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0001 Test Platform Architecture


This document outlines the architecture of the Visual Studio Test Platform. It covers the core components and the runner.


The test platform should help the developer through out testing life cycle. In terms of acquisition, the test platform may provide a test runner which is available in key operating systems and devices.

Based on test strategy of a product, tests are grouped into various categories as per semantics (the product area they validate), or the phase they run (Developer Machine, Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment). Test platform should allow selection of tests. Various aspects of test execution may need to be configurable and shared across a team. During test execution, diagnostics from the product should be available as reporting. The reporting and collection of diagnostics data may be extensible to support coverage, loggers, analytics and so on.

The platform should provide an extensibility model for test frameworks (and language runtimes). A developer acquainted with the aspects of test platform can use the same set of operations (test filtering, test execution, reporting) irrespective of the test framework (or language runtime) of the test.

Detailed Design

The overall architecture of the test platform is detailed in the block diagram below with all the extensibility points colored in green.

vstest.console overall architecture

This architecture has four major components:

  1. Test Runner is the command line entrypoint to test platform (vstest.console).
  2. Test Execution Host is an architecture and framework specific process that actually loads the test container and executes tests.
  3. Data Collector Host process hosts various test execution data listeners.
  4. IDE/Editor process is used by developer for Edit/Build the application and trigger test runs.

We will describe each component in the following sections.

Test Runner

Test runner is the primary entry point to the test platform. It takes a test container with a set of configuration settings as input. The language runtime, architecture, framework for test execution are inferred from the settings. Based on these parameters, it spawns a Test Execution Host process.

Test platform separates the test execution from the test runner for the following reasons:

  • Tests can target any language runtime. E.g. .NET, Javascript, Python etc.
  • Tests can target a specific version of the runtime. E.g. .NET 4.6 or .NET Standard 1.4
  • Tests can target a specific platform architecture. E.g. x64 or x86
  • Tests can target a different device
  • Test runner (or the loggers) need to capture details even in case test execution host terminates abnormally
  • Test execution can be ported to newer devices/platforms/runtimes without any impact on test runner

An example: vstest.console can be net46 but run tests targeting netcoreapp1.0. The tests are loaded in a different process (dotnet.exe) which hosts the netcoreapp1.0 CLR runtime. If user upgrades their test project to netcoreapp2.0, the tests will continue to run.

Host extensibility allows developers to author custom test execution hosts. One of the primary use case for this is running tests on a device. E.g. in case of running tests against a Universal Windows device, the test host is launched on a Windows Phone device. The test case and run settings are passed on to the test host using a JSON over Sockets protocol.

Using the Logger extensibility feature, an extension can listen to the Test Result for each test case. It can also recieve a set of Test Attachments generated during the test execution. E.g. Trx logger generates an xml report of test results, elapsed time for the run etc. using this mechanism.

If data collectors are specified in the run settings, the Data Collector Host is spawned. We will cover it in more details in another section below.

The test runner component loads host extensions and logger extensions in it's process. Data collectors are not loaded in this process. The tests are also not loaded here, it is completely agnostic to test runtime/platform.

Test Execution Host

The test host connects to the test runner, and waits for commands to discover and execute tests. Details of the protocol are available in test discovery protocol and test execution protocol documents.

A test host is specific to the language runtime, version and platform architecture of the test containers. E.g. testhost.x86.exe is the test host for a test container (assembly) targeting .NET Framework 4.6, x86 architecture; where as testhost.exe is spawned for .NET Framework 4.6, x64 architecture. The test host for .NET Core is platform agnostic and is launched on the required dotnet.exe (x86 or x64).

However the test host is agnostic of test framework. It has no knowledge of what a Test Case or Test Suite is. It delegates the responsibility of discovering and executing the tests to Test Adapters. An adapter understands the intricacies of test framework. E.g. the NUnit adapter understands tests authored in NUnit framework, it can discover and execute them.

Adapter Extensibility provides an extensible way for developers to plug in an adapter for the test framework of their choice. An adapter needs to implement a specific interface that is understood by the test host. Test Adapter Extensibility document covers this in more detail.

A Data Collector monitors the test execution and collects diagnostic, performance, and other data for the code under test. If a data collector needs to collect intrusive data, it may use the In-Proc Data Collection Extensibility API for this. In-proc data collectors, as the name suggests, are loaded within the test execution host. They can subscribe the test run and test case level events.

We will discuss out of process data collectors in the next section.

Data Collector Host

Out of process data collectors are hosted in the data collector host process. Similar to in-proc data collector, these data collectors also receive test run and test case level start/stop events. Usually the data collector starts/stops monitoring in these event handlers. Further a data collector can generate attachments which are available in the test results. E.g. a video data collector can record a browser session while the test case is executing, it may attach the recorded video to the test result (if the test case failed) for further analysis by the user.

