[INFO] *** NASA Land Information System (LIS) *** [INFO] starting time: 1 / 1 / 2003 [INFO] ending time: 12 / 30 / 2003 [INFO] Output start time: 2003.0000000000000 2003 1 1 0 0 0 [INFO] ************************************************ [INFO] Start date (ymd tod): 2003 1 1 [INFO] Stop date (ymd tod): 2003 12 30 [INFO] Current date (ymd tod): 2003 1 1 [INFO] ************************************************ [INFO] DOMAIN details: [INFO] local domain:( 53 39 ) [INFO] local domain without halo:( 53 39 ) [INFO] running domain:( 105 77 ) [INFO] local domain 30.0000000 39.5000000 -114.000000 -101.000000 d: 1 [INFO] --------------------Domain 1 ---------------------- [INFO] ( 1 , 0.00000000 ) [INFO] ( 2 , 53.0000000 ) [INFO] ( 3 , 39.0000000 ) [INFO] ( 4 , 30.0000000 ) [INFO] ( 5 , -114.000000 ) [INFO] ( 6 , 128.000000 ) [INFO] ( 7 , 39.5000000 ) [INFO] ( 8 , -101.000000 ) [INFO] ( 9 , 0.250000000 ) [INFO] ( 10 , 0.250000000 ) [INFO] ( 11 , 64.0000000 ) [INFO] ( 12 , 0.00000000 ) [INFO] ( 13 , 0.00000000 ) [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Reading mask from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Saving global land mask... [INFO] Reading landcover map from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Reading surfacetype map from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Finished reading landmask and landcover data [INFO] Reading elevation map from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Landmask LAND points = 2043 [INFO] Total number of surface tiles 40860 [INFO] Total number of tiles for LSM 40860 [INFO] Total number of grid points 2043 [INFO] Opening Model Output Attributes File./OL_run/CLSM_OUTPUT_LIST.TBL [INFO] Reading greenness map for month 12 from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Reading greenness map for month 1 from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Reading LAI map for month 12 from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Reading LAI map for month 1 from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Opening constraints for prognostic state variables ./DA/clsm_tws_attribs.txt [INFO] Catchment Deficit 0.00000000 20000.0000 [INFO] Surface Excess -100.000000 100.000000 [INFO] Snow Water Equivalent 0.00000000 900.000000 [INFO] Opening perturbation attributes for observations ./DA/clsm_tws_pertattribs.txt [INFO] Catchment Deficit 0 0.150000006 0.550000012 0 86400.0000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 [INFO] Surface Excess 0 5.99999987E-02 0.550000012 0 86400.0000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000000 [INFO] Snow Water Equivalent 1 1.20000006E-03 0.550000012 1 86400.0000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 [INFO] Successfully read perturbation attributes file ./DA/clsm_tws_pertattribs.txt [INFO] Running Catchment Fortuna-2.5 LSM ... [INFO] Opening Forcing Variables list file ./OL_run/forcing_variables.txt [INFO] FORCING: Near Surface Air Temperature 1 K [INFO] FORCING: Near Surface Specific Humidity 1 kg/kg [INFO] FORCING: Incident Shortwave Radiation 1 W/m2 [INFO] FORCING: Incident Longwave Radiation 1 W/m2 [INFO] FORCING: Eastward Wind 1 m/s [INFO] FORCING: Northward Wind 1 m/s [INFO] FORCING: Surface Pressure 1 Pa [INFO] FORCING: Rainfall Rate 1 kg/m2s [INFO] FORCING: Snowfall Rate 1 kg/m2s [INFO] FORCING: Convective Rainfall Rate 1 kg/m2s [INFO] Using GDAS forcing [INFO] GDAS forcing directory : ./INPUT/portal.nccs.nasa.gov/GDAS MSG: The GDAS forcing resolution is coarser than the running domain. Interpolating with the bilinear method. [INFO] Successfully created forcing perturbations states .. [INFO] Opening Forcing Attributes file ./DA/forcing_attribs.txt [INFO] Incident Shortwave Radiation Level 001 0.00000000 1400.00000 [INFO] Incident Longwave Radiation Level 001 -500.000000 800.000000 [INFO] Rainfall Rate Level 001 0.00000000 0.100000001 [INFO] Opening perturbation attributes for observations ./DA/forcing_pert_attribs.txt [INFO] Incident Shortwave Radiation Level 001 1 0.300000012 2.50000000 1 10800.0000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 -0.500000000 -0.800000012 [INFO] Incident Longwave Radiation Level 001 0 50.0000000 2.50000000 0 10800.0000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.500000000 1.00000000 0.500000000 [INFO] Rainfall Rate Level 001 1 0.500000000 2.50000000 1 10800.0000 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.800000012 0.500000000 1.00000000 [INFO] Successfully read perturbation attributes file ./DA/forcing_pert_attribs.txt [INFO] DA obs domain details: [WARN] ****************WARNING********************* [WARN] Error