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Mounting the RPI, FLIR, and Buck

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47 lines (24 loc) · 1.71 KB

Mounting The Raspberry Pi, FLIR, and Buck Converter to The Gimbal

Making The Gimbal

Please first print the two STL files named: FLIR GIMBAL HOUSING and FLIR GIMBAL ARM.

Once Printed, grab the FLIR GIMBAL HOUSING and place a two way servo arm through the holes like this:

Image of Servo Arm in Housing

Once Placed, grab your servo and place it into the FLIR GIMBAL ARM as shown:

Image of Servo Mounting

Image of Servo Mounting

Once Placed, Grab a MPU6050 and mount it to the arm as shown:

Image of mounting MPU6050 to ARM

Next, line up the housings hole on the inside and mount it to the servo/arm making sure to use the provided small screw that comes provided with the SG90 Servo.

Image of mounting Housing to ARM


Image of mounting FLIR to Housing

Mounting Components To Gimbal Arm

Use Two Sided Tape/Adhesive to Mount the RPI and Voltage Buck Converter to the GIMBAL ARM.

Image of the adhesive on the arm

Place Raspberry Pi on the longer side with the HDMI and Power facing Outwards.

Image of Raspberry Pi on Arm

Place the Voltage Buck Converter on the shorter side with the display facing out.

Image of Buck Converter on Arm

Place Gimbal onto Ronin MX Mount. Can face towards the front or the rear.

Image of Gimbal on Drone

That is it for mounting. Please look at Final Connections and DJI Go setup for wiring the components together.