Data collectors are hosted in a separate process for several reasons:

  1. Data collector may not be intrusive, it should not impact the test execution itself. E.g. a performance data collector may not be accurate if it runs within the execution process
  2. The test host process can be of a totally different architecture, framework. However data collectors are usually generic. E.g. the video data collector should record videos for JS or .NET tests alike.

Data collector host process is spawned only if data collection is configured in the test run settings.

Detailed design of a data collector is available in the Data Collector Protocol document.


An IDE/Editor can connect to vstest.console over a JSON protocol. It invokes the runner with a specific port to connect. Once connected, the runner can receive commands to discover or execute tests. The Editor needs to specify a test container for the run, and any runsettings as specified by user. The runner returns list of discovered TestCase for discovery command. For test execution it returns a list of TestResult objects.

The separation of vstest.console as a different process allows non .NET based Editors to use test platform capabilities. Secondly, the runner process loads several extensions (loggers, host extensions) at runtime; process isolation allows flexibility for Editor to not load these extensions in-proc.

This protocol is documented in Editor API Specification document.

Flow: Test Runner - Test Host

  1. A user would spawn an instance of the runner with a set of test containers and settings for the test session.
  2. The runner would then process those settings to figure out key decision parameters for the run some of which are:
    • The architecture the tests should run on.(x86/x64)
    • The framework that the tests are on.(Desktop Fx/Core Fx)
    • Data collectors if enabled.
    • Path to user specified extension assemblies.
  3. It uses the architecture and framework specified to spawn an instance of a test host process that satisfies these settings.
  4. The runner also starts an instance of a TCP server to communicate with the test host process.
  5. After the test host launches it sets up a client connection with the runner.
  6. The runner would then send through the test containers with the user specified settings to the test host process.
  7. The test host process performs the requested operation - either discovery/execution - and returns back the results in batches to the runner.
  8. The test host signals an operation end to the runner which then notifies the loggers and bails out.

The protocol between the runner and the test host for discovery and execution is detailed below. The interaction between the runner, test host and data collector is detailed in a different document.


Discovery Protocol

  1. After launching the test host process as detailed above, the runner sends a TestDiscovery.Initialize message with the full path to extension assemblies as an IEnumerable<string>. The test host then uses this to load the extensions before hand. This is an optional step and will not be sent if there are no additional extensions but the default.
  2. The runner then sends a TestDiscovery.Start message with a DiscoveryPayload which contains the test containers and the session level settings.
  3. The TestPlatform.Engine component in test host process invokes the loaded adapters with these containers to discover tests.
  4. When the adapter finds a test it notifies the TestPlatform.Engine which caches these test cases.
  5. When the maximum cache size is hit or on a cache timeout the engine passes on a list of test cases in a TestDiscovery.TestsFound message as a List<TestCase>
  6. The adapter can also notify the TestPlatform.Engine of any errors/warnings during discovery via a message. This messages are then sent to the runner as a TestSession.Message with a TestMessagePayload This is an optional message.
  7. On discovery completion the adapter notifies the TestPlatform.Engine which then sends a TestDiscovery.Completed message to the runner with a DiscoveryCompletePayload
  8. On receiving a discovery complete from the test host the runner then ends the communication with a TestSession.Terminate.
  9. On receiving a terminate message the test host process cleanly exits.


Execution Protocol

  1. After launching the test host process as detailed above the runner sends a TestExecution.Initialize message with the full path to extension assemblies as an IEnumerable<string>. The test host then uses this to load the extensions needed for execution before hand. This is an optional step and will not be sent if there are no additional extensions but the default.
  2. The runner then sends a TestExecution.StartWithSources message with a TestRunCriteriaWithSources which contains the test containers and the session level settings.
  3. The TestPlatform.Engine component in test host process invokes the loaded adapters with these containers to execute tests.
  4. The adapter notifies the TestPlatform.Engine of a test case start, test result and a test case end. It maintains the test results received in a cache.
  5. When the maximum cache size is hit or on a cache timeout the TestPlatform.Engine passes on a list of test results in a TestExecution.TestResults message as a TestRunStatsPayload
  6. The adapter can also notify the TestPlatform.Engine of any errors/warnings during execution via a message. This messages are then sent to the runner as a TestSession.Message with a TestMessagePayload. This is an optional message.
  7. On execution completion the adapter notifies the engine which then sends a TestExecution.Completed message to the runner with a TestRunCompletePayload.
  8. On receiving a execution complete from the test host the runner then ends the communication with a TestSession.Terminate.
  9. On receiving a terminate message the test host process cleanly exits.


All IPC within the test platform is via sockets and json.