in nf90_get_att: GRIDTYPE [WARN] ****************WARNING********************* [INFO] local obs domain:( 53 39 ) [INFO] local obs domain without halo:( 53 39 ) [INFO] running obs domain:( 105 77 ) [INFO] local obs domain 30.0000000 39.5000000 -114.000000 -101.000000 d: 1 [INFO] --------------------Obs domain 1 ---------------------- [INFO] ( 1 , 0.00000000 ) [INFO] ( 2 , 53.0000000 ) [INFO] ( 3 , 39.0000000 ) [INFO] ( 4 , 30.0000000 ) [INFO] ( 5 , -114.000000 ) [INFO] ( 6 , 128.000000 ) [INFO] ( 7 , 39.5000000 ) [INFO] ( 8 , -101.000000 ) [INFO] ( 9 , 0.250000000 ) [INFO] ( 10 , 0.250000000 ) [INFO] ( 11 , 64.0000000 ) [INFO] ( 12 , 0.00000000 ) [INFO] ( 13 , 0.00000000 ) [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Reading obs landmask map from ./ac_tws_clsm_domain.nc [INFO] Successfully read obs landmask map [INFO] Successfully created observations state [INFO] read GRACE data specifications [INFO] Opening attributes for observations ./DA/grace_tws_attribs.txt [INFO] GRACE TWS 9.99999978E-03 25000.0000 [INFO] Opening perturbation attributes for observations ./DA/grace_tws_pertattribs.txt [INFO] GRACE TWS 0 0.200000003 2.50000000 0 2629800.00 3.00000000 3.00000000 1.00000000 [INFO] Successfully read perturbation attributes file ./DA/grace_tws_pertattribs.txt [INFO] Created the States to hold the observations data [INFO] Reading in CLSM F2.5 Parameters ... [INFO] Reading map of BEXP [INFO] Reading map of PSISAT [INFO] Reading map of POROSITY [INFO] Reading map of KSAT [INFO] Reading map of WPWET [INFO] Reading map of BEDROCKDEPTH [INFO] Reading map of ATAUCLSM [INFO] Reading map of BTAUCLSM [INFO] Reading map of GNUCLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARS1CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARS2CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARS3CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARA1CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARA2CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARA3CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARA4CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARW1CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARW2CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARW3CLSM [INFO] Reading map of ARW4CLSM [INFO] Reading map of BF1CLSM [INFO] Reading map of BF2CLSM [INFO] Reading map of BF3CLSM [INFO] Reading map of TSA1CLSM [INFO] Reading map of TSA2CLSM [INFO] Reading map of TSB1CLSM [INFO] Reading map of TSB2CLSM [INFO] Computing derived CLSM land surface parameters ... [INFO] Reading map of ALBNIRDIFF [INFO] Reading map of ALBNIRDIR [INFO] Reading map of ALBVISDIR [INFO] Reading map of ALBVISDIFF [INFO] Done in Catchment Fortuna-2.5 setup [INFO] CLSM F2.5 restart file used: ./Ensemble_prep/LIS_EnRST_CLSM_200401010000.d01.nc [INFO]: LIS timestep 900.000000 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 00:15:00 [INFO] Reading greenness map for month 12 from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Reading greenness map for month 1 from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Reading LAI map for month 12 from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [INFO] Reading LAI map for month 1 from ./lis_input.gdas.clsm.nc [ERR] GDAS -- changing grid to 2002 - 2005 (T254) MSG: The GDAS forcing resolution is coarser than the running domain. Interpolating with the bilinear method. [INFO] Getting new time1 data [INFO] Reading GDAS file1 (I) ./INPUT/portal.nccs.nasa.gov/GDAS/200301/2003010100.gdas1.sfluxgrbf00.sg [INFO] Reading GDAS file1 (A) ./INPUT/portal.nccs.nasa.gov/GDAS/200212/2002123118.gdas1.sfluxgrbf03.sg [INFO] Reading GDAS file1 (A)./INPUT/portal.nccs.nasa.gov/GDAS/200212/2002123118.gdas1.sfluxgrbf06.sg [INFO] Getting new time2 data [INFO] Reading GDAS file2 (I) ./INPUT/portal.nccs.nasa.gov/GDAS/200301/2003010100.gdas1.sfluxgrbf03.sg [INFO] Reading GDAS file2 (A) ./INPUT/portal.nccs.nasa.gov/GDAS/200301/2003010100.gdas1.sfluxgrbf03.sg [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 00:30:00 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 00:45:00 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 01:00:00 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 01:15:00 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 01:30:00 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 01:45:00 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 02:00:00 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 02:15:00 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 02:30:00 [INFO] LIS cycle time: 01/01/2003 02:45:00