diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a24ed5e79..cfa22b056 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,40 +1,32 @@ +### An Introduction to Mycat -什么是MyCAT?简单的说,MyCAT就是: -? 一个彻底开源的,面向企业应用开发的“大数据库集群” -? 支持事务、ACID、可以替代Mysql的加强版数据库 -? 一个可以视为“Mysql”集群的企业级数据库,用来替代昂贵的Oracle集群 -? 一个融合内存缓存技术、Nosql技术、HDFS大数据的新型SQL Server -? 结合传统数据库和新型分布式数据仓库的新一代企业级数据库产品 -? 一个新颖的数据库中间件产品 +Mycat is an Open-Source software, 鈥渁 big database cluster鈥 oriented to the enterprises. Mycat is an enforced database which is a replacement for MySQL and support transaction and ACID. Regarded as MySQL cluster of enterprise database, Mycat can take the place of expensive Oracle cluster. Mycat is also a new type of SQL Server integrated with the memory cache technology, Nosql technology and HDFS big data. And as a new modern enterprise database product, Mycat is combined with the traditional database and new distributed data warehouse. In a word, Mycat is a fresh new middleware of database.. +Mycat鈥檚 target is to smoothly migrate the current stand-alone database and applications to cloud side with low cost and to solve the bottleneck problem caused by the rapid growth of data storage and business scale. +##### Mycat Key Features: -MyCAT的目标是: -低成本的将现有的单机数据库和应用平滑迁移到“云”端,解决数据存储和业务规模迅速增长情况下的数据瓶颈问题。 +* Supports SQL 92 standard +* Supports MySQL cluster, used as a Proxy +* Supports JDBC connection with ORACLE, DB2, SQL Server, simulated as normal MySQL Server connection +* Supports MySQL cluster, percona cluster or mariadb cluster, providing high availability of data fragmentation clusters +* Supports automatic failover and high availability +* Supports separation of read and write, dual-master with multi-slave, single-master with multi-master of MySQL model +* Supports global table, automatically fragment data into multiple nodes for efficient relational query +* Supports the unique fragmentation strategy based on ER-relation for efficient relational query +* Supports multi-platform, easy deployment and implementation +##### Mycat adventage: -MyCAT的关键特性: -? 支持 SQL 92标准 -? 支持Mysql集群,可以作为Proxy使用 -? 支持JDBC连接ORACLE、DB2、SQL Server,将其模拟为MySQL Server使用 -? 