diff --git a/Translations/Web/lang_zh-tw.php b/Translations/Web/lang_zh-tw.php
index 09d1ca913..9a896de41 100644
--- a/Translations/Web/lang_zh-tw.php
+++ b/Translations/Web/lang_zh-tw.php
@@ -1,84 +1,91 @@
Tsung-Han Yu 翻譯.';
+$content_bottom_translator = '由 Tsung-Han Yu 和 Yi-Jyun Pan 翻譯。';
// General
$content_download = "下載";
$content_issues = "問題";
-$content_help = "幫助";
+$content_help = "輔助說明";
$content_forum = "論壇";
$content_changelog = "更新日誌";
-$content_title = "macOS 壓縮軟體";
+$content_title = "macOS 封存 / 壓縮軟體";
// Download
-$content_platform = "需要 $version_replace 或更高版本";
+$content_platform = "需要 $version_replace 或更新版本";
$content_download_text = "儲存更多,保有隱私地分享";
$content_download_love = "喜歡嗎?";
$content_download_legacy = "歷史版本";
-$content_download_helper = "Helper";
+$content_download_helper = "輔助程式";
// Like
$content_donation_button = "贊助";
-$content_donation_title = '如果您喜歡 Keka,可以給予一些 ,
您也可以從 App Store 購買 Keka 或通過 PayPal 贊助!';
-$content_donation_mas = "如果您從 App Store 購買 Keka,這會支持我們的開發工作,
該應用程式在 App Store 中的版本與本網站中下載的版本是相同的。";
-$content_donation_paypal = "如果您不喜歡 MAS 或只是試用一下 Keka,
但是很喜歡這個項目並希望給予一些支持,您可以使用 PayPal 贊助。";
+$content_donation_title = '如果您喜歡 Keka,可以給予一些 ,
您也可以從 App Store 購買 Keka,也可以透過 PayPal 贊助!';
+$content_donation_mas = "從 App Store 購買 Keka 相當於支持 Keka 繼續開發,
從 App Store 下載的 Keka 版本與官方網站的版本相同,僅改為從 App Store 更新。";
+$content_donation_paypal = "如果您不喜歡 MAS 或只是試用一下 Keka,
但是很喜歡這個專案並希望給予一些支持,您可以使用 PayPal 贊助。";
// Beta
$content_platform_beta = "測試版";
-$content_beta_title = "Keka 測試版";
-$content_beta_text = "您可以在正式版發佈之前測試 Keka 的最新功能。
如果您發現了錯誤或要報告某些事項,請轉到 ";
+$content_beta_title = "Keka 的測試版本";
+$content_beta_text = "您可以在正式版發佈前先行測試 Keka 的最新功能。
如果您發現到錯誤,或想回報一些東西,請移至 ";
$content_beta_unavailable = "目前沒有測試版。";
-$content_beta_up = "獲取最新版本";
+$content_beta_up = "取得最新版本";
// Legacy
$content_platform_legacy = "適用於 $version_replace";
$content_legacy_title = "Keka 歷史版本";
-$content_legacy_text = '多年後您的 Mac 設備將變得老舊,或許不會支援
最新版的 Keka,別擔心,所有 Keka 的歷史版本都在這裡。';
+$content_legacy_text = '多年後您的 Mac 會變得越來越舊,或許無法支援
最新版的 Keka。別擔心 ,所有 Keka 的歷史版本都在這裡。';
// Info
$content_info_title1 = "簡單而強大";
-$content_info_title2 = "隱私非常重要";
-$content_info_title3 = "檔案太大了...";
-$content_info_text1 = "您甚至無需打開 Keka 來壓縮檔案,只需將其加入 Dock 中,
然後將檔案和資料夾拖放到 Dock 上的 Keka 圖示或 Keka 視窗即可快速的建立壓縮檔。";
-$content_info_text2 = "如需更安全的分享文件,您只需設置密碼來建立一個安全加密的壓縮檔。
為您的 7z 檔和 Zip 2.0 檔使用 AES-256 加密規範,為 Zip 檔使用傳統加密規範。";
-$content_info_text3 = "如果檔案非常大,無法放入email或透過網絡傳輸,請將它們分割壓縮。
不用擔心,它們依然可以解壓縮成原來的檔案 :)";
+$content_info_title2 = "隱私為第一要務";
+$content_info_title3 = "怎麼辦,塞不下了⋯⋯";
+$content_info_text1 = "將 Keka 新增至 Dock,無須開啟視窗也能壓縮檔案。
將檔案和資料夾拖放到 Dock 上的 Keka 圖示或 Keka 視窗即可快速建立壓縮檔。";
+$content_info_text2 = "只要設定密碼後建立加密壓縮檔,即可安全分享檔案。
7z 檔案可以使用 AES-256 加密規範,而
Zip 可以用 Zip 2.0 傳統加密規範。";
+$content_info_text3 = "如果檔案太大以致塞不進信件或是伺服器,只要分割壓縮就好。
不用擔心,它們依然可以解壓縮成原來的檔案 :)";
$content_info_compression = "Keka 可以建立以下格式的壓縮檔案:";
-$content_info_extraction = "並支持解壓縮這些格式:";
+$content_info_extraction = "並支援解壓縮這些格式:";
// Default app
-$content_defaultapp_title = "設置 Keka 為預設解壓縮應用程式";
-$content_defaultapp_text = 'Keka 需使用一個小工具 將其設置為預設應用程式。
-// Privacy Policy
-$content_privacypolicy_title = '隱私權條款';
+$content_defaultapp_title = "將 Keka 設定為預設解壓縮應用程式";
+$content_defaultapp_text = 'Keka 需要一個輔助程式 才能設定成預設應用程式。
// Terms of use
$content_termsofuse_title = '服務條款';
+$content_termsofuse_inapp_title = 'App 內購買';
+$content_termsofuse_inapp = 'Keka 的 App Store 版本提供 App 內購買,是支持和贊助專案開發的一種途徑,跟 網頁的 PayPal/Sponsors 相似。不強制購買,購買後也不會有額外功能。';
+// Privacy Policy
+$content_privacypolicy_title = '隱私權條款';
+$content_privacypolicy_content = 'Keka 不傳送或儲存您電腦中任何形式的資料。';
+$content_privacypolicy_MAS = 'MAS 版本沒有連網功能。';
+$content_privacypolicy_WEB = 'WEB 版本使用 Sparkle 更新 Keka(可以停用),因此 Sparkle 元件會連網,但完全只為檢查及下載新版本。元件本身不會儲存或分享任何形式的資料——包括一部分 Keka 1.0.0 以前的版本中有啟用但未使用的匿名系統組態資料。';
// Main content of the page
$content_context_menu = "右鍵選單";
// Changelog info
$content_changelog_title = "看看 Keka 的變化";
-$content_changelog_entry_title = "版本差異";
-$content_changelog_firstpublic = "首次公開發佈:";
+$content_changelog_entry_title = "版本變更";
+$content_changelog_firstpublic = "首個公開發佈版本:";
// 404
-$content_404 = "找不到該頁面";
-$content_404_start = "您可以訪問 首頁,";
-$content_404_more = "或許您想這樣?";
+$content_404 = "找不到頁面";
+$content_404_start = "您可以前往首頁,";
+$content_404_more = "或者您想要這個?";
// Bottom info
-$content_bottom_copying = '版權所有.';
+$content_bottom_copying = '保留一切權利。';
diff --git a/Translations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 84093cd09..e8cd65daa 100644
--- a/Translations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/bg.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/bg.lproj/preferences.strings
index c6263f2de..e9d854e0a 100644
--- a/Translations/bg.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/bg.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Формат по подразбиране:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
