uses instances and machine learning models wrapped with the InstanceLib library. For your convenience, we wrap some instancelib
functions in text_explainability.data
and explainability.model
from text_explainability.data import import_data, train_test_split, from_string
from text_explainability.model import import_model
As a dummy black-box model, we use the example dataset in ./datasets/test.csv
and train a machine learning model on it with scikit-learn
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# Create train/test dataset
env = import_data('./datasets/test.csv', data_cols='fulltext', label_cols='label')
env = train_test_split(env, train_size=0.70)
# Create sklearn model with pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer(use_idf=True)),
('rf', RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0))])
# Build and fit (train) model
model = import_model(pipeline, environment=env)
Text Explainability is used for local explanations (explaining a single prediction) or global explanations (explaining general dataset/model behavior).
Popular local explanations include LIME
, KernelSHAP
, local decion trees (LocalTree
), local decision rules (LocalRules
) and FoilTree
. First, let us create a sample to explain:
from text_explainability.data import from_string
sample = from_string('Dit is zeer positieve of negatieve proef... Of toch negatief?')
Next, the prediction of model
on sample
can be explained by generating neighborhood data (text_explainability.data.augmentation.TokenReplacement
), used by LIME
(and its extension BayLIME
), LocalTree
, FoilTree
and KernelSHAP
from text_explainability import BayLIME, LIME, LocalTree, FoilTree, KernelSHAP
# LIME explainer for `sample` on `model`
explainer = LIME(env)
explainer(sample, model, labels=['neutraal', 'positief']).scores
# SHAP explanation for `sample` on `model`, limited to 4 features
KernelSHAP(label_names=labelprovider)(sample, model, n_samples=50, l1_reg=4)
# Bayesian extension of LIME with 1000 samples
BayLIME()(sample, model, n_samples=1000)
# Local tree explainer for `sample` on `model` (non-weighted neighborhood data)
LocalTree()(sample, model, weigh_samples=False)
# Contrastive local tree explainer for `sample` on `model` (why not 'positief'?)
FoilTree()(sample, model, foil_fn='positief').rules
# LocalRules on `model` (why 'positief'?)
LocalRules()(sample, model, foil_fn='negatief', n_samples=100).rules
Global explanations provide information on the dataset and its ground-truth labels, or the dataset and corresponding predictions by the model
. Example global explanations are TokenFrequency
(the frequency of each token per label/class/bucket) or TokenInformation
(how informative each token is for predicting the various labels).
from text_explainability import TokenFrequency, TokenInformation
# Global word frequency explanation on ground-truth labels
tf = TokenFrequency(env.dataset)
tf(labelprovider=env.labels, explain_model=False, k=10).scores
# Global word frequency explanation on model predictions
tf(model=model, explain_model=True, k=3, filter_words=PUNCTUATION)
# Token information for dataset
ti = TokenInformation(env.dataset)
ti(labelprovider=env.labels, explain_model=False, k=50).scores
# Token information for model
ti(model=model, explain_model=True, k=50, filter_words=PUNCTUATION)
Explanations by example provide information on a dataset (e.g. the test set) or subsets thereof (e.g. all training instances with label 0) by showing representative instances. Examples of representative instances are prototypes (n
most representative instances, e.g. of a class) and criticsms (n
instances not well represented by prototypes). Example explanations by example are KMedoids
(using the k-Medoids algorithm to extract prototypes) and MMDCritic
(extracting prototypes and corresponding criticisms). In addition, each of these can be performed labelwise (e.g. for the ground-truth labels in a labelprovider
or for each models' predicted class).
from text_explainability import KMedoids, MMDCritic, LabelwiseMMDCritic
# Extract top-2 prototypes with KMedoids
# Extract top-2 prototypes and top-2 criticisms label with MMDCritic
MMDCritic(env.dataset)(n_prototypes=2, n_criticisms=2)
# Extract 1 prototype for each ground-truth label with MMDCritic
LabelwiseMMDCritic(env.dataset, labelprovider).prototypes(n=1)
# Extract 1 prototype and 2 criticisms for each predicted label with MMDCritic
LabelwiseMMDCritic(env.dataset, model)(n_prototypes=1, n_criticisms=2)