支持galera for mysql集群,percona-cluster或者mariadb cluster,提供高可用性数据分片集群 -? 自动故障切换,高可用性 -? 支持读写分离,支持Mysql双主多从,以及一主多从的模式 -? 支持全局表,数据自动分片到多个节点,用于高效表关联查询 -? 支持独有的基于E-R 关系的分片策略,实现了高效的表关联查询 -? 多平台支持,部署和实施简单 +* Based on Ali open-source product Cobar, whose stability, reliability, excellent architecture and performance, as well as many mature use-case make Mycat have a good starting. Standing on the shoulders of giants, Mycat can be able to go farther. +* Extensively drawing on the best open-source projects and innovative ideas, which are integrated into the Mycat鈥檚 gene, make Mycat be ahead of the other current similar open-source projects, even beyond some commercial products. +* Mycat behind a strong technical team whose participants are experienced more than five years including some senior software engineer, architect, DBA, etc. Excellent technical team to ensure the product quality of Mycat. +* Mycat does not rely on any commercial company. It鈥檚 unlike some open-source projects whose important features is enclosed in its commercial products and making open-source projects like a decoration. +##### Mycat long-term plan: -MyCAT的优势: -? 基于阿里开源的Cobar产品而研发,Cobar的稳定性、可靠性、优秀的架构和性能,以及众多成熟的使用案例使得MyCAT一开始就拥有一个很好的起点,站在巨人的肩膀上,我们能看到更远。 -? 广泛吸取业界优秀的开源项目和创新思路,将其融入到MyCAT的基因中,使得MyCAT在很多方面都领先于目前其他一些同类的开源项目,甚至超越某些商业产品。 -? MyCAT背后有一只强大的技术团队,其参与者都是5年以上资深软件工程师、架构师、DBA等,优秀的技术团队保证了MyCAT的产品质量。 -? MyCAT并不依托于任何一个商业公司,因此不像某些开源项目,将一些重要的特性封闭在其商业产品中,使得开源项目成了一个摆设。 - - -MyCAT的长期路线规划: -? 在支持Mysql的基础上,后端增加更多的开源数据库和商业数据库的支持,包括原生支持PosteSQL、FireBird等开源数据库,以及通过JDBC等方式间接支持其他非开源的数据库如Oracle、DB2、SQL Server等 -? 实现更为智能的自我调节特性,如自动统计分析SQL,自动创建和调整索引,根据数据表的读写频率,自动优化缓存和备份策略等 -? 实现更全面的监控管理功能 -? 与HDFS集成,提供SQL命令,将数据库装入HDFS中并能够快速分析 -? 集成优秀的开源报表工具,使之具备一定的数据分析的能力 +* On the basis of MySQL鈥檚 support, Mycat add more support of commercial open-source database, including native support of PosteSQL, FireBird and other open-source databases, as well as indirect support via JDBC of other non-open-source databases such as Oracle, DB2, SQL Server etc. +* More intelligent self-regulating properties, such as automatic statistical analysis of SQL, automatic creating and adjusting indexes. Based on the frequency