This note gives the details of the APIs for the client library which is an abstraction over TestPlatformV2. These APIs enable all the test related operations i.e. discovery, execution and debugging. TranslationLayer takes care of launching the TestPlatform runner, maintaining the connection and communication, sending and bringing back the results.
TranslationLayer is a wrapper over the new TestPlatform V2. TranslationLayer abstracts out all the internal details especially the communication protocol and serialization. TranslationLayer provides simple APIs that can be invoked to get the desired result.
- Makes it easier for TestPlatform client writers.
- Low maintainence for clients, minimal changes required during releases for TestPlatform.
There is a sample project available for reference. Please find the relevant links below.
- Sample project :
- Nuget package :
TranslationLayer provides a IVsTestConsoleWrapper interface that contains main APIs for the required operations. VsTestConsoleWrapper provides the implementation for this interface. Please find following the details on the APIs and usage.
Client needs to create a new instance of the VsTestConsoleWrapper class. The full path of the vstest.console.exe needs to passed as the parameter for the Constructor.
public VsTestConsoleWrapper(string vstestConsolePath)
After creating the instance of VsTestConsoleWrapper, we need to call the following APIs as prerequites to the actual operations.
This call starts the test runner process, creates the communication channel and readies it for handling requests.
IVsTestConsoleWrapper :: StartSession()
This call initializes the TestPlatform with paths to extensions like adapters, loggers and any other extensions.
IVsTestConsoleWrapper :: void IntializeExtensions(IEnumerable<string> pathtoAdditonalExtensions)
There are handlers that are passed via discovery/execution operation calls and are responsible for handling the discovery and execution events. These handlers are defined under Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.Client namespace in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel assembly.
Interface contract for handling discovery events during test discovery operation.
Interface contract for handling run events during test run operation
This api starts the discovery for the given sources and settings.
void DiscoverTests(IEnumerable<string> sources, string discoverySettings, ITestDiscoveryEventsHandler discoveryEventsHandler);
Parameters | Type | Description |
sources | IEnumerable | Enumerable of paths to testcontainers |
discoverySettings | string | Path to the settings file |
discoveryEventHandler | ITestDiscoveryEventsHandler | Contract for handling discovery events |
TODO : Place holder for now, not supported yet.
This api starts the execution for the given sources and settings.
void RunTests(IEnumerable<string> sources, string runSettings, ITestRunEventsHandler testRunEventsHandler)
Parameters | Type | Description |
sources | IEnumerable | Enumerable of paths to testcontainers |
runSettings | string | Path to the settings file |
testRunEventsHandler | ITestRunEventsHandler | Contract for handling execution events |
This api starts the execution for the given sources and settings.
void RunTests(IEnumerable<TestCase> testCases, string runSettings, ITestRunEventsHandler testRunEventsHandler)
Parameters | Type | Description |
testCases | IEnumerable | Enumerable of testcases |
runSettings | string | Path to the settings file |
testRunEventsHandler | ITestRunEventsHandler | Contract for handling execution events |
TestCase is defined in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel.
This call will cancel the last test run request
IVsTestConsoleWrapper :: CancelTestRun()
This call will abort the last test run request
IVsTestConsoleWrapper :: AbortTestRun()
After all the operations are done, these are the calls that should be made at the end as part of cleanup.
This call ends the test session and stops processing requests.
IVsTestConsoleWrapper :: EndSession()