diff --git a/Translations/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 45eb04e94..99622d214 100644
--- a/Translations/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Esperant una contrasenya";
"On queue" = "En cua";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Aplicant quarantena...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nContacteu amb els desenvolupadors.";
+"Report" = "Informar";
+"Report via mail" = "Informar per correu";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/ca.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/ca.lproj/preferences.strings
index 3c8c7fab1..73446b329 100644
--- a/Translations/ca.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/ca.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Format per defecte:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Organitzar les accions en un submenú";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Pots fer servir aquestes substitucions:\n\n%n se substituirà amb el nom d'arxiu\n%e se substituirà amb l'extensió de l'arxiu\n%p se substituirà amb el nom de la carpeta principal\n%c se substituirà amb el nombre d'arxius\n%d se substituirà amb la data actual\n%t se substituirà amb l'hora actual\n%s se substituirà amb el nom compartit\n%i% se substituirà amb el nom del primer arxiu\n%ia% se substituirà amb el primer nom per ordre alfabètic\n\nLes substitucions seran buides en alguns casos.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Pots fer servir aquestes substitucions:\n\n%n se substituirà amb el nom d'arxiu\n%e se substituirà amb l'extensió de l'arxiu\n%p se substituirà amb el nom de la carpeta principal\n%c se substituirà amb el nombre d'arxius\n%d se substituirà amb la data actual\n%t se substituirà amb l'hora actual\n%s se substituirà amb el nom compartit\n%i% se substituirà amb el nom del primer arxiu\n%ia% se substituirà amb el primer nom per ordre alfabètic\n%pb% se substituirà amb el text del porta-retalls\n\nLes substitucions seran buides en alguns casos.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Carpeta de suport:";
diff --git a/Translations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings
index a3ea24414..22be6edc4 100644
--- a/Translations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nKontaktujte vývojáře.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/cs.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/cs.lproj/preferences.strings
index 7e593b5ed..453a6da7e 100644
--- a/Translations/cs.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/cs.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Výchozí formát:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Vnořit akce do podnabídky";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Můžete použít tyto zkratky:\n\n%n představuje název souboru\n%e představuje příponu\n%p představuje nadřazenou složku\n%c představuje množství souborů\n%d představuje dnešní datum\n%t představuje the aktuální čas\n%s představuje sdílený název\n%i% představuje název první položky\n%ia% představuje první název po seřazení\n\nTyto zkratky mohou být v některých případech prázdné.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Můžete použít tyto zkratky:\n\n%n představuje název souboru\n%e představuje příponu\n%p představuje nadřazenou složku\n%c představuje množství souborů\n%d představuje dnešní datum\n%t představuje the aktuální čas\n%s představuje sdílený název\n%i% představuje název první položky\n%ia% představuje první název po seřazení\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nTyto zkratky mohou být v některých případech prázdné.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Nouzová složka:";
diff --git a/Translations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
index d318f3a49..b4865e180 100644
--- a/Translations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nBitte kontaktieren sie die Entwickler.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/de.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/de.lproj/preferences.strings
index 106cecc82..b184d5b13 100644
--- a/Translations/de.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/de.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Standardformat:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Sie können diese Platzhalter verwenden:\n\n%n wird durch den Dateinamen ersetzt\n%e wird durch die Dateiendung ersetzt\n%p wird durch den übergeordneten Ordner ersetzt\n%c wird durch die Anzahl an Dateien ersetzt\n%d wird durch das aktuelle Datum ersetzt\n%t wird durch die aktuelle Uhrzeit ersetzt\n%s wird durch den gemeinsamen Namen ersetzt\n%i% wird durch den Namen der ersten Datei ersetzt\n%ia% wird durch den Namen der erst-sortieren Datei ersetzt\n\nDie Ersetzungen können in manchen Fällen leer sein..";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Sie können diese Platzhalter verwenden:\n\n%n wird durch den Dateinamen ersetzt\n%e wird durch die Dateiendung ersetzt\n%p wird durch den übergeordneten Ordner ersetzt\n%c wird durch die Anzahl an Dateien ersetzt\n%d wird durch das aktuelle Datum ersetzt\n%t wird durch die aktuelle Uhrzeit ersetzt\n%s wird durch den gemeinsamen Namen ersetzt\n%i% wird durch den Namen der ersten Datei ersetzt\n%ia% wird durch den Namen der erst-sortieren Datei ersetzt\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nDie Ersetzungen können in manchen Fällen leer sein..";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Ausweichordner:";
