- We don't show car crashes, we show projects that fix road safety.
- Instead of food scandals, we show farmers, hydroponic experts, and restaurants making clean food.
- Instead of endless pollution statistics , then we show the latest devices + projects to purify the air.
- Instead of the stock market, we show the millions of dollars flowing through crowdfunding.
- We don't focus on politicians, we show engineers and builders.
Look around, everything you see has been built by engineers and innovators. These people, who are chaning the world, are not being shown on the news.
Why can't users just Google this themselves?
Kalki is faster than searching it yourself. We take time to find the the latest solar, micro-energy, organic food, farming and innovation news, and bring it to you quickly and beautifully. One click is all it takes to get the latest news.
Click on News in another app, you will see an empty theatre of apathy and broken promises. Click on Kalki News, you will see people building a better world.