diff --git a/jollystation.dme b/jollystation.dme
index 608718ed30f3..8c6d94ddc2ff 100644
--- a/jollystation.dme
+++ b/jollystation.dme
@@ -3862,6 +3862,10 @@
#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\id_trim\jobs.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\keybinding\communication.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\mood_events\reagent_mood_events.dm"
+#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\mutations\cold_adaptation.dm"
+#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\mutations\hot_adaptation.dm"
+#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\mutations\space_adapt.dm"
+#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\mutations\vacuum_immunity.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\pain\pain.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\pain\pain_helpers.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\datums\quirks\_quirk_blacklist.dm"
@@ -3875,6 +3879,7 @@
#include "jollystation_modules\code\game\objects\unique_examine_items.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\game\objects\effects\landmarks.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\game\objects\effects\decals\turfdecal\textured.dm"
+#include "jollystation_modules\code\game\objects\items\dna_injector.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\game\objects\items\locker_spawners.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\game\objects\items\devices\PDA\PDA_types.dm"
#include "jollystation_modules\code\game\objects\items\devices\radio\encryptionkey.dm"
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/__DEFINES/DNA.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/__DEFINES/DNA.dm
index cce26d5192f6..6b676c305473 100644
--- a/jollystation_modules/code/__DEFINES/DNA.dm
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/__DEFINES/DNA.dm
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
//the real memes
+//Species Defines
#define SPECIES_SKRELL "skrell"
#define SPECIES_REPLOID "reploid"
+//Mutation Defines
+#define COLD_IMMUNITY /datum/mutation/human/cold_adaptation
+#define HOT_IMMUNITY /datum/mutation/human/heat_adaptation
+#define VACUUM_IMMUNITY /datum/mutation/human/vacuum_adaptation
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/__DEFINES/pain_defines.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/__DEFINES/pain_defines.dm
index 9fc553dd2d22..c6efe0ba71d2 100644
--- a/jollystation_modules/code/__DEFINES/pain_defines.dm
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/__DEFINES/pain_defines.dm
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#define PAIN_MOD_QUIRK "quirk"
#define PAIN_MOD_SPECIES "species"
#define PAIN_MOD_OFF_STATION "off-station-pain-resistance"
+#define PAIN_MOD_GENETICS "gene"
/// ID for traits and modifiers gained by pain
#define PAIN_LIMB_PARALYSIS "pain_paralysis"
@@ -55,3 +56,17 @@
#define ACTIONSPEED_ID_PAIN "pain_actionspeed"
#define TRAIT_EXTRA_PAIN "extra_pain"
#define TRAIT_OFF_STATION_PAIN_RESISTANCE "pain_resistance_off_station"
+//Originally in pain_helpers.dm, moved here for superseding issues
+/// Cause [amount] pain of default (BRUTE) damage type to [target_zone]
+#define cause_pain(target_zone, amount) pain_controller?.adjust_bodypart_pain(target_zone, amount)
+/// Cause [amount] pain of [type] damage type to [target_zone]
+#define cause_typed_pain(target_zone, amount, dam_type) pain_controller?.adjust_bodypart_pain(target_zone, amount, dam_type)
+/// Do pain related [emote] from a mob, and start a [cooldown] long cooldown before a pain emote can be done again.
+#define pain_emote(emote, cooldown) pain_controller?.do_pain_emote(emote, cooldown)
+/// Increase the minimum amount of pain [zone] can have for [time]
+#define apply_min_pain(target_zone, amount, time) apply_status_effect(STATUS_EFFECT_MIN_PAIN, target_zone, amount, time)
+/// Set [id] pain mod to [amount]
+#define set_pain_mod(id, amount) pain_controller?.set_pain_modifier(id, amount)
+/// Unset [id] pain mod
+#define unset_pain_mod(id) pain_controller?.unset_pain_modifier(id)
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/_combined.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/_combined.dm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da72852057c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/_combined.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+//Gene combos
+//Space adaptaion is a gene combo now
+ required = "/datum/mutation/human/cold_adaptation; /datum/mutation/human/vacuum_adaptation"
+ result = SPACEMUT
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/cold_adaptation.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/cold_adaptation.dm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d9d082c6c771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/cold_adaptation.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Cold immunity
+ name = "Frigid Adaptation"
+ desc = "A pecuilar mutation that allows the host to be completely resistant to absolute zero."
+ quality = POSITIVE
+ difficulty = 32
+ text_gain_indication = "Your body feels warm!"
+ time_coeff = 5
+ instability = 20
+ if(..())
+ return
+ owner.physiology.heat_mod *= 2
+ if(..())
+ return
+ owner.physiology.heat_mod /= 2
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/hot_adaptation.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/hot_adaptation.dm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f0c243030232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/hot_adaptation.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+//Heat immunity
+ name = "Swealtering Adaptation"
+ desc = "A pecuilar mutation that allows the host to be completely resistant to the hottest tempeatures known to man."