diff --git a/Translations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 1d6ab7081..7e347dd97 100644
--- a/Translations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/el.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nπαρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με τους δημιουργούς της εφαρμογής.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/el.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/el.lproj/preferences.strings
index 85d012f5b..9949a335d 100644
--- a/Translations/el.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/el.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Προεπιλεγμένος τύπος:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
diff --git a/Translations/en-GB.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/en-GB.lproj/Localizable.strings
index ee1e665d6..8d40b041b 100644
--- a/Translations/en-GB.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/en-GB.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/en-GB.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/en-GB.lproj/preferences.strings
index 9f4719c56..f2769c01f 100644
--- a/Translations/en-GB.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/en-GB.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Default format:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
diff --git a/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 859e00dac..659f5f483 100644
--- a/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/en.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/en.lproj/preferences.strings
index ec7b99528..cff10d7c9 100644
--- a/Translations/en.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/en.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Default format:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
diff --git a/Translations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
index e748ee8fe..6aad2c918 100644
--- a/Translations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Esperando una contraseña";
"On queue" = "En cola";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Aplicando cuarentena...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nPor favor ponte en contacto con los desarrolladores.";
+"Report" = "Informar";
+"Report via mail" = "Informar por correo";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/es.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/es.lproj/preferences.strings
index 5d0740df1..fc1f638f4 100644
--- a/Translations/es.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/es.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Formato por defecto:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Organizar las acciones en un submenú";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Puedes utilizar las siguientes substituciones:\n\n%n se substituirá por el nombre del archivo\n%e se substituirá por la extensión del archivo\n%p se substituirá por el nombre de la carpeta principal\n%c se substituirá por el número de archivos\n%d se substituirá por la fecha actual\n%t se substituirá por la hora actual\n%s se substituirá por el nombre en común\n%i% se substituirá por el primer nombre de archivo\n%ia% se substituirá por el primer nombre de archivo por orden alfabético\n\nLas substituciones estarán vacías en algunos casos.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Puedes utilizar las siguientes substituciones:\n\n%n se substituirá por el nombre del archivo\n%e se substituirá por la extensión del archivo\n%p se substituirá por el nombre de la carpeta principal\n%c se substituirá por el número de archivos\n%d se substituirá por la fecha actual\n%t se substituirá por la hora actual\n%s se substituirá por el nombre en común\n%i% se substituirá por el primer nombre de archivo\n%ia% se substituirá por el primer nombre de archivo por orden alfabético\n%pb% se substituirá por el texto del portapapeles\n\nLas substituciones estarán vacías en algunos casos.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Carpeta de respaldo:";
diff --git a/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 47f82d562..92994e65c 100644
--- a/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "En attente de mot de passe";
"On queue" = "En queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Application de la quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nVeuillez contacter le développeur.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/fr.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/fr.lproj/preferences.strings
