ end if
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
end if
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
end do
@@ -1121,7 +1268,7 @@ subroutine med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2xgrid_input(gcomp, rc)
type(ESMF_Field) :: field_src
type(ESMF_Field) :: field_dst
integer :: nf
- character(*),parameter :: subName = '(med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2agrid_output) '
+ character(*),parameter :: subName = '(med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2xgrid_input) '
@@ -1402,6 +1549,16 @@ subroutine set_aoflux_in_pointers(fldbun_a, fldbun_o, aoflux_in, lsize, xgrid, r
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
end if
+ ! extra fields for nems_frac_aoflux
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
+ call fldbun_getfldptr(fldbun_a, 'Sa_u10m', aoflux_in%usfc, xgrid=xgrid, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call fldbun_getfldptr(fldbun_a, 'Sa_v10m', aoflux_in%vsfc, xgrid=xgrid, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call fldbun_getfldptr(fldbun_a, 'Faxa_lwdn', aoflux_in%lwdn, xgrid=xgrid, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
! bottom level potential temperature will need to be computed if not received from the atm
if (compute_atm_thbot) then
@@ -1422,6 +1579,10 @@ subroutine set_aoflux_in_pointers(fldbun_a, fldbun_o, aoflux_in, lsize, xgrid, r
if (compute_atm_dens .or. compute_atm_thbot) then
call fldbun_getfldptr(fldbun_a, 'Sa_pbot', aoflux_in%pbot, xgrid=xgrid, rc=rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
+ call fldbun_getfldptr(fldbun_a, 'Sa_pslv', aoflux_in%psfc, xgrid=xgrid, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
end if
if (flds_wiso) then
diff --git a/mediator/med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90
index 485cdaf9b..8d41adbb8 100644
--- a/mediator/med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90
@@ -113,7 +113,10 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_atm(gcomp, rc)
!--- map atm/ocn fluxes from ocn to atm grid if appropriate
- if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'cesm' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'hafs') then
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'cesm' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'hafs' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
if (is_local%wrap%aoflux_grid == 'ogrid') then
call med_aofluxes_map_ogrid2agrid_output(gcomp, rc)
if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
@@ -128,7 +131,9 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_atm(gcomp, rc)
!--- merge all fields to atm
- if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'cesm' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'hafs') then
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'cesm' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'hafs') then
call med_merge_auto(&
is_local%wrap%med_coupling_active(:,compatm), &
is_local%wrap%FBExp(compatm), &
@@ -138,7 +143,9 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_atm(gcomp, rc)
FBMed1=is_local%wrap%FBMed_ocnalb_a, &
FBMed2=is_local%wrap%FBMed_aoflux_a, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- else if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig') then
+ else if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
call med_merge_auto(&
is_local%wrap%med_coupling_active(:,compatm), &
is_local%wrap%FBExp(compatm), &
diff --git a/mediator/med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90 b/mediator/med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90
index de4599ffb..35208a109 100644
--- a/mediator/med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90
+++ b/mediator/med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_ocn_accum(gcomp, rc)
! auto merges to ocn
if ( trim(coupling_mode) == 'cesm' .or. &
trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig_data' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux' .or. &
trim(coupling_mode) == 'hafs') then
call med_merge_auto(&
is_local%wrap%med_coupling_active(:,compocn), &
@@ -126,7 +127,9 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_ocn_accum(gcomp, rc)
fldListTo(compocn), &
FBMed1=is_local%wrap%FBMed_aoflux_o, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- else if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig') then
+ else if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
call med_merge_auto(&
is_local%wrap%med_coupling_active(:,compocn), &
is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), &
@@ -653,7 +656,9 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_ocn_custom_nems(gcomp, rc)
lsize = size(ofrac)
- if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac') then
+ if (trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_orig' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac' .or. &
+ trim(coupling_mode) == 'nems_frac_aoflux_sbs') then
customwgt(:) = -ofrac(:) / const_lhvap
call med_merge_field(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Faxa_evap', &
FBinA=is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compocn), fnameA='Faxa_lat' , wgtA=customwgt, rc=rc)
@@ -665,13 +670,13 @@ subroutine med_phases_prep_ocn_custom_nems(gcomp, rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
customwgt(:) = -ofrac(:)
- call med_merge_field(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_taux', &
- FBinA=is_local%wrap%FBImp(compice,compocn), fnameA='Fioi_taux' , wgtA=ifrac, &
- FBinB=is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compocn), fnameB='Faxa_taux' , wgtB=customwgt, rc=rc)
+ call med_merge_field(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_taux', &
+ FBinA=is_local%wrap%FBImp(compice,compocn), fnameA='Fioi_taux', wgtA=ifrac, &
+ FBinB=is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compocn), fnameB='Faxa_taux', wgtB=customwgt, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
- call med_merge_field(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_tauy', &
- FBinA=is_local%wrap%FBImp(compice,compocn), fnameA='Fioi_tauy' , wgtA=ifrac, &
- FBinB=is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compocn), fnameB='Faxa_tauy' , wgtB=customwgt, rc=rc)
+ call med_merge_field(is_local%wrap%FBExp(compocn), 'Foxx_tauy', &
+ FBinA=is_local%wrap%FBImp(compice,compocn), fnameA='Fioi_tauy', wgtA=ifrac, &
+ FBinB=is_local%wrap%FBImp(compatm,compocn), fnameB='Faxa_tauy', wgtB=customwgt, rc=rc)
if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
end if
diff --git a/ufs/ccpp/config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py b/ufs/ccpp/config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d2872972e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ufs/ccpp/config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Used modules #
+import os
+# Query required information/s #
+fv3_path = os.environ['FV3_PATH']
+# Definitions #
+# Add all files with metadata tables on the host model side and in CCPP,
+# relative to basedir = top-level directory of host model. This includes
+# kind and type definitions used in CCPP physics. Also add any internal
+# dependencies of these files to the list.
+ # actual variable definition files
+ '{}/ccpp/framework/src/ccpp_types.F90'.format(fv3_path),
+ '{}/ccpp/physics/physics/machine.F'.format(fv3_path),
+ 'CMEPS/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_typedefs.F90',
+ 'CMEPS/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_data.F90'
+ ]
+ 'ccpp_types' : {
+ 'ccpp_t' : 'cdata',
+ 'ccpp_types' : '',
+ },
+ 'machine' : {
+ 'machine' : '',
+ },
+ 'MED_typedefs' : {
+ 'MED_init_type' : 'physics%init',
+ 'MED_statein_type' : 'physics%Statein',
+ 'MED_stateout_type' : 'physics%Stateout',
+ 'MED_interstitial_type' : 'physics%Interstitial',
+ 'MED_control_type' : 'physics%Model',
+ 'MED_coupling_type' : 'physics%Coupling',
+ 'MED_grid_type' : 'physics%Grid',
+ 'MED_sfcprop_type' : 'physics%Sfcprop',
+ 'MED_diag_type' : 'physics%Diag',
+ 'MED_typedefs' : '',
+ },
+ 'MED_data' : {
+ 'MED_data' : '',
+ 'physics_type' : 'physics',
+ }
+ }
+# Add all physics scheme files relative to basedir
+ '{}/ccpp/physics/physics/sfc_ocean.F'.format(fv3_path),
+ '{}/ccpp/physics/physics/sfc_diff.f'.format(fv3_path),
+ '{}/ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_surface_loop_control_part1.F90'.format(fv3_path),
+ '{}/ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_surface_loop_control_part2.F90'.format(fv3_path),
+ '{}/ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_surface_composites_pre.F90'.format(fv3_path),
+ '{}/ccpp/physics/physics/GFS_surface_composites_post.F90'.format(fv3_path),
+ '{}/ccpp/physics/physics/sfc_diag.f'.format(fv3_path)
+ ]
+# Default build dir, relative to current working directory,
+# if not specified as command-line argument
+# Auto-generated makefile/cmakefile snippets that contain all type definitions
+TYPEDEFS_MAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_TYPEDEFS.mk'
+TYPEDEFS_CMAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_TYPEDEFS.cmake'
+TYPEDEFS_SOURCEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_TYPEDEFS.sh'
+# Auto-generated makefile/cmakefile snippets that contain all schemes
+SCHEMES_MAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_SCHEMES.mk'
+SCHEMES_CMAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_SCHEMES.cmake'
+SCHEMES_SOURCEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_SCHEMES.sh'
+# Auto-generated makefile/cmakefile snippets that contain all caps
+CAPS_MAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_CAPS.mk'
+CAPS_CMAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_CAPS.cmake'
+CAPS_SOURCEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_CAPS.sh'
+# Directory where to put all auto-generated physics caps
+CAPS_DIR = '{build_dir}/physics'
+# Directory where the suite definition files are stored
+SUITES_DIR = 'CMEPS/ufs/ccpp/suites'
+# Directory where to write static API to
+STATIC_API_DIR = '{build_dir}/physics'
+STATIC_API_CMAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_STATIC_API.cmake'
+STATIC_API_SOURCEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_STATIC_API.sh'
+# Directory for writing HTML pages generated from metadata files
+METADATA_HTML_OUTPUT_DIR = '{build_dir}/physics/physics/docs'
+# HTML document containing the model-defined CCPP variables
+HTML_VARTABLE_FILE = '{build_dir}/physics/CCPP_VARIABLES_CMEPS.html'
+# LaTeX document containing the provided vs requested CCPP variables
+LATEX_VARTABLE_FILE = '{build_dir}/framework/doc/DevelopersGuide/CCPP_VARIABLES_CMEPS.tex'
diff --git a/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_data.F90 b/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_data.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edaf9dffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_data.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+!> \file MED_data.F90
+!! Contains type definitions for CMEPS-related and physics-related variables
+module MED_data
+!> \section arg_table_MED_data
+!! \htmlinclude MED_data.html
+ use MED_typedefs, only: MED_statein_type
+ use MED_typedefs, only: MED_stateout_type
+ use MED_typedefs, only: MED_init_type
+ use MED_typedefs, only: MED_interstitial_type
+ use MED_typedefs, only: MED_control_type
+ use MED_typedefs, only: MED_coupling_type
+ use MED_typedefs, only: MED_grid_type
+ use MED_typedefs, only: MED_sfcprop_type
+ use MED_typedefs, only: MED_diag_type
+ use ccpp_types, only: ccpp_t
+ implicit none
+ public physics
+!! \section arg_table_physics_type
+!! \htmlinclude physics_type.html
+ type physics_type
+ type(MED_init_type) :: init
+ type(MED_statein_type) :: statein
+ type(MED_stateout_type) :: stateout
+ type(MED_interstitial_type) :: interstitial
+ type(MED_control_type) :: model
+ type(MED_coupling_type) :: coupling
+ type(MED_grid_type) :: grid
+ type(MED_sfcprop_type) :: sfcprop
+ type(MED_diag_type) :: diag
+ end type physics_type
+ type(physics_type), save, target :: physics
+ type(ccpp_t), save, target :: cdata
+end module MED_data
diff --git a/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_data.meta b/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_data.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91148f4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_data.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ name = physics_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies = MED_typedefs.F90
+ name = physics_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = MED_init_type_instance
+ long_name = instance of derived type MED_init_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_init_type
+ standard_name = MED_statein_type_instance
+ long_name = instance of derived type MED_statein_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_statein_type
+ standard_name = MED_interstitial_type_instance
+ long_name = instance of derived type MED_interstitial_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_interstitial_type
+ standard_name = MED_control_type_instance
+ long_name = instance of derived type MED_control_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_control_type
+ standard_name = MED_coupling_type_instance
+ long_name = instance of derived type MED_coupling_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_coupling_type
+ standard_name = MED_grid_type_instance
+ long_name = instance of derived type MED_grid_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_grid_type
+ standard_name = MED_sfcprop_type_instance
+ long_name = instance of derived type MED_sfcprop_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_sfcprop_type
+ standard_name = MED_diag_type_instance
+ long_name = fields targeted for diagnostic output
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_diag_type
+ name = MED_data
+ type = module
+ dependencies = MED_typedefs.F90
+ name = MED_data
+ type = module
+ standard_name = physics_type
+ long_name = definition of type physics_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = physics_type
+ standard_name = physics_type_instance
+ long_name = instance of derived data type physics_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = physics_type
+ standard_name = ccpp_t_instance
+ long_name = instance of derived data type ccpp_t
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = ccpp_t
diff --git a/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_typedefs.F90 b/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_typedefs.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b2ce51c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_typedefs.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+module MED_typedefs
+!> \section arg_table_MED_typedefs
+!! \htmlinclude MED_typedefs.html
+ use machine, only: kind_phys
+ use physcons, only: con_hvap, con_cp, con_rd, con_eps
+ use physcons, only: con_epsm1, con_fvirt, con_g
+ use physcons, only: con_tice
+ implicit none
+ !--- parameter constants used for default initializations
+ real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: zero = 0.0_kind_phys
+ real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: clear_val = zero
+ real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: huge = 9.9692099683868690E36
+ !--- data containers
+!! \section arg_table_MED_init_type
+!! \htmlinclude MED_init_type.html
+ type MED_init_type
+ integer :: im !< horizontal loop extent
+ end type MED_init_type
+!! \section arg_table_MED_statein_type
+!! \htmlinclude MED_statein_type.html
+ type MED_statein_type
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: pgr(:) => null() !< surface pressure (Pa)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ugrs(:) => null() !< u component of layer wind (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: vgrs(:) => null() !< v component of layer wind (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tgrs(:) => null() !< model layer mean temperature (K)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: qgrs(:) => null() !< layer mean tracer concentration (kg/kg)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: prsl(:) => null() !< model layer mean pressure (Pa)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: zlvl(:) => null() !< layer 1 height above ground (m)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: prsik(:) => null() !< dimensionless Exner function at lowest model interface
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: prslk(:) => null() !< dimensionless Exner function at lowest model layer
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: u10m(:) => null() !< 10 meter u wind speed (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: v10m(:) => null() !< 10 meter v wind speed (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: stc(:,:) => null() !< soil temperature (K)
+ contains
+ procedure :: create => statein_create !< allocate array data
+ end type MED_statein_type
+!! \section arg_table_MED_stateout_type
+!! \htmlinclude MED_stateout_type.html
+ type MED_stateout_type
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: gu0(:) => null() !< updated zonal wind
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: gv0(:) => null() !< updated meridional wind
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: gt0(:) => null() !< updated temperature
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: gq0(:) => null() !< updated tracers
+ contains
+ procedure :: create => stateout_create !< allocate array data
+ end type MED_stateout_type
+!! \section arg_table_MED_interstitial_type
+!! \htmlinclude MED_interstitial_type.html
+ type MED_interstitial_type
+ ! water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tsfc_water(:) => null() !< surface skin temperature over water (K)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cd_water(:) => null() !< surface exchange coeff for momentum over water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cdq_water(:) => null() !< surface exchange coeff heat surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ocean moisture over water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ffmm_water(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: fm10_water(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: prslki(:) => null() !< Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
+ logical, pointer :: wet(:) => null() !< flag indicating presence of some ocean or lake surface area fraction
+ logical, pointer :: use_flake(:) => null() !< flag indicating lake points using flake model
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: wind(:) => null() !< wind speed at lowest model level (m/s)
