# Operator of map
A action for map lint result
- uses: MeilCli/common-lint-reporter/operator/map@v1
    function: |
      (x) => Object.assign(x, {message: "message: " + x.message})

## Option
### Input
- `github_token`:
  - github app token, using to read and write repository
  - required
  - default: `${{ github.token }}`
- `github_server_url`:
  - github server url, this option is for github enterprise user
  - if this value is not set, this actions uses `github.server_url`
- `github_graphql_api_url`:
  - github graphql api url, this option is for github enterprise user
  - if this value is not set, this actions uses `github.graphql_url`
- `workspace_path`:
  - workspace path, using to convert relative path from absolute path
- `repository`:
  - running repository, format: owner/repository
- `pull_request`:
  - running pull request number
- `commit_sha`:
  - running commit sha
- `report_files`:
  - report file glob pattern
  - required
  - default: `common_lint.json`
- `report_files_follow_symbolic_links`:
  - report file glob pattern option
  - value: `true` or `false`
- `use_api_context`
  - if this option is enabled, set information to context using api
  - more information? see [this](context.md)
  - value: `true` or `false`
  - default: `false`
- `function`:
  - the function of this action
  - required
- `output_path`:
  - output path
  - required
  - default: `common_lint.json`

## function input
`function` must be JavaScript's function, such as named-function, no-named-function or lambda-function

function map(x) { 
    return { ...x, message: `[${x.rule}] ${x.message}` } 

Specification of returning value? see [this](../lint-result.md)