#Teleport Library Setup
Teleport requires API 15+
You have 2 options to import the project. The easiest one is to import the maven project from jcenter(). Or, you can clone the repo from Github, but you'll need to manually update it.
#Import the project from Maven (suggested)
You need to have jcenter() repository in your project root build.gradle, but since it is the default artifact repository in Android Studio, you should be already good to go!
##1) Add dependency in your modules build.gradle file
In both your mobile and wear modules, add Teleport under dependencies:
compile 'Teleport:teleportlib:0.1.4'
Be sure to add the latest version of the lib (use lint check on Android Studio).
##2) Add the wearable dependency to your build.gradle dependencies:
Be sure to have downloaded all the Android Wear components from SDK Manager, then add the wearable dependency under dependencies
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-wearable:+'
##3) Add Google Play Services meta tag in your modules AndroidManifest.xml
In both your mobile and wear modules, add the Google Play meta tag under the application tag:
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
##4) If it's not there, in your mobile module add your wear module to dependencies
wearApp project(':wear')
#Clone the repository from Github
##1) Clone the repository from Github
Clone the repository from
##2) Import the teleportlib Module
The complete Teleport repository contains 3 modules
- teleportlib - The Teleport library (the module you need to include Teleport inside your project)*
There are Two additional modules containing a Demo app.
- mobile - A Mobile App you can use to test Teleport main features
- wear - A companion Wear App which is controlled by the Mobile App
Add the teleportlib module to your build.gradle dependencies
compile project(':teleportlib')
##3) Be sure to have downloaded all the Android Wear components from SDK Manager, then add teleport to your build.gradle dependencies:
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-wearable:+'
compile project(':teleportlib')
##4) If it's not there, in your mobile module add your wear module to dependencies
wearApp project(':wear')
##5) Do a gradle sync
Just in case...
##6) You're set!! :-D
Teleport is imported and you can start using it.
In order to have the Wear app to auto-deploy to your Wear device when the Mobile App is deployed, you need to sign both the Mobile and Wear app with your keystore.
I provided a script inside gradle to automatically sign with a keystore when Release variant is selected.
You just need to
Create a signing.properties file with this informations (basically the same info you add when signing an app):
STORE_FILE= path to your keystore file (like C:/Users/MyUser/Documents/android-studio/AndroidStudioProjects/mykey.keystore) STORE_PASSWORD= your store password KEY_ALIAS= your keystore alias KEY_PASSWORD= your keystore password
Put this file in your Android Studio projects directory
In Android Studio, select Build Variant "release" both for wear and mobile modules.
Do a gradle build
Launch the mobile app
The app will install on your phone. If you have a Wear device connected, after about 30 seconds it will automatically sync the wear app too.
##If you don't want to sign your app with a keystore, you can still run both the Mobile and Wear apps in Debug Mode.
You'll have to turn on ADB Debugging (And eventually Bluetooth Debugging) in your Wear Device.
You need to install the mobile app on your phone and the wear app on the Wear device
To start incorporating Teleport inside your app proceed to TeleportClient