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href: /odata/odatalib/navigation-partner
- name: Optional parameters
href: /odata/odatalib/optional-parameters
+ - name: Set schema for out-of-line annotations
+ href: /odata/odatalib/edm/set-annotations-schema
- name: Batching
- name: Batching requests
diff --git a/Odata-docs/odatalib/v7/edm/set-annotations-schema.md b/Odata-docs/odatalib/v7/edm/set-annotations-schema.md
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+title: "Set schema for out-of-line annotations"
+description: "Set schema for out-of-line annotations"
+author: gathogojr
+ms.author: jogathog
+ms.date: 10/9/2023
+ms.topic: article
+# Define annotations
+**Applies To**: [!INCLUDE[appliesto-odataclient](../../../includes/appliesto-odatalib-v7.md)]
+Edm library supports adding annotations on various schema elements, including entity sets, entity types, properties, and so on. Annotations can be put under the `Annotations` element (**out-of-line** annotations), or under the annotated target schema element** (**inline** annotations).
+You may want to go through the [define annotations](/odatalib/edm/define-annotations) tutorial to understand how to specify the serialization location for an annotation.
+This page shows how to specify the schema that the out-of-line annotations should appear in.
+In the section, we define a simple Edm model in an ASP.NET Core project to demonstrate how out-of-line annotations are represented in the service document:
+- Create an ASP.NET Core application based on the ASP.NET Core Empty template.
+- Import the `Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData` nuget package:
+ ---
+ # [Visual Studio](#tab/visual-studio)
+ In the Visual Studio **Package Manager Console**:
+ ```powershell
+ Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData
+ ```
+ # [.NET Core CLI](#tab/netcore-cli)
+ ```dotnetcli
+ dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData
+ ```
+ ---
+- Replace the contents of _Program.cs_ file with the following code:
+ ```csharp
+ using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData;
+ using Microsoft.OData.Edm;
+ using Microsoft.OData.Edm.Vocabularies;
+ var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
+ var model = new EdmModel();
+ // Add Employee entity to Ns namespace
+ var employeeEntityType = new EdmEntityType("Ns", "Employee");
+ employeeEntityType.AddKeys(
+ employeeEntityType.AddStructuralProperty("Id", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32, isNullable: false));
+ employeeEntityType.AddStructuralProperty("Name", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String, isNullable: true);
+ employeeEntityType.AddStructuralProperty("Salary", EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal, isNullable: false);
+ model.AddElement(employeeEntityType);
+ // Add Entity Container to Default namespace
+ var defaultEntityContainer = new EdmEntityContainer("Default", "Container");
+ model.AddElement(defaultEntityContainer);
+ // Add Employee entity set to the entity container
+ var employeesEntitySet = defaultEntityContainer.AddEntitySet("Employees", employeeEntityType);
+ // Add out-of-line vocabulary annotation
+ var notSortableVocabularyAnnotation = new EdmVocabularyAnnotation(
+ employeesEntitySet,
+ new EdmTerm("Org.OData.Capabilities.V1", "SortRestrictions", new EdmEntityTypeReference(employeeEntityType, isNullable: false)),
+ new EdmRecordExpression(
+ new EdmPropertyConstructor("Sortable", new EdmBooleanConstant(true)),
+ new EdmPropertyConstructor("AscendingOnlyProperties", new EdmCollectionExpression()),
+ new EdmPropertyConstructor("DescendingOnlyProperties", new EdmCollectionExpression()),
+ new EdmPropertyConstructor("NonSortableProperties", new EdmCollectionExpression(
+ new EdmPropertyPathExpression("Salary")))));
+ model.AddVocabularyAnnotation(notSortableVocabularyAnnotation);
+ // Configure OData service
+ builder.Services.AddControllers().AddOData(
+ options => options.AddRouteComponents(
+ model));
+ var app = builder.Build();
+ app.UseRouting();
+ app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => endpoints.MapControllers());
+ app.Run();
+ ```
+- Run the application and query the service metadata:
+ ```http
+ GET http://localhost:5000/$metadata
+ ```
+ Response:
+ ```xml
+ Salary
+ ```
+The `Org.OData.Capabilities.V1.SortRestrictions` annotation appears under an `Annotations` element in the `Ns` namespace.
+The following two steps show how to specify the schema where the annotation should appear:
+1. Import `Microsoft.OData.Edm.Csdl` namespace.
+2. Use the `SetSchemaNamespace` to specify the schema that the annotation should appear:
+ ```csharp
+ // ... other Edm model definition code
+ model.AddVocabularyAnnotation(notSortableVocabularyAnnotation);
+ notSortableVocabularyAnnotation.SetSchemaNamespace(model, "Default");
+ ```
+Rerun the application and query the service metadata. This time round the `Annotations` element is in the `Default` namespace:
+ Salary
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