+ logical, pointer :: flag_iter(:) => null() !< flag for iteration
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: qss_water(:) => null() !< surface air saturation specific humidity over water (kg/kg)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cmm_water(:) => null() !< momentum exchange coefficient over water (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: chh_water(:) => null() !< thermal exchange coefficient over water (kg/m2s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: gflx_water(:) => null() !< soil heat flux over water (W/m2)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: evap_water(:) => null() !< kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over water (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: hflx_water(:) => null() !< kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over water (Km/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ep1d_water(:) => null() !< surface upward potential latent heat flux over water (W/m2)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tsurf_water(:) => null() !< surface skin temperature after iteration over water (K)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: uustar_water(:) => null() !< surface friction velocity over water (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: rb_water(:) => null() !< bulk Richardson number at the surface over water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: stress_water(:) => null() !< surface wind stress over water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ffhh_water(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: fh2_water(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ztmax_water(:) => null() !< bounded surface roughness length for heat over water (m)
+ logical, pointer :: lake(:) => null() !< flag indicating presence of some lake surface area fraction
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tprcp_water(:) => null() !< total precipitation amount in each time step over water
+ ! land, not used to calculate aofluxes
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: zvfun(:) => null() !< function of surface roughness length and green vegetation fraction
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: sigmaf(:) => null() !< areal fractional cover of green vegetation bounded on the bottom
+ logical, pointer :: dry(:) => null() !< flag indicating presence of some land surface area fraction
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tsfcl(:) => null() !< surface skin temperature over land (K)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tsurf_land(:) => null() !< surface skin temperature after iteration over land (K)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: uustar_land(:) => null() !< surface friction velocity over land (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cd_land(:) => null() !< surface exchange coeff for momentum over land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cdq_land(:) => null() !< surface exchange coeff heat surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ocean moisture over land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: rb_land(:) => null() !< bulk Richardson number at the surface over land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: stress_land(:) => null() !< surface wind stress over land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ffmm_land(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ffhh_land(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: fm10_land(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: fh2_land(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ztmax_land(:) => null() !< bounded surface roughness length for heat over land (m)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: frland(:) => null() !< land area fraction used in microphysics schemes
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tprcp_land(:) => null() !< total precipitation amount in each time step over land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: qss_land(:) => null() !< surface air saturation specific humidity over land (kg/kg)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: evap_land(:) => null() !< kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over land (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: hflx_land(:) => null() !< kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over land (Km/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: hflxq(:) => null() !< kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux reduced by surface roughness and vegetation
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: chh_land(:) => null() !< thermal exchange coefficient over land (kg/m2s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cmm_land(:) => null() !< momentum exchange coefficient over land (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: gflx_land(:) => null() !< soil heat flux over land (W/m2)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ep1d_land(:) => null() !< surface upward potential latent heat flux over land (W/m2)
+ ! ice, not used to calculate aofluxes
+ logical, pointer :: icy(:) => null() !< flag indicating presence of some sea ice surface area fraction
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tisfc(:) => null() !< surface skin temperature over ice (K)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tsurf_ice(:) => null() !< surface skin temperature after iteration over ice (K)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: uustar_ice(:) => null() !< surface friction velocity over ice (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cd_ice(:) => null() !< surface exchange coeff for momentum over ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cdq_ice(:) => null() !< surface exchange coeff heat surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ocean moisture over ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: rb_ice(:) => null() !< bulk Richardson number at the surface over ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: stress_ice(:) => null() !< surface wind stress over ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ffmm_ice(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ffhh_ice(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: fm10_ice(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: fh2_ice(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ztmax_ice(:) => null() !< bounded surface roughness length for heat over ice (m)
+ logical, pointer :: flag_cice(:) => null() !< flag for cice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tprcp_ice(:) => null() !< total precipitation amount in each time step over ice
+ integer, pointer :: islmsk(:) => null() !< sea/land/ice mask (=0/1/2)
+ integer, pointer :: islmsk_cice(:) => null() !< sea/land/ice mask cice (=0/1/2)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ep1d_ice(:) => null() !< surface upward potential latent heat flux over ice (W/m2)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: gflx_ice(:) => null() !< soil heat flux over ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: qss_ice(:) => null() !< surface air saturation specific humidity over ice (kg/kg)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: evap_ice(:) => null() !< kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over ice (m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: hflx_ice(:) => null() !< kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over ice (Km/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: chh_ice(:) => null() !< thermal exchange coefficient over ice (kg/m2s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cmm_ice(:) => null() !< momentum exchange coefficient over ice (m/s)
+ ! others
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: z01d(:) => null() !< perturbation of momentum roughness length
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: zt1d(:) => null() !< perturbation of heat to momentum roughness length ratio
+ logical, pointer :: flag_guess(:) => null() !< flag for guess run
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: rb(:) => null() !< bulk Richardson number at the surface
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: fh2(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: fm10(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cdq(:) => null() !< surface exchange coeff heat & moisture
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cd(:) => null() !< surface exchange coeff for momentum
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: hffac(:) => null() !< surface upward sensible heat flux reduction factor from canopy heat storage
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: stress(:) => null() !< surface wind stress
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: gflx(:) => null() !< soil heat flux
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ep1d(:) => null() !< surface upward potential latent heat flux
+ contains
+ procedure :: create => interstitial_create !< allocate array data
+ procedure :: phys_reset => interstitial_phys_reset !< reset array data for physics
+ end type MED_interstitial_type
+!! \section arg_table_MED_control_type
+!! \htmlinclude MED_control_type.html
+ type MED_control_type
+ logical :: lseaspray !< flag for sea spray parameterization
+ logical :: use_med_flux !< flag for using atmosphere-ocean fluxes form mediator
+ integer :: ivegsrc !< land use dataset choice 0 => USGS, 1 => IGBP, 2 => UMD
+ integer :: lsm !< flag for land surface model
+ integer :: lsm_noahmp !< flag for NOAH MP land surface model
+ logical :: redrag !< flag for reduced drag coeff. over sea
+ integer :: sfc_z0_type !< surface roughness options over water
+ logical :: thsfc_loc !< flag for reference pressure in theta calculation
+ integer :: nstf_name(5) !< NSSTM flag: off/uncoupled/coupled=0/1/2
+ integer :: lkm !< flag for flake model
+ logical :: first_time_step !< flag signaling first time step for time integration routine
+ logical :: frac_grid !< flag for fractional grid
+ logical :: cplwav2atm !< default no wav->atm coupling
+ logical :: restart !< flag whether this is a coldstart (.false.) or a warmstart/restart (.true.)
+ logical :: cplice !< default no cplice collection (used together with cplflx)
+ logical :: cplflx !< flag controlling cplflx collection (default off)
+ integer :: kdt !< current forecast iteration
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: min_lakeice !< minimum lake ice value
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: min_seaice !< minimum sea ice value
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: huge !< definition of NetCDF float FillValue
+ logical :: lheatstrg !< flag for canopy heat storage parameterization
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: h0facu !< canopy heat storage factor for sensible heat flux in unstable surface layer
+ real(kind=kind_phys) :: h0facs !< canopy heat storage factor for sensible heat flux in stable surface layer
+ integer :: lsoil !< number of soil layers
+ integer :: kice !< vertical loop extent for ice levels, start at 1
+ integer :: lsm_ruc !< flag for RUC land surface model
+ contains
+ procedure :: init => control_initialize
+ end type MED_control_type
+!! \section arg_table_MED_coupling_type
+!! \htmlinclude MED_coupling_type.html
+ type MED_coupling_type
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: dtsfcin_med(:) => null() !< sfc latent heat flux over ocean
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: dqsfcin_med(:) => null() !< sfc sensible heat flux over ocean
+ contains
+ procedure :: create => coupling_create !< allocate array data
+ end type MED_coupling_type
+!! \section arg_table_MED_grid_type
+!! \htmlinclude MED_grid_type.html
+ type MED_grid_type
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: area(:) => null() !< area of the grid cell
+ contains
+ procedure :: create => grid_create !< allocate array data
+ end type MED_grid_type
+!! \section arg_table_MED_sfcprop_type
+!! \htmlinclude MED_sfcprop_type.html
+ type MED_sfcprop_type
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: zorlw(:) => null() !< surface roughness length over water (cm)
+ integer, pointer :: vtype(:) => null() !< vegetation type
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: shdmax(:) => null() !< max fractional coverage of green vegetation
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: zorll(:) => null() !< surface roughness length over land (cm)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: zorli(:) => null() !< surface roughness length over ice (cm)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: zorlwav(:) => null() !< surface roughness length from wave model (cm)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: zorl(:) => null() !< surface roughness length (cm)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: slmsk(:) => null() !< sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: lakefrac(:) => null() !< lake fraction [0:1]
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: lakedepth(:) => null() !< lake depth (m)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: landfrac(:) => null() !< fraction of horizontal grid area occupied by land
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: snowd(:) => null() !< snow depth water equivalent in mm ; same as snwdph
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: weasd(:) => null() !< water equiv of acc snow depth over land and sea ice
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tprcp(:) => null() !< total precipitation amount in each time step
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: oceanfrac(:) => null() !< ocean fraction [0:1]
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: fice(:) => null() !< ice fraction over open water
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: hice(:) => null() !< sea ice thickness (m)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tsfco(:) => null() !< sea surface temperature
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: uustar(:) => null() !< boundary layer parameter
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tsfc(:) => null() !< surface skin temperature
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: snodi(:) => null() !< water equivalent snow depth over ice (mm)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: snodl(:) => null() !< water equivalent snow depth over land (mm)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: qss(:) => null() !< surface air saturation specific humidity (kg/kg)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: weasdi(:) => null() !< water equiv of acc snow depth over ice (mm)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: weasdl(:) => null() !< water equiv of acc snow depth over land (mm)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ffhh(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: ffmm(:) => null() !< Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: evap(:) => null() !< kinematic surface upward latent heat flux (kg kg-1 m s-1)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: hflx(:) => null() !< kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux (K m/s)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: tiice(:,:) => null() !< sea ice internal temperature
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: t2m(:) => null() !< temperature at 2 m
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: q2m(:) => null() !< specific humidity at 2 m
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: f10m(:) => null() !< ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind
+ contains
+ procedure :: create => sfcprop_create !< allocate array data
+ end type MED_sfcprop_type
+!! \section arg_table_MED_diag_type
+!! \htmlinclude MED_diag_type.html
+ type MED_diag_type
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: chh(:) => null() !< thermal exchange coefficient (kg m-2 s-1)
+ real(kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cmm(:) => null() !< momentum exchange coefficient (m/s)
+ contains
+ procedure :: create => diag_create !< allocate array data
+ end type MED_diag_type
+ public MED_init_type
+ public MED_statein_type
+ public MED_coupling_type
+ public MED_control_type
+ public MED_interstitial_type
+ public MED_grid_type
+ public MED_sfcprop_type
+ public MED_diag_type
+ contains
+ subroutine statein_create(statein, im, model)
+ implicit none
+ class(MED_statein_type) :: statein
+ integer, intent(in) :: im
+ type(MED_control_type), intent(in) :: model
+ allocate(statein%pgr(im))
+ statein%pgr = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%ugrs(im))
+ statein%ugrs = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%vgrs(im))
+ statein%vgrs = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%tgrs(im))
+ statein%tgrs = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%qgrs(im))
+ statein%qgrs = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%prsl(im))
+ statein%prsl = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%zlvl(im))
+ statein%zlvl = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%prsik(im))
+ statein%prsik = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%prslk(im))
+ statein%prslk = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%u10m(im))
+ statein%u10m = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%v10m(im))
+ statein%v10m = clear_val
+ allocate(statein%stc(im,model%lsoil))
+ statein%stc = clear_val
+ end subroutine statein_create
+ subroutine stateout_create(stateout, im)
+ implicit none
+ class(MED_stateout_type) :: stateout
+ integer, intent(in) :: im
+ allocate(stateout%gu0(im))
+ stateout%gu0 = clear_val
+ allocate(stateout%gv0(im))
+ stateout%gv0 = clear_val
+ allocate(stateout%gt0(im))
+ stateout%gt0 = clear_val
+ allocate(stateout%gq0(im))
+ stateout%gq0 = clear_val
+ end subroutine stateout_create
+ subroutine interstitial_create(interstitial, im)
+ implicit none
+ class(MED_interstitial_type) :: interstitial
+ integer, intent(in) :: im
+ ! water
+ allocate(interstitial%tsfc_water(im))
+ interstitial%tsfc_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%cd_water(im))
+ interstitial%cd_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%cdq_water(im))
+ interstitial%cdq_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ffmm_water(im))
+ interstitial%ffmm_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%fm10_water(im))
+ interstitial%fm10_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%prslki(im))
+ interstitial%prslki = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%wet(im))
+ interstitial%wet = .false.