index 6bcf4092c..4184f7b0b 100644
--- a/Translations/fr.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/fr.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Format par défaut :";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Imbriquer les actions dans un sous-menu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Vous pouvez utiliser cet espace réservé:\n\n%n sera remplacé par le nom de fichier\n%e sera remplacé par l'extension de fichier\n%p sera remplacé par le dossier parent\n%c sera remplacé par le nombre de fichiers\n%d sera remplacé par la date actuelle\n%t sera remplacé par l'heure actuelle\n%s sera remplacé par le nom partagé\n%i% sera remplacé par le nom du premier élément\n%ia% sera remplacé par le premier nom trié\n\nLes remplacements seront vides dans certains cas.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Vous pouvez utiliser cet espace réservé:\n\n%n sera remplacé par le nom de fichier\n%e sera remplacé par l'extension de fichier\n%p sera remplacé par le dossier parent\n%c sera remplacé par le nombre de fichiers\n%d sera remplacé par la date actuelle\n%t sera remplacé par l'heure actuelle\n%s sera remplacé par le nom partagé\n%i% sera remplacé par le nom du premier élément\n%ia% sera remplacé par le premier nom trié\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nLes remplacements seront vides dans certains cas.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Dossier de secours:";
diff --git a/Translations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings
index a299a771c..4247c1b4b 100644
--- a/Translations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/hu.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nLépj kapcsolatba a fejlesztővel.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/hu.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/hu.lproj/preferences.strings
index b80c808d3..fe86ff1d8 100644
--- a/Translations/hu.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/hu.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Alapértelmezett formátum:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
diff --git a/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings
index c7535b3b2..28e7bd60b 100644
--- a/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/it.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "In attesa della password";
"On queue" = "In coda";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applico quarantena...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nMettersi in contatto con gli sviluppatori.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/it.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/it.lproj/preferences.strings
index b0ecf1602..21cda29b6 100644
--- a/Translations/it.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/it.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Formato di default:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Organizza le azioni in un sottomenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Puoi usare questi segnaposto:\n\n%n sarà sostituito con il nome del file\n%e sarà sostituito con l'estensione del file\n%p sarà sostituito con la cartella superiore\n%c sarà sostituito con il numero di file\n%d sarà sostituito con la data attuale\n%t sarà sostituito con l'ora attuale\n%s sarà sostituito con il nome condiviso\n%i% sarà sostituito con il nome del primo elemento\n%ia% sarà sostituito con il primo nome ordinato\n\nLe sostituzioni saranno vuote in alcuni casi.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Puoi usare questi segnaposto:\n\n%n sarà sostituito con il nome del file\n%e sarà sostituito con l'estensione del file\n%p sarà sostituito con la cartella superiore\n%c sarà sostituito con il numero di file\n%d sarà sostituito con la data attuale\n%t sarà sostituito con l'ora attuale\n%s sarà sostituito con il nome condiviso\n%i% sarà sostituito con il nome del primo elemento\n%ia% sarà sostituito con il primo nome ordinato\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nLe sostituzioni saranno vuote in alcuni casi.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Cartella di fallback::";
diff --git a/Translations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 263870d62..11e0766db 100644
--- a/Translations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\n開発者に連絡してください。";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/ja.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/ja.lproj/preferences.strings
index 819f81496..8fdc1e846 100644
--- a/Translations/ja.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/ja.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "形式のデフォルト:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
diff --git a/Translations/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings
