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File metadata and controls

292 lines (218 loc) · 12 KB


mvn package appassembler:assemble

Quick Start

You will find the executable in target/appassembler/bin.
There is a sample IEPD in target/appassembler/share/sample-iepd.
Try the following commands in the IEPD directory:

niemtool check xml-catalog.xml extension/CrashDriver.xsd
niemtool check -v xml-catalog.xml extension/CrashDriver.xsd
niemtool compile xml-catalog.xml extension/CrashDriver.xsd
niemtool translate iep/iep1.xml > iep1.json
niemtool translate --x2t iep/iep1.xml > iep1.ttl
niemtool translate --x2g iep/iep1.xml > iep1.gv
dot -Tpng iep1.gv > iep1.png

Overview of the NIEM Translator

The NIEM Translator is a project for translating data between NIEM XML, NIEM JSON, and NIEM RDF, a way to convert a NIEM message in one serialization into the equivalent NIEM message in either of the others. It is a lossless translation, preserving all of the meaning that is defined by the XML schema and the NIEM Naming and Design Rules (NDR). This translation is guided only by the information in the XML schema of the message description.

What's finished now: the XML to JSON translator. Because NIEM JSON is based on JSON-LD, we get the XML to RDF translator for free. The translators from NIEM JSON and NIEM RDF are not yet implemented.

As the genie says, there are also "a few provisos, a couple of quid pro quos"s for the XML to JSON translation, concerning external and wildcard schema components. These are described in a later section.

The Tools

The project comprises three stand-alone command-line developer tools, written in Java, and based on the Xerces2 Java Parser.

  • A NIEM XML schema assembly diagnostic tool, which finds schema assembly ambiguities in an XML schema document pile

  • A NIEM XML schema compiler, which converts an XML schema from a NIEM message description into an object file telling the translator how to handle the NIEM message formats defined by that schema

  • A NIEM XML-to-JSON translator, which uses the object file to convert XML documents that conform to those message formats into the equivalent NIEM JSON.

Some of the Java classes in the project are only suitable for a development environment, while others can be reused and deployed to translate NIEM XML at runtime.

Schema Check

The schema check program is not required for NIEM translation -- but can help the developer ensure the schema he creates is the schema he intends.

Conformance of a NIEM XML message is defined in part by XML Schema validation; that is, XML documents which do not validate against the XML schema for a NIEM message format are not valid instance messages of that format.

While NIEM conformance is defined in terms of an XML schema, a NIEM message description can only provide a collection of XML schema documents. Schema assembly, the process of constructing an XML schema from schema documents, is underspecified in the W3C recommendation. Because NIEM does not yet have a schema assembly specification of its own, NIEM conformance in effect depends on the behavior of the chosen XML validating parser. Alas, there is more than one such parser, and they do not all do exactly the same thing, and they do not always do what the developer expects.

The schema check program uses SAX to parse a set of schema documents specified in a NIEM message description and reports any ambiguities which could cause different validating parser to construct different schemas. It also reports various NIEM style concerns that the developer may want to correct. Finally, it uses the Xerces parser to validate the schema document set, and reports the schema documents actually loaded during validation.

The schema document set is specified by command-line arguments, which provide

  • Optionally, a list of XML Catalog document file paths.
  • A list of initial schema documents and schema namespace URIs

The schema thus specified is the schema constructed by:

  • Loading each initial schema document, and

  • Resolving each initial namespace URI and loading the resulting local file, and

  • Recursively loading the local resource described by every import, include, and redefine element encountered, while

  • Using the catalog resolver constructed from the list of XML Catalog documents to resolve each @namespace and @schemaLocation attribute.

The schema check program reports the following errors and warnings:

  1. Initial schema document files that cannot be read
  2. Initial namespace URIs that cannot be resolved to a readable file
  3. Catalog documents that are not valid XML Catalog documents (including subordinate catalogs)
  4. A namespace URI that resolves to a non-local resource
  5. A schemaLocation URI resolves to a non-local resource
  6. A schema document load (import, include, or redefine) in which the resolved @namespace is not the same as the resolved @schemaLocation
  7. A load where the schema document to be loaded can't be determined
  8. A load where the schema document can't be parsed
  9. A load where the schema document file can't be read
  10. A load where the schema document target namespace is not the expected namespace
  11. A load for a namespace already loaded from a different file
  12. A load where there is no catalog entry for the namespace URI (if catalog documents have been provided)
  13. An import with no @namespace attribute
  14. A load with no @schemaLocation attribute
  15. An include element found in a document with a target namespace that has a catalog entry
  16. Any errors or warnings returned by Xerces
  17. Any namespace prefix bound to more than one namespace URI
  18. Any namespace URI bound to more than one prefix
  19. Any non-standard prefix bound to a NIEM namespace

