From 259dc9f66c1dfcaf4cad3e45e1bb932241f0ea7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mistium <>
Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 12:15:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Create ClipAndBlend.js
Cache/ClipAndBlend.js | 506 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 506 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Cache/ClipAndBlend.js
diff --git a/Cache/ClipAndBlend.js b/Cache/ClipAndBlend.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43ce0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Cache/ClipAndBlend.js
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+// I cached this to see if its just this version that i need to use in origin
+(function(Scratch) { // Name: Clipping & Blending
+// ID: xeltallivclipblend
+// Description: Clipping outside of a specified rectangular area and different color blending modes.
+// By: Vadik1
+// License: MIT
+(function (Scratch) {
+ "use strict";
+ if (!Scratch.extensions.unsandboxed) {
+ throw new Error("Clipping & Blending extension must be run unsandboxed");
+ }
+ // Simplified remake of an icon by True-Fantom
+ const icon =
+ "data:image/svg+xml," +
+ encodeURIComponent(`
+ `);
+ let toCorrectThing = null;
+ let active = false;
+ let flipY = false;
+ const vm = Scratch.vm;
+ const runtime = vm.runtime;
+ const renderer = vm.renderer;
+ const _drawThese = renderer._drawThese;
+ const gl = renderer._gl;
+ const canvas = renderer.canvas;
+ let width = 0;
+ let height = 0;
+ let scratchUnitWidth = 480;
+ let scratchUnitHeight = 360;
+ let penDirty = false;
+ renderer._drawThese = function (drawables, drawMode, projection, opts) {
+ active = true;
+ [scratchUnitWidth, scratchUnitHeight] = renderer.getNativeSize();
+, drawables, drawMode, projection, opts);
+ gl.disable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST);
+ gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+ active = false;
+ };
+ const bfb = gl.bindFramebuffer;
+ gl.bindFramebuffer = function (target, framebuffer) {
+ if (target == gl.FRAMEBUFFER) {
+ if (framebuffer == null) {
+ toCorrectThing = true;
+ flipY = false;
+ width = canvas.width;
+ height = canvas.height;
+ } else if (renderer._penSkinId) {
+ const fbInfo = renderer._allSkins[renderer._penSkinId]._framebuffer;
+ if (framebuffer == fbInfo.framebuffer) {
+ toCorrectThing = true;
+ flipY = true;
+ width = fbInfo.width;
+ height = fbInfo.height;
+ } else {
+ toCorrectThing = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ toCorrectThing = false;
+ }
+ }
+, target, framebuffer);
+ };
+ // Getting Drawable
+ const dr = renderer.createDrawable("background");
+ const DrawableProto = renderer._allDrawables[dr].__proto__;
+ renderer.destroyDrawable(dr, "background");
+ function setupModes(clipbox, blendMode, flipY) {
+ if (clipbox) {
+ gl.enable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST);
+ let x = ((clipbox.x_min / scratchUnitWidth + 0.5) * width) | 0;
+ let y = ((clipbox.y_min / scratchUnitHeight + 0.5) * height) | 0;
+ let x2 = ((clipbox.x_max / scratchUnitWidth + 0.5) * width) | 0;
+ let y2 = ((clipbox.y_max / scratchUnitHeight + 0.5) * height) | 0;
+ let w = x2 - x;
+ let h = y2 - y;
+ if (flipY) {
+ y = ((-clipbox.y_max / scratchUnitHeight + 0.5) * height) | 0;
+ }
+ gl.scissor(x, y, w, h);
+ } else {
+ gl.disable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST);
+ }
+ switch (blendMode) {
+ case "additive":
+ gl.blendEquation(gl.FUNC_ADD);
+ gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE);
+ break;
+ case "subtract":
+ gl.blendEquation(gl.FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT);
+ gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE);
+ break;
+ case "multiply":
+ gl.blendEquation(gl.FUNC_ADD);
+ gl.blendFunc(gl.DST_COLOR, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+ break;
+ case "invert":
+ gl.blendEquation(gl.FUNC_ADD);
+ break;
+ default:
+ gl.blendEquation(gl.FUNC_ADD);
+ gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+ }
+ }
+ // Modifying and expanding Drawable
+ const gu = DrawableProto.getUniforms;
+ DrawableProto.getUniforms = function () {
+ if (active && toCorrectThing) {
+ setupModes(this.clipbox, this.blendMode, flipY);
+ }
+ return;
+ };
+ DrawableProto.updateClipBox = function (clipbox) {
+ this.clipbox = clipbox;
+ };
+ DrawableProto.updateBlendMode = function (blendMode) {
+ this.blendMode = blendMode;
+ };
+ // Expanding renderer