+ quality = POSITIVE
+ difficulty = 32
+ text_gain_indication = "Your body feels cool!"
+ time_coeff = 5
+ instability = 20
+ if(..())
+ return
+ owner.physiology.cold_mod *= 2
+ if(..())
+ return
+ owner.physiology.cold_mod /= 2
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/space_adapt.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/space_adapt.dm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..add93b3f1ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/space_adapt.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+//Extends space adaptation for modular access
+ locked = TRUE //Should block this mutation from appearing in the consoles
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/vacuum_immunity.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/vacuum_immunity.dm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..97c5eb8688d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/mutations/vacuum_immunity.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+//Vacuum immunity
+ name = "Vacuum Adaptation"
+ desc = "A mysterious mutation that allows the host to be completely resistant the impervious vacuum of space."
+ quality = POSITIVE
+ difficulty = 24
+ text_gain_indication = "Your body feels hollow!"
+ time_coeff = 5
+ instability = 30
+ if(..())
+ return
+ owner.physiology.oxy_mod *= 2.5
+ owner.set_pain_mod(PAIN_MOD_GENETICS, 1.75)
+ if(..())
+ return
+ owner.physiology.oxy_mod /= 2.5
+ owner.unset_pain_mod(PAIN_MOD_GENETICS)
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/datums/pain/pain.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/pain/pain.dm
index 0106d19ce5b4..806fa3a44723 100644
--- a/jollystation_modules/code/datums/pain/pain.dm
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/pain/pain.dm
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@
for(var/mod in pain_mods)
- if(mod == PAIN_MOD_QUIRK || mod == PAIN_MOD_SPECIES)
+ if(mod == PAIN_MOD_QUIRK || mod == PAIN_MOD_SPECIES || mod == PAIN_MOD_GENETICS)
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/datums/pain/pain_helpers.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/pain/pain_helpers.dm
index a827884ab25a..3352a0cdc4d0 100644
--- a/jollystation_modules/code/datums/pain/pain_helpers.dm
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/datums/pain/pain_helpers.dm
@@ -15,19 +15,6 @@
return ..()
-/// Cause [amount] pain of default (BRUTE) damage type to [target_zone]
-#define cause_pain(target_zone, amount) pain_controller?.adjust_bodypart_pain(target_zone, amount)
-/// Cause [amount] pain of [type] damage type to [target_zone]
-#define cause_typed_pain(target_zone, amount, dam_type) pain_controller?.adjust_bodypart_pain(target_zone, amount, dam_type)
-/// Do pain related [emote] from a mob, and start a [cooldown] long cooldown before a pain emote can be done again.
-#define pain_emote(emote, cooldown) pain_controller?.do_pain_emote(emote, cooldown)
-/// Increase the minimum amount of pain [zone] can have for [time]
-#define apply_min_pain(target_zone, amount, time) apply_status_effect(STATUS_EFFECT_MIN_PAIN, target_zone, amount, time)
-/// Set [id] pain mod to [amount]
-#define set_pain_mod(id, amount) pain_controller?.set_pain_modifier(id, amount)
-/// Unset [id] pain mod
-#define unset_pain_mod(id) pain_controller?.unset_pain_modifier(id)
* Cause [amount] of [dam_type] sharp pain to [target_zones].
* Sharp pain is for sudden spikes of pain that go away after [duration] deciseconds.
diff --git a/jollystation_modules/code/game/objects/items/dna_injector.dm b/jollystation_modules/code/game/objects/items/dna_injector.dm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..858047c8a142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jollystation_modules/code/game/objects/items/dna_injector.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+//Cold mutator
+ name = "\improper Cold Immunity injector"
+ desc = "Take a stroll on the Ice planet."
+ add_mutations = list(COLD_IMMUNITY)
+//Hot mutator
+ name = "\improper Heat Immunity injector"
+ desc = "Take a stroll on Lavaland."
+ add_mutations = list(HOT_IMMUNITY)
+//Vacuum mutator
+ name = "\improper Vacuum Immunity injector"
+ desc = "Take a stroll through space. Lungs required."
+ add_mutations = list(VACUUM_IMMUNITY)
+//Anti-Mutators; Main code has these so why not?
+//AntiCold mutator
+ name = "\improper Anti-Cold Immunity injector"
+ desc = "Freeze to death."
+ remove_mutations = list(COLD_IMMUNITY)
+//AntiHot mutator
+ name = "\improper Anti-Heat Immunity injector"
+ desc = "Burn to Hell."
+ remove_mutations = list(HOT_IMMUNITY)
+//AntiVacuum mutator
+ name = "\improper Anti-Vacuum Immunity injector"
+ desc = "Crumble up like a used juice pouch."
+ remove_mutations = list(VACUUM_IMMUNITY)