index e494c81af..8b21cf3e3 100644
--- a/Translations/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\n개발자에게 연락하여 주십시오.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/ko.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/ko.lproj/preferences.strings
index e6876adda..c55648742 100644
--- a/Translations/ko.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/ko.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "기본 압축 형식:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "하위메뉴 작업 중첩";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "폴백 폴더:";
diff --git a/Translations/nb.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/nb.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 393c510af..9869385fb 100644
--- a/Translations/nb.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/nb.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nVennligst kontakt utviklerne.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/nb.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/nb.lproj/preferences.strings
index 03ca49386..99ac10c15 100644
--- a/Translations/nb.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/nb.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Standardformat:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nøst handlinger i undermeny";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Du kan bruke disse plassholderne:\n\n%n vil byttes ut med filnavnet\n%e vil byttes ut med filendelsen\n%p vil byttes ut med foreldermappen\n%c vil byttes ut med antall filer\n%d vil byttes ut med gjeldende dato\n%t vil byttes ut med gjeldende klokkeslett\n%s vil byttes ut med delt navn\n%i% vil bli byttet ut med navn på første element\n%ia% vil bli byttet ut med første navn når sortert\n\nErstatningene vil i noen tilfeller være tomme.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Du kan bruke disse plassholderne:\n\n%n vil byttes ut med filnavnet\n%e vil byttes ut med filendelsen\n%p vil byttes ut med foreldermappen\n%c vil byttes ut med antall filer\n%d vil byttes ut med gjeldende dato\n%t vil byttes ut med gjeldende klokkeslett\n%s vil byttes ut med delt navn\n%i% vil bli byttet ut med navn på første element\n%ia% vil bli byttet ut med første navn når sortert\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nErstatningene vil i noen tilfeller være tomme.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Reservemappe:";
diff --git a/Translations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 5561ec92e..04d88796b 100644
--- a/Translations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Wachten op wachtwoord";
"On queue" = "In de wachtwrij";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Quarantine toepassen...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nContacteer a.u.b. de ontwikkelaar.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/nl.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/nl.lproj/preferences.strings
index 7d3d6ca83..75464173a 100644
--- a/Translations/nl.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/nl.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Standaard archiefformaat:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Groepeer acties in een submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Je kan deze placeholders gebruiken:\n\n%n zal vervangen worden door de bestandsnaam\n%e zal vervangen worden door de bestands extensie\n%p zal vervangen worden door de (parent) hoofdmap\n%c zal vervangen worden door het aantal bestanden\n%d zal vervangen worden door de huidige datum\n%t zal vervangen worden door de huidige tijd\n%s zal vervangen worden door de gedeelde naam\n%i% zal vervangen worden door de naam van het eerste item\n%ia% zal vervangen worden door de naam van het eerste gesorteerde item\n\nDe vervangingen zullen in sommige gevallen leeg zijn.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Je kan deze placeholders gebruiken:\n\n%n zal vervangen worden door de bestandsnaam\n%e zal vervangen worden door de bestands extensie\n%p zal vervangen worden door de (parent) hoofdmap\n%c zal vervangen worden door het aantal bestanden\n%d zal vervangen worden door de huidige datum\n%t zal vervangen worden door de huidige tijd\n%s zal vervangen worden door de gedeelde naam\n%i% zal vervangen worden door de naam van het eerste item\n%ia% zal vervangen worden door de naam van het eerste gesorteerde item\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nDe vervangingen zullen in sommige gevallen leeg zijn.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Terugval locatie:";
diff --git a/Translations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings
index edc438f11..ad32d57dc 100644
--- a/Translations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Wprowadź hasło";
