- applications / bookmarks have drag view in non-edit mode? why?
- enable drag & drop between windows (item state contained in drag data, dragEffect copy if not the same dashboard or move if same dashboard)
- better keyboard navigation
- escape to cancel edit mode
- enter to submit in edit/add modals
- move items with arrow keys?
- built-in icons for popular applications: how?
- time based darkmode? or prefers-color-scheme?
- responsive?
- settings modal tabs
- dataurl parser tests
- dataurl parser extract to own module?
- invite users to own dashboard / share dashboard with invited user
- multiple dashboards per user?
- team / user management
- dashboard view / edit permissions for team / users?
- export backup button: backup + download + delete after download
- scheduled backup
- backup file list in settings
- delete backup file
- download backup file
- restore / setup from backup docs
- scheduled backup cleanup (max age)