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Releases: MindPort-GmbH/VR-Builder

Anchor Proximity Detection

07 Nov 14:35
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  • It is now possible to add proximity detection to VR Builder teleportation anchors. This means that the anchor will send a teleported event readable by VR Builder even if the user gets near it by continuous locomotion or walking, without teleporting. Click the "Add Teleportation Proximity Entry" button on the teleportation anchor to instantiate the necessary components.
  • Added support for the Cognitive3D integration.
  • Added drawer for selectable value between int and data property reference.


  • The touchable property now recognizes touch from any direct interactor, not only from interactors parented to the user scene object.


  • Fixed issue when having punctuation in the name of a localization table.

Teleport Interactables QoL

05 Oct 08:10
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  • Added auto-configuration options to VR Builder's custom Teleportation Area and Anchor components. You can now use the provided buttons to automatically configure the teleport interactable to work with the VR Builder rig, and, in the case of the Anchor, you have the option to set up the default anchor. Note that this functionality is no longer available on the Teleportation Property.
  • Added error message when building audio with localization enabled but no localization table assigned to the process.
  • Added PropertyExtensionExclusionList component, which can be added to the game object containing the SceneConfiguration in order to exclude specific property extension types.


  • Changed the way transitions are named in the process editor. Instead of showing the step they lead to, they display the name of their first condition, followed by a number in case more conditions are present. This should be more informative and help understand the process at a glance.
  • Moved user scene object on rig root instead of the main camera. RuntimeConfiguration.User is obsolete, use LocalUser instead. Transforms for head and hands can be accessed through the LocalUser property.


  • The default teleportation anchor is now compatible with URP.
  • Fixed potential cause of corruption of the JSON file.

Localization Support

31 Aug 08:03
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  • Added support for Unity Localization based on a contribution by LEFX ( It is now optionally possible to use the Localization package in Play Audio and Play Text-to-Speech behaviors. Users need to set up localization and create a localization table which needs to be assigned to the process on the PROCESS_CONFIGURATION game object. It is then possible to type keys in the behaviors and add corresponding localized text in the localization table. The Project Wizard provides a complete list of steps for setting this up.
  • Added a Start/Stop Particle Emission behavior which can control a particle emitter more naturally than just enabling or disabling the game object or component.


  • Fix for lockable objects without LockOnParentObjectLock being impossible to unlock after being force-locked on scene start.

Process Asset Strategies

10 Aug 13:54
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  • Updated minimum XRI version to 2.4.1.
  • Improved the project setup wizard: now it is possible to select more than one device at once.
  • The default SDK for Meta Quests is now OpenXR. Oculus XR can still be selected via the Legacy option.
  • Improved JSON serialization: now there is no theoretical limit on having step groups within groups; removed the limitation of creating groups only in the root chapter.
  • Added support for different implementations of how to save the process asset.


  • Now VR Builder automatically closes the Process Editor before building in order to avoid accidental process corruption.

Parallel Execution

19 Jul 14:45
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  • Parallel Execution node: this node works similarly to the Step Group node but lets you create multiple paths which are independent from one another and executed at the same time. The Parallel Execution node completes when all paths have ended.


  • When the process file is changed externally (e.g. because of source control) and the Process Editor is open, a dialog will appear asking which data to use.


  • Fixed tags not saved when created from the inspector.
  • Replaced FindObjectsByType call with FindObjectsOfType for better backwards compatibility.
  • Fixed confetti machine not working in demo scene.
  • Removed a few instances where the process file was saved unnecessarily.
  • Fix for chapter started and step started events in Process Runner being called repeatedly.
  • Fix for editor icon not found error.

Snap Zones QoL

13 Jun 15:27
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  • Added menu entry that directly links to the roadmap.


  • Snap zones now require to select a material for the base highlight instead of a color. This adds flexibility and is consistent with the valid/invalid materials.
  • When pasting nodes in the process editor, those are now pasted on the mouse cursor's position instead of the same position as the copied nodes.


  • Fixed process editor losing focus when step is selected.
  • Fixed issue with copied object references using the Duplicate Chapter button.
  • Fixed hand animations not working as intended.
  • Snap zone preview mesh is updated when the highlight settings are changed.

