- 1-wire
- 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor 5V 4-Phase 5-Wire & ULN2003 Driver Board
- AD5328 - Digital to Analog Convertor
- Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
- ADS1115 - Analog to Digital Converter
- ADXL345 - Accelerometer
- ADXL357 - Accelerometer
- AGS01DB - MEMS VOC Gas Sensor
- AHT10/15/20 - Temperature and humidity sensor modules
- AK8963 - Magnetometer
- AMG88xx Infrared Array Sensor Family
- APA102 - Double line transmission integrated control LED
- Bh1745 - RGB Sensor
- BH1750FVI - Ambient Light Sensor
- BMP180 - barometer, altitude and temperature sensor
- BMxx80 Device Family
- BNO055 - inertial measurement unit
- Board abstraction
- BrickPi3
- Buzzer - Piezo Buzzer Controller
- CCS811 Gas sensor
- Character LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
- Charlieplex Segment binding
- Cpu Temperature
- DC Motor Controller
- DHTxx - Digital-Output Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor Module
- Digital liquid level switch
- Explorer HAT Pro (Pimoroni)
- Generic shift register
- GoPiGo3
- GpioDriver for other boards
- GrovePi
- HC-SR04 - Ultrasonic Ranging Module
- HC-SR501 - PIR Motion Sensor
- HMC5883L - 3 Axis Digital Compass
- HTS221 - Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature
- INA219 - Bidirectional Current/Power Monitor
- Key Matrix
- LidarLiteV3 - LIDAR Time of Flight Sensor
- LM75 - Digital Temperature Sensor
- LPS25H - Piezoresistive pressure and thermometer sensor
- LSM9DS1 - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
- Max31856 - cold-junction compensated thermocouple to digital converter
- MAX31865 - Resistance Temperature Detector Amplifier
- MAX44009 - Ambient Light Sensor
- Max7219 (LED Matrix driver)
- MBI5027 -- 16-bit shift register with error detection
- Mcp23xxx - I/O Expander device family
- Mcp25xxx device family - CAN bus
- Mcp3428 - Analog to Digital Converter (I2C)
- MCP3xxx family of Analog to Digital Converters
- MCP9808 - Digital Temperature Sensor
- MFRC522 - RFID reader
- MH-Z19B CO2-Sensor
- MLX90614 - Infra Red Thermometer
- MotorHat
- MPR121 - Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller
- MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
- nRF24L01 - Single Chip 2.4 GHz Transceiver
- NXP/TI PCx857x
- On-board LED driver
- OpenHardwareMonitor client library
- Pca95x4 - I2C GPIO Expander
- Pca9685 - I2C PWM Driver
- PCD8544 - 48 × 84 pixels matrix LCD, famous Nokia 5110 screen
- PiJuice - power supply for Raspberry Pi
- PN5180 - RFID and NFC reader
- PN532 - RFID and NFC reader
- Quadrature Rotary Encoder
- Radio Receiver
- Radio Transmitter
- Realtime Clock
- RFID shared elements
- RGBLedMatrix - RGB LED Matrix
- Segment display driver (HT16K33)
- Sense HAT
- SensorHub - Environmental sensor
- Servo Motor
- SHT3x - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- SHTC3 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- Si7021 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- SN74HC595 -- 8-bit shift register
- SocketCan - CAN BUS library (Linux only)
- Software PWM
- Software SPI
- Solomon Systech Ssd1306 OLED display
- Solomon Systech Ssd1351 - CMOS OLED
- SPI, GPIO and I2C drivers for Arduino with Firmata
- SPI, GPIO and I2C drivers for FT4222
- Still image recording library
- STUSB4500 - Autonomous USB-C PD controller for Power Sinks / UFP
- System.Device.Model - attributes for device bindings
- TCS3472x Sensors
- TLC1543 - 10-bit ADC with 11 input channels
- TM1637 - Segment Display
- TSL256x - Illuminance sensor
- VL53L0X - distance sensor
- Ws28xx LED drivers
- μFire ISE Probe - pH, ORP and temperature sensor