+ allocate(interstitial%use_flake(im))
+ interstitial%use_flake = .false.
+ allocate(interstitial%wind(im))
+ interstitial%wind = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%flag_iter(im))
+ interstitial%flag_iter = .true.
+ allocate(interstitial%qss_water(im))
+ interstitial%qss_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%cmm_ice(im))
+ interstitial%cmm_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%cmm_land(im))
+ interstitial%cmm_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%cmm_water(im))
+ interstitial%cmm_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%chh_ice(im))
+ interstitial%chh_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%chh_land(im))
+ interstitial%chh_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%chh_water(im))
+ interstitial%chh_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%gflx_water(im))
+ interstitial%gflx_water = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%evap_water(im))
+ interstitial%evap_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%hflx_water(im))
+ interstitial%hflx_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%hflx_land(im))
+ interstitial%hflx_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%hflx_ice(im))
+ interstitial%hflx_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ep1d_water(im))
+ interstitial%ep1d_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%tsurf_water(im))
+ interstitial%tsurf_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%uustar_water(im))
+ interstitial%uustar_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%rb_water(im))
+ interstitial%rb_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%stress_water(im))
+ interstitial%stress_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ffhh_water(im))
+ interstitial%ffhh_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%fh2_water(im))
+ interstitial%fh2_water = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ztmax_water(im))
+ interstitial%ztmax_water = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%lake(im))
+ interstitial%lake = .false.
+ allocate(interstitial%tprcp_water(im))
+ interstitial%tprcp_water = huge
+ ! land
+ allocate(interstitial%zvfun(im))
+ interstitial%zvfun = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%sigmaf(im))
+ interstitial%sigmaf = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%dry(im))
+ interstitial%dry = .false.
+ allocate(interstitial%tsfcl(im))
+ interstitial%tsfcl = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%tsurf_land(im))
+ interstitial%tsurf_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%uustar_land(im))
+ interstitial%uustar_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%cd_land(im))
+ interstitial%cd_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%cdq_land(im))
+ interstitial%cdq_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%rb_land(im))
+ interstitial%rb_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%stress_land(im))
+ interstitial%stress_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ffmm_land(im))
+ interstitial%ffmm_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ffhh_land(im))
+ interstitial%ffhh_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%fm10_land(im))
+ interstitial%fm10_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%fh2_land(im))
+ interstitial%fh2_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ztmax_land(im))
+ interstitial%ztmax_land = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%frland(im))
+ interstitial%frland = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%tprcp_land(im))
+ interstitial%tprcp_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%qss_land(im))
+ interstitial%qss_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%evap_land(im))
+ interstitial%evap_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%hflxq(im))
+ interstitial%hflxq = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%ep1d_land(im))
+ interstitial%ep1d_land = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%gflx_land(im))
+ interstitial%gflx_land = clear_val
+ ! ice
+ allocate(interstitial%icy(im))
+ interstitial%icy = .false.
+ allocate(interstitial%tisfc(im))
+ interstitial%tisfc = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%tsurf_ice(im))
+ interstitial%tsurf_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%uustar_ice(im))
+ interstitial%uustar_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%cd_ice(im))
+ interstitial%cd_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%cdq_ice(im))
+ interstitial%cdq_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%rb_ice(im))
+ interstitial%rb_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%stress_ice(im))
+ interstitial%stress_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ffmm_ice(im))
+ interstitial%ffmm_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ffhh_ice(im))
+ interstitial%ffhh_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%fm10_ice(im))
+ interstitial%fm10_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%fh2_ice(im))
+ interstitial%fh2_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ztmax_ice(im))
+ interstitial%ztmax_ice = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%flag_cice(im))
+ interstitial%flag_cice = .false.
+ allocate(interstitial%tprcp_ice(im))
+ interstitial%tprcp_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%islmsk(im))
+ interstitial%islmsk = 0
+ allocate(interstitial%islmsk_cice(im))
+ interstitial%islmsk_cice = 0
+ allocate(interstitial%qss_ice(im))
+ interstitial%qss_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%ep1d_ice(im))
+ interstitial%ep1d_ice = huge
+ allocate(interstitial%gflx_ice(im))
+ interstitial%gflx_ice = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%evap_ice(im))
+ interstitial%evap_ice = huge
+ ! others
+ allocate(interstitial%z01d(im))
+ interstitial%z01d = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%zt1d(im))
+ interstitial%zt1d = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%flag_guess(im))
+ interstitial%flag_guess = .false.
+ allocate(interstitial%rb(im))
+ interstitial%rb = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%fh2(im))
+ interstitial%fh2 = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%fm10(im))
+ interstitial%fm10 = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%cdq(im))
+ interstitial%cdq_water = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%cd(im))
+ interstitial%cd = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%ep1d(im))
+ interstitial%ep1d = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%hffac(im))
+ interstitial%hffac = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%stress(im))
+ interstitial%stress = clear_val
+ allocate(interstitial%gflx(im))
+ interstitial%gflx = clear_val
+ end subroutine interstitial_create
+ subroutine interstitial_phys_reset(interstitial)
+ implicit none
+ class(MED_interstitial_type) :: interstitial
+ interstitial%cd = clear_val
+ interstitial%cd_ice = huge
+ interstitial%cd_land = huge
+ interstitial%cd_water = huge
+ interstitial%cdq = clear_val
+ interstitial%cdq_ice = huge
+ interstitial%cdq_land = huge
+ interstitial%cdq_water = huge
+ interstitial%chh_ice = huge
+ interstitial%chh_land = huge
+ interstitial%chh_water = huge
+ interstitial%cmm_ice = huge
+ interstitial%cmm_land = huge
+ interstitial%cmm_water = huge
+ interstitial%dry = .false.
+ interstitial%ep1d = clear_val
+ interstitial%ep1d_ice = huge
+ interstitial%ep1d_land = huge
+ interstitial%ep1d_water = huge
+ interstitial%evap_water = huge
+ interstitial%evap_land = huge
+ interstitial%evap_ice = huge
+ interstitial%ffhh_ice = huge
+ interstitial%ffhh_land = huge
+ interstitial%ffhh_water = huge
+ interstitial%ffmm_ice = huge
+ interstitial%ffmm_land = huge
+ interstitial%ffmm_water = huge
+ Interstitial%fh2 = clear_val
+ interstitial%fh2_ice = huge
+ interstitial%fh2_land = huge
+ interstitial%fh2_water = huge
+ Interstitial%fm10 = clear_val
+ interstitial%flag_cice = .false.
+ interstitial%flag_guess = .false.
+ interstitial%flag_iter = .true.
+ interstitial%fm10_ice = huge
+ interstitial%fm10_land = huge
+ interstitial%fm10_water = huge
+ interstitial%frland = clear_val
+ interstitial%gflx = clear_val
+ interstitial%gflx_ice = clear_val
+ interstitial%gflx_land = clear_val
+ interstitial%gflx_water = clear_val
+ interstitial%hffac = clear_val
+ interstitial%hflx_ice = huge
+ interstitial%hflx_land = huge
+ interstitial%hflx_water = huge
+ interstitial%hflxq = clear_val
+ interstitial%icy = .false.
+ interstitial%islmsk = 0
+ interstitial%islmsk_cice = 0
+ interstitial%lake = .false.
+ interstitial%prslki = clear_val
+ interstitial%rb = clear_val
+ interstitial%qss_ice = huge
+ interstitial%qss_land = huge
+ interstitial%qss_water = huge
+ interstitial%rb_ice = huge
+ interstitial%rb_land = huge
+ interstitial%rb_water = huge
+ interstitial%sigmaf = clear_val
+ interstitial%stress = clear_val
+ interstitial%stress_ice = huge
+ interstitial%stress_land = huge
+ interstitial%stress_water = huge
+ interstitial%tisfc = clear_val
+ interstitial%tprcp_water = huge
+ interstitial%tprcp_land = huge
+ interstitial%tprcp_ice = huge
+ interstitial%tsfc_water = huge
+ interstitial%tsfcl = clear_val
+ interstitial%tsurf_ice = huge
+ interstitial%tsurf_land = huge
+ interstitial%tsurf_water = huge
+ interstitial%use_flake = .false.
+ interstitial%uustar_ice = huge
+ interstitial%uustar_land = huge
+ interstitial%uustar_water = huge
+ interstitial%wet = .false.
+ interstitial%wind = huge
+ interstitial%z01d = clear_val
+ interstitial%zt1d = clear_val
+ interstitial%ztmax_ice = clear_val
+ interstitial%ztmax_land = clear_val
+ interstitial%ztmax_water = clear_val
+ interstitial%zvfun = clear_val
+ end subroutine interstitial_phys_reset
+ subroutine control_initialize(model)
+ implicit none
+ class(MED_control_type) :: model
+ model%lseaspray = .false.
+ model%use_med_flux = .false.
+ model%ivegsrc = 2
+ model%redrag = .false.
+ model%sfc_z0_type = 0
+ model%thsfc_loc = .true.
+ model%lsm = 1
+ model%lsm_noahmp = 2
+ model%nstf_name = (/0,0,1,0,5/)
+ model%lkm = 0
+ model%first_time_step = .true.
+ model%frac_grid = .false.
+ model%cplwav2atm = .false.
+ model%restart = .false.
+ model%cplice = .false.
+ model%cplflx = .false.
+ model%kdt = 0 ! nint(Model%fhour*con_hr/Model%dtp)
+ model%min_lakeice = 0.15d0
+ model%min_seaice = 1.0d-11
+ model%huge = 9.9692099683868690e36
+ model%lheatstrg = .false.