of reading and writing, Mycat automatically optimize caching and backup strategies +* Achieve a more comprehensive monitoring and management +* Integrated with HDFS, provide SQL commands, load databases into HDFS for rapid analysis +* Integrated excellent open-source reporting tools to make Mycat have data analysis capability \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README_Chinese.md b/README_Chinese.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..260b98758 --- /dev/null +++ b/README_Chinese.md @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +### Mycat浠嬬粛 +浠涔堟槸Mycat锛熺畝鍗曠殑璇达紝Mycat灏辨槸锛 + +* 涓涓交搴曞紑婧愮殑锛岄潰鍚戜紒涓氬簲鐢ㄥ紑鍙戠殑鈥滃ぇ鏁版嵁搴撻泦缇も +* 鏀寔浜嬪姟銆丄CID銆佸彲浠ユ浛浠ySQL鐨勫姞寮虹増鏁版嵁搴 +* 涓涓彲浠ヨ涓衡淢ySQL鈥濋泦缇ょ殑浼佷笟绾ф暟鎹簱锛岀敤鏉ユ浛浠f槀璐电殑Oracle闆嗙兢 +* 涓涓瀺鍚堝唴瀛樼紦瀛樻妧鏈丯osql鎶鏈丠DFS澶ф暟鎹殑鏂板瀷SQL Server +* 缁撳悎浼犵粺鏁版嵁搴撳拰鏂板瀷鍒嗗竷寮忔暟鎹粨搴撶殑鏂颁竴浠d紒涓氱骇鏁版嵁搴撲骇鍝 +* 涓涓柊棰栫殑鏁版嵁搴撲腑闂翠欢浜у搧 + + + +##### Mycat鐨勭洰鏍囨槸锛 + +浣庢垚鏈殑灏嗙幇鏈夌殑鍗曟満鏁版嵁搴撳拰搴旂敤骞虫粦杩佺Щ鍒扳滀簯鈥濈锛岃В鍐虫暟鎹瓨鍌ㄥ拰涓氬姟瑙勬ā杩呴熷闀挎儏鍐典笅鐨勬暟鎹摱棰堥棶棰樸 + + +##### Mycat鐨勫叧閿壒鎬э細 + +* 鏀寔 SQL 92鏍囧噯 +* 鏀寔MySQL闆嗙兢锛屽彲浠ヤ綔涓篜roxy浣跨敤 +* 鏀寔JDBC杩炴帴ORACLE銆丏B2銆丼QL Server锛屽皢鍏舵ā鎷熶负MySQL Server浣跨敤 +* 鏀寔galera for MySQL闆嗙兢锛宲ercona-cluster鎴栬卪ariadb cluster锛屾彁渚涢珮鍙敤鎬ф暟鎹垎鐗囬泦缇 +* 鑷姩鏁呴殰鍒囨崲锛岄珮鍙敤鎬 +* 鏀寔璇诲啓鍒嗙锛屾敮鎸丮ySQL鍙屼富澶氫粠锛屼互鍙婁竴涓诲浠庣殑妯″紡 +* 鏀寔鍏ㄥ眬琛紝鏁版嵁鑷姩鍒嗙墖鍒板涓妭鐐癸紝鐢ㄤ簬楂樻晥琛ㄥ叧鑱旀煡璇 +* 鏀寔鐙湁鐨勫熀浜嶦-R 鍏崇郴鐨勫垎鐗囩瓥鐣ワ紝瀹炵幇浜嗛珮鏁堢殑琛ㄥ叧鑱旀煡璇 +* 澶氬钩鍙版敮鎸侊紝閮ㄧ讲鍜屽疄鏂界畝鍗 + + +##### Mycat鐨勪紭鍔匡細 + +* 鍩轰簬闃块噷寮婧愮殑Cobar浜у搧鑰岀爺鍙戯紝Cobar鐨勭ǔ瀹氭с佸彲闈犳с佷紭绉鐨勬灦鏋勫拰鎬ц兘锛屼互鍙婁紬澶氭垚鐔熺殑浣跨敤妗堜緥浣垮緱Mycat涓寮濮嬪氨鎷ユ湁涓涓緢濂界殑璧风偣锛岀珯鍦ㄥ法浜虹殑鑲╄唨涓婏紝鎴戜滑鑳界湅鍒版洿杩溿 +* 骞挎硾鍚稿彇涓氱晫浼樼鐨勫紑婧愰」鐩拰鍒涙柊鎬濊矾锛屽皢鍏惰瀺鍏ュ埌Mycat鐨勫熀鍥犱腑锛屼娇寰桵ycat鍦ㄥ緢澶氭柟闈㈤兘棰嗗厛浜庣洰鍓嶅叾浠栦竴浜涘悓绫荤殑寮婧愰」鐩紝鐢氳嚦瓒呰秺鏌愪簺鍟嗕笟浜у搧銆 +* Mycat鑳屽悗鏈変竴鍙己澶х殑鎶鏈洟闃燂紝鍏跺弬涓庤呴兘鏄5骞翠互涓婅祫娣辫蒋浠跺伐绋嬪笀銆佹灦鏋勫笀銆丏BA绛夛紝浼樼鐨勬妧鏈洟闃熶繚璇佷簡Mycat鐨勪骇鍝佽川閲忋 +* Mycat骞朵笉渚濇墭浜庝换浣曚竴涓晢涓氬叕鍙革紝鍥犳涓嶅儚鏌愪簺寮婧愰」鐩紝灏嗕竴浜涢噸瑕佺殑鐗规у皝闂湪鍏跺晢涓氫骇鍝佷腑锛屼娇寰楀紑婧愰」鐩垚浜嗕竴涓憜璁俱 + + +##### Mycat鐨勯暱鏈熻矾绾胯鍒掞細 + +* 鍦ㄦ敮鎸丮ySQL鐨勫熀纭涓婏紝鍚庣澧炲姞鏇村鐨勫紑婧愭暟鎹簱鍜屽晢涓氭暟鎹簱鐨勬敮鎸侊紝鍖呮嫭鍘熺敓鏀寔PosteSQL銆丗ireBird绛夊紑婧愭暟鎹簱锛屼互鍙婇氳繃JDBC绛夋柟寮忛棿鎺ユ敮鎸佸叾浠栭潪寮婧愮殑鏁版嵁搴撳Oracle銆丏B2銆丼QL Server绛 +* 瀹炵幇鏇翠负鏅鸿兘鐨勮嚜鎴戣皟鑺傜壒鎬э紝濡傝嚜鍔ㄧ粺璁″垎鏋怱QL锛岃嚜鍔ㄥ垱寤哄拰璋冩暣绱㈠紩锛屾牴鎹暟鎹〃鐨勮鍐欓鐜囷紝鑷姩浼樺寲缂撳瓨鍜屽浠界瓥鐣ョ瓑 +* 瀹炵幇鏇村叏闈㈢殑鐩戞帶绠$悊鍔熻兘 +* 涓嶩DFS闆嗘垚锛屾彁渚汼QL鍛戒护锛屽皢鏁版嵁搴撹鍏DFS涓苟鑳藉蹇熷垎鏋 +* 闆嗘垚浼樼鐨勫紑婧愭姤琛ㄥ伐鍏凤紝浣夸箣鍏峰涓瀹氱殑鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽鐨勮兘鍔