+ renderer.updateDrawableClipBox = function (drawableID, clipbox) {
+ const drawable = this._allDrawables[drawableID];
+ if (!drawable) return;
+ drawable.updateClipBox(clipbox);
+ };
+ renderer.updateDrawableBlendMode = function (drawableID, blendMode) {
+ const drawable = this._allDrawables[drawableID];
+ if (!drawable) return;
+ drawable.updateBlendMode(blendMode);
+ };
+ // Reset on stop & clones inherit effects
+ const regTargetStuff = function (args) {
+ if (args.editingTarget) {
+ vm.removeListener("targetsUpdate", regTargetStuff);
+ const proto = vm.runtime.targets[0].__proto__;
+ const osa = proto.onStopAll;
+ proto.onStopAll = function () {
+ renderer,
+ this.drawableID,
+ null
+ );
+ renderer,
+ this.drawableID,
+ null
+ );
+ };
+ const mc = proto.makeClone;
+ proto.makeClone = function () {
+ const newTarget =;
+ if (this.clipbox || this.blendMode) {
+ newTarget.clipbox = Object.assign({}, this.clipbox);
+ newTarget.blendMode = this.blendMode;
+ renderer,
+ newTarget.drawableID,
+ this.clipbox
+ );
+ renderer,
+ newTarget.drawableID,
+ this.blendMode
+ );
+ }
+ return newTarget;
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ vm.on("targetsUpdate", regTargetStuff);
+ // Pen lines support
+ let emptyObject = {};
+ let lastTarget = emptyObject;
+ let lastClipbox = {};
+ let lastBlendMode = "default";
+ function patchPen(skin) {
+ const ext_pen = runtime.ext_pen;
+ skin._lineOnBufferDrawRegionId.exit = () => {
+ skin._exitDrawLineOnBuffer();
+ gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+ gl.disable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST);
+ lastTarget = emptyObject;
+ lastClipbox = null;
+ lastBlendMode = "default";
+ };
+ const willDrawPenWithTarget = function (target) {
+ if (!penDirty && target == lastTarget) return;
+ penDirty = false;
+ const clipbox = target.clipbox;
+ if (
+ !lastClipbox ^ !clipbox ||
+ lastBlendMode != target.blendMode ||
+ (clipbox &&
+ (clipbox.x_min != lastClipbox.x_min ||
+ clipbox.y_min != lastClipbox.y_min ||
+ clipbox.x_max != lastClipbox.x_max ||
+ clipbox.y_max != lastClipbox.y_max))
+ ) {
+ if (skin.a_lineColorIndex) {
+ skin._flushLines();
+ }
+ lastTarget = target;
+ if (clipbox) {
+ lastClipbox = {
+ x_min: clipbox.x_min,
+ y_min: clipbox.y_min,
+ x_max: clipbox.x_max,
+ y_max: clipbox.y_max,
+ };
+ } else {
+ lastClipbox = null;
+ }
+ lastBlendMode = target.blendMode;
+ }
+ };
+ // onTargetMoved function of pen draws a line.
+ // When drawing a line it is important to know the target.
+ // This saves target.
+ const onTargetMoved = ext_pen._onTargetMoved;
+ ext_pen._onTargetMoved = function (target, oldX, oldY, isForce) {
+ willDrawPenWithTarget(target);
+, target, oldX, oldY, isForce);
+ };
+ // Existing tragets may still have old onTargetMoved
+ for (let target in runtime.tragets) {
+ if (target.onTargetMoved == onTargetMoved) {
+ target.onTargetMoved = ext_pen._onTargetMoved;
+ }
+ }
+ // When drawing a dot it is important to know the target.
+ // This saves target.
+ const penDown = ext_pen._penDown;
+ ext_pen._penDown = function (target) {
+ willDrawPenWithTarget(target);
+, target);
+ };
+ // Set up correct clipping/blending before drawing
+ const flushLines = skin.__proto__._flushLines;
+ skin.__proto__._flushLines = function () {
+ setupModes(lastClipbox, lastBlendMode, true);
+ };
+ }
+ if (renderer._allSkins[renderer._penSkinId]) {
+ // If pen skin already exists, things can be patched
+ patchPen(renderer._allSkins[renderer._penSkinId]);
+ } else {
+ // If pen skin does not exist, wait until it will,
+ // trigger code once, and return everything as it was
+ const createPenSkin = renderer.createPenSkin;
+ renderer.createPenSkin = function () {
+ let skinId =;
+ patchPen(renderer._allSkins[skinId]);
+ renderer.createPenSkin = createPenSkin;
+ return skinId;
+ };
+ }
+ class Extension {
+ getInfo() {
+ return {
+ id: "xeltallivclipblend",
+ name: "Clipping & Blending",
+ color1: "#9966FF",
+ color2: "#855CD6",
+ color3: "#774DCB",
+ menuIconURI: icon,
+ blocks: [
+ {
+ opcode: "setClipbox",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "set clipping box x1:[X1] y1:[Y1] x2:[X2] y2:[Y2]",
+ arguments: {
+ X1: {
+ type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER,
+ defaultValue: "0",
+ },
+ Y1: {
+ type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER,
+ defaultValue: "0",
+ },
+ X2: {
+ type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER,
+ defaultValue: "100",
