Releases: MathNodes/meile-gui
Releases · MathNodes/meile-gui
Meile v0.14.0.0 - pip release
UPDATE CHANGELOG. pip v0.14.0.0 released with hourly subscription module
Meile v1.7.9 - OS X
What's New:
- FIX: Unsubscribe bug in OS X (arm64)
Meile v1.7.8 - OS X & Windows
What's New:
- UPDATE: Minor UI fixes and enhancements
- FIX: API in x86 to mainnet API.
- FIX: New wallet bug crash on Windows
Meile v1.7.7 - OS X, Windows, Linux
Meile v1.7.5 - Windows
v1.7.5 (20/07/2023)
- FIX: Crash on subscription
v1.7.4 (18/07/2023)
- NEW: Settings Navbar Icon
- NEW: Settings screen
- NEW: Section for network and key-value RPC pair in config.ini
- NEW: Change RPC from Chain Registry list
- CHANGE: HandWalletFunctions() call in and
- CHANGE: init in and to use self.RPC defined by Settings option
- UPDATE: stores as default RPC in config.ini
Meile v1.7.3 - Windows, OS X, & Linux
What's New
v1.7.3 (09/07/2023)
- NEW: Unsubscribe functions in HandleWalletFunctions()
- NEW: Check for active or pending sessions before unsub
- NEW: Click subscription card to prompt user to unsubscribe
- NEW: Present status dialog once unsub routines run, detailing height, hash of blockchain msg.
- NEW: Added dependencies cospmy and MathNodes/sentinel-protobuf for blockchain msgs.
- NEW: Added Mathnodes GRPC endpoint
- UPDATE: New collection of cosmpy and sentinel-protobuf in pyinstaller script
- FIX: Sort by Price. Bug was created when prices switched from udvpn to dvpn.
- FIX: Get Details by re-adding InsecureWarning import
- FIX: Set SubResult = None on refresh to enable subscription refresh
- FIX: Fiat coin qty reporting
Meile v1.7.2 - OS X
- NEW: Unsubscribe functions in HandleWalletFunctions()
- NEW: Check for active or pending sessions before unsub
- NEW: Click subscription card to prompt user to unsubscribe
- NEW: Present status dialog once unsub routines run, detailing height, hash of blockchain msg.
- NEW: Added dependencies cospmy and MathNodes/sentinel-protobuf for blockchain msgs.
- NEW: Added Mathnodes GRPC endpoint
- UPDATE: New collection of cosmpy and sentinel-protobuf in pyinstaller script
- FIX: Sort by Price. Bug was created when prices switched from udvpn to dvpn.
Note: OS X-intel, Windows, and Linux builds will follow this week.
Meile v1.7.1 - OS X
What's New
- FIX: Bug in disconnect to reconnect to a new node. Fixed by removing wg99.conf from .sentinelcli home dir upon disconnect.
This bug only affected OS X users. An intel release will appear shortly. This is fixed for M1/M2 machines atm.
Meile v1.6.3 - Windows, Linux, & OS X
What's New:
- FIX: Exception handling for unicode process names
- UPDATE: Change DNS resolver to 2s
- UPDATE: wait 3s for wireguard interface to come up on windows before issuing "connected". Also fixes psuedo DNS resolver errors.
- NEW: Optimized builds for OS X (M1/M2 & Intel)
The M1/M2 build for OS X is signed with an Apple Developer key. The intel build is currently unsigned.