+ model%h0facu = 0.25
+ model%h0facs = 1.0
+ model%lsoil = 4
+ model%kice = 2
+ model%lsm_ruc = 3
+ end subroutine control_initialize
+ subroutine coupling_create(coupling, im)
+ implicit none
+ class(MED_coupling_type) :: coupling
+ integer, intent(in) :: im
+ allocate(coupling%dtsfcin_med(im))
+ coupling%dtsfcin_med = clear_val
+ allocate(coupling%dqsfcin_med(im))
+ coupling%dqsfcin_med = clear_val
+ end subroutine coupling_create
+ subroutine grid_create(grid, im)
+ implicit none
+ class(MED_grid_type) :: grid
+ integer, intent(in) :: im
+ allocate(grid%area(im))
+ grid%area = clear_val
+ end subroutine grid_create
+ subroutine sfcprop_create(sfcprop, im, model)
+ implicit none
+ class(MED_sfcprop_type) :: sfcprop
+ integer, intent(in) :: im
+ type(MED_control_type), intent(in) :: model
+ allocate(sfcprop%vtype(im))
+ sfcprop%vtype = zero
+ allocate(sfcprop%shdmax(im))
+ sfcprop%shdmax = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%zorl(im))
+ sfcprop%zorl = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%zorlw(im))
+ sfcprop%zorlw = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%zorll(im))
+ sfcprop%zorll = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%zorli(im))
+ sfcprop%zorli = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%zorlwav(im))
+ sfcprop%zorlwav = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%slmsk(im))
+ sfcprop%slmsk = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%lakefrac(im))
+ sfcprop%lakefrac = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%lakedepth(im))
+ sfcprop%lakedepth = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%landfrac(im))
+ sfcprop%landfrac = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%snowd(im))
+ sfcprop%snowd = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%weasd(im))
+ sfcprop%weasd = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%tprcp(im))
+ sfcprop%tprcp = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%oceanfrac(im))
+ sfcprop%oceanfrac = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%fice(im))
+ sfcprop%fice = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%hice(im))
+ sfcprop%hice = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%tsfco(im))
+ sfcprop%tsfco = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%uustar(im))
+ sfcprop%uustar = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%tsfc(im))
+ sfcprop%tsfc = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%snodi(im))
+ sfcprop%snodi = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%snodl(im))
+ sfcprop%snodl = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%qss(im))
+ sfcprop%qss = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%weasdi(im))
+ sfcprop%weasdi = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%weasdl(im))
+ sfcprop%weasdl = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%ffhh(im))
+ sfcprop%ffhh = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%ffmm(im))
+ sfcprop%ffmm = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%evap(im))
+ sfcprop%evap = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%hflx(im))
+ sfcprop%hflx = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%tiice(im,model%kice))
+ sfcprop%tiice = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%t2m(im))
+ sfcprop%t2m = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%q2m(im))
+ sfcprop%q2m = clear_val
+ allocate(sfcprop%f10m(im))
+ sfcprop%f10m = clear_val
+ end subroutine sfcprop_create
+ subroutine diag_create(diag, im)
+ implicit none
+ class(MED_diag_type) :: diag
+ integer, intent(in) :: im
+ allocate(diag%chh(im))
+ diag%chh = clear_val
+ allocate(diag%cmm(im))
+ diag%cmm = clear_val
+ end subroutine diag_create
+end module MED_typedefs
diff --git a/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_typedefs.meta b/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_typedefs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6204c6a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ufs/ccpp/data/MED_typedefs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,1345 @@
+ name = MED_init_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies =
+ name = MED_init_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = horizontal_loop_extent
+ long_name = horizontal loop extent
+ units = count
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ name = MED_statein_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies =
+ name = MED_statein_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = surface_air_pressure
+ long_name = surface pressure
+ units = Pa
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = x_wind_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = zonal wind at lowest model layer
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = y_wind_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = meridional wind at lowest model layer
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = air_temperature_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = mean temperature at lowest model layer
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = specific_humidity_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = water vapor specific humidity at lowest model layer
+ units = kg kg-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = air_pressure_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = mean pressure at lowest model layer
+ units = Pa
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = height_above_ground_at_lowest_model_layer
+ long_name = layer 1 height above ground (not MSL)
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_dimensionless_exner_function
+ long_name = dimensionless Exner function at lowest model interface
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = dimensionless_exner_function_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = dimensionless Exner function at lowest model layer
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = x_wind_at_10m
+ long_name = 10 meter u wind speed
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = y_wind_at_10m
+ long_name = 10 meter v wind speed
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = soil_temperature
+ long_name = soil temperature
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_of_soil)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ name = MED_stateout_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies =
+ name = MED_stateout_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = x_wind_of_new_state_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = zonal wind at lowest model layer updated by physics
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = y_wind_of_new_state_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = meridional wind at lowest model layer updated by physics
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = air_temperature_of_new_state_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = temperature at lowest model layer updated by physics
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = specific_humidity_of_new_state_at_surface_adjacent_layer
+ long_name = water vapor specific humidity at lowest model layer updated by physics
+ units = kg kg-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ name = MED_interstitial_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies =
+ name = MED_interstitial_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_over_water
+ long_name = surface skin temperature over water
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_water
+ long_name = surface exchange coeff for momentum over water
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_water
+ long_name = surface exchange coeff heat surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ocean moisture over water
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_water
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over water
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_water
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over water
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
+ long_name = Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
+ units = ratio
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = flag_nonzero_wet_surface_fraction
+ long_name = flag indicating presence of some ocean or lake surface area fraction
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_for_using_flake
+ long_name = flag indicating lake points using flake model
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
+ long_name = wind speed at lowest model level
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = flag_for_iteration
+ long_name = flag for iteration
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = surface_specific_humidity_over_water
+ long_name = surface air saturation specific humidity over water
+ units = kg kg-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air_over_water
+ long_name = momentum exchange coefficient over water
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_water
+ long_name = thermal exchange coefficient over water
+ units = kg m-2 s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = upward_heat_flux_in_soil_over_water
+ long_name = soil heat flux over water
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_water
+ long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over water
+ units = kg kg-1 m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_land
+ long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over land
+ units = kg kg-1 m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_ice
+ long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over ice
+ units = kg kg-1 m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_water
+ long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over water
+ units = K m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_land
+ long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over land
+ units = K m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_ice
+ long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over ice
+ units = K m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_over_water
+ long_name = surface upward potential latent heat flux over water
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = function_of_surface_roughness_length_and_green_vegetation_fraction
+ long_name = function of surface roughness length and green vegetation fraction
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = bounded_vegetation_area_fraction
+ long_name = areal fractional cover of green vegetation bounded on the bottom
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = perturbation_of_momentum_roughness_length
+ long_name = perturbation of momentum roughness length
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = perturbation_of_heat_to_momentum_roughness_length_ratio
+ long_name = perturbation of heat to momentum roughness length ratio
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = flag_nonzero_land_surface_fraction
+ long_name = flag indicating presence of some land surface area fraction
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_nonzero_sea_ice_surface_fraction
+ long_name = flag indicating presence of some sea ice surface area fraction
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_over_land
+ long_name = surface skin temperature over land
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_over_ice
+ long_name = surface skin temperature over ice
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_water
+ long_name = surface skin temperature after iteration over water
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_land
+ long_name = surface skin temperature after iteration over land
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_ice
+ long_name = surface skin temperature after iteration over ice
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_friction_velocity_over_water
+ long_name = surface friction velocity over water
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_friction_velocity_over_land
+ long_name = surface friction velocity over land
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_friction_velocity_over_ice
+ long_name = surface friction velocity over ice
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
+ long_name = surface exchange coeff for momentum
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_land
+ long_name = surface exchange coeff for momentum over land
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_ice
+ long_name = surface exchange coeff for momentum over ice
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
+ long_name = surface exchange coeff heat & moisture
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_land
+ long_name = surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over land
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_ice
+ long_name = surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ice
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level_over_water
+ long_name = bulk Richardson number at the surface over water
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level_over_land
+ long_name = bulk Richardson number at the surface over land
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level_over_ice
+ long_name = bulk Richardson number at the surface over ice
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_wind_stress_over_water
+ long_name = surface wind stress over water
+ units = m2 s-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_wind_stress_over_land
+ long_name = surface wind stress over land
+ units = m2 s-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_wind_stress_over_ice
+ long_name = surface wind stress over ice
+ units = m2 s-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_land
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over land
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_ice
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over ice
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_over_water
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over water
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_over_land
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over land
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_over_ice
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over ice
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_land
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over land
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_ice
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over ice
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m_over_water
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over water
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m_over_land
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over land
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m_over_ice
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over ice
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = bounded_surface_roughness_length_for_heat_over_water
+ long_name = bounded surface roughness length for heat over water
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = bounded_surface_roughness_length_for_heat_over_land
+ long_name = bounded surface roughness length for heat over land
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = bounded_surface_roughness_length_for_heat_over_ice
+ long_name = bounded surface roughness length for heat over ice
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = flag_for_guess_run
+ long_name = flag for guess run
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_for_cice
+ long_name = flag for cice
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_nonzero_lake_surface_fraction
+ long_name = flag indicating presence of some lake surface area fraction
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = land_area_fraction_for_microphysics
+ long_name = land area fraction used in microphysics schemes
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep_over_water
+ long_name = total precipitation amount in each time step over water
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep_over_land
+ long_name = total precipitation amount in each time step over land
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep_over_ice
+ long_name = total precipitation amount in each time step over ice
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = sea_land_ice_mask
+ long_name = sea/land/ice mask (=0/1/2)
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = sea_land_ice_mask_cice
+ long_name = sea/land/ice mask cice (=0/1/2)
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = surface_specific_humidity_over_land
+ long_name = surface air saturation specific humidity over land
+ units = kg kg-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_specific_humidity_over_ice
+ long_name = surface air saturation specific humidity over ice
+ units = kg kg-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_over_ice
+ long_name = surface upward potential latent heat flux over ice
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = upward_heat_flux_in_soil_over_ice
+ long_name = soil heat flux over ice
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level
+ long_name = bulk Richardson number at the surface
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_reduced_by_surface_roughness_and_vegetation
+ long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux reduced by surface roughness and vegetation
+ units = K m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_land
+ long_name = thermal exchange coefficient over land
+ units = kg m-2 s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_ice
+ long_name = thermal exchange coefficient over ice
+ units = kg m-2 s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air_over_land
+ long_name = momentum exchange coefficient over land
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air_over_ice
+ long_name = momentum exchange coefficient over ice
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux
+ long_name = surface upward potential latent heat flux
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_over_land
+ long_name = surface upward potential latent heat flux over land
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_reduction_factor
+ long_name = surface upward sensible heat flux reduction factor from canopy heat storage
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_wind_stress
+ long_name = surface wind stress
+ units = m2 s-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = upward_heat_flux_in_soil
+ long_name = soil heat flux
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = upward_heat_flux_in_soil_over_land
+ long_name = soil heat flux over land
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ name = MED_control_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies =
+ name = MED_control_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = flag_for_sea_spray
+ long_name = flag for sea spray parameterization
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = do_mediator_atmosphere_ocean_fluxes
+ long_name = flag for using atmosphere-ocean fluxes form mediator (default false)
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = control_for_vegetation_dataset
+ long_name = land use dataset choice
+ units = index
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = flag_for_limited_surface_roughness_length_over_ocean
+ long_name = flag for reduced drag coeff. over sea
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_for_surface_roughness_option_over_water
+ long_name = surface roughness options over water
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = flag_for_reference_pressure_theta
+ long_name = flag for reference pressure in theta calculation
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = control_for_land_surface_scheme
+ long_name = flag for land surface model
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = identifier_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme
+ long_name = flag for NOAH MP land surface model
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = control_for_nsstm
+ long_name = NSSTM flag: off/uncoupled/coupled=0/1/2
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = control_for_lake_surface_scheme
+ long_name = flag for lake surface model
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = flag_for_first_timestep
+ long_name = flag for first time step for time integration loop (cold/warmstart)
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_for_fractional_landmask
+ long_name = flag for fractional grid
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_for_one_way_ocean_wave_coupling_to_atmosphere
+ long_name = flag controlling ocean wave coupling to the atmosphere (default off)
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_for_restart
+ long_name = flag for restart (warmstart) or coldstart
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_for_sea_ice_coupling
+ long_name = flag controlling cplice collection (default on)
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = flag_for_surface_flux_coupling
+ long_name = flag controlling cplflx collection (default off)
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = index_of_timestep
+ long_name = current forecast iteration
+ units = index
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = min_lake_ice_area_fraction
+ long_name = minimum lake ice value
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = min_sea_ice_area_fraction
+ long_name = minimum sea ice value
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = netcdf_float_fillvalue
+ long_name = definition of NetCDF float FillValue
+ units = none
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = flag_for_canopy_heat_storage_in_land_surface_scheme
+ long_name = flag for canopy heat storage parameterization
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = logical
+ standard_name = multiplicative_tuning_parameter_for_reduced_surface_heat_fluxes_due_to_canopy_heat_storage
+ long_name = canopy heat storage factor for sensible heat flux in unstable surface layer