+ },
+ Y2: {
+ type: Scratch.ArgumentType.NUMBER,
+ defaultValue: "100",
+ },
+ },
+ filter: [Scratch.TargetType.SPRITE],
+ extensions: ["colours_looks"],
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "clearClipbox",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "clear clipping box",
+ filter: [Scratch.TargetType.SPRITE],
+ extensions: ["colours_looks"],
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "getClipbox",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER,
+ text: "clipping box [PROP]",
+ arguments: {
+ PROP: {
+ type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING,
+ defaultValue: "width",
+ menu: "props",
+ },
+ },
+ filter: [Scratch.TargetType.SPRITE],
+ extensions: ["colours_looks"],
+ },
+ "---",
+ {
+ opcode: "setBlend",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "use [BLENDMODE] blending ",
+ arguments: {
+ type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING,
+ defaultValue: "default",
+ menu: "blends",
+ },
+ },
+ filter: [Scratch.TargetType.SPRITE],
+ extensions: ["colours_looks"],
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "getBlend",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.REPORTER,
+ text: "blending",
+ filter: [Scratch.TargetType.SPRITE],
+ disableMonitor: true,
+ extensions: ["colours_looks"],
+ },
+ "---",
+ {
+ opcode: "setAdditiveBlend",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.COMMAND,
+ text: "turn additive blending [STATE]",
+ arguments: {
+ STATE: {
+ type: Scratch.ArgumentType.STRING,
+ defaultValue: "on",
+ menu: "states",
+ },
+ },
+ filter: [Scratch.TargetType.SPRITE],
+ hideFromPalette: true,
+ extensions: ["colours_looks"],
+ },
+ {
+ opcode: "getAdditiveBlend",
+ blockType: Scratch.BlockType.BOOLEAN,
+ text: "is additive blending on?",
+ filter: [Scratch.TargetType.SPRITE],
+ hideFromPalette: true,
+ disableMonitor: true,
+ extensions: ["colours_looks"],
+ },
+ ],
+ menus: {
+ states: {
+ acceptReporters: true,
+ items: ["on", "off"],
+ },
+ blends: {
+ acceptReporters: true,
+ items: ["default", "additive", "subtract", "multiply", "invert"],
+ },
+ props: {
+ acceptReporters: true,
+ items: ["width", "height", "min x", "min y", "max x", "max y"],
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ setClipbox({ X1, Y1, X2, Y2 }, { target }) {
+ if (target.isStage) return;
+ const newClipbox = {
+ x_min: Math.min(X1, X2),
+ y_min: Math.min(Y1, Y2),
+ x_max: Math.max(X1, X2),
+ y_max: Math.max(Y1, Y2),
+ };
+ penDirty = true;
+ target.clipbox = newClipbox;
+ renderer,
+ target.drawableID,
+ newClipbox
+ );
+ if (target.visible) {
+ renderer.dirty = true;
+ target.emitVisualChange();
+ target.runtime.requestRedraw();
+ target.runtime.requestTargetsUpdate(target);
+ }
+ }
+ clearClipbox(args, { target }) {
+ if (target.isStage) return;
+ target.clipbox = null;
+ penDirty = true;
+, target.drawableID, null);
+ if (target.visible) {
+ renderer.dirty = true;
+ target.emitVisualChange();
+ target.runtime.requestRedraw();
+ target.runtime.requestTargetsUpdate(target);
+ }
+ }
+ getClipbox({ PROP }, { target }) {
+ const clipbox = target.clipbox;
+ if (!clipbox) return "";
+ switch (PROP) {
+ case "width":
+ return clipbox.x_max - clipbox.x_min;
+ case "height":
+ return clipbox.y_max - clipbox.y_min;
+ case "min x":
+ return clipbox.x_min;
+ case "min y":
+ return clipbox.y_min;
+ case "max x":
+ return clipbox.x_max;
+ case "max y":
+ return clipbox.y_max;
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+ }
+ setBlend({ BLENDMODE }, { target }) {
+ let newValue = null;
+ switch (BLENDMODE) {
+ case "default":
+ case "additive":
+ case "subtract":
+ case "multiply":
+ case "invert":
+ newValue = BLENDMODE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if (target.isStage) return;
+ penDirty = true;
+ target.blendMode = newValue;
+ renderer,
+ target.drawableID,
+ newValue
+ );
+ if (target.visible) {
+ renderer.dirty = true;
+ target.emitVisualChange();
+ target.runtime.requestRedraw();
+ target.runtime.requestTargetsUpdate(target);
+ }
+ }
+ getBlend(args, { target }) {
+ return target.blendMode ?? "default";
+ }
+ setAdditiveBlend({ STATE }, util) {
+ if (STATE === "on") this.setBlend({ BLENDMODE: "additive" }, util);
+ if (STATE === "off") this.setBlend({ BLENDMODE: "default" }, util);
+ }
+ getAdditiveBlend(args, { target }) {
+ return target.blendMode === "additive";
+ }
+ }
+ Scratch.extensions.register(new Extension());
+ })(Scratch);