- Please sign one of the contributor license agreements below.
- Fork the repo, develop and test your code changes, add docs.
- Make sure that your commit messages clearly describe the changes.
- Send a pull request. (Please Read: Faster Pull Request Reviews)
Here are some guidelines for hacking on google-cloud-python
- Adding Features
- Using a Development Checkout
- I'm getting weird errors... Can you help?
- Coding Style
- Commit Message Convention
- Running System Tests
- Running Generated Sample Tests
- Test Coverage
- Documentation Coverage and Building HTML Documentation
- Note About
as it pertains to PyPI - Kokoro Configuration
- Supported Python Versions
- Versioning
- Contributor License Agreements
In order to add a feature to google-cloud-python
- The feature must be documented in both the API and narrative
documentation (in
). - The feature must work fully on the following CPython versions: 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 on both UNIX and Windows.
- The feature must not add unnecessary dependencies (where "unnecessary" is of course subjective, but new dependencies should be discussed).
You'll have to create a development environment to hack on
, using a Git checkout:
While logged into your GitHub account, navigate to the
repo on GitHub.Fork and clone the
repository to your GitHub account by clicking the "Fork" button.Clone your fork of
from your GitHub account to your local computer, substituting your account username and specifying the destination ashack-on-google-cloud-python
. E.g.:$ cd ${HOME} $ git clone [email protected]:USERNAME/google-cloud-python.git hack-on-google-cloud-python $ cd hack-on-google-cloud-python # Configure remotes such that you can pull changes from the google-cloud-python # repository into your local repository. $ git remote add upstream [email protected]:googleapis/google-cloud-python.git # fetch and merge changes from upstream into master $ git fetch upstream $ git merge upstream/master
Now your local repo is set up such that you will push changes to your GitHub repo, from which you can submit a pull request.
To work on the codebase and run the tests, we recommend using nox
but you can also use a virtualenv
of your own creation.
We use nox to instrument our tests.
You must install nox using Python 3.
To test your changes, go to the package directory and run
:$ nox -s unit-2.7 $ nox -s unit-3.7 $ ...
The unit tests and system tests are contained in the individual
files in each directory; substitutedatastore
in the example above with the package of your choice.Alternatively, you can just navigate directly to the package you are currently developing and run tests there:
$ export GIT_ROOT=$(pwd) $ cd ${GIT_ROOT}/datastore/ $ nox -s unit-3.7
As mentioned previously, using
in develop mode or apip
editable install is not possible with this library. This is because this library uses namespace packages. For context see Issue #2316 and the relevant PyPA issue.Since
mode can't be used, packages need to be installed directly. Hence your changes to the source tree don't get incorporated into the already installed package.
If the error mentions Python.h
not being found,
install python-dev
and try again.
On Debian/Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
We use the automatic code formatter
. You can run it using the nox sessionblacken
. This will eliminate many lint errors.$ nox -s blacken
PEP8 compliance is required, with exceptions defined in the linter configuration. You can test for non-compliant code via:
$ nox -s lint
In order to make
nox -s lint
run faster, you can set some environment variables:export GOOGLE_CLOUD_TESTING_REMOTE="upstream" export GOOGLE_CLOUD_TESTING_BRANCH="master"
By doing this, you are specifying the location of the most up-to-date version of
. The suggested remote nameupstream
should point to the officialgoogleapis
checkout and the the branch should be the main branch on that remote (master
Exceptions to PEP8:
- Many unit tests use a helper method,
("FUT" is short for "Function-Under-Test"), which is PEP8-incompliant, but more readable. Some also use a local variable,MUT
(short for "Module-Under-Test").
We use Conventional Commits as a convention for writing commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history.
To run system tests for a given package, go to the package directory and execute:
$ nox -s system-3.7 $ nox -s system-2.7
System tests are only configured to run under Python 2.7 and Python 3.7. For expediency, we do not run them in older versions of Python 3.
This alone will not run the tests. You'll need to change some local auth settings and change some configuration in your project to run all the tests.
System tests will be run against an actual project and so you'll need to provide some environment variables to facilitate authentication to your project:
: The path to a JSON key file; Such a file can be downloaded directly from the developer's console by clicking "Generate new JSON key". See private key docs for more details.- In order for Logging system tests to work, the Service Account
will also have to be made a project
. This can be changed under "IAM & Admin". Additionally,[email protected]
must be givenEditor
permissions on the project.
Once you have downloaded your json keys, set the environment variable
to the absolute path of the json file:$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/Users/<your_username>/path/to/app_credentials.json"
For datastore tests, you'll need to create composite indexes with the
command line tool:# Install the app (App Engine Command Line Interface) component. $ gcloud components install app-engine-python # Authenticate the gcloud tool with your account. $ GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path/to/app_credentials.json" $ gcloud auth activate-service-account \ > --key-file=${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS} # Create the indexes $ gcloud datastore indexes create datastore/tests/system/index.yaml
For datastore query tests, you'll need stored data in your dataset. To populate this data, run:
$ python datastore/tests/system/utils/populate_datastore.py
If you make a mistake during development (i.e. a failing test that prevents clean-up) you can clear all system test data from your datastore instance via:
$ python datastore/tests/system/utils/clear_datastore.py
To run system tests for a given package, go to the package directory and execute:
$ nox -s samples
Generated sample tests require the
commamd line tool <https://sample-tester.readthedocs.io>.Generated sample tests will be run against an actual project and so you'll need to provide some environment variables to facilitate authentication to your project (See: Running System Tests)
- The codebase must have 100% test statement coverage after each commit.
You can test coverage via
nox -s cover
If you fix a bug, and the bug requires an API or behavior modification, all documentation in this package which references that API or behavior must be changed to reflect the bug fix, ideally in the same commit that fixes the bug or adds the feature.
To build and review docs go to the package directory and execute:
$ nox -s docs
- Open the
file to see the resulting HTML rendering.
The description on PyPI for the project comes directly from the
. Due to the reStructuredText (rst
) parser used by
PyPI, relative links which will work on GitHub (e.g. CONTRIBUTING.rst
instead of
may cause problems creating links or rendering the description.
Build scripts and configurations are in the .kokoro
We support:
Supported versions can be found in our noxfile.py
We explicitly decided not to support Python 2.5 due to decreased usage and lack of continuous integration support.
We have dropped 2.6 as a supported version as well since Python 2.6 is no longer supported by the core development team.
Python 2.7 support is deprecated. All code changes should maintain Python 2.7 compatibility until January 1, 2020.
We also explicitly decided to support Python 3 beginning with version 3.5. Reasons for this include:
- Encouraging use of newest versions of Python 3
- Taking the lead of prominent open-source projects
- Unicode literal support which allows for a cleaner codebase that works in both Python 2 and Python 3
This library follows Semantic Versioning.
Some packages are currently in major version zero (0.y.z
), which means that
anything may change at any time and the public API should not be considered
Before we can accept your pull requests you'll need to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA):
- If you are an individual writing original source code and you own the intellectual property, then you'll need to sign an individual CLA.
- If you work for a company that wants to allow you to contribute your work, then you'll need to sign a corporate CLA.
You can sign these electronically (just scroll to the bottom). After that, we'll be able to accept your pull requests.