+ units = none
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = multiplicative_tuning_parameter_for_reduced_latent_heat_flux_due_to_canopy_heat_storage
+ long_name = canopy heat storage factor for sensible heat flux in stable surface layer
+ units = none
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = vertical_dimension_of_soil
+ long_name = number of soil layers
+ units = count
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = vertical_dimension_of_sea_ice
+ long_name = vertical loop extent for ice levels, start at 1
+ units = count
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = identifier_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme
+ long_name = flag for RUC land surface model
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
+ name = MED_coupling_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies =
+ name = MED_coupling_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_ocean_from_mediator
+ long_name = sfc sensible heat flux input over ocean for coupling
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_ocean_from_mediator
+ long_name = sfc latent heat flux input over ocean for coupling
+ units = W m-2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ name = MED_grid_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies =
+ name = MED_grid_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = cell_area
+ long_name = area of the grid cell
+ units = m2
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ name = MED_sfcprop_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies =
+ name = MED_sfcprop_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = vegetation_type_classification
+ long_name = vegetation type for lsm
+ units = index
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = integer
+ standard_name = max_vegetation_area_fraction
+ long_name = max fractional coverage of green vegetation
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_roughness_length_over_water
+ long_name = surface roughness length over water
+ units = cm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_roughness_length_over_land
+ long_name = surface roughness length over land
+ units = cm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_roughness_length_over_ice
+ long_name = surface roughness length over ice
+ units = cm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_roughness_length_from_wave_model
+ long_name = surface roughness length from wave model
+ units = cm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = area_type
+ long_name = landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = lake_area_fraction
+ long_name = fraction of horizontal grid area occupied by lake
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = lake_depth
+ long_name = lake depth
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = land_area_fraction
+ long_name = fraction of horizontal grid area occupied by land
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
+ long_name = total precipitation amount in each time step
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = sea_area_fraction
+ long_name = fraction of horizontal grid area occupied by ocean
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = sea_ice_area_fraction_of_sea_area_fraction
+ long_name = ice fraction over open water
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = sea_ice_thickness
+ long_name = sea ice thickness
+ units = m
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = sea_surface_temperature
+ long_name = sea surface temperature
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_friction_velocity
+ long_name = boundary layer parameter
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_skin_temperature
+ long_name = surface skin temperature
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent_over_ice
+ long_name = water equivalent snow depth over ice
+ units = mm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent_over_land
+ long_name = water equivalent snow depth over land
+ units = mm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_specific_humidity
+ long_name = surface air saturation specific humidity
+ units = kg kg-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth_over_ice
+ long_name = water equiv of acc snow depth over land
+ units = mm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth_over_land
+ long_name = water equiv of acc snow depth over land
+ units = mm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = lwe_surface_snow
+ long_name = water equivalent snow depth
+ units = mm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount
+ long_name = water equiv of acc snow depth over land and sea ice
+ units = mm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum
+ long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum
+ units = none
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_roughness_length
+ long_name = surface roughness length
+ units = cm
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_upward_specific_humidity_flux
+ long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
+ units = kg kg-1 m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_upward_temperature_flux
+ long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
+ units = K m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = temperature_in_ice_layer
+ long_name = sea ice internal temperature
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_of_sea_ice)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = air_temperature_at_2m
+ long_name = 2 meter temperature
+ units = K
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = specific_humidity_at_2m
+ long_name = 2 meter specific humidity
+ units = kg kg-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = ratio_of_wind_at_surface_adjacent_layer_to_wind_at_10m
+ long_name = ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind
+ units = ratio
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ name = MED_diag_type
+ type = ddt
+ dependencies =
+ name = MED_diag_type
+ type = ddt
+ standard_name = surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
+ long_name = thermal exchange coefficient
+ units = kg m-2 s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air
+ long_name = momentum exchange coefficient
+ units = m s-1
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ name = MED_typedefs
+ type = module
+ relative_path = ../../../../../FV3/ccpp/physics/physics
+ dependencies = machine.F,physcons.F90,physparam.f
+ name = MED_typedefs
+ type = module
+ standard_name = MED_init_type
+ long_name = definition of type MED_init_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_init_type
+ standard_name = MED_statein_type
+ long_name = definition of type MED_statein_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_statein_type
+ standard_name = MED_interstitial_type
+ long_name = definition of type MED_interstitial_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_interstitial_type
+ standard_name = MED_control_type
+ long_name = definition of type MED_control_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_control_type
+ standard_name = MED_coupling_type
+ long_name = definition of type MED_coupling_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_coupling_type
+ standard_name = MED_grid_type
+ long_name = definition of type MED_grid_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_grid_type
+ standard_name = MED_sfcprop_type
+ long_name = definition of type MED_sfcprop_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_sfcprop_type
+ standard_name = MED_diag_type
+ long_name = definition of type MED_diag_type
+ units = DDT
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = MED_diag_type
+ standard_name = latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C
+ long_name = latent heat of evaporation/sublimation
+ units = J kg-1
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
+ long_name = specific heat of dry air at constant pressure
+ units = J kg-1 K-1
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = gas_constant_of_dry_air
+ long_name = ideal gas constant for dry air
+ units = J kg-1 K-1
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants
+ long_name = rd/rv
+ units = none
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants_minus_one
+ long_name = (rd/rv) - 1
+ units = none
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one
+ long_name = (rv/rd) - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor)
+ units = none
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = gravitational_acceleration
+ long_name = gravitational acceleration
+ units = m s-2
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = freezing_point_temperature_of_seawater
+ long_name = freezing point temperature of seawater
+ units = K
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
diff --git a/ufs/ccpp/driver/med_ccpp_driver.F90 b/ufs/ccpp/driver/med_ccpp_driver.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a867e1cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ufs/ccpp/driver/med_ccpp_driver.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+module med_ccpp_driver
+ use ccpp_types, only: ccpp_t
+ use ccpp_static_api_med, only: ccpp_physics_init
+ use ccpp_static_api_med, only: ccpp_physics_run
+ use ccpp_static_api_med, only: ccpp_physics_finalize
+ use MED_data, only: physics, cdata
+ implicit none
+ private ! default private
+ public :: med_ccpp_driver_init
+ public :: med_ccpp_driver_run
+ public :: med_ccpp_driver_finalize
+ subroutine med_ccpp_driver_init(ccpp_suite)
+ implicit none
+ !--- input arguments --------------------------------
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: ccpp_suite
+ !--- local variables --------------------------------
+ integer :: ierr
+ ! for physics running over the entire domain, block and thread
+ ! number are not used; set to safe values
+ cdata%blk_no = 1
+ cdata%thrd_no = 1
+ ! initialize CCPP physics (run all _init routines)
+ call ccpp_physics_init(cdata, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), ierr=ierr)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ write(0,'(a)') "An error occurred in ccpp_physics_init"
+ write(0,'(a)') trim(cdata%errmsg)
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine med_ccpp_driver_init
+ !=============================================================================
+ subroutine med_ccpp_driver_run(ccpp_suite, group)
+ implicit none
+ !--- input arguments --------------------------------
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: ccpp_suite
+ character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: group
+ !--- local variables --------------------------------
+ integer :: ierr
+ ! run CCPP physics (run all _run routines)
+ if (present(group)) then
+ call ccpp_physics_run(cdata, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), group_name=trim(group), ierr=ierr)
+ else
+ call ccpp_physics_run(cdata, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), ierr=ierr)
+ end if
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ write(0,'(a)') "An error occurred in ccpp_physics_run"
+ write(0,'(a)') trim(cdata%errmsg)
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine med_ccpp_driver_run
+ !=============================================================================
+ subroutine med_ccpp_driver_finalize(ccpp_suite)
+ implicit none
+ !--- input arguments --------------------------------
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: ccpp_suite
+ !--- local variables --------------------------------
+ integer :: ierr
+ ! finalize CCPP physics (run all _finalize routines)
+ call ccpp_physics_finalize(cdata, suite_name=trim(ccpp_suite), ierr=ierr)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ write(0,'(a)') "An error occurred in ccpp_physics_finalize"
+ write(0,'(a)') trim(cdata%errmsg)
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine med_ccpp_driver_finalize
+end module med_ccpp_driver
diff --git a/ufs/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_sfc_ocean.xml b/ufs/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_sfc_ocean.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5017d407e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ufs/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_sfc_ocean.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ GFS_surface_composites_pre
+ sfc_diff
+ GFS_surface_loop_control_part1
+ sfc_ocean
+ GFS_surface_loop_control_part2
+ GFS_surface_composites_post
+ sfc_diag
diff --git a/ufs/flux_atmocn_ccpp_mod.F90 b/ufs/flux_atmocn_ccpp_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dafda8eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ufs/flux_atmocn_ccpp_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+module flux_atmocn_ccpp_mod
+ use ESMF, only : operator(-), operator(/)
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_Clock, ESMF_TimeInterval, ESMF_ClockGet
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_GridCompGetInternalState, ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_LogWrite
+ use NUOPC, only : NUOPC_CompAttributeGet
+ use NUOPC_Mediator, only : NUOPC_MediatorGet
+ use physcons, only : p0 => con_p0
+ use physcons, only : cappa => con_rocp
+ use physcons, only : cp => con_cp
+ use physcons, only : hvap => con_hvap
+ use physcons, only : sbc => con_sbc
+ use MED_data, only : physics
+ use med_ccpp_driver, only : med_ccpp_driver_init
+ use med_ccpp_driver, only : med_ccpp_driver_run
+ use med_ccpp_driver, only : med_ccpp_driver_finalize
+ use ufs_const_mod
+ use ufs_io_mod, only : read_initial, read_restart, write_restart
+ use med_kind_mod, only : R8=>SHR_KIND_R8, CS=>SHR_KIND_CS
+ use med_kind_mod, only : CL=>SHR_KIND_CL
+ use med_utils_mod, only : chkerr => med_utils_chkerr
+ use med_internalstate_mod, only : aoflux_ccpp_suite, logunit
+ use med_internalstate_mod, only : InternalState, mastertask
+ use med_constants_mod, only : dbug_flag => med_constants_dbug_flag
+ implicit none
+ private ! default private
+ public :: flux_atmOcn_ccpp ! computes atm/ocn fluxes
+ integer, save :: restart_freq
+ integer :: layout(2)
+ real(r8), save :: semis_water
+ character(len=cs), save :: starttype
+ character(len=cl), save :: ini_file
+ character(len=cl), save :: rst_file
+ character(len=cl), save :: mosaic_file
+ character(len=cl), save :: input_dir
+ character(len=1) , save :: listDel = ","
+ logical , save :: ini_read
+ character(*), parameter :: u_FILE_u = &
+ __FILE__
+ subroutine flux_atmOcn_ccpp(gcomp, mastertask, logunit, nMax, mask, psfc, pbot, &
+ tbot, qbot, zbot, garea, ubot, usfc, vbot, vsfc, rbot, ts, lwdn, sen, lat, &
+ lwup, evp, taux, tauy, tref, qref, duu10n, ustar_sv, re_sv, ssq_sv, missval)
+ implicit none
+ !--- input arguments --------------------------------
+ type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(in) :: gcomp ! gridded component
+ logical , intent(in) :: mastertask ! master task
+ integer , intent(in) :: logunit ! log file unit number
+ integer , intent(in) :: nMax ! data vector length
+ integer , intent(in) :: mask (nMax) ! ocn domain mask
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: psfc(nMax) ! atm P (surface) (Pa)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pbot(nMax) ! atm P (bottom) (Pa)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: tbot(nMax) ! atm T (bottom) (K)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: qbot(nMax) ! atm specific humidity (bottom) (kg/kg)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: zbot(nMax) ! atm level height (m)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: garea(nMax) ! grid area (m^2)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ubot(nMax) ! atm u wind (bottom) (m/s)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: usfc(nMax) ! atm u wind (surface) (m/s)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: vbot(nMax) ! atm v wind (bottom) (m/s)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: vsfc(nMax) ! atm v wind (surface) (m/s)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: rbot(nMax) ! atm density (kg/m^3)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: lwdn(nMax) ! atm lw downward (W/m^2)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: ts(nMax) ! ocn surface temperature (K)
+ real(r8), intent(in), optional :: missval ! masked value
+ !--- output arguments -------------------------------
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: sen(nMax) ! heat flux: sensible (W/m^2)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: lat(nMax) ! heat flux: latent (W/m^2)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: lwup(nMax) ! heat flux: lw upward (W/m^2)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: evp(nMax) ! heat flux: evap ((kg/s)/m^2)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: taux(nMax) ! surface stress, zonal (N)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: tauy(nMax) ! surface stress, maridional (N)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: tref (nMax) ! diag: 2m ref height T (K)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: qref(nMax) ! diag: 2m ref humidity (kg/kg)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: duu10n(nMax) ! diag: 10m wind speed squared (m/s)^2
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: ustar_sv(nMax) ! diag: ustar
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: re_sv (nMax) ! diag: sqrt of exchange coefficient (water)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: ssq_sv(nMax) ! diag: sea surface humidity (kg/kg)
+ !--- local variables --------------------------------
+ type(ESMF_Clock) :: mclock
+ type(ESMF_Time) :: currtime, starttime
+ type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: timeStep
+ type(InternalState) :: is_local
+ integer :: n, rc
+ real(r8) :: spval
+ logical :: isPresent, isSet
+ character(len=cs) :: cvalue, cname
+ logical, save :: first_call = .true.
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname=' (flux_atmOcn_ccpp) '
+ !---------------------------------------
+ nullify(is_local%wrap)
+ call ESMF_GridCompGetInternalState(gcomp, is_local, rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! missing value
+ if (present(missval)) then
+ spval = missval
+ else
+ spval = shr_const_spval
+ endif
+ !----------------------
+ ! Determine clock, starttime and currtime
+ !----------------------
+ call NUOPC_MediatorGet(gcomp, mediatorClock=mclock, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_ClockGet(mclock, currtime=currTime, starttime=startTime, timeStep=timeStep, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! init CCPP and setup/allocate variables
+ if (first_call) then
+ ! initalize model related parameters
+ call physics%model%init()
+ ! allocate and initalize data structures
+ call physics%statein%create(nMax,physics%model)
+ call physics%stateout%create(nMax)
+ call physics%interstitial%create(nMax)
+ call physics%coupling%create(nMax)
+ call physics%grid%create(nMax)
+ call physics%sfcprop%create(nMax,physics%model)
+ call physics%diag%create(nMax)
+ ! initalize dimension
+ physics%init%im = nMax
+ ! determine CCPP/physics specific options
+ ! semis_water, surface emissivity for lw radiation
+ ! semis_wat is constant and set to 0.97 in setemis() call
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_semis_water", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ semis_water = 0.97
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ read(cvalue,*) semis_water
+ end if
+ ! lseaspray
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_lseaspray", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ physics%model%lseaspray = .true.
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ if (trim(cvalue) .eq. '.false.' .or. trim(cvalue) .eq. 'false') physics%model%lseaspray = .false.
+ end if
+ ! ivegsrc
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_ivegsrc", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ physics%model%ivegsrc = 1
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ read(cvalue,*) physics%model%ivegsrc
+ end if
+ ! redrag
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_redrag", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ physics%model%redrag = .true.
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ if (trim(cvalue) .eq. '.false.' .or. trim(cvalue) .eq. 'false') physics%model%redrag = .false.
+ end if
+ ! lsm
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_lsm", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ physics%model%lsm = 1
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ read(cvalue,*) physics%model%lsm
+ end if
+ ! frac_grid
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_frac_grid", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ physics%model%frac_grid = .true.
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ if (trim(cvalue) .eq. '.false.' .or. trim(cvalue) .eq. 'false') physics%model%frac_grid = .false.
+ end if
+ ! restart
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_restart", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ physics%model%restart = .false.
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ if (trim(cvalue) .eq. '.true.' .or. trim(cvalue) .eq. 'true') physics%model%restart = .true.
+ end if
+ ! cplice
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_cplice", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ physics%model%cplice = .true.
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ if (trim(cvalue) .eq. '.false.' .or. trim(cvalue) .eq. 'false') physics%model%cplice = .false.
+ end if
+ ! cplflx
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_cplflx", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ physics%model%cplflx = .true.
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ if (trim(cvalue) .eq. '.false.' .or. trim(cvalue) .eq. 'false') physics%model%cplflx = .false.
+ end if
+ ! lheatstrg
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_phy_lheatstrg", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ physics%model%lheatstrg = .true.
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ if (trim(cvalue) .eq. '.false.' .or. trim(cvalue) .eq. 'false') physics%model%lheatstrg = .false.