"On queue" = "W kolejce";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Stosowanie kwarantanny...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nSkontaktuj się z autorem.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/pl.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/pl.lproj/preferences.strings
index 43c844b53..646b80f4c 100644
--- a/Translations/pl.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/pl.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Domyślny format archiwum:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Dodaj czynność do menu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Możesz użyć następujących symboli zastępczych:\n\n%n zostanie zastąpiony nazwą pliku\n%e zostanie zastąpiony rozszerzeniem pliku\n%p zostanie zastąpiony nazwą folderu nadrzędnego\n%c zostanie zastąpiony liczbą plików\n%d zostanie zastąpiony aktualną datą\n%t zostanie zastąpiony aktualnym czasem\n%s zostanie zastąpiony nazwą folderu współdzielonego\n%i% zostanie zastąpiony nazwą pierwszego elementu\n%ia% zostanie zastąpiony pierwszą posortowaną nazwą\n\nW niektórych przypadkach pola zamienników pozostaną puste.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Możesz użyć następujących symboli zastępczych:\n\n%n zostanie zastąpiony nazwą pliku\n%e zostanie zastąpiony rozszerzeniem pliku\n%p zostanie zastąpiony nazwą folderu nadrzędnego\n%c zostanie zastąpiony liczbą plików\n%d zostanie zastąpiony aktualną datą\n%t zostanie zastąpiony aktualnym czasem\n%s zostanie zastąpiony nazwą folderu współdzielonego\n%i% zostanie zastąpiony nazwą pierwszego elementu\n%ia% zostanie zastąpiony pierwszą posortowaną nazwą\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nW niektórych przypadkach pola zamienników pozostaną puste.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Folder zapasowy:";
diff --git a/Translations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings
index c618c1460..0a2c9791c 100644
--- a/Translations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Aguardando senha";
"On queue" = "Na fila";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Aplicando quarentena...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nContacte os desenvolvedores.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/pt-BR.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/pt-BR.lproj/preferences.strings
index 281a4bf6f..5948f91eb 100644
--- a/Translations/pt-BR.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/pt-BR.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Formato padrão:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Reunir ações em um submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Você pode usar estes marcadores:\n\n%n será substituído pelo nome do arquivo\n%e será substituído pela extensão do arquivo\n%p será substituído pela pasta superior\n%c será substituído pelo número de arquivos\n%d será substituído pela data atual\n%t será substituído pela hora atual\n%s será substituído pelo nome compartilhado\n%i% será substituído pelo nome do primeiro item\n%ia% será substituído pelo primeiro nome da ordenação\n\nEm alguns casos, as substituições estarão vazias.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Você pode usar estes marcadores:\n\n%n será substituído pelo nome do arquivo\n%e será substituído pela extensão do arquivo\n%p será substituído pela pasta superior\n%c será substituído pelo número de arquivos\n%d será substituído pela data atual\n%t será substituído pela hora atual\n%s será substituído pelo nome compartilhado\n%i% será substituído pelo nome do primeiro item\n%ia% será substituído pelo primeiro nome da ordenação\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nEm alguns casos, as substituições estarão vazias.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Pasta alternativa:";
diff --git a/Translations/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 32a00b13e..f9104761f 100644
--- a/Translations/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nContacte os programadores.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/pt-PT.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/pt-PT.lproj/preferences.strings
index c8e454c05..41a75cc6c 100644
--- a/Translations/pt-PT.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/pt-PT.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Formato padrão:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
diff --git a/Translations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 76bd83c2e..fecda6904 100644
--- a/Translations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nOбратитесь к разработчикам.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/ru.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/ru.lproj/preferences.strings
index de746dd7e..f244d9bda 100644
