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dedicated ID, public IBMid, IBMid, public IAM service

{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip}

Connecting a dedicated ID to your public IBMid

{: #connect_dedicated_id}

To log in to a dedicated cloud where a public IAM service is available, you must log in to the {{}} CLI with your public IBMid instead of the dedicated ID. {: shortdesc}

$ ibmcloud login -a https://api.{dedicated_env}
API endpoint: https://api.{dedicated_env}

Public IAM token service is available in the dedicated environment.
Log in with your public IBMid, or use '--no-iam' to log in as a dedicated user only.


If your dedicated ID is already connected to the public IBMid, it authenticates and logs in:


Connected to dedicated user my_dedicated_id

However, if your dedicated ID is not connected to the public IBMid, you are prompted to manually connect to the public IBMid:

You are logging with an IBMid that isn't associated with any dedicated user.
To set up the connection, input the credentials of the dedicated user.

Choose a credential type:
1. User name and password
2. One-time code. You can get one at https://login.{dedicated_env}
Enter a number>

Select an option to input the credentials for the dedicated ID. After successful authentication, your dedicated ID is connected to your public IBMid.

Force logging in to local UAA server

{: #force_login}

To force logging in to the UAA server with a dedicated ID, specify the --no-iam option in ibmcloud login command:

ibmcloud login --no-iam

Disconnect your dedicated ID from the public IBMid

{: #disconnect_id}

You can use ibmcloud iam dedicated-id-disconnect to disconnect public IBMid with connected dedicated ID.

$ ibmcloud iam dedicated-id-disconnect
Do you really want to disconnect my_dedicated_id from public IBMid? (Y/N)> y
Disconnecting dedicated user my_dedicated_id from public IBMid...

Logging out...