+ end if
+ ! determine CCPP/host model specific options
+ ! restart interval, set it to < 0 for no restart
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_restart_interval", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ read(cvalue,*) restart_freq
+ else
+ restart_freq = 3600 ! write restart file every hour
+ end if
+ ! file name for restart
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='ccpp_restart_file', value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ rst_file = trim(cvalue)
+ else
+ rst_file = 'unset'
+ end if
+ ! file name for initial conditions
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='ccpp_ini_file_prefix', value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ ini_file = trim(cvalue)
+ else
+ ini_file = 'INPUT/sfc_data.tile'
+ end if
+ ! name of mosaic file that will be used to read tiled files
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='ccpp_ini_mosaic_file', value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ mosaic_file = trim(cvalue)
+ else
+ if (trim(rst_file) == 'unset') then
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(subname)//': ccpp_ini_mosaic_file is required to read tiled initial condition!', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ return
+ end if
+ end if
+ ! input directory for tiled CS grid files
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='ccpp_input_dir', value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ input_dir = trim(cvalue)
+ else
+ input_dir = "INPUT/"
+ end if
+ ! layout to read tiled CS grid files
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='ccpp_ini_layout', value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ do n = 1, 2
+ call string_listGetName(cvalue, n, cname, rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (rc == ESMF_FAILURE) return
+ read(cname,*) layout(n)
+ end do
+ else
+ layout(:) = -1
+ end if
+ ! flag for reading initial conditions
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="ccpp_ini_read", value=cvalue, isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ini_read = .false.
+ if (isPresent .and. isSet) then
+ if (trim(cvalue) .eq. '.true.' .or. trim(cvalue) .eq. 'true') ini_read = .true.
+ end if
+ if (mastertask) then
+ write(logunit,*) '========================================================'
+ write(logunit,'(a,f5.2)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_semis_water = ', semis_water
+ write(logunit,'(a,l)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_lseaspray = ', physics%model%lseaspray
+ write(logunit,'(a,i2)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_ivegsrc = ', physics%model%ivegsrc
+ write(logunit,'(a,l)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_redrag = ', physics%model%redrag
+ write(logunit,'(a,i2)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_lsm = ', physics%model%lsm
+ write(logunit,'(a,l)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_frac_grid = ', physics%model%frac_grid
+ write(logunit,'(a,l)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_restart = ', physics%model%restart
+ write(logunit,'(a,l)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_cplice = ', physics%model%cplice
+ write(logunit,'(a,l)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_cplflx = ', physics%model%cplflx
+ write(logunit,'(a,l)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_phy_lheatstrg = ', physics%model%lheatstrg
+ write(logunit,'(a,i5)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_restart_interval = ', restart_freq
+ write(logunit,'(a)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_ini_file_prefix = '//trim(ini_file)
+ write(logunit,'(a)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_ini_mosaic_file = '//trim(mosaic_file)
+ write(logunit,'(a)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_input_dir = '//trim(input_dir)
+ write(logunit,'(a)') trim(subname)//' ccpp_restart_file = '//trim(rst_file)
+ write(logunit,*) '========================================================'
+ end if
+ ! read restart
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='start_type', value=cvalue, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ read(cvalue,*) starttype
+ if (trim(starttype) == trim('startup')) then
+ ! TODO: this is just extra leyer of protection since reading of initial condition is not stable yet
+ if (ini_read) call read_initial(gcomp, ini_file, mosaic_file, input_dir, layout, rc)
+ else
+ call read_restart(gcomp, rst_file, rc)
+ end if
+ ! run CCPP init
+ ! TODO: suite name need to be provided by ESMF config file
+ call med_ccpp_driver_init(trim(aoflux_ccpp_suite))
+ end if
+ ! fill in atmospheric forcing
+ physics%statein%pgr(:) = psfc(:)
+ physics%statein%ugrs(:) = ubot(:)
+ physics%statein%vgrs(:) = vbot(:)
+ physics%statein%tgrs(:) = tbot(:)
+ physics%statein%qgrs(:) = qbot(:)
+ physics%statein%prsl(:) = pbot(:)
+ physics%statein%zlvl(:) = zbot(:)
+ physics%statein%prsik(:) = (psfc(:)/p0)**cappa
+ physics%statein%prslk(:) = (pbot(:)/p0)**cappa
+ physics%statein%u10m(:) = usfc(:)
+ physics%statein%v10m(:) = vsfc(:)
+ ! fill in updated states by physics, currently set to statein
+ physics%stateout%gu0(:) = ubot(:)
+ physics%stateout%gv0(:) = vbot(:)
+ physics%stateout%gt0(:) = tbot(:)
+ physics%stateout%gq0(:) = qbot(:)
+ ! fill in grid related variables
+ physics%grid%area(:) = garea(:)
+ ! set counter
+ physics%model%kdt = ((currTime-StartTime)/timeStep)+1
+ if (mastertask .and. dbug_flag > 5) then
+ write(logunit,'(a,i5)') 'kdt = ', physics%model%kdt
+ end if
+ ! reset physics variables, mimic GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset
+ call physics%interstitial%phys_reset()
+ ! init required variables to mimic GFS_surface_generic_pre
+ ! TODO: the wind calculation in GFS_surface_generic_pre has cnvwind adjustment
+ physics%interstitial%wind = sqrt(ubot(:)*ubot(:)+vbot(:)*vbot(:))
+ physics%interstitial%prslki = physics%statein%prsik(:)/physics%statein%prslk(:)
+ ! init required variables to mimic GFS_surface_composites_pre (assumes no ice)
+ physics%interstitial%uustar_water(:) = physics%sfcprop%uustar(:)
+ physics%sfcprop%tsfco(:) = ts(:)
+ physics%sfcprop%tsfc(:) = ts(:)
+ physics%interstitial%tsfc_water(:) = physics%sfcprop%tsfc(:)
+ physics%interstitial%tsurf_water(:) = physics%sfcprop%tsfc(:)
+ physics%sfcprop%zorlw(:) = physics%sfcprop%zorl(:)
+ do n = 1, nMax
+ physics%sfcprop%zorlw(n) = max(1.0e-5, min(1.0d0, physics%sfcprop%zorlw(n)))
+ end do
+ ! init other variables
+ if (first_call .and. trim(starttype) == trim('continue')) then
+ physics%interstitial%qss_water(:) = physics%sfcprop%qss(:)
+ else
+ physics%sfcprop%qss(:) = qbot(:)
+ physics%interstitial%qss_water(:) = qbot(:)
+ end if
+ ! calculate wet flag and ocean fraction based on masking, assumes full oceean
+ where (mask(:) /= 0)
+ physics%interstitial%wet = .true.
+ physics%sfcprop%oceanfrac = 1.0d0
+ elsewhere
+ physics%sfcprop%oceanfrac = 0.0d0
+ end where
+ ! run CCPP physics
+ ! TODO: suite name need to be provided by ESMF config file
+ call med_ccpp_driver_run(trim(aoflux_ccpp_suite), 'physics')
+ ! unit and sign conversion to be consistent with other flux scheme (CESM)
+ do n = 1, nMax
+ if (mask(n) /= 0) then
+ sen(n) = -1.0_r8*physics%interstitial%hflx_water(n)*rbot(n)*cp
+ lat(n) = -1.0_r8*physics%interstitial%evap_water(n)*rbot(n)*hvap
+ lwup(n) = -1.0_r8*(semis_water*sbc*ts(n)**4+(1.0_r8-semis_water)*lwdn(n))
+ evp(n) = lat(n)/hvap
+ taux(n) = rbot(n)*physics%interstitial%stress_water(n)*ubot(n)/physics%interstitial%wind(n)
+ tauy(n) = rbot(n)*physics%interstitial%stress_water(n)*vbot(n)/physics%interstitial%wind(n)
+ tref(n) = physics%sfcprop%t2m(n)
+ qref(n) = physics%sfcprop%q2m(n)
+ duu10n(n) = physics%interstitial%wind(n)*physics%interstitial%wind(n)
+ ustar_sv(n) = physics%interstitial%uustar_water(n)
+ re_sv(n) = physics%interstitial%cmm_water(n)
+ ssq_sv(n) = physics%interstitial%qss_water(n)
+ else
+ sen(n) = spval
+ lat(n) = spval
+ lwup(n) = spval
+ evp(n) = spval
+ taux(n) = spval
+ tauy(n) = spval
+ tref(n) = spval
+ qref(n) = spval
+ duu10n(n) = spval
+ ustar_sv(n) = spval
+ re_sv(n) = spval
+ ssq_sv(n) = spval
+ end if
+ end do
+ ! write restart file
+ call write_restart(gcomp, restart_freq, rc)
+ ! set first call flag
+ first_call = .false.
+ end subroutine flux_atmOcn_ccpp
+ !===============================================================================
+ subroutine string_listGetName(list, k, name, rc)
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ ! Get name of k-th field in list
+ ! It is adapted from CDEPS, shr_string_listGetName
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ implicit none
+ ! input/output variables
+ character(*) , intent(in) :: list ! list/string
+ integer , intent(in) :: k ! index of field
+ character(*) , intent(out) :: name ! k-th name in list
+ integer , intent(out) :: rc
+ ! local variables
+ integer :: i,n ! generic indecies
+ integer :: kFlds ! number of fields in list
+ integer :: i0,i1 ! name = list(i0:i1)
+ character(*), parameter :: subName = '(shr_string_listGetName)'
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ !--- check that this is a valid index ---
+ kFlds = string_listGetNum(list)
+ if (k < 1 .or. kFlds < k) then
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(subname)//": ERROR invalid index ", ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ end if
+ !--- start with whole list, then remove fields before and after desired
+ !field ---
+ i0 = 1
+ i1 = len_trim(list)
+ !--- remove field names before desired field ---
+ do n=2,k
+ i = index(list(i0:i1),listDel)
+ i0 = i0 + i
+ end do
+ !--- remove field names after desired field ---
+ if ( k < kFlds ) then
+ i = index(list(i0:i1),listDel)
+ i1 = i0 + i - 2
+ end if
+ !--- copy result into output variable ---
+ name = list(i0:i1)//" "
+ end subroutine string_listGetName
+ !===============================================================================
+ integer function string_listGetNum(str)
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ ! Get number of fields in a string list
+ ! It is adapted from CDEPS, string_listGetNum
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ implicit none
+ ! input/output variables
+ character(*), intent(in) :: str ! string to search
+ ! local variables
+ integer :: count ! counts occurances of char
+ character(*), parameter :: subName = '(string_listGetNum)'
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ string_listGetNum = 0
+ if (len_trim(str) > 0) then
+ count = string_countChar(str,listDel)
+ string_listGetNum = count + 1
+ endif
+ end function string_listGetNum
+ !===============================================================================
+ integer function string_countChar(str,char,rc)
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ ! Count number of occurances of a character
+ ! It is adapted from CDEPS, string_countChar
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ implicit none
+ ! input/output variables
+ character(*), intent(in) :: str ! string to search
+ character(1), intent(in) :: char ! char to search for
+ integer, intent(out), optional :: rc ! return code
+ ! local variables
+ integer :: count ! counts occurances of char
+ integer :: n ! generic index
+ character(*), parameter :: subName = '(string_countChar)'
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ count = 0
+ do n = 1, len_trim(str)
+ if (str(n:n) == char) count = count + 1
+ end do
+ string_countChar = count
+ end function string_countChar
+end module flux_atmocn_ccpp_mod
diff --git a/ufs/ufs_io_mod.F90 b/ufs/ufs_io_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee85fa183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ufs/ufs_io_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+ module ufs_io_mod
+ use ESMF, only : operator(-)
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_VM, ESMF_VMGet, ESMF_VMGetCurrent, ESMF_LogWrite
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_GridCompGet, ESMF_SUCCESS, ESMF_FAILURE
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_GridCompGetInternalState, ESMF_KIND_R8
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_ArraySpec, ESMF_ArraySpecSet, ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_FieldCreate, ESMF_FieldGet, ESMF_FieldDestroy
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_RouteHandle, ESMF_RouteHandleIsCreated, ESMF_FieldRedist
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_MeshGet, ESMF_FieldRegrid, ESMF_FieldRegridStore
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_FieldBundle, ESMF_FieldBundleCreate, ESMF_FieldBundleAdd
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_FieldWriteVTK, ESMF_VMAllFullReduce, ESMF_REDUCE_SUM
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_Mesh, ESMF_Calendar, ESMF_Clock, ESMF_ClockGet
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_ClockGetNextTime, ESMF_TimeIntervalGet
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_Time, ESMF_TimeGet, ESMF_TimeInterval
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_FieldBundleIsCreated, ESMF_FieldBundleGet
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_FieldBundleRemove, ESMF_FieldBundleDestroy
+ use ESMF, only : ESMF_FieldWrite, ESMF_FieldBundleRead, ESMF_FieldBundleWrite
+ use NUOPC, only : NUOPC_CompAttributeGet
+ use NUOPC_Mediator, only : NUOPC_MediatorGet
+ use fms_mod, only : fms_init
+ use fms2_io_mod, only : open_file, FmsNetcdfFile_t
+ use mosaic2_mod, only : get_mosaic_ntiles, get_mosaic_grid_sizes
+ use mosaic2_mod, only : get_mosaic_contact, get_mosaic_ncontacts
+ use mpp_mod, only : mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_error, FATAL
+ use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_define_layout, mpp_get_compute_domain
+ use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_domains_init, mpp_define_mosaic, domain2d
+ use mpp_io_mod, only : MPP_RDONLY, MPP_NETCDF, MPP_SINGLE, MPP_MULTI
+ use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_get_info, mpp_get_fields, mpp_get_atts
+ use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_open, mpp_read, fieldtype
+ use med_kind_mod, only : r8=>SHR_KIND_R8, cs=>SHR_KIND_CS, cl=>SHR_KIND_CL
+ use med_utils_mod, only : chkerr => med_utils_chkerr
+ use med_constants_mod, only : dbug_flag => med_constants_dbug_flag
+ use med_internalstate_mod, only : InternalState, mastertask, logunit
+ use med_internalstate_mod, only : compatm, compocn, mapconsf
+ use med_io_mod, only : med_io_date2yyyymmdd, med_io_sec2hms, med_io_ymd2date
+ use ufs_const_mod, only : shr_const_cday
+ use med_methods_mod, only : fldbun_getdata1d => med_methods_FB_getdata1d
+ use med_methods_mod, only : fldbun_diagnose => med_methods_FB_diagnose
+ use med_methods_mod, only : FB_fldchk => med_methods_FB_FldChk
+ use med_methods_mod, only : FB_getfldptr => med_methods_FB_GetFldPtr
+ use MED_data, only : physics
+ implicit none
+ private ! default private
+ public read_initial
+ public read_restart
+ public write_restart