The schema check program also reports a list of:

  1. Each external namespace (those without a NIEM conformance assertion)
  2. Each namespace constructed, with a list of documents contributing to its content
  3. Result of each XML Catalog resolution performed during schema assembly

Schema Compilation

The schema compiler processes a schema document set specified by the same command-line arguments as the schema check program:

  • Optionally, a list of XML Catalog document file paths.
  • A list of initial schema documents and schema namespace URIs

It uses the Xerces XML Schema API to process the schema, producing a "NIEM object" file containing the schema information required for NIEM message translation. The object file drives translation of any message format defined by the input schema. It consists of:

  • The base type of each attribute (string, token, list/token, etc.)

  • The base type of each simple-content element

  • For each complex-content element, the ordered list of possible child elements (not implemented yet)

  • A unique prefix for each namespace URI in the schema, where no prefix is bound to two URIs and no URI is bound to two prefixes.

  • A list of all external namespaces (defined in schemas having no NIEM conformance assertion).

  • A flag indicating whether the schema contains any wildcard elements or attributes. (If there are none, then the JSON-LD context is fully determined by the XML schema.)

The URI-to-prefix bindings generated by the schema compiler determine the JSON-LD context for messages translated with this NIEM object file. When there is more than one binding for a prefix in the schema document set, preference is given

  • First, to namespace declarations in the extension schemas, on the assumption the designer knows what he wants

  • Second, to the standard prefixes found in the NIEM model namespaces ("nc" for niem core, etc.)

  • Lastly, to namespace declarartions in external schemas.

Except for components matching wildcards, the namespace declarations in the runtime message document may be ignored. The prefixes used in the XML schema determine the context mappings, not those used in the runtime message.

Message Translation

The message translator loads a single NIEM object file, then uses SAX to parse and process any number of NIEM XML messages with a message format described by that object file. Each message is translated into the equivalent NIEM JSON-LD. Some components in the XML document receive special handling:

  1. @uri from any structures namespace becomes the @id JSON key. The attribute value is the value of @id, a relative URI

  2. @ref and @id from any structures namespace becomes the @id` key.

  3. @metadata from any structures namespace becomes a reference to the metadata object. For example, when there is an element <ns:JusticeMetadata structures:ref="foo">, then the attribute structures:metadata="foo" becomes "structures:metadata": { "@id" : "foo" }

  4. Attributes from the XSI namespace are ignored

  5. An augmentation element is replaced by its children. Attributes of an augmentation element are ignored. (At present, augmentation elements are identified by element name; perhaps this should look for derivation from structures:AugmentationType instead.)

  6. Special handing for @xml:lang, @xml:space, and @relationshipMetadata in any structures namespace is not yet implemented.

The content of elements defined in external schemas is dropped, unless:

  • The NIEM object file provides the name of a class that can process elements from the external namespace

  • The NIEM object file declares that elements from the external schema should be processed as if NIEM conforming.

For each message, the translator returns a status indicator that may contain either or both of two flags:

  • X2J_OMITTED -- XML elements from an external namespace have been omitted from the JSON output

  • X2J_EXTENDED -- the usual context for this message format has been extended with context mappings for namespaces not found in the message description. This can only happen with wildcard elements or nonconforming message documents.

Assumptions and Provisos

  1. The JSON-to-XML translation is not implemented yet, and the schema compiler does not generate the information needed for this translation.

  2. xml:base, xml:lang and xml:space attributes are not handled yet.

  3. Augmentation element attributes are ignored. Perhaps they should be forbidden? Their RDF interpretation is unclear.

  4. All xsi attributes in XML are ignored when translating to JSON. I'm not yet sure what to do about xsi:type attributes when translating from JSON to XML.

  5. Very little care is taken to produce correct output for a document that does not conform to the message description schema.

  6. Every namespace with a URI beginning with is a structures namespace. These namespaces do not appear in the message format context. Attributes named uri, id, ref, and metadata in these namespaces receive special handling (and do not appear in the JSON output).

  7. Every namespace with a URI beginning with is an appinfo namespace. These namespaces do not appear in the message format context.

  8. Every namespace with a URI beginning with is a proxy namespace. These namespaces do not appear in the message format context.

  9. Every namespace with a URI beginning with is a conformance target namespace. These namespaces do not appear in the message format context. An attribute named conformanceTargets in such a namespace is taken to be a conformance assertion. The first token in the attribute value that matches the pattern[^/]*/ defines the NIEM version of the current schema document, with the characters matching [^/]* taken to be the version number.

  10. Every namespace with a URI beginning with not mentioned above is a NIEM model namespace. These namespaces are preferred over external namespaces when namespace prefixes are assigned.