--- a/Translations/ru.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/ru.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Формат по умолчанию:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Область для действий в подменю";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Вы можете использовать переменные-заполнители:\n\n%n будет заменено именем файла\n%e будет заменено расширением файла\n%p будет заменено родительской папкой\n%c будет заменено числом файлов\n%d будет заменено текущей датой\n%t будет заменено текущим временем\n%s будет заменено общим именем\n%i% будет заменено именем первого элемента\n%ia% будет заменено именем первого по порядку элемента\n\nЗамены в некоторых случаях будут пустыми.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Вы можете использовать переменные-заполнители:\n\n%n будет заменено именем файла\n%e будет заменено расширением файла\n%p будет заменено родительской папкой\n%c будет заменено числом файлов\n%d будет заменено текущей датой\n%t будет заменено текущим временем\n%s будет заменено общим именем\n%i% будет заменено именем первого элемента\n%ia% будет заменено именем первого по порядку элемента\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nЗамены в некоторых случаях будут пустыми.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Резервная папка:";
diff --git a/Translations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings
index f66210f2d..b4f538422 100644
--- a/Translations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nKontakta utvecklarna.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/sv.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/sv.lproj/preferences.strings
index 5b00c330a..dd2e9c688 100644
--- a/Translations/sv.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/sv.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Standardformat:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
diff --git a/Translations/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings
index fa2a3b2f4..33d9edbfd 100644
--- a/Translations/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nLütfen geliştiricilerle iletişime geçin.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/tr.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/tr.lproj/preferences.strings
index d9a575cf2..7a6bf9ac9 100644
--- a/Translations/tr.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/tr.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Varsayılan biçim:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Nest actions in a submenu";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Fallback folder:";
diff --git a/Translations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings
index a3a3ee513..f73e295b4 100644
--- a/Translations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Waiting for password";
"On queue" = "On queue";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Applying quarantine...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nбудь ласка зверніться до розробників.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/uk.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/uk.lproj/preferences.strings
index e8ecb9dd0..a08b3e2ed 100644
--- a/Translations/uk.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/uk.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Формат за умовчанням:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Дії вкладеності у підменю";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Ви можете використовувати ці заповнювачі: \n\n%n буде замінено на ім'я файлу \n%e буде замінено на розширення файлу \n%p буде замінено на батьківську папку \n%c буде замінено на кількість файлів \n%d буде замінено поточною датою \n%t буде замінено поточним часом \n%s буде замінено загальним ім'ям \n%i% буде замінено першим ім'ям елемента \n%ia% буде замінено першим відсортованим ім'ям \n\nЗміни в деяких випадках будуть порожніми.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Ви можете використовувати ці заповнювачі: \n\n%n буде замінено на ім'я файлу \n%e буде замінено на розширення файлу \n%p буде замінено на батьківську папку \n%c буде замінено на кількість файлів \n%d буде замінено поточною датою \n%t буде замінено поточним часом \n%s буде замінено загальним ім'ям \n%i% буде замінено першим ім'ям елемента \n%ia% буде замінено першим відсортованим ім'ям \n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nЗміни в деяких випадках будуть порожніми.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Запасна папка:";
diff --git a/Translations/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings
index ee7f1f574..4f8adba8e 100644
--- a/Translations/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "Đang chờ mật khẩu";
"On queue" = "Đang xếp hàng";
"Applying quarantine..." = "Áp dụng cách ly...";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\nVui lòng liên hệ với bộ phận lập trình viên của Keka.";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/vi.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/vi.lproj/preferences.strings
index 83185757d..bfa7528bc 100644