+ type domain_type
+ type(ESMF_Grid) :: grid ! ESMF grid object from mosaic file
+ type(ESMF_Mesh) :: mesh ! ESMF mesh object from CS grid
+ type(ESMF_RouteHandle) :: rh ! ESMF routehandle object to redist data from CS grid to mesh
+ type(domain2d) :: mosaic_domain ! domain object created by FMS
+ integer :: layout(2) ! layout for domain decomposition
+ integer, allocatable :: nit(:) ! size of tile in i direction
+ integer, allocatable :: njt(:) ! size of tile in j direction
+ integer :: ntiles ! number of tiles in case of having CS grid
+ integer :: ncontacts ! number of contacts in case of having CS grid
+ integer, allocatable :: tile1(:) ! list of tile numbers in tile 1 of each contact
+ integer, allocatable :: tile2(:) ! list of tile numbers in tile 2 of each contact
+ integer, allocatable :: istart1(:) ! list of starting i-index in tile 1 of each contact
+ integer, allocatable :: iend1(:) ! list of ending i-index in tile 1 of each contact
+ integer, allocatable :: jstart1(:) ! list of starting j-index in tile 1 of each contact
+ integer, allocatable :: jend1(:) ! list of ending j-index in tile 1 of each contact
+ integer, allocatable :: istart2(:) ! list of starting i-index in tile 2 of each contact
+ integer, allocatable :: iend2(:) ! list of ending i-index in tile 2 of each contact
+ integer, allocatable :: jstart2(:) ! list of starting j-index in tile 2 of each contact
+ integer, allocatable :: jend2(:) ! list of ending j-index in tile 2 of each contact
+ end type domain_type
+ character(cl) :: case_name = 'unset' ! case name
+ character(*), parameter :: modName = "(ufs_io_mod)"
+ character(*), parameter :: u_FILE_u = &
+ __FILE__
+ subroutine read_initial(gcomp, ini_file, mosaic_file, input_dir, layout, rc)
+ implicit none
+ ! input/output variables
+ type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(in) :: gcomp
+ character(len=cl), intent(in) :: ini_file
+ character(len=cl), intent(in) :: mosaic_file
+ character(len=cl), intent(in) :: input_dir
+ integer :: layout(2)
+ integer, intent(inout) :: rc
+ ! local variables
+ type(domain_type) :: domain
+ type(InternalState) :: is_local
+ type(ESMF_RouteHandle) :: rh
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: lfield, field, field_dst
+ real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: ptr(:)
+ integer :: n
+ character(len=cs), allocatable :: flds(:)
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = trim(modName)//': (read_initial) '
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(subname//' called', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ nullify(is_local%wrap)
+ call ESMF_GridCompGetInternalState(gcomp, is_local, rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! ---------------------
+ ! Create domain
+ ! ---------------------
+ call create_fms_domain(gcomp, domain, mosaic_file, layout, rc)
+ ! ---------------------
+ ! Create grid
+ ! ---------------------
+ call create_grid(gcomp, domain, mosaic_file, input_dir, rc)
+ !----------------------
+ ! Read data
+ !----------------------
+ allocate(flds(2))
+ flds = (/ 'zorl ', &
+ 'uustar' /)
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ ! read from tiled file
+ call read_tiled_file(gcomp, ini_file, trim(flds(n)), domain, field, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! create destination field
+ field_dst = ESMF_FieldCreate(is_local%wrap%aoflux_mesh, ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, &
+ name=trim(flds(n)), meshloc=ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! create rh
+ call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(field, field_dst, routehandle=rh, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! map field
+ if (is_local%wrap%aoflux_grid == 'agrid') then
+ ! do nothing, just redist in case of haning different decomp. in here and aoflux mesh
+ call ESMF_FieldRedist(field, field_dst, rh, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ else
+ ! remap from atm to ocn or exchange grid
+ call ESMF_FieldRegrid(field, field_dst, rh, termorderflag=ESMF_TERMORDER_SRCSEQ, zeroregion=ESMF_REGION_TOTAL, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ ! debug
+ if (dbug_flag > 5) then
+ call ESMF_FieldWriteVTK(field_dst, 'ini_'//trim(flds(n))//'_'//trim(is_local%wrap%aoflux_grid), rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ ! return pointer and fill variable
+ call ESMF_FieldGet(field_dst, localDe=0, farrayPtr=ptr, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (mastertask) write(logunit,'(a)') 'Reading: '//trim(flds(n))
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'zorl' ) physics%sfcprop%zorl(:) = ptr(:)
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'uustar') physics%sfcprop%uustar(:)= ptr(:)
+ nullify(ptr)
+ ! free memory
+ call ESMF_FieldDestroy(field_dst, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end do
+ ! free memory
+ if (allocated(flds)) deallocate(flds)
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(subname//' done', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ end subroutine read_initial
+ !===============================================================================
+ subroutine read_restart(gcomp, rst_file, rc)
+ implicit none
+ ! input/output variables
+ type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(in) :: gcomp ! gridded component
+ character(len=cl), intent(inout):: rst_file ! restart file
+ integer, intent(inout) :: rc ! return code
+ ! local variables
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: field, lfield
+ type(ESMF_Clock) :: mclock
+ type(ESMF_Time) :: currtime
+ type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: timeStep
+ type(ESMF_FieldBundle), save :: FBin
+ type(InternalState) :: is_local
+ integer :: n, yr, mon, day, sec
+ real(r8), pointer :: ptr(:)
+ character(len=cl) :: currtime_str
+ character(len=cs), allocatable :: flds(:)
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname=trim(modName)//': (read_restart) '
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(subname//' called', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ nullify(is_local%wrap)
+ call ESMF_GridCompGetInternalState(gcomp, is_local, rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ !----------------------
+ ! Set restart file name
+ !----------------------
+ if (trim(case_name) == 'unset') then
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='case_name', value=case_name, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ if (trim(rst_file) == 'unset') then
+ call NUOPC_MediatorGet(gcomp, mediatorClock=mclock, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_ClockGet(mclock, currTime=currTime, timeStep=timeStep, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_TimeGet(currTime, yy=yr, mm=mon, dd=day, s=sec, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ write(currtime_str,'(i4.4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i5.5)') yr,'-',mon,'-',day,'-',sec
+ rst_file = trim(case_name)//'.cpl.ccpp.'//trim(currtime_str)//'.nc'
+ end if
+ !----------------------
+ ! Now read in the restart file
+ !----------------------
+ if (mastertask) then
+ write(logunit,'(a)') 'Reading CCPP restart file: '//trim(rst_file)
+ end if
+ ! create FB
+ FBin = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate(rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! add fields
+ allocate(flds(3))
+ flds = (/ 'zorl ', &
+ 'uustar', &
+ 'qss ' /)
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ field = ESMF_FieldCreate(is_local%wrap%aoflux_mesh, ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, &
+ name=trim(flds(n)), meshloc=ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT, rc=rc)
+ call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayptr=ptr, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ptr(:) = 0.0_r8
+ nullify(ptr)
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleAdd(FBin, (/field/), rc=rc)
+ end do
+ ! read file to FB
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleRead(FBin, trim(rst_file), rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! debug
+ if (dbug_flag > 1) then
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(subname)//' diagnose at '//trim(currtime_str), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ call fldbun_diagnose(FBin, string=trim(subname)//' CCPP FBin ', rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ !----------------------
+ ! Fill internal data structures
+ !----------------------
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ if (FB_FldChk(FBin, trim(flds(n)), rc=rc)) then
+ call FB_getfldptr(FBin, trim(flds(n)), ptr, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (mastertask) write(logunit,'(a)') 'Reading: '//trim(flds(n))
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'zorl' ) physics%sfcprop%zorl(:) = ptr(:)
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'uustar') physics%sfcprop%uustar(:)= ptr(:)
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'qss' ) physics%sfcprop%qss(:) = ptr(:)
+ nullify(ptr)
+ ! debug
+ if (dbug_flag > 5) then
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(FBin, fieldName=trim(flds(n)), field=lfield, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_FieldWriteVTK(lfield, 'rst_'//trim(flds(n))//'_'//trim(is_local%wrap%aoflux_grid), rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ !----------------------
+ ! Free memory
+ !----------------------
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ if (FB_FldChk(FBin, trim(flds(n)), rc=rc)) then
+ ! get field from FB
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(FBin, trim(flds(n)), field=field, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! remove field from FB
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleRemove(FBin, (/ trim(flds(n)) /), rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! remove field
+ call ESMF_FieldDestroy(field, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ end do
+ deallocate(flds)
+ ! remove FB
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleDestroy(FBin, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(subname//' done', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ end subroutine read_restart
+ !===============================================================================
+ subroutine create_fms_domain(gcomp, domain, mosaic_file, layout, rc)
+ implicit none
+ ! input/output variables
+ type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(in) :: gcomp
+ type(domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+ character(len=cl), intent(in) :: mosaic_file
+ integer :: layout(2)
+ integer, intent(inout) :: rc
+ ! local variables
+ type(ESMF_VM) :: vm
+ type(FmsNetcdfFile_t) :: mosaic_fileobj
+ integer :: mpicomm, npes_per_tile
+ integer :: n, ntiles, npet
+ integer :: halo = 0
+ integer :: global_indices(4,6)
+ integer :: layout2d(2,6)
+ integer, allocatable :: pe_start(:), pe_end(:)
+ character(len=cl) :: msg
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = trim(modName)//': (create_fms_domain) '
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(subname//' called', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ ! ---------------------
+ ! Initialize FMS
+ ! ---------------------
+ call ESMF_GridCompGet(gcomp, vm=vm, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_VMGet(vm=vm, mpiCommunicator=mpicomm, petCount=npet, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call fms_init(mpicomm)
+ ! ---------------------
+ ! Open mosaic file and query some information
+ ! ---------------------
+ if (.not. open_file(mosaic_fileobj, trim(mosaic_file), 'read')) then
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(subname)//'error in opening file '//trim(mosaic_file), ESMF_LOGMSG_ERROR)
+ return
+ end if
+ ! query number of tiles
+ domain%ntiles = get_mosaic_ntiles(mosaic_fileobj)
+ ! query domain sizes for each tile
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%nit)) allocate(domain%nit(domain%ntiles))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%njt)) allocate(domain%njt(domain%ntiles))
+ call get_mosaic_grid_sizes(mosaic_fileobj, domain%nit, domain%njt)
+ ! query number of contacts
+ domain%ncontacts = get_mosaic_ncontacts(mosaic_fileobj)
+ ! allocate required arrays to create FMS domain from mosaic file
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%tile1)) allocate(domain%tile1(domain%ncontacts))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%tile2)) allocate(domain%tile2(domain%ncontacts))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%istart1)) allocate(domain%istart1(domain%ncontacts))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%iend1)) allocate(domain%iend1(domain%ncontacts))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%jstart1)) allocate(domain%jstart1(domain%ncontacts))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%jend1)) allocate(domain%jend1(domain%ncontacts))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%istart2)) allocate(domain%istart2(domain%ncontacts))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%iend2)) allocate(domain%iend2(domain%ncontacts))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%jstart2)) allocate(domain%jstart2(domain%ncontacts))
+ if (.not. allocated(domain%jend2)) allocate(domain%jend2(domain%ncontacts))
+ ! query information about contacts
+ call get_mosaic_contact(mosaic_fileobj, domain%tile1, domain%tile2, &
+ domain%istart1, domain%iend1, domain%jstart1, domain%jend1, &
+ domain%istart2, domain%iend2, domain%jstart2, domain%jend2)
+ ! print out debug information
+ if (dbug_flag > 2) then
+ do n = 1, domain%ncontacts
+ write(msg, fmt='(A,I2,A,2I5)') trim(subname)//' : tile1, tile2 (', n ,') = ', domain%tile1(n), domain%tile2(n)
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ write(msg, fmt='(A,I2,A,4I5)') trim(subname)//' : istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1 (', n ,') = ', &
+ domain%istart1(n), domain%iend1(n), domain%jstart1(n), domain%jend1(n)
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ write(msg, fmt='(A,I2,A,4I5)') trim(subname)//' : istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2 (', n ,') = ', &
+ domain%istart2(n), domain%iend2(n), domain%jstart2(n), domain%jend2(n)
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ end do
+ end if
+ !----------------------
+ ! Initialize domain
+ !----------------------
+ call mpp_domains_init()
+ !----------------------
+ ! Find out layout that will be used to read the data
+ !----------------------
+ ! setup global indices
+ do n = 1, domain%ntiles
+ global_indices(1,n) = 1
+ global_indices(2,n) = domain%nit(n)
+ global_indices(3,n) = 1
+ global_indices(4,n) = domain%njt(n)
+ end do
+ ! check total number of PETs
+ if (mod(npet, domain%ntiles) /= 0) then
+ write(msg, fmt='(A,I5)') trim(subname)//' : nPet should be multiple of 6 to read initial conditions but it is ', npet
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_ERROR)
+ return
+ end if
+ ! calculate layout if it is not provided as configuration option
