#Overall driver options LVT running mode: "DA statistics processing" Map projection of the LVT analysis: latlon LVT output format: netcdf LVT output methodology: "2d gridspace" Analysis data sources: "LIS output" "LIS output" Start mode: coldstart LVT restart output interval: 1mo LVT restart filename: none Starting year: 2003 Starting month: 1 Starting day: 1 Starting hour: 0 Starting minute: 0 Starting second: 0 Ending year: 2003 Ending month: 12 Ending day: 31 Ending hour: 23 Ending minute: 0 Ending second: 0 LVT clock timestep: 1da Undefined value: -9999 LVT diagnostic file: ./lvtlog_ol_da #Domain specification Map projection of the LIS domain: latlon Run domain lower left lat: 28.5 Run domain lower left lon: -114.0 Run domain upper right lat: 50.0 Run domain upper right lon: -77.5 Run domain resolution (dx): 0.25 Run domain resolution (dy): 0.25 Input domain and mask data file: ./lis_irr_noah_mp.nc # Datastream 1 | Datastream 2 LVT datastream attributes table:: TWS 1 1 mm - 1 1 TWS 1 1 mm - 1 1 :: LVT surface soil layer thickness: 0.1 LVT root zone soil layer thickness: 1.0 #Analysis options Metrics attributes file: /root/Documents/NOAH_DP/METRICS.TBL Metrics output directory: STATS.test Metrics output frequency: 1da Metrics computation frequency: 1da Time series location file: /root/Documents/NOAH_DP/TS_LOCATIONS.TXT Apply external mask: 0 External mask directory: none Observation count threshold: 1 Temporal lag in metric computations: 0dy Spatial averaging mode: "pixel-by-pixel" Regional mask file for spatial averaging: none Compute ensemble metrics: 0 Compute information theory metrics: 0 Apply temporal smoothing to obs: 0 Obs temporal smoothing window half length: none Obs temporal smoothing window interval: none Variable-based stratification: 0 Stratification variable: none Stratification threshold: 0 External data-based stratification: 0 Stratification attributes file: none Confidence interval (%): 95 Seasonal cycle interval type: monthly Seasonal cycle minimum count threshold: 0 Average diurnal cycle minimum count threshold: 0 Averaging window for computing mean values in anomaly calculations: monthly Compute only the climatology for percentiles: 0 Scale model data prior to computing percentiles: 0 Compute only the climatology for SGWI: 0 Compute only the climatology for SPI: 0 Compute only the climatology for SRI: 0 Compute only the climatology for SSWI: 0 Starting month if a shifted year definition is used in temporal averaging: 1 Time specification option for MinTime metric: doy Time specification option for MaxTime metric: doy ## DATA STREAM INPUTS .... # LIS-LSM inputs specified (e.g., #1: To be evaluated; #2: Reference) LIS output number of surface model types: 1 1 LIS output number of ensembles per tile: 1 1 LIS output nest index: 1 1 LIS output surface model types: "LSM" "LSM" LIS output analysis data class: "LSM" "LSM" LIS output model name: "Noah-MP.4.0.1" "Noah-MP.4.0.1" LIS output interval: "1da" "1da" LIS output map projection: "latlon" "latlon" LIS output directory: ./OL ./DA_irr LIS output domain and parameter file: ./lis_irr_noah_mp.nc ./lis_irr_noah_mp.nc LIS output naming style: "3 level hierarchy" "3 level hierarchy" LIS output methodology: "2d gridspace" "2d gridspace" LIS output format: "netcdf" "netcdf" LIS output attributes file: /root/Documents/NOAH_DP/INPUT/MODEL_OUTPUT_IRR.TBL /root/Documents/NOAH_DP/INPUT/MODEL_OUTPUT_IRR.TBL LIS output number of soil moisture layers: 4 4 LIS output number of soil temperature layers: 4 4 LIS output soil moisture layer thickness: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 LIS output soil temperature layer thickness: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 LIS output maximum number of surface type tiles per grid: 1 1 LIS output minimum cutoff percentage (surface type tiles): 0.01 0.01 LIS output maximum number of soil texture tiles per grid: 1 1 LIS output minimum cutoff percentage (soil texture tiles): 0.01 0.01 LIS output maximum number of soil fraction tiles per grid: 1 1 LIS output minimum cutoff percentage (soil fraction tiles): 0.01 0.01 LIS output maximum number of elevation bands per grid: 1 1 LIS output minimum cutoff percentage (elevation bands): 0.01 0.01 LIS output maximum number of slope bands per grid: 1 1 LIS output minimum cutoff percentage (slope bands): 0.01 0.01 LIS output maximum number of aspect bands per grid: 1 1 LIS output minimum cutoff percentage (aspect bands): 0.01 0.01 Compute innovation distribution: 1 Compute analysis gain: 1 Number of state variables in the DA update: 7 LIS output elevation data source: none none LIS output slope data source: none none LIS output aspect data source: none none LIS output soil texture data source: none none LIS output soil fraction data source: none none