Add some Steam[] to your Symfony 2 project!
This bundle allows you to query game servers, getting information about players/Steam users, getting server information, such as current player list and etc. Bundle depends on Steam Condenser library by Sebastian Staudt
This Bundle status is WIP (work in progress)
To install this bundle, you'll need both the Steam Condenser and this bundle.
Using Composer, just add the following configuration to your composer.json
"require": {
"helios-ag/fm-steamcondenser-bundle": "dev-master"
Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:
$ php composer.phar update helios-ag/fm-steamcondenser-bundle
Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new FM\SteamcondenserBundle\FMSteamcondenserBundle(),
Before using this you need to configure bundle:
port: 27015
password: passw0rd
source: true
Under server_list node, you can define multiple servers. Each server has address - an ip address of the server, and port. Password field used to set Rcon (remote console) password. Source option, defines, is server uses source based engine or not (games like Team Fortress 2, Half-Life 2, CS:S and many others Valve games, but not Half-Life 1, CS 1.6)
##Command line tools
Bundle provide some useful CLI commands, to survey servers, get information about steam users,
php app/console steam:rcon [server] [command]
Send rcon command to server, syntax is [server] - server alias, defined in configuration, for example "my_server" [command] - command to send
php app/console steam:serverinfo [server] --ip [ip] --port [port] --showplayers
Show server information, like server name, game, list current players, ping. Arguments: [server] - server alias defined in configuration
Optional parameters: --ip and --port options can be used to define server explicitly via CLI (in this case you omit server alias) --showplayers - show current players on server
php app/console steam:userinfo [username/steamID]
Accept Steam ID (64 bit unique number) or Steam user name
Show username and list of available games. Also shows user current nickname and his online status.
php app/console steam:serverlist
Show list of defined servers via config.yml
Work in progress
##Twig Extensions
Currently available two twig extensions (actually widgets):
Show server information. List curent players and etc. Arguments: ip - ip address server port - server port source - true or false, true if source based server, false otherwise
{{steam_user(steamID || steam name,showgames)}}
Show STEAM user information. Avatar and games. Provied link to user profile. Accept steamID or steam nickname. Parameters: showgames - boolean (true||false), specifies show list of games or no, belonged to user.
Currently two language supported: English and Russian, feel free to contribute.