+ if (layout(1) < 0 .and. layout(2) < 0) then
+ npes_per_tile = npet/domain%ntiles
+ call mpp_define_layout(global_indices(:,1), npes_per_tile, domain%layout)
+ else
+ domain%layout(:) = layout(:)
+ end if
+ ! set layout and print out debug information
+ do n = 1, domain%ntiles
+ layout2d(:,n) = domain%layout(:)
+ if (dbug_flag > 2) then
+ write(msg, fmt='(A,I2,A,2I5)') trim(subname)//' layout (', n ,') = ', layout2d(1,n), layout2d(2,n)
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ write(msg, fmt='(A,I2,A,4I5)') trim(subname)//' global_indices (', n,') = ', &
+ global_indices(1,n), global_indices(2,n), global_indices(3,n), global_indices(4,n)
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ end if
+ enddo
+ !----------------------
+ ! Set pe_start, pe_end
+ !----------------------
+ allocate(pe_start(domain%ntiles))
+ allocate(pe_end(domain%ntiles))
+ do n = 1, domain%ntiles
+ pe_start(n) = mpp_root_pe()+(n-1)*domain%layout(1)*domain%layout(2)
+ pe_end(n) = mpp_root_pe()+n*domain%layout(1)*domain%layout(2)-1
+ if (dbug_flag > 2) then
+ write(msg, fmt='(A,I2,A,2I5)') trim(subname)//' pe_start, pe_end (', n ,') = ', pe_start(n), pe_end(n)
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ end if
+ enddo
+ !----------------------
+ ! Create FMS domain object
+ !----------------------
+ call mpp_define_mosaic(global_indices, layout2d, domain%mosaic_domain, &
+ domain%ntiles, domain%ncontacts, domain%tile1, domain%tile2, &
+ domain%istart1, domain%iend1, domain%jstart1, domain%jend1, &
+ domain%istart2, domain%iend2, domain%jstart2, domain%jend2, &
+ pe_start, pe_end, symmetry=.true., &
+ whalo=halo, ehalo=halo, shalo=halo, nhalo=halo, &
+ name='atm domain')
+ !----------------------
+ ! Deallocate temporary arrays
+ !----------------------
+ deallocate(pe_start)
+ deallocate(pe_end)
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(subname//' done', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ end subroutine create_fms_domain
+ !===============================================================================
+ subroutine create_grid(gcomp, domain, mosaic_file, input_dir, rc)
+ implicit none
+ ! input/output variables
+ type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(in) :: gcomp
+ type(domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+ character(len=cl), intent(in) :: mosaic_file
+ character(len=cl), intent(in) :: input_dir
+ integer, intent(inout) :: rc
+ ! local variables
+ type(ESMF_Decomp_Flag) :: decompflagPTile(2,6)
+ integer :: n
+ integer :: decomptile(2,6)
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = trim(modName)//': (create_grid) '
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(subname//' called', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ ! TODO: currently this is only tested with global application
+ ! set decomposition
+ do n = 1, domain%ntiles
+ decomptile(1,n) = domain%layout(1)
+ decomptile(2,n) = domain%layout(2)
+ end do
+ ! create grid
+ domain%grid = ESMF_GridCreateMosaic(filename=trim(mosaic_file), &
+ regDecompPTile=decomptile, tileFilePath=trim(input_dir), decompflagPTile=decompflagPTile, &
+ indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_GLOBAL, name='input_grid', rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! create mesh
+ domain%mesh = ESMF_MeshCreate(domain%grid, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(subname//' done', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ end subroutine create_grid
+ !===============================================================================
+ subroutine read_tiled_file(gcomp, filename, varname, domain, field_dst, rc)
+ implicit none
+ ! input/output variables
+ type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(in) :: gcomp
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname
+ type(domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+ type(ESMF_Field), intent(inout) :: field_dst
+ integer, intent(inout), optional :: rc
+ ! local variables
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: field_src, field_tmp
+ type(ESMF_ArraySpec) :: arraySpec
+ type(InternalState) :: is_local
+ type(fieldtype), allocatable:: vars(:)
+ integer :: funit, my_tile
+ integer :: i, j, n
+ integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec
+ integer :: ndim, nvar, natt, ntime
+ logical :: not_found, is_root_pe
+ real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: ptr2d(:,:)
+ real(r8), allocatable :: rdata(:,:)
+ character(len=cl) :: cname
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname=trim(modName)//': (read_tiled_file) '
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(subname//' reading '//trim(varname), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ !----------------------
+ ! Get the internal state from the mediator component
+ !----------------------
+ nullify(is_local%wrap)
+ call ESMF_GridCompGetInternalState(gcomp, is_local, rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ !----------------------
+ ! Set tile
+ !----------------------
+ my_tile = int(mpp_pe()/(domain%layout(1)*domain%layout(2)))+1
+ is_root_pe = .false.
+ if (mpp_pe() == (my_tile-1)*(domain%layout(1)*domain%layout(2))) is_root_pe = .true.
+ !----------------------
+ ! Open file and query file attributes
+ !----------------------
+ write(cname, fmt='(A,I1,A)') trim(filename), my_tile, '.nc'
+ call mpp_open(funit, trim(cname), action=MPP_RDONLY, form=MPP_NETCDF, threading=MPP_MULTI, fileset=MPP_SINGLE, is_root_pe=is_root_pe)
+ call mpp_get_info(funit, ndim, nvar, natt, ntime)
+ allocate(vars(nvar))
+ call mpp_get_fields(funit, vars(:))
+ !----------------------
+ ! Find and read requested variable
+ !----------------------
+ not_found = .true.
+ do n = 1, nvar
+ ! get variable name
+ call mpp_get_atts(vars(n), name=cname)
+ ! check variable name
+ if (trim(cname) == trim(varname)) then
+ ! get array bounds or domain
+ call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain%mosaic_domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
+ ! allocate data array and set initial value
+ allocate(rdata(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
+ rdata(:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ ! read data
+ call mpp_read(funit, vars(n), domain%mosaic_domain, rdata, 1)
+ ! set missing values to zero
+ where (rdata == 1.0e20)
+ rdata(:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ end where
+ end if
+ not_found = .false.
+ end do
+ if (not_found) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL, 'File being read is not the expected one. '//trim(varname)//' is not found.')
+ end if
+ !----------------------
+ ! Move data from grid to mesh
+ !----------------------
+ ! set type and rank for ESMF arrayspec
+ call ESMF_ArraySpecSet(arraySpec, typekind=ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, rank=2, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! create source field
+ field_src = ESMF_FieldCreate(domain%grid, arraySpec, staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, &
+ indexflag=ESMF_INDEX_GLOBAL, name=trim(varname), rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! get pointer and fill it
+ call ESMF_FieldGet(field_src, localDe=0, farrayPtr=ptr2d, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ptr2d(:,:) = rdata(:,:)
+ nullify(ptr2d)
+ if (allocated(rdata)) deallocate(rdata)
+ ! create destination field
+ field_dst = ESMF_FieldCreate(domain%mesh, ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, name=trim(varname), &
+ meshloc=ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! create routehandle from grid to mesh
+ if (.not. ESMF_RouteHandleIsCreated(domain%rh, rc=rc)) then
+ call ESMF_FieldRegridStore(field_src, field_dst, routehandle=domain%rh, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ ! redist field from ESMF Grid to Mesh
+ call ESMF_FieldRedist(field_src, field_dst, domain%rh, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ !----------------------
+ ! Output result field for debugging purpose
+ !----------------------
+ if (dbug_flag > 2) then
+ call ESMF_FieldWrite(field_dst, trim(varname)//'_agrid.nc', variableName=trim(varname), overwrite=.true., rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ if (dbug_flag > 5) then
+ call ESMF_FieldWriteVTK(field_dst, trim(varname)//'_agrid', rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ ! clean memory
+ call ESMF_FieldDestroy(field_src, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end subroutine read_tiled_file
+ !===============================================================================
+ subroutine write_restart(gcomp, restart_freq, rc)
+ implicit none
+ ! input/output variableswrite_restart
+ type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(in) :: gcomp ! gridded component
+ integer, intent(in) :: restart_freq ! restart interval in hours
+ integer, intent(inout) :: rc ! return code
+ ! local variables
+ type(ESMF_VM) :: vm
+ type(ESMF_Field) :: field
+ type(ESMF_Clock) :: mclock
+ type(ESMF_Calendar) :: calendar
+ type(ESMF_Time) :: currtime, starttime, nexttime
+ type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: timediff(2)
+ type(ESMF_FieldBundle), save :: FBout
+ type(InternalState) :: is_local
+ integer :: yr, mon, day, sec
+ integer :: n, m, ns, start_ymd
+ character(cl) :: time_units
+ real(r8) :: time_val
+ real(r8) :: time_bnds(2)
+ real(r8), pointer :: ptr(:)
+ character(len=cl) :: tmpstr
+ character(len=cl) :: rst_file
+ character(len=cl) :: nexttime_str
+ integer, save :: ns_total
+ logical, save :: first_call = .true.
+ character(len=cs), allocatable :: flds(:)
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname=trim(modName)//': (write_restart) '
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ nullify(is_local%wrap)
+ call ESMF_GridCompGetInternalState(gcomp, is_local, rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ !----------------------
+ ! Determine clock, starttime, currtime and nexttime
+ !----------------------
+ call NUOPC_MediatorGet(gcomp, mediatorClock=mclock, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_ClockGet(mclock, currtime=currtime, starttime=starttime, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_ClockGetNextTime(mclock, nextTime=nexttime, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ !----------------------
+ ! Determine time units
+ !----------------------
+ call ESMF_TimeGet(starttime, yy=yr, mm=mon, dd=day, s=sec, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call med_io_ymd2date(yr, mon, day, start_ymd)
+ time_units = 'days since '//trim(med_io_date2yyyymmdd(start_ymd))//' '//med_io_sec2hms(sec, rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ !----------------------
+ ! Determine restart file name
+ !----------------------
+ if (trim(case_name) == 'unset') then
+ call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='case_name', value=case_name, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ call ESMF_TimeGet(nexttime, yy=yr, mm=mon, dd=day, s=sec, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ write(nexttime_str,'(i4.4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i5.5)') yr,'-',mon,'-',day,'-',sec
+ rst_file = trim(case_name)//'.cpl.ccpp.'//trim(nexttime_str)//'.nc'
+ ! return if it is not time to write restart
+ if (restart_freq < 0) return
+ if (mod(sec, restart_freq) /= 0) return
+ !----------------------
+ ! Create restart file
+ !----------------------
+ call ESMF_GridCompGet(gcomp, vm=vm, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ !----------------------
+ ! Define time dimension
+ !----------------------
+ timediff(1) = nexttime - starttime
+ call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(timediff(1), d=day, s=sec, rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ time_val = day + sec/real(shr_const_cday,r8)
+ time_bnds(1) = time_val
+ time_bnds(2) = time_val
+ !----------------------
+ ! Create FB and add fields to it
+ !----------------------
+ if (first_call) then
+ ! create FB
+ FBout = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate(rc=rc)
+ ! get total element count
+ call ESMF_MeshGet(is_local%wrap%aoflux_mesh, elementCount=ns, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ call ESMF_VMAllFullReduce(vm, (/ns/), ns_total, 1, ESMF_REDUCE_SUM, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! add fields
+ allocate(flds(3))
+ flds = (/ 'zorl ', &
+ 'uustar', &
+ 'qss ' /)
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ ! create new field on aoflux mesh
+ field = ESMF_FieldCreate(is_local%wrap%aoflux_mesh, ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8, &
+ name=trim(flds(n)), meshloc=ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! get pointer out of field
+ call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayptr=ptr, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! fill pointer
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'zorl' ) ptr(:) = physics%sfcprop%zorl(:)
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'uustar') ptr(:) = physics%sfcprop%uustar(:)
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'qss' ) ptr(:) = physics%sfcprop%qss(:)
+ nullify(ptr)
+ ! add field to FB
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleAdd(FBout, (/field/), rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end do
+ else
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ ! retrieve field pointer from FB
+ call fldbun_getdata1d(FBout, trim(flds(n)), ptr, rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! fill pointer
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'zorl' ) ptr(:) = physics%sfcprop%zorl(:)
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'uustar') ptr(:) = physics%sfcprop%uustar(:)
+ if (trim(flds(n)) == 'qss' ) ptr(:) = physics%sfcprop%qss(:)
+ nullify(ptr)
+ end do
+ end if
+ ! debug
+ if (dbug_flag > 1) then
+ call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(subname)//' diagnose at '//trim(nexttime_str), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
+ call fldbun_diagnose(FBout, string=trim(subname)//' CCPP FBout ', rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end if
+ ! debug
+ if (dbug_flag > 5) then
+ do n = 1,size(flds)
+ ! retrieve field from FB
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(FBout, fieldName=trim(flds(n)), field=field, rc=rc)
+ if (chkerr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ ! write field in VTK format
+ call ESMF_FieldWriteVTK(field, 'rst_'//trim(flds(n))//'_'//trim(is_local%wrap%aoflux_grid)//'_'//trim(nexttime_str), rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ end do
+ end if
+ !----------------------
+ ! Write data
+ !----------------------
+ call ESMF_FieldBundleWrite(FBout, trim(rst_file), overwrite=.true., rc=rc)
+ if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return
+ if (mastertask) then
+ write(logunit,'(a)') 'CCPP restart file is closed: '//trim(rst_file)
+ end if
+ end subroutine write_restart
+ end module ufs_io_mod