XRI 2.3 Support

04 May 11:28
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  • Added custom overrides Teleportation Anchor (VR Builder) and Teleportation Area (VR Builder). Those should be used instead of the XRI defaults and will provide automated configuration and other useful features in the future.
  • Added Dummy Text-to-speech provider. This provider generates blank files and can be used as a fallback on hardware that does not support the default Microsoft SAPI provider.
  • Added support for property extensions, which are components that are automatically added along with a certain scene object property. To create your extensions, override ISceneObjectPropertyExtension<TProperty> and ensure the relevant assembly is listed in the scene configuration (see below).
  • The PROCESS_CONFIGURATION object now includes an additional Scene Configuration component. This stores configuration pertinent to the scene, but not necessarily the whole project. At the moment, the configuration defines which assembly should be checked for property extensions and the default confetti prefab.


  • VR Builder now requires and supports XRI 2.3.1 and later.
  • All properties now use Unity events instead of C# events. This allows users to more easily use them with their own logic in the Unity inspector.
  • Behaviors and conditions now are dynamically named. Names are more informative and are not stored in the process JSON anymore.
  • Spawning objects and enabling/disabling objects and components now has an additional abstraction layer between the relevant behaviors and the Unity logic. This allows to handle these things differently in custom implementations, e.g. our upcoming multiuser support. Custom behaviors interacting with gameobject in these ways should do so through the SceneObjectManager found in the runtime configuration.
  • Obsoleted the InstructionPlayer audio source reference in the runtime configuration. The Play Audio behavior and other behaviors playing audio should use the abstracted ProcessAudioPlayer instead.


  • Fixed Step Inspector window occasionally duplicating itself on recompile.
  • Fixed tags not saved properly on prefab objects.

Snap Condition Improvements

14 Mar 10:00
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  • New variant of the Snap Object behavior that allows to snap any object with a given tag in a specified snap zone.
  • Added Duplicate Chapter button to the chapter list in the step inspector. It can be used to create a copy of the currently selected chapter.


  • The Snap Object by Reference condition now supports leaving one object reference field empty. This way, the condition will complete either when the user snaps a specific object in any snap zone, or when any object is snapped in a specific snap zone. Note that manual unlocking of objects or snap zones may be required, and fast forwarding will not automatically snap anything if a field is empty.


  • Copy/paste should now work as expected.
  • Automated setup for OpenXR-based headsets should now work as expected.
  • Change the way the step inspector focuses when a step is selected. This should help with the step inspector disappearing on macOS.

TTS Rework

06 Feb 14:29
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  • Changed the way text-to-speech audio works: it is no longer possible to generate TTS audio at runtime. This will ensure a build works consistently regardless of which machine is running on, as audio for builds will always be synthesized and stored in advance. Missing/changed audio is automatically generated when creating the build. Buttons to manually generate/flush files have been added in Project Settings > VR Builder > Language.
  • Refactored the TTS system to make it easier to add new TTS providers modularly, without the need to edit VR Builder files.
  • Improvements to the drawer of the Play Audio/TTS behavior in the Step Inspector.
  • Removed support for Google (v1) and Watson TTS providers.
  • It is now possible to build a VR Builder project on WebGL. Note that WebGL does not support VR, but this can be useful for some advanced, custom use cases.


  • It is now possible to build for Android using IL2CPP with managed stripping set to "Minimal" - before, this had to be set to "Low" as a workaround.
  • Grouping many steps in step groups no longer breaks the process JSON.

[Known Issues]

  • TTS might not work properly on WebGL builds.

Grouping of Steps

19 Jan 14:11
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  • New "Step Group" node which can be used to group together a cluster of nodes and improve graph organization. Existing nodes can be grouped from the context menu, or an empty group can be created and populated. Caveats: currently the group node only has one input and one output. End Chapter nodes are not supported in step groups. Nested step groups are not recommended.


  • Changed teleportation logic and updated rigs accordingly to improve reliability. Anchors and teleportation areas now need their Teleport Trigger to be set to "On Deactivated". This is taken care of automatically when autoconfiguring teleportation anchors, but already configured anchors/areas will not work as intended with the new rig and viceversa. Note that you will need to delete the rig and re-perform setup to create an up-to-date one in an existing scene.


  • Fixed process not loading correctly on some IL2CPP Android builds.
  • Fixed scene object reference to a child in a prefab becoming invalid when the prefab is edited.
  • Fixed process scene objects in additively loaded scene not registering.
  • Fixed process scene objects in additively loaded scene requesting a new unique name on load.