--- a/Translations/vi.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/vi.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "Định dạng mặc định:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "Gom các lệnh vào một lệnh con";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Bạn có thể dùng phần nội dung này:\n\n%n sẽ được thay thế với tên tập tin\n%e sẽ được thay thế với phần mở rộng\n%p sẽ được thay thế bằng thư mục mẹ\n%c sẽ được thay thế bằng số lượng tập tin\n%d sẽ được thay thế bằng ngày hiện tại\n%t sẽ được thay thế bằng thời gian hiện tại\n%s sẽ được thay thế bằng tên đã chia sẻ\n%i% sẽ được thay thế bằng tên mục đầu tiên\n%ia% sẽ được thay thế bằng tên được sắp xếp đầu tiên\n\nCác thay thế sẽ trống trong một số trường hợp.";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "Bạn có thể dùng phần nội dung này:\n\n%n sẽ được thay thế với tên tập tin\n%e sẽ được thay thế với phần mở rộng\n%p sẽ được thay thế bằng thư mục mẹ\n%c sẽ được thay thế bằng số lượng tập tin\n%d sẽ được thay thế bằng ngày hiện tại\n%t sẽ được thay thế bằng thời gian hiện tại\n%s sẽ được thay thế bằng tên đã chia sẻ\n%i% sẽ được thay thế bằng tên mục đầu tiên\n%ia% sẽ được thay thế bằng tên được sắp xếp đầu tiên\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nCác thay thế sẽ trống trong một số trường hợp.";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "Thư mục dự phòng:";
diff --git a/Translations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
index e343b12b3..58412b12b 100644
--- a/Translations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "等待输入密码";
"On queue" = "排队中";
"Applying quarantine..." = "隔离应用中…";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\n请联系开发人员。";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/zh-Hans.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/zh-Hans.lproj/preferences.strings
index 559893f34..5e7e53a79 100644
--- a/Translations/zh-Hans.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/zh-Hans.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "默认压缩格式:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "在子菜单中嵌套操作";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "您可以使用这些占位符:\n\n%n 用以替换为文件名\n%e 用以替换为文件扩展名\n%p 用以替换为父文件夹\n%c 用以替换为文件数\n%d 用以替换为当前日期\n%t 用以替换为当前时间\n%s 用以替换为共享名\n%i% 用以替换为首个项目名称\n%ia% 用以替换为首个排序名\n\n在某些情况下,替换内容将为空。";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "您可以使用这些占位符:\n\n%n 用以替换为文件名\n%e 用以替换为文件扩展名\n%p 用以替换为父文件夹\n%c 用以替换为文件数\n%d 用以替换为当前日期\n%t 用以替换为当前时间\n%s 用以替换为共享名\n%i% 用以替换为首个项目名称\n%ia% 用以替换为首个排序名\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\n在某些情况下,替换内容将为空。";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "备选文件夹:";
diff --git a/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 3ddbb773b..024668280 100644
--- a/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@
"Waiting for password" = "等待輸入密碼";
"On queue" = "在佇列";
"Applying quarantine..." = "正在套用 quarantine 屬性⋯⋯";
+"%@.\n\nPlease get in contact with the developers." = "%@.\n\n請聯絡開發人員。";
+"Report" = "Report";
+"Report via mail" = "Report via mail";
// MAS tips
diff --git a/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/preferences.strings b/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/preferences.strings
index 333fbec30..90105402c 100644
--- a/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/preferences.strings
+++ b/Translations/zh-Hant.lproj/preferences.strings
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Default format:"; ObjectID = "159"; */
"159.title" = "預設格式:";
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Nest actions in a submenu"; ObjectID = "6bh-6N-5PP"; */
"6bh-6N-5PP.title" = "在子選單中包含另一層動作";
-/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
-"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "您可以使用這些佔位符號:\n\n%n 會取代成檔案名稱\n%e 會取代成檔案副檔名\n%p 會取代成上層檔案夾\n%c 會取代成檔案數\n%d 會取代成目前日期\n%t 會取代成目前時間\n%s 會取代成共享的名稱\n%i% 會取代成第一個項目的名稱\n%ia% 會取代成排序後第一個項目的名稱\n\n某些情況下,取代後的佔位符號會是空白的。";
+/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "You can use this placeholders:\n\n%n will be replaced with the file name\n%e will be replaced with the file extension\n%p will be replaced with the parent folder\n%c will be replaced with the number of files\n%d will be replaced with the current date\n%t will be replaced with the current time\n%s will be replaced with the shared name\n%i% will be replaced with the first item name\n%ia% will be replaced with the first sorted name\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\nThe replacements will be empty in some cases."; ObjectID = "8JN-Ub-qkc"; */
+"8JN-Ub-qkc.title" = "您可以使用這些佔位符號:\n\n%n 會取代成檔案名稱\n%e 會取代成檔案副檔名\n%p 會取代成上層檔案夾\n%c 會取代成檔案數\n%d 會取代成目前日期\n%t 會取代成目前時間\n%s 會取代成共享的名稱\n%i% 會取代成第一個項目的名稱\n%ia% 會取代成排序後第一個項目的名稱\n%pb% will be replaced with the clipboard string\n\n某些情況下,取代後的佔位符號會是空白的。";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Fallback folder:"; ObjectID = "9dE-yV-N3K"; */
"9dE-yV-N3